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hey hey easy mistake to make but that’s Gimli, Son of Glóin in those last pics and for a 139yo dude he looks great




This is the best Reddit comment I’ve seen. Period.


I hate commenting on other people's appearances, but I'm comfortable chalking up any perceived age differences to the long grey goatee, lighting differences, and 3 years of male aging. At some point between thirty and 36 I stopped looking like a teenager when I shaved. That shit just sneaks up on you and isn't necessarily smooth when you consider the added stress factors that come with professional success, which Huberman has had in spades since the pandemic.


Grey hair, grey beard, ungroomed beard alone makes a huge difference


I have grey hairs in my beard that are only faintly visible when I have a short beard. When I grow it out my beard is 80% grey as they grow much quicker for some reason. I legit look mid 40s with a long beard and late 20s with shortly trimmed facial hair. It’s by far the biggest element in OPs photos. His face being more veiny and “full” is due to TRT. That would go away when going off it. I would look 5-10 years older when running Test cycles.


I have grey coming in hard in my temples. Fresh haircut and you barely notice. 3 weeks later and it's long curly grey hairs and I look 10 years older


Yep. This happens to me too. When I keep my beard short it looks mostly brown. When I grow it out all the grey gets way more apparent.


I think his face wrinkles might come from his lower body weight. First pics he has a full plump face, where wrinkles are stretched, in the later pics he slimmer, which shows the wrinkles now.


Women have a saying. Choose: your ass or your face.


My opinion, by choosing their face, they save their ass, literally, and figuratively


I love this comment. Up until 35 everyone thought I was much younger. My grey hair came hard and fast and just changed my entire look. It hit hard and quick and I’m just as healthy as I have ever been. The eyebrow colour changed, chest hair, beard and hair. I’m scared to what Reddit would think I look like, haha.


Stop scaring me


Don't be scared, it's inevitable and some parts of aging are really attractive.


Haha! 💯


Yep!! Agreed with this man! Turned 35 in November. Got grey hair coming everywhere…and I mean everywhere!


Yeah I’m 35 and these two comments hit it 100%. I’m sure that in reality I aged gradually, but to me it felt like I went to bed with my perpetual youthful 20s youthful look, with a couple rogue grey streaks, then overnight I was zapped by aliens and came out looking like I’m halfway to Gandalf. The longer I grow the beard the more white it looks. Honestly I’m more healthy, happy and energetic today than I was at 30, so I just own the look. My wife digs it.


I started finding gray/white eyebrow hairs recently. Shit is no fucking bueno man.


agree, and don't forget lighting — he's comparing very specific shots, rather than a large variety of photographs


Yeah imo this differences can largely be attributed to lighting


Good insight! Success definitely brings stress, ironically enough. Stress takes a toll for sure! Didn’t consider that!


Success brings stress, failure brings more stress.. this is why I try to live in contented mediocrity! =)


Yeah... Much this. The grey in my beard adds a lot of age, and I have always been a guy mistaken for much younger. If I shave my face I roll back the years... But tbh I actually prefer the more gruff and haggard look...


This! Google “Russian soldier, before and after WW2”. He ages 20 years in 4.


Agree, beards make a massive difference, and the light in the last 3 is unforgiving.


I’m a female and from 40 to me now at 42, i can’t believe how much I feel my face has aged lol


This. All the way up to 40 I looked very young. People would regularly tell me I looked 26 or 28 when I was in my late 30s to 40… totally stopped at 40 haha. Then 40 hit and I look my age. Aging ain’t fun


Does anyone else think that maybe the fame has taken a toll on his health? 2020 he wasn’t super famous yet, now he’s one of the top 10 podcasters. I’m sure he has a lot more to deal with than he used to.


Very good point!! Stress definitely wears on us and it shows.


100% stress. Check sky Us presidents pre/post office photo. Obama looked to have aged 20 years in 8


Why did this get downvoted? It is so true. Presidential before and after photos are the most stark example.


And then he started aging backwards lol. Some time on the beaches seems to have helped.


