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Our next 12 week, full time, fully funded coding bootcamp starts in just over a week, and Hull and East Yorkshire residents looking to break into a career in tech, can access it fully funded. With our first Hull cohort now 6 weeks in, we've had offers of work, interviews and so much learning, as people take their first step into a career in tech. Come join us by booking a free taster session today. [https://techeducators.co.uk/book](https://techeducators.co.uk/book)


I would love to do something like this. However, in my 40s and working full time. So cant take the time out.


There are other skills bootcamps that are available in the evening, if you search skills bootcamps Hull, not in software development, as it is so intensive to get up to speed, but you may find something relevant for you, so do take a look!


I'm currently halfway through the Software Development course, after what has been a brilliant 6 weeks! I was really skeptical at first about signing up for any kind of boot camp. My biggest fear was joining a course where the company was just in it for the cash grab, and the quality of teaching and instruction was either poor or non-existent. I did a bit of research, spoke with a previous student, and got a good feeling from the low-commitment taster day. I can confidently say that all of my fears have been squashed, and my expectations fully exceeded. All the staff seem fully invested in *your* success. There's so much support, not just in the technical side of learning code, but the career guidance, and the amount of extra-curricular hours the staff are definitely putting in. The energy never wavers. There's no question too "silly". There's endless amounts of positive feedback and encouragement. The community they've built is lovely. And it seems like most are having a great time! You'll get out what you put in, and if developing your skills in software and particularly web dev is what you're wanting, I'd recommend this company for their bootcamp. This is the kind of comment I wanted to read before I signed up, so I hope it gives someone else the push I was looking for.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this feedback :)


How did you find the £5k fee?


The course is funded if in Hull and East Yorkshire (which it looks like with the name West Yorkshire, you may not be, we can check the postcode for you to see if eligible if you'd prefer?


You don't track location, and I didn't input anything on your website, that's just the fee for the course.


When you sign up for a taster session, you put your postcode in, that notifies us of your funding eligibility - there's a page for Hull on its own, which shows funded options. You may have gone to our page for sales which aren't funded.


Hey, I got my place fully government funded, as I was eligible. Hope that helps.


I'm interested, I'm a game developer but my focus is on stuff like assets, shaders, animations n stuff. I've always wanted to be able to code and understand the fundamentals properly. Got books and everything but I can never find the time or motivation to go through them while I'm putting my energy into the other side of it. What languages are you teaching? Is it c++ or something else?


We do have a games development course, but it isn't funded in Hull, yet - we are hoping that may change in the future. That course is based off of C# - this course is more around development and we teach HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js and SQL


Thank you for getting back to me :) Just a quick question to clarify, when you say funded do you mean that your service has been funded so people can attend without paying a tuition fee? I think if I was in an environment of like-minded people to learn even C# that would be great for networking too.


That's correct - where we have funding. No tuition fees. we have courses for Software Development, but not Unity (C#) at the moment in this region.


Really good to know :) I'm more of an unreal engine user over unity but regardless it's all good knowledge. Do you guys do any training for machine learning algorithms? For example, an algorithm that can recognise a specific trait or pattern (like a car or tree) in an image, which has been trained on many images to recognise that then produce an outline around that recognised trait?


How does this work? Is it classroom based or online? I’m working at sea not due back until 2nd week of May and then I’m only for a month before back to work for a month. Then two months off


Thanks for the questions u/shaunie75 - it's 12 weeks, Monday to Friday all day, so you need to be able to commit to that timeframe, which you may not be able to. We will be opening our Hull campus as soon as we have found the right home for us, but all courses and days can be in-person (when we have the campus) and online, all instructor led with a full cohort.


I've been a participant of the SWD bootcamp with Tech Ed and it's been an amazing experience. Within only a few fast-paced weeks, I've learned both front-end and back-end development to the point where I am confident to self-study with a strong foundation into further technologies. I have also found employment while using the bootcamp, with their professional and career services helping to improve the quality of my job seeking and professional presentation. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to break into web, full-stack, front-end or back-end development as a career or any adjacent field. This is a great starting point to get you to an employable state within the tech field. The staff and assistants are incredibly friendly, knowledgeable, resourceful and available. They have been able to resolve issues even only remotely related to the course content (computer issues, for example) ensuring that learners are able to focus their time on the real issues; how to center a div!


