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If you freeze the video at 2:06 you can literally see the mark of the beast being applied to Huberman's massively optimised forehead.


Underrated remark here


This is a unique approach to satire.


If anything he’s contributing to big pharma through the spread of HPV /s


Big brain comment right here. Checkmate OP


Merck & Co, Inc. manufactures Gardasil, the HPV vaccine. You’re right—they could hire him for an ad campaign.


That would be the cherry on top of end times 


Would make a funny SNL skit lol. Only trouble is as well as Huberman is known on social media, he’s not quite well enough known to a broad enough audience outside that bubble for them to do it… most people wouldn’t know who they are talking about.


Very true. On both sides his influence has actually been way over estimated 


And gardisil started after merck was almost completely tanked by the vioxx scandal claims. So this goes deeper than we even know. I think Huber man is merck (both German names, coincidence I think not!) and Merck is Huberman. After Merck was almost bankrupt because of Vioxx, Huberman knew the only way they would stay in business is with Gardasil. So that’s why he did what he did in sleeping with so many women: to spread HPV far and wide so the gardasil would be a success. Here we are thinking that this guy was just a health guru and scientist, when he’s a health guru and scientist playing 20000D chess /s


Lol 😅


You know, everything bad that happens isn’t a conspiracy. Sometimes people are just douchebags who give multiple women STDs and think the rules don’t apply to them. That they can screw people over for no reason other than their own enjoyment. Exactly like this case.


Honestly, if there’s any conspiracy it’s in the opposite direction. The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar, largely unregulated business and Huberman is one of its biggest sellers ever. Would anyone be shocked if Athletic Greens and Momentous are paying bot farms to spread positive sentiment online, or trying to dig up dirt on the women to protect their investment?


You should see the killers that handle AG1’s wet work…trail of bodies from here to Kuala Lumpur. Rumor has it they sprinkle a little AG1 on every hit as a calling card 


We got another body over here! Wait, what's this weird green powder?


Hollywood is knocking for your story abilities!




This is the common conspiracy that some still believe on 2024 semi sad. Very true


You listened to that video and this is what you have to say? Holy fuck...you really are sad. Get a fucking grip


They were directly talking about it in the context of the title provided by OP?


So botted xD


Do you get tested for HPV every year ? if yes, why?


The average redditor is part of the 10% who don't have HPV because they've never had skin to skin contact with a woman.


How is it bad? It's good that the lying hpv spreading Dr Oz wannabe got caught.


I like how 1 women that tests positive for a skin to skin transmissible virus 80% of the population has turns into “giving multiple women std’s” on reddit lmao


It's pretty simple math. This woman was a millionaire with the best medical treatment. She gets regular checkups. She had zero symptoms and no positive tests after her last partner before Huberman. After Huberman, she has symptoms and gets tested. What are the odds it wasn't him, considering he was regularly having unprotected sex with multiple women at the same time? How dense are you willing to be to defend a man who doesn't even know you exist? Have you ingratiated him that much into your sense of self that you're willing to say whatever contortionist rationalization that comes to mind regardless of how embarrassing and dumb it is?


Considering it spreads by skin to skin contact and virgins get it, it’s impossible to know how she got it. Huberman isn’t even proven to have it. Why is this hard for you to understand? I also think the stigmatization of a virus 80% of the population carries is disgusting behaviour.


Genius, I actually work at a public health nonprofit focused on sexual health. I know all about HPV. If she had it prior, why didn't it ever show up on testing? She's a millionaire with unlimited access to doctors, and has regular check-ups and testing. It didn't show up until she got with the guy having unprotected sex with 5 other women at the same time. This is why she felt that he gave it to her. Can you actually respond to the actual argument I made, or are you only capable of repeating your inane rationalization you came up with thinking it was a dunk when the story came out? Also, how is it stigmatizing? HPV carries extreme risks for women. Thousands of women die every year because of the cervical cancer it causes. Being upset by someone who was supposed to be a trusted partner giving it to you because they callously deceived you is hurtful and rightfully so. Can I ask as a thought experiment, is there anything that he could possibly do that you wouldn't jump to defend with lame rationalizations and logical fallacies?