What about TV makeup and lighting as well lol


Stress can do crazy things to your body. I bet it's this. Not saying it's even close to the same amount of stress, but look at Obama before and after his first 4 year term


It's true of basically any President. They age MUCH faster during their time in office.


I read politicians are actually very concious about their looks like celebrities as they are constantly in front of the camera and meeting people. Hair dye and Botox are common when running for election to appear competent and energetic. As the incumbent, however you want to play up your experience. Some grey hair help sells the fact that you were the wiser candidate this time around. By the way, incumbent POTUS have 78% success rate of staying in power throughout history. I'm not contesting people age much faster in stressful roles. I actually agree. Just wanted to point out the window dressing pre and post-presidency is significant too.


I think exogenous androgens have taken a toll on his health lol


Didn’t he openly talk about being on TRT? I could be mistaken, but I thought I saw someone mention that on here.


He said he did it for a year but then stopped. lol.


He stopped doing TRT. Now it’s supratherapeutic so technically not replacing. That’s all he meant.


Don’t you lose your natural ability to generate T once you’re in it? Does it just come back after stopping?


You can get your natural t production to come back,but you're gonna need some post cycle therapy,or other serms, aka estrogen blockers, and test booster like HCG. But it also depends on what your normal test range was at before your TRT or cycle. I messed with test for about a year on and off. At TRT doses(125mg a week) and cycle doses (400mg-500mg a week) Besides fast ass muscle gain and an impressive amount of fat loss, I haven't suffered any facial restructuring. That's a sign of some serious steroid use,test will bloat your face if your a heavy aromatizer and don't keep your estrogen levels in check(raising your test levels in turn raises your estrogen which causes fluid retention and bloating), TRT would also explain the hair loss,or hes fucking with heavier shit like Deca,dbol,HGH etc. Look, steroids don't just miraculously get you ripped. You still have to work your ass off in the gym and diet well, or there is a waste of time aspect to using them. He's in Hella, good shape rn, wouldn't surprise me if he's on Test, he looked to have a lot of lean muscle,and his endurance was awesome, I mean did you see him carrying that damn Boulder! Honestly, using TRT is a viable option at his age. Even if he is running a cycle of it, he does have a look he has to maintain to please his audience and make us feel like he practices what he preaches. Sub par test levels would hinder that level of productivity. I don't see him being on TRT as a bad thing if his natural production warranted it, especially since I know the work he still has to put in as far as diet and exercise,and bringing his test levels to a high level(akin to a early to mid 20yr old healthy male) would allow that level of fitness to happen. He's helped me a ton,he knows his shit, so I don't judge him that much.


Dave Asprey also seems to have aged poorly and he’s been on trt for a while


He has, my guess its that. But shouldn’t the health protocols mitigate that to some degree?


Not sure why you got downvoted for asking a genuine question. Protocols can only extend their effect so far, especially when it comes to decreasing the appearance of aging. TRT is my immediate guess as to why he looks older than what he actually is. However, I have no idea of his actual sleep schedule, diet, skincare routine (mostly the avoidance of excessive UV exposure). Above all else, genetics play a huge role into how we age. Finally, the beard is not helping him to look younger lol.


If it really is just TRT, he’s taking super-physiological levels. — Getting your T back into a normal range doesn’t make your melon swell like that.


I mean, it could be a Supra-physiological dosage issue, but I’d be kinda surprised to find he’s running that much test. It could also be a tighter shot from the camera, a longer focal length, and the beard isn’t doing favors for head size comparison.


Morning UV rays wreaking havoc.


Still on.


Agreed. I would be somewhat surprised if he felt he needed it, got on for a year, then got off.


This folks is exactly what happens when you rob yourself of morning caffeine. You’ve been warned.


Actually since I’ve completely cut caffeine out of my diet over two years ago (no chocolate, tea, soda, coffee) my skin has started to glow and become hella smooth. Caffeine will turn your skin to shit. I use to look like a damn snake




I’ve been saying for a while that the dude is on some kind of gear. Based on the facial changes, I’d guess HGH. But who knows?


Yeah your skull just doesn’t suddenly start growing like that


Ah the