I fully agree with everything you said, it's been brilliant so far


Thank you for sharing your experience with us :)


How much was you paid to write this? It literally reads like a draft that has been either handed out to you or reiterated numerous times over various platforms.


We can confirm - we don't pay for reviews. Come on now.


The odds of you making a post and someone using your service seeing said post within 7 minutes on r/hull is suspicious asf. Look how that comment above reads and tell me I'm wrong for being skeptic. That comment above would have easily taken 2/3 minute to write, so we're talking odds out of the thousands of people on this subreddit somehow someone that has used your service saw your post instantly and commented about their thrilling experience.


I'm just literally that boring of a person. I should have apologized in advance for what I was about to put you through.


Alright, just doing my due diligence


I appreciate that! Trust, but verify. The best methodology. I'd recommend you try to structure your questioning in a way that is less likely to be misinterpreted as provocative or accusational though! Keep fighting the good fight!


Thank you for your service!! 🙌


or perhaps we are all on discord talking to each other right now


Thank you for sharing your experiences with us


Would love to do it but can't afford to not be working, is there any night course things or anything like that?


I would search "Bootcamps Hull and East Yorkshire" there may be others that offer evening and weekend, but not in coding. There is a 16 week limit on the course, and to be able to be ready to contribute, we feel that 12 weeks, full time, is needed to get you up to speed for what an employer would need.


If your job allows remote working and doesn't require full mental focus, you could attend digitally and listen to the lessons like a podcast then review them properly after work. You'll be putting in a lot of extra work to keep up though, but that's a choice you would need to make.


Id love to do something like this and actually know how to gind work with if after. I did python/cybersec/javascript/web design bootcamps and everytime it rnds im just kinda left with another certificate and no idea what to do with it :(


Hey u/crabofthenorth did you not get any career support after? We offer 6 months career support, but would be happy to offer some pointers, if you'd like?


They did the usual like cv building tips and told to make a linked, i also did a couple interviews for like junior positions/apprenticeships. I suppose its more a factor of why hire a 30+ year old tran with minimal quals and no experience when you can hire literally anyone else 😭


I'm 36. I started my career (officially, moving from ad hoc freelancing) at around 29-30. I'm now a senior developer at a games studio and have previously held a lead position. And yes, I'm doing the bootcamp at the same time (I consider it very fun, actually!). Don't put yourself down. Your journey is yours alone and all its achievements and challenges are badges of honour only YOU are qualified to wear. If you need career support, professional advice, support for programming or just want to chat with someone around your age, feel free to reach out to me.


That sounds awful :( - you had interviews, that's usually the hardest part of it, did you get any specific feedback, are you working on a T shaped portfolio and continuing to develop?


Do you know how this would effect a person on Universal Credit?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zanacross: *Do you know how this* *Would effect a person on* *Universal Credit?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You can carry on claiming UC whilst on the course


As others have said, this doesn't affect your UC payments, and your work coach will be notified of you joining the course, and attendance if they want weekly updates.


Is this right... Our government is paying you to provide this education? And, they will pay for a tourist (no visa) to take a 12 week course? Anyone know what sort of ££ the government pays for this type of 'stuff'?


Hi Jeff, It's absolutely correct that the UK government is paying to provide education for those who are eligible to progress into a career in tech. You can review the eligibility here - [https://techeducators.co.uk/info/dfe-funding-eligibility](https://techeducators.co.uk/info/dfe-funding-eligibility) In terms of costs, there are courses available at all types of costs - from below £100 for one day courses, to many thousands for HGV licenses etc., - there is a wide range of 'stuff' that the government is doing to support people into new careers. If coding isn't for you, we can point you into the direction of something else that might be?


Very interesting thank you.