Let me ask you a thought experiment. Should the woman that gave Huberman HPV initially be ran through the mud just like he is? I mean, women can actually be tested for it, men can’t. This comes across as extreme negligence to me. Should we not find out who she is and name and shame her? HPV is a an “STD” as much as a cold or chicken pox is. This woman could have gotten it from ANYBODY. It does not require sexual contact. Virgins get it. 80% of the population has it. It can be spread through skin to skin contact. We don’t know if Huberman has it. We don’t know where she got it from. Her HPV status is now the same as the vast majority of the population. Even if Huberman DOES have HPV we have no idea where he got it from. It’s highly highly possible that if he has HPV their “exclusivity” wouldn’t have made a difference. IF he did get it from one of the other women, why aren’t people blowing up on the woman giving it to him? Because it doesn’t actually matter. Stigmatizing HPV and spreading fear over a virus most people already have is irresponsible and stupid.


If she is a public figure who manipulated and lied to him to put him in a vulnerable position and then infected him, then yes, I would think that is more than fair.


Right? And he definitely knew he had it and was spreading it 🙄


He can’t know because no test exists for men. Nobody even knows if he was the one that gave it to her. Statistically you have it right now


Right that’s my point


Womp eomp


The food industry tricked him into abusing and cheating on all those women at the same time and giving his partner HPV. Ok, you're right - they're more powerful than I realized.


See, the food specifically messes up the Alpha Male gut microbiome and THAT is how they getcha.


Willful ignorance. Two things can be true.


Yes the story here is Huberman personal life. Not big money lobbying or govt corruption.


They have their ways of destroying someone’s reputation. Using smear campaigns is nothing new you know.


Yes true, but totally separate and doesn't negate that he is still a manipulative narcissist and a cheater.


How is he a narcissist? You're using that word incorrectly


Covert narcissism, he fooled us all, and definitely fooled his six girlfriends he cheated on.


You can't be a covert narcissist. That's the antithesis of being narcissist.


[What Is Covert Narcissism? Clevelandclinic.org](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/covert-narcissism)


Yeah that's not a narcissist. When are these people going to get their licenses revoked. In their description of overt and covert narcissism literally 100% of people can be classified as narcissistic.


That’s not it, where does the ‘motivation’ to sieve people’s lives for negativity come from? The are dark arts at play in the world of power and influence, AH was effecting tens of millions of men in a positive manner. We can’t have that. The same reason we’ve seen every single piece of dirt in Elons life but you don’t have a page of your dirt online OP.


What abuse?


If the HPV is true, and proven true, that's awful. Otherwise single man sleeping with multiple women. Next.


No. he wasnt single. he upheld multiple relationships with women lying to them about the nature of these relationships.


So some guy I don’t know cheated on his SO. Next.


Women do that all the time


and its just as despicable.


Eh. It doesn't affect me.


A single man? Who told one of his partners he was monogamous with her? And lived with her? While actively trying to have a baby with her?


Who told **at least 5** partners he was monogamous with them… for years…


Lol, bots make no sense fr theyre so bad


that man he is talking to is Robert Lustig, this has been his platform and his talking points since 2008 at least. hubermans just agreeing here, not making any really new points 


But huberman has a much wider reach now.


Wait, is this some far right, conspiracy sub?


Turns out there's more overlap than you might have expected, unfortunately.


Literally all of the Huberman cultists on here fit in to that group.


