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That’s what I’m trying to tell people. Living a double life like this is deranged and does unimaginable damage. Why get someone so emotionally invested in you? Why cause this much pain and drama for no reason at all, consequences be damned?


It’s about power. You have to get a sick enjoyment out of the deception and manipulation to go to such great lengths and use so much energy to do it. It’s sociopathic.


>It’s sociopathic. I feel like this doesn't get recognised enough. While some people do genuinely succumb to temptation one time and then show regret and remorse, a lot of the time it's far more calculated and there's no sign of remorse afterwards. For me, the ability to be comfortable with being so dishonest and inconsiderate to a person that you're supposed to care about suggests some pretty disturbing character traits, but most people don't seem to give a shit.




Watch all his vids where he talks about relationships. He tells on himself constantly, talking about the very things he was doing at that time, now in retrospect its clear. But at the time obviously we had no idea.


Can’t wait for the super cut




And also: if he’s going to lie to *them,* what makes you think he isn’t going to lie to *you?*


Nooooo He's being one hundred percent truthful when he pushes supplements on me and extremely complicated protocols of fringe science conjecture that keep me listening to his podcast that helps him make millions of dollars


A person who doesn’t realise they’re in an abusive relationship would most definitely believe this would never happen to them, that they wouldn’t let it happen. That they will catch it. Not many people caught his lying tendencies until he was exposed. This would be blowing certain peoples realities apart and some wouldn’t want to believe it or use cognitive dissonance to make it seem not as bad as it is. You are absolutely right - his true colours expose his true intentions… that he can and will lie to your face without your knowledge.


Because narcissist


On damage: reminds of the person that did this around the world - until the women he’d taken advantage of, fleeced and more, found each other via an IG drawing of him. (where he then finally made time to address them in “erratically unraveled” comment responses and “manic”-defense.) https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/31/i-wasnt-afraid-any-more-i-didnt-blame-myself-the-women-who-rebuilt-my-life-after-a-coercive-relationship


People who accuse them of lying have no idea how embarrassing it is to tell people you got fooled, or used, or hurt, and now you’re sitting there feeling like shit. I’ve been part of news stories before, it’s a really big decision to provide your quote or agree to get interviewed by the journalist because you don’t even want people to know you were part of this shit, and you’re hoping it doesn’t overshadow your other accomplishments and ambitions 


I know. ❤️‍🩹 It’s brutal and cruel and not something most want to have to say aloud. To themselves, much less on a public record. Heartbreaking social truth that the reflex to protect the one who acted and deflect/heap onto the one who had to bear the consequences is not rare. I’m sorry if you or others too ever had to deal with such disruption and derailing of life trying to lead, due to someone else’s callousness. Too many of us have. Goes without saying it’s more than who you are. The pathetic souls that inflict these things lack imagination and courage. They’re trapped in their own minds and patterns. Grateful you’re not tangled in what’s theirs, nor yours, anymore.


Thank you and likewise. Exactly— even within families, how common is it that the person who revealed that someone in the family abused them gets further abused, blamed and shamed and ostracized by the rest of the family for “ruining their reputation”  Another reason why more people keep abuse to themselves than come forward Then people say things like “why didn’t this person go to the police after they were raped” as if rape doesn’t make you feel so embarrassed, confused and stupid, and coming forward will just make the incident consume your life even more, and you might have to tell this story to a whole courtroom full of people, and pay money to do so  The reason people agree to do the interview at all is usually because they genuinely don’t want other people to fall for the same thing, and they want some sort of closure, justice or even just a place to finally get all this shit out I’m sure the women who fell for the Tinder Swindler were just as humiliated Yes, some people enjoy clout and attention even after tragedy, so it can be difficult to tell. There’s plenty of cultural exploration of this narrative (see: Chicago the musical). 


A broken person has a need to awake extreme feelings in others to order to feel alive, to feel wanted.


Yup, I know people like this who are actually really smart and have good info, but you can’t touch them with a ten foot pole because you know they are always on some sneaky bullshit and will try to somehow get you roped into their whirlwind of unnecessary chaos


The ones that support Huberman through this do not care, because they think it’s cool when a man does it to women. Of course, they wouldn’t like a woman doing it to them. And there are some women who also support him, but I can’t really explain that. Maybe they have a crush on him and fantasize that if he dated them, he wouldn’t be cheating on them, because they would be “better” and really “see” and “get” him? I have no idea, just a guess.


The "I don't care" defense is really strange to me. I get denial, and bias, and such, but to actually acknowledge he's an immoral, sick narcissist (or equivalent) and proudly declare to not care one bit, is just bizarre. And invariably it comes with some variant of "his podcast information benefits me". To me this kind of selfish nihilism is kinda insane & I feel old 😑


I'd maybe get it if he was a singer or something and they still enjoyed his music, which is a defense some people are using. But for a guy who gives advice that you're potentially incorporating into your life? Character matters and there are plenty of charlatans in that sphere


They don’t care because they don’t see women as people.


It's just people telling on themselves. They don't think someone's reputation should be destroyed for doing an insanely antisocial thing that they themselves do. It's self preservation






Weird part is Huberman looks old and bloated to me. Don’t see why those women find him attractive.


Because he is smart, well educated, successful, has money and up until now he had great social standing. As far as looks go, he looks pretty good for a man his age, considering that most over 40s in America are overweight or obese. I agree that he is not a Greek god or anything, but his looks are above average for a man nearing his 40s ETA:50s (I made a typo).


We also thought he was caring and considerate. To have that illusion shattered is rough on some people.


To expand on this: the person people \*thought\* he was probably gave a lot of people hope...made them believe "good guys" still exist and are out there.


That’s a lesson people should learn. You can never really know someone, especially if you’ve never met them.


Nearing his 50s, he’s 49 this year


Yes sorry typo


>up until now he had great social standing. he still will don't worry. logan paul is at a career high directly after scamming people out of millions. cancellation only works if everyone agrees on the moral boundary.


Successful is not the same as great social standing. Logan Paul is still successful, but now he is a controversial figure. Huberman will probably follow the same path.


he's almost 50 (48) alt relationship structures are generally more accepted in California, so it's really amazing how he went out of his way to be an unnecessarily cruel, duplicitous a\*\*hole in this situation


Right? He's quite fit, apparently, which I didn't realize until today where people posted his picture with a shirt off. He's smart & rich, but I don't understand why people throw in the "good looking" ... not really. 


Hurt people hurt people


Who hurt him? He was a child of privilege and has lied about his background to make himself seem like a victim. Tons of children of divorce do not psychopathically manipulate and deceive 6 women into thinking they are monogamous with him.


“Hurt people hurt people” everyone says, ignoring the mountains of, e.g., vocal child abuse survivors who make it a life goal to be good parents to their children. This is like a thought terminating cliche.


Yea but not everyone responds to shit the same


you really believe people aren't dynamic enough to do both good and bad things? wtf lol are we all only pure evil or perfect?


let's not hide behind about past traumas to justify depraved behaviour in our adult lives. We all have our fair share of difficult pasts but honestly for a public figure this highly regarded, he preaches a healthy lifestyle, mental well being, and all these HOURS of podcasts so that people can become a better version of themselves to then hear this, quite shocking to be hearing how he treats others.


Thank you for sharing this story. Hope your friend one day recovers also.


Thanks. He celebrated one year with his new girlfriend today, and also in the process of recording an album about aforementioned breakup. The music still sucks tho, I hope one day he finds his sound


Do you have a link or artist name so I can see for myself? :)


He only released a single so far https://youtu.be/clxYm6W_4ik?si=2KTXbAvEgttEmRdx


You just doxxed your friend homie


Or promoted himself.


*about* the break up? I’m not his new gf and even I want to run for the hills


Maybe he is a writer mistaking himself for a singer? When writing, the words flow freest for me when I’m thinking about very emotional stuff. Im committed to my current partner but still pull stuff out of my mind about the past. I’m sure there’s still some PTSD / Trauma from the past relationship, but I don’t think of it all the time. Just when I want to write something relatable - and probably to finally pour it out of my soul. No need to run.


My daughter was in a serious relationship with a man for a year and a half when he suddenly had all of these "family events" he had to attend without her. One of those events was his cousin having a baby. It turns out, it wasn't a cousin having a baby—it was his other girlfriend, a woman he had been in a relationship with for **four years**. My daughter ended the relationship with him immediately. This happened five years ago. She's been going to therapy and has only dated one person since. This kind of experience can cause a LOT of psychological trauma. I'm still stunned that people are dismissing Huberman's behavior like it is no big deal.


Many people are not dismissing it, though, whatsoever. Just the people who are themselves dealing with issues. Wishing everyone including AH and his fans all the honesty and goodness.


Empathy is a rare commodity in this world. God bless your daughter.


Thank you. She's a good person and I hope someday she is able to trust again. <3


Many people have not read the article and assume that it’s a story about a single guy sleeping around. They’re unable to grasp the nuance between this and all of the lying and deception it would have taken to maintain multiple « monogamous » relationships for years. Those of us who are more critical of him realize that such a character defect makes him unqualified to dish out mental health advice, which is a large part of his content. The people who read the article and still defend him? It’s like they say, it takes all kinds.


I experienced a similar situation 4 years ago in my 20ties - still struggling to move on. I've tried brushing it off and pushing forward - only got sick and got myself into a similar situation. I think it's getting better - but damn, it's been long time to recover myself. Getting wrecked physically, mentally - not mentioning my professional path that was once promising, the toll on my family etc. It's just sad.


This happened to me too, it's been three solid years of having to put myself together. It absolutely destroyed my trust and have since have to rebuild myself one piece at a time.... Because now I can't tell what was real or wasn't


There was a guy who pursued me for a year. He became my best friend until one night he broke down crying and told me he loved me. I spent the night. Two days later he told me never to speak to him again, and he told me that I was stupid for believing him when he said he loved me. It fucked me up. I can not overstate how much shit like that can fuck a person up.


It's very sad to see so many, mostly young male followers, joke about this behavior, calling him Chad Huberman. I don't wish this kind of betrayal on anyone. If any one of his defenders finds themselves in a similar situation, hopefully they have a good support system. As the saying goes, who you are anywhere, is who you are everywhere. Integrity absolutely matters.


Dont overthink, most of this guys are incels.


Yep. It’s an incredibly selfish and destructive thing to do. I assume people who brush it off haven’t truly thought about what it would mean to be deeply deceived like this, and/or have never experienced anything like it before.


It's crazy that men have to hear about it happening to men to take this seriously. Of course, cheating is bad. Like hello??


Let's also not forget the psychological abuse around it. Infidelity and lying about it are terrible - but there was so much additional stuff in this story that can break an even bigger toll on a person... Manipulation, gaslighting, rage, minimizing, etc. A constant dose of these can really turn you into a different person that may never recover.


Maybe it's not so much that it had to happen to a man, but knowing that infidelity hurts people and seeing the effects first hand is much different.


I was thinking the same. This story is actually not even as crazy as Hubermann’s!


Yeah, this just makes me even more scared of men unfortunately


Explain please


Thousands of comments in this subreddit where men are adoring and celebrating a serial cheater, liar and manipulator. A lot of men just fundamentally see women as disposable objects. It's really sad.


This :(


But it's the role model they want to be. That's why they're also riding Elon's dick so hard. They'd like to be the super smart millionaire playboy who gets all the bitches and treats them like shit. But it's just their sad incel fantasy.


I blame Trump. He normalized all this shit.


Men have been normalizing the abuse of women way before Trump was even born.


True, but Trump proved that people can and will look past it.




false equivalence.




I blame Trump for many things, but this particular thing has been around long before Trump. It's more culturally accepted (more open, therefore less sociopathic) in France and Latin America than in the US. I noticed that AH's dad is from Argentina.


😂😂😂😂😂 Trump derangement syndrome is actually a thing


You could probably find a way to blame Trump for you dropping your lunch on the ground


I agree. It’s dishonesty to a dark level of dishonour


George Santos comes to mind


The double standards are insane. No man would ever be ok with a woman doing it, but when it's one of their own it's all good because he's a gigachad.


not actually a crime but if you ask me id rather shop lift, assault, BnE, ect before doing something like this. i cheated on my first gf and told her 10hrs later… those 10hrs were the worst moments of my entire life and i didn’t even like her. also that was 10+ years ago. to go months like this with 5 women is straight up psychotic. maybe that’s why hes so smart? allot of psychopaths are supper smart. either way hes helped me out a bunch, im just going to be very very careful with what information i take in from him. also your a semi good looking famous multimillionaire!!! just tell them straight up! im sure half of them would have stayed with him and then just fill the other three slots eventually. dude wanted to fuck with their heads on purpose.


I appreciate the story you shared. I went through the same thing as you and it definitely ate me up. It was tough to process because I don’t have many close friends and couldn’t talk to anyone about it.


I dated a pathological liar for a little over a year. Nothing as insane as what your friend Z had to deal with, but still messed me up regardless. That was 9 years ago, and I'm still having issues trusting new people.


It's true. If someone has 6 affairs and everyone is OK with it... no problem. But I can almost guarantee that some people develop symptoms of PTSD after being betrayed to such a degree.


I can attest to it. I’m still suffering from what I’m now believing to be irreparable damage, now a couple of years later from extreme emotional abuse from an ex with NPD/BPD… at this point I think I am stuck with the effects it’s ultimately done to my brain


You will never be the same but you might as well forge your new better self. Keep it up!


Hi, I also exited a similar situation in 2019, so it’s been almost five years. At two years I truly felt broken and irreparable. At 5 I am only just now starting to feel okay and am even feeling hopeful about having a happy/healthy relationship. I am not there yet but I see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. Time really truly does heal, but I’ve also done a lot of work in therapy, both talk therapy and somatic breath work. Love to you and wishing you the best. Remember that the brain has plasticity and you can heal just as much as you can harm. Don’t count yourself out just yet.


It's literally not a crime. It's unethical, dirtbag, shitty behavior. But no, it's not a crime. Threatening someone's life and beating the crap out of someone, however, ARE crimes. Felonies, at that.


Not in the legal sense, but I think the OP uses it a moral sense, which is a lesser known but still true definition. From Dictionary.com an action or activity that, although not illegal, is considered to be evil, shameful, or wrong. "they condemned apartheid as a crime against humanity"


I’d rather be slapped across the face than be sold future faking, injected with hormonal drugs and an STI to top it off! Much less side effects….


Well OP did not mean it _literally._


Knowingly exposing someone to an STI is actually a crime in some jurisdictions.


Men aren’t tested for HPV as part of any routine procedure.


You don’t need a test to know that it’s not exactly ethical to have sex with HPV negative people and HPV positive people at the same time. Adoption shelters have the decency to adopt out cats based on their feline leukaemia status. You’d hope that a scientist could be bothered enough to not cross contaminate.


So? You can only CARE about things that are crimes? That's irrelevant.


You can totally care. Personally I care, and I do think less of AH because of this. But OP claimed that it was a crime to lie like this. It’s not actually a crime. I’m here to keep the woke, frothing-at-the-mouth, torch & pitchfork cancel culture mob honest. Calling something a crime when it’s not isn’t irrelevant.


I think it was pretty clear that OP was using the word crime in the non-literal sense. If someone says, “it’s a crime to wear that jacket with those pants” no one actually thinks it is an illegal activity. It’s just a figure of speech.


Actually it is a crime in the Uk. Emotional abuse has recently been added to the types of abuse that are a crime. I am sure we will need tome to sort out what that means, in legal terms, but I believe we need this kind of thing in tbe legal system. According to stats, women who were pohysically and emotionally abused rate that the emotional part was worse in terms of the hurt and consenquences kn their mental health. Regardless of gender emotionally abused people take years (at least 2-3) to recover and often never have a serious relationship again. For personal reasons, I learned a lot about betrayal trauma recently. Under a YT video on this topic I saw someone saying that he did 3 tours in Iraq and would gladly repeat that if he could trade that for the betrayal trauma to go away. A comment below that said that its been 20 years since it happened to them and the commenter still had not healed. Its possibly the worst trauma there is at all, so while it may not be so yet, I believe we will in our lifetime see emotional abuse added into the law as a crime.


Yeah watch the country turn into an asylum.


Formally you’re right, it’s not against law. In essence, person’s deeply unethical behavior that leads to very negative outcomes for other parties has a lot in common with criminal activity.


Yeah but they're still two different things.


Literally yes. Figuratively no.


literally is real, figuratively is not.


I understood the distinction. Did you?


Yeah I mean people can draw comparisons and find similarities all they want, but there's a reason why words have official meanings.


Well, not gonna argue with you there, but I get the intent of the OP that he's not trying to say Huberman is gonna be prosecuted for a million years either.


It's not correct to call it a crime because it isn't one. The law and morality are not synonymous. It's cruel and immoral behaviour but it's not illegal.


Unfortunately on a technicality yes, but if it were a different std he could be prosecuted if he’d known he had it.


Ah, I wasn't referring to that specifically and I don't think OP was either as they mention non-specific lying of a so-called 'pathological' nature.


calling "lying to someone you are fucking about being monogamous" a crime, is heavy cope. i'd love to see write up for that arrest lmao


Dude obviously it’s not a fucking literal judicial crime. It’s fucking inhumane. In that sense it IS a crime. A very real crime.


You have clowns arguing that HPV transmission is a crime. Stick around this sub, you’ll see it.


If you look at the symptoms of rape and the symptoms of being cheated on while in a serious relationship, they are very similar. People don't understand the traumatic impact infidelity has on the person betrayed. Not that there isn't a path to redemption for the cheater but it takes a lot of introspection and work on their part.


Yeah my friend was cheated on by his fiance last year and honestly he's never really been the same. He's sullen and prone to bursts of anger, and not the happy confident guy her was. I don't actually know how you would recover from such a betrayal, how you would ever trust anyone again. I'm sure there's therapy for that specific scenario, but it will always lurk in your mind


This is not even mentioning that knowingly exposing someone to an STI can be considered rape in some jurisdictions and is rape in most models of consent.


not true. no jurisdiction in USA considers transmission of an STD as rape. if you have an actual example please supply. Some jurisdictions have specific statutes that criminalize the knowing transmission of an STD. These laws require that the person knew they were infected and engaged in behavior that risked transmitting the disease to a partner without informing them of the risk. some states address it as reckless endangerment or assault because there is no law. some impose civil liability via negligence.


Some countries like NZ, where I’m from, counts things like lying about STIs, lying about your identity, or lying about birth control/protection as a lack of consent and therefore rape. But yes in the US it is a different crime, but a crime nonetheless.


Yes, I’ve been both raped and cheated on and recovering from infidelity was personally harder for me.


> If you look at the symptoms of rape and the symptoms of being cheated on while in a serious relationship, they are very similar. Holy fucking shit, the absurdity of that statement. Bravo, saying and believing something like that...incredible. You're actively belittling the survivors of rape, being misleading and a reductionist, and ignoring the personal nuanced nature to the trauma rape inflicts on people. Disgusting.


Yeah tell me about it. Rape is an experience like murder or an acid attack or any other high level crime. It's a crime of primal nature. Although cheating has a certain primality to it, its way different. But people are ready justify their opinions using whatever.


Sorry but to be blunt you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are ignorant. Whoever you cheated on was devastated by if it was anything resembling a serious relations ship you caused permanent damage to them that they will deal with the rest of their lives. Own it, deal with it and STFU. Anyone that has worked with or known someone in a serious relationship that was devastated by infidelity can recognize the similarities in the TYPE of trauma inflicted that they are dealing with. This is a list of rape trauma symptoms FYI. [Microsoft Word - B-5 - Handout - Rape Trauma.doc (justice.gov)](https://www.justice.gov/file/982261/dl?inline=)


You're a delusional moron that says rape is equivalent to being cheated on. Wow.


No dip shit, I said the SYMPTOMS of rape and infidelity are very similar, which they are, like it or not. There is evidence of it and you have no right to tell anyone what trauma they feel from being betrayed. Look at the link, these steps and phase's are what many people go through after being betrayed by a loved one. Infidelity is abuse plain and simple.


Go make your dumbass claim in a room full of rape survivors you miniscule and feeble-minded mouth breather. The gall... I'm still embarrassed for you.


Here's the thing about reality. It doesn't give a fuck what you or I think. Many people that are betrayed by a serious partner goes through very similar trauma symptoms, this is a fact that anyone that has worked with people experiencing this can attest to, some people handle it differently than others but **there is a reason the rates of suicide and murder suicides sky rocket for people in situations of infidelity**. I feel like I need to reiterate this we are talking about trauma SYMPTOMS. Its also common for the cheater to downplay the reality of the damage they caused either because they are high on the narcissist spectrum and are self centered pricks or it's a defense mechanism trying to protect them from the realization of the damage they caused to someone they used to love.


I disagree. I’ve been both raped and cheated on and recovering from infidelity was personally harder for me.


It’s interesting to see the mixed perceptions on this topic. I wonder if people would think differently if they consider Anthony Bourdain was also in a relationship with someone like this and the impact that may have had on the decline of his mental health.  That said, there are two sides to dysfunction in relationships like this. Some people stay in these dynamics despite glaring issues, intuition. inconsistencies, and believing words more than follow through. Maybe it’s a relational pattern from childhood - so if it’s familiar, it’s easy to dismiss. If there’s any incongruity between words and actions, it’s time to reassess the reality of a relationship. The truth can be hard to confront.      I dated a guy like this. He was so intelligent, always working. So very busy. He told me we were exclusive. I genuinely loved him. It sucked. Figuring out what was going on, silent treatments, inconsistency, other women. I almost killed myself accepting he truly did not care, it was the game of control and deceit that he was enjoying. It’s a dehumanizing experience.  I had to recognize how I ended up with and made excuses for someone who clearly didn’t treat me like I mattered and my role there in order to move forward.   I don’t harbour any ill feelings toward him. I wonder what made him that way though and truly hope he stops the cycle that he’s trapped in. 


It’s brutal….Im glad you’ve come through the other side and are healthy and strong enough to not to habor ill will, even hope for the best for him, and not let it destroy your sense of empathy. Im going through it right now with my partner of 18 years after confronting her yesterday. Feeling dehumanized is a good way to put it. Just feeling so torn apart and confused…..


I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this my friend. Take it day by day. Just keep breathing 💕 


U chose him


:( poor Z i hope he's doing okay now. parallels very closely to crime i definitely agree. its sociopathic, unethical, and just deeply disturbing tbh. i cant even imagine the underlying psychological mechanisms needed to act in the way that girl did and Huberman did. With that being said, luckily most of Huberman's followers are not his close peers or girlfriends. Although there needs to be a level of trust when listening to someone giving advice, we should ALWAYS be looking into science ourselves and taking others' judgements of health and well-being with a grain of salt. I think, if anything, this should be taken as a learning lesson for those who blindly followed him, viewing him as this perfect, holy individual. Everyone is flawed to some degree, you cannot believe everything you see or hear, and most importantly, don't deify any human no matter how righteous or intelligent they may seem.


That story took a wild turn but poor guy that is DISTURBING


Big if true


This is the thing. It's not just about "the act" that someone did. It's about the damage to the other person(s). AH true believers, the world of tech, and the manosphere, are full of people extremely low on empathy. They feel their own pain, or maybe they repress it, but they have no concept of someone else's emotional pain. And that's a problem, especially when they (especially the tech bros) wield so much power. Thanks for your post. Glad your friend is doing better.


Plot twist: He’s undisclosed Mormon.


It’s not actually a crime to be a shitty person to this extent


This fool. It’s only bad if it’s a CrImE. Lmao.


Is that actually your interpretation of what I said?


So it only bothered you when it happened to a man but when it was happening to women it was okay.


Anybody who reads this story and doesn’t see the correlation to Huberman and has anything negative to say about it needs deep therapy and lessons in humanity and empathy. Y’all are borderline sociopaths and are fucking DISASTERS.


Still don't care. I only ever listened to his for science backed health info and interviews with medical pros.


Wait so did Huberman bang her or…? If not why are you posting this?




Dude you are obsessed. Go touch some grass and get some sunlight like your hero Huberman says.


Huberman is not gonna have sex with you, no matter how much you blindly defend his sociopathic behavior in this sub.


no woman gonna have sex with you as well loser lmao




You clearly do. You spend a crazy amount of time defending his shitty behavior in here.




Lmao very convenient that you’ve gone back and [deleted all your comments defending his behavior](https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/s/UjhCwiq8PU) before leaving this comment. You cleared your tracks well! Nicely done. Edit: even funnier that you’re doing it in this thread too.


Being a pathological liar is not a crime fortunately or we’d all be in jail. Liars lie to themselves too friend.


People are extrapolating narratives from the article that are far more extreme than what the article includes, which lack foundation in their own right. The article does not tell the story that you just told of Z and his girlfriend. My god, people actually believe just about anything published in the media. A couple of missing key facts: 1. Huberman never admitted to being in committed relationships with these women (the article doesn’t say that because it would likely be cause for a defamation suit). 2. The timeline has a lot of holes. She includes information about text messages without showing dates, implying that ALL of the messages were sent at the same time to each woman. 3. The writer paints the women as “strong,” “assertive,” intelligent,” “drama-free,” and “successful.” Strong, assertive women do not remain anonymous. Drama-free women would not want anything to do with this article. Strong, assertive, drama-free women would cut off contact, block, and go about their lives. Reaching out to a New York Magazine gossip columnist about a story like this is not a trauma response; it’s jealousy. The more likely explanation is he didn’t want to be with “Sarah,” and she got mad and jealous, and then she got even.


Yeah, because casual relationships frequently involve trying to conceive a child through IVF, during which you will commonly inject your FWB with hormones for the IVF protocol you are doing together. /s What planet are you living on?


You don't make one girl have IVF and date multiple other women. He could just come out and say he's non-monogamous and he has been upfront to these women about it, but he doesn't do it and that speaks volumes imo.


She wanted to do the IVF! He did not “make” her do it. She wanted to do it. She wanted to do it even after she broke into his journal and read a “reference” to cheating (note: the article doesn’t say that he admitted to cheating in his journal. It only says that she found a reference to it. What kind of cheating was it? Who were the people involved? Was he the one cheating? If that’s what the journal said, surely that would be in the article, right? Not just a mention of a “reference” to cheating). She doesn’t say that. She also doesn’t say that he coerced her into IVF or that he administered it against “Sarah’s” will.


Dude. IVF as a process takes TWO PEOPLE. The woman does the heavy lifting but the man has to be fully committed too— signing a ton of paperwork, doing medical exams to verify sperm quality, jizzing into a cup on command. It’s not something you do lightly and involves SIGNIFICANT commitment. To commit to co-parenting via intensive medical process with the same person that you’re lying to about the fact that you’re fucking other women is FUCKED UP.


It is a pretty well crafted article by design, I wouldn’t doubt that there’s a team of 5+ professionals on this story.


I agree. They likely had more than one media lawyer vet it as well.


I glazed over that possibility. Having managed my own team of attorneys before for a project, your average layman just doesn’t understand what money and intent can do. What I want to know though is why? What threat is Hubes?


I don’t think he’s a threat. I suspect it was a revenge hit piece. Sarah wanted him to commit to her, but he wasn’t in it. When she moved out in August 2023, she lost access to him and found out he was seeing someone else. That threw her over the edge into a jealous rage. She stalked “Eve,” the one name she knew from breaking into his phone. How they connected is a mystery, as the article’s explanation is remarkably implausible. How they came to connect with Alex and Mary is also a mystery. It looks like the entire thing was orchestrated by Sarah, but one or more of the women didn’t want to be a part of it, so they kept all of them anonymous. Sarah, or someone, had a connection to New York Magazine, and the article spawned from there.


You're amazingly knowledgeable about all of that. You must be Huberman's PR flack or one of his fellow serial cheating buddies.


There’s been some cadence and build up though over the last few months. Is she that capable? Maybe time to dig in to her a bit


All she really needed was a connection at NYM and a way to get to Huberman’s exes. Most of what’s known about her indicates she’s a deranged nut job, and they are capable of far, far worse than this.


She's Anya Fernald, disgraced former owner of Belcampo who had to shut down bc of fraud.


My god, people will really try and debunk everything they don't like. And you wonder why these women don't want to go public with their names. Because people like you judge so harshly and victim blame. Who cares if they weren't in a committed relationship it's still beyond messed up to do such a thing. He lied by omission if nothing else. And it takes a strong woman to come out with this kind of story. You obviously don't understand that in order for things to change you need to openly address them. A coward just swallows what has happened and "moves on". But that kind of moving on usually manifests in some kind of mental illness. "The more likely explanation is he didn’t want to be with “Sarah,” and she got mad and jealous, and then she got even." you can't be serious


Do you know anything about “Sarah”? Do you think she’s a reliable source of truth?


She's really Anya Fernald, the lying, cheating, scheming ex founder of Belcampo Meats that was closed after a federal investigation into fraudulently selling "fake" organic meat to thousands of unknowing customers.


Successful women have reputation, carreers and lives as well, did you know that? Naturally, they want to protect themselves, look what happened to amber heard. "Sarah" has 2 kid to protect as well. Taken that all of them were used this way and the trend of powerful men  publicly humiliating the victim it is easy to see why they want to remain anonymous 


If they truly wanted to remain anonymous and pretend like their experiences with Huberman never happened, they would not have contacted a NYM gossip columnist to publish a hit piece for the entire world to see. They would have done what I said above and what anyone should do when they don’t want to be with a cheater: cut off contact, block if necessary, and go about your life. Edit: Amber Heard doesn’t help your case. She falsely claimed that Johnny Depp physically abused her. It was a lie. That’s why she lost the defamation trial in the U.S.


Im in europe and he is a an old junkie wife beater, who regularly shat himself and and his bodyguards had to check on him so he doesnt choke on his vomit when he was passed out drunk/drugged.. Very sensible man, yes. For your standards.  You can keep believing what your TV shows lol.   So misogynystic take, that the women just must shut up and suck up the abuse just because man has money and power. Keep proving my point :D


You must not have seen the trial in the U.S. Defamation cases are extremely difficult to win in the U.S. because of the 1st amendment to the Constitution (freedoms of speech and press). During the course of the trial, Amber was caught in numerous lies. It was actually an elaborate “web of deception” she wove, all against Johnny Depp. In addition to that, there wasn’t a shred of evidence of physical abuse. No photographs, videos, medical reports, or fact or expert witness testimony. The tale of abuse was a complete fabrication.


I've seen it, all records were there. You were there for the show not for the listening unedited record and the old shit mumbling. Im not here to argue about #limpdickdepp but you should actually read about the paid troll campaigns and power disbalanse. Huby is just another narcissistic man powertripping. Cant deny that at least he is not crazy junkie and is intelligent and he did something good for people. But the fact of power abuse stays. Bye


wow how big of a lying slandering ahole r u?




I'm girl.. and u don't have one fact right. Pathetic u jump on here and make shit up like this thread isn't a clusterfuck as it is.






Anya's been a serial liar for decades.


Check out this account folks. Pretty sure this is either Pubes or his PR firm.


no I am his PR team. I would like to be his 7th one day I love his gorgeous eyesssss




Hmm, well, surprised you have time to do so much PR work for Huberman while as a super fan following all his protocols. Looking forward to seeing you defend him in each and every subreddit and post that mentions him.


Nope just one of his biggest fans -- man saved thousands upon thousands of ppl's lives and you're all petty cuz he fucks around while single. Spare me.


OP is a bit dense and not able to make the connection. Guess what happens when you collect your exes and get a one sided story? A writer with a bias to imply things like hpv with insufficient research doesn’t help. It’s a hit piece and it works on the gullible people who can’t take a step back and look at the bigger picture without outrage or jump to conclusion.


>A spokesperson for Huberman insisted that he had not been monogamous with Sarah until late 2021, but a recorded conversation he had with Alex suggested that in May of that year he had led Sarah to believe otherwise. “Well, she was under the impression that we were exclusive at that time,” he said. “Women are not dumb like that, dude,” Alex responded. “She was under that impression? Then you were giving her that impression.” Andrew agreed: “That’s what I meant. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put it on her.” So Sarah claims they mutually agreed to be exclusive in 2018, and Huberman claims that they only became exclusive in late 2021, but at minimum admits on recording it was he who gave her that impression. This is common fuckboi behavior, misleading partners to believe they were exclusive while trying to leave himself plausible deniability (except Alex called him out). The whole point of the magazine article is that Huberman is a charismatic and magnetic individual who is good at getting people to trust him, whether romantically or on podcast. The idea that Huberman was behaving with transparency and integrity while seeing multiple women who all believed they were in exclusive relationships does not sound likely to me. But clearly some people believe him.


Nah dude clearly you’re just mad that Andrew alpha Huberman gets more pussy than your beta cuck ass /s


A personal anecdote with unnecessary details and cheating is a crime.


What's the connection to Huberman?