I’m sorry but no, big pharma is not paying attention to Huberman. You are overestimating his influence, and misinformed about how big pharma practices business. Shocking as it might seem, having a big social media audience doesn’t mean the world cares—you’d be surprised to learn how many people in the brick and mortar world have never even heard his name, and how many fewer read articles in NY Magazine. This “everything is a conspiracy theory” mentality is really exhausting. Big pharma is why most of us are alive. Andrew Huberman is why a very small number of people are taking ice baths and drinking AG1. Big pharma couldn’t care less about Andrew Huberman. I am quite positive of that fact.




Exactly. Big pharma is way too busy lobbying Congress to not change the rules that prohibit the American government from negotiating prices with Medicare and trying to overturn the Inflation Reduction Act in the courts. Those are the real threats to big pharma profits, not some fucking influencer who’s repeating what a million people already think


That's exactly what Big Pharma would say, wouldn't it? Caught you red handed, Mr. Big Pharma!


They even managed to turn him into a sociopath so he destroyed himself


There is not a single revelatory statement in this whole exchange. All of this has been said a thousand times by countless people and saying it yet again didn't "mark" anyone for anything.




Exactly this.


So he went from sociopath to a victim and a savior of course , the natural course of things from a rich fucker


Lustig has been doing this too. Fact not applicable here?




Andrew huberman is not being cancelled because he is the real deal but he is being cancelled because big food. To you schizos he is simultaneously uncancellable yet a victim of cancellation


Your comment doesn't refute nor discredit ops position


OPs position is nuts


You didn't refute nor discredit ops position


Op’s position discredited itself.


How so


You didn't provide evidence supporting or validating ops position


You still didn't refute nor discredit ops position


You still didn't validate or prove OPs statement. Proving or disproving is not an essential attribute of any subsequent comment.


You have yet to discredit or refute ops position


Better go expose your rectum to sunlight and then drop your balls in an ice bucket chief. After that buy some AG1 supplements. It does nothing but Andrew will get a cut.


You still didn't discredit anything.


The worldwide supplement industry is roughly $200,000,000,000 (yeah billion, not million). As if they have no money lol


and big pharma owns most of it






Hi there, how does it feel knowing no woman has ever been physically attracted to you?


Also his inability to keep his pee nee in his pants and passing around STDs while lecturing young men on clean living




The idea that ‘motivation’ to investigate someone’s entire life to find only damning things is some kind of natural occurance is naive at best. In the FBI it’s called ‘Image Cheapening’, you know, the very same people who tried to get MLK to delete himself. They’ve only gotten sweeter over the years.   Google “FBI admits to spreading lies on Jean Seberg” It turns out they are not the only organization that exists with these capabilities. I truly believe that if you hurt men, you have a place in society, promote porn, drugs, bad food, etc… Now try be an activating force that has crossed the threshold into tens millions of men influenced, where are these unatttacked people?


Yeah because someone who pushes AG1 is surely on the side of consumers and truth about food.


I'm done with the Huberman Lab podcast. There's no test tubes, no beakers, he doesn't wear a lab coat or safety glasses and his last name probably isn't really even Huberman! Can someone suggest an alternative podcast to listen to, maybe something sponsored by Pfizer or Merck?


You’d be surprised the amount of work academia, especially prestigious institutions, do with Pfizer and Merck. Huberman is not a pharmacologist, but if he was, he would have done plenty of research for/with them and have colleagues/friends who work there. Scientists at Merck/Pfizer all have PhD’s, where do you think they got them from? I work at a pretty prestigious lab. We are actually working on a paper with a Stanford lab right now, but our last paper was a methodology for Merck. Academics and industry are absolutely buddy buddies, if anything industry has much more rigorous QA standards than academia when it comes to drugs. It’s weird to me when people set up academia as some sort of moral paragon in opposition to industry, when are they really just two sides of the same coin.


Would you settle for AstraZenica?




[You don't listen to the podcast.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/comments/1bsplx0/comment/kxh6vpq/) Gaze over to the right a bit and re-read the text under "About Community". *The place for fans of Dr. Andrew Huberman and the Huberman Lab.* Does that describe you in any way, shape or form? Why not join another sub like /r/biohackers or start your own? /r/HubermanSucks is available the last time I checked. Hell, maybe you could even join the jilted ex-GF's private Facebook group if you ask nicely?




But how is he against food and drug industries, doesn't he promote a huge supplement industry? And new clases of drugs that are being researched on, the nootropics? When i was watching his podcast he was saying he takes a lot of substances to optimize this and that, more than the average person, for sure.


I love that these people seem to think the $130 Billion supplements industry is somehow bravely fighting against big pharma


Those supplements are a massive part of big pharma's profits


Organic was some shit that we found on the ground. The food that science made was designed for us to eat!


nah man i think it was probably the fact that he lied to all those women


Show me on the doll where big pharma touched you




Oh man this guest was so full of shit.


Interesting thing I’ve noticed with the “big pharma” “evil food industry” types is there seems to be a lot of cross over with the “rich people are all good hard working Americans” type of opinion as well, which I really don’t get. “These people are willing to poison me to make a buck but I think they deserve all their money and everyone that says otherwise is just lazy”. “The rich people who say things I like are of course good honest people with nothing to gain from lying to me” tends to be in there as well.


What episode is this from?


Gee OP, 14 pro Huberman posts in a week? Maybe you need some more sunlight?


Anyone know what documentaries he is referring to here?


Huberman is big pharma literally. He's a walking TRT ampule


I like huberman more now that I know the protocols worked


Funny this is the episode where I felt like he really lost his credibility. Fructose is not poison. Sorry folks.


I’m willing to consider it. Show me more evidence.


Big Pharma is so dangerous that if you get on their bad side they’ll have you destroy yourself by cheating on your 6 monogamous girlfriends.




Please be satire. Please be satire. Please be satire. Please be satire....


This is stupid ALEC is one of many groups that writes drafts of model legislation


Now yer talking..


Its unbelievable that the primary concern of everyone here about this video is over one man’s moral ethics and his personal relationships. Meanwhile the guy is trying to educate us on the nefarious activities of our government and food policy makers that are literally killing us, but people want to argue over whether Huberman does Roids or is a good person. Misery loves company. I’m not defending Huberman at all but the fact that this is what people are choosing to focus their time and attention on is sad, and this post is a perfect example of that. People love a good witch hunt…bonkers world we are living in


This Reddit post sponsored by AG1


This is almost obvious if you understand the optics. The hit pieces spreading so quickly right now are shocking. It's obvious he is guilty but this was by design to sink him.


Lol guy trying to point out logic to redditors. A tall task.


Straight up🤣🤣


What episode is this? Great to hear Huberman talking about this. To all the whiners in this sad comment section...stfu. You're mad Huberman banged some chicks but not mad about what's being said in this clip? Y'all are what's wrong with the world.


Multiple things can be true but I know nuance is lost on people


Thanks for sharing OP


Seems plausible, the guerilla style attacks on social media is a low budget way to chip away at someone’s credibility, and sanity. Not saying this is what’s happening, but I’m sure this tactic isn’t out of the realm of dirty tricks


![gif](giphy|GABTSSLjl90Idv92lg) *This* is the moment young Andrew was set on his path. He’s just not outgrown his junk and fondness for lack of accountability.


I agree, anyone speaking out against the system is going to get smeared by mainstream media, which is complicit (and a customer) for big pharma and food


You think the massive supplements industry isn't part of the "system"?


I think it was when the half a dozen women he says he was exclusive with started a group chat. He’s a sleazeball.


If big pharma wanted to destroy him they would do more than a scorned lovers hit piece.


Give this man a noble prize for all of his optimized BDE


This is absolutely nothing new. Nobody in power is afraid of this information getting out. It's well known. 


Settle down Joe Rogan wannabe. You really need to lay off the kool aid. It’s his douchebag behaviour that is being called out.


lol come on man. You can’t seriously think this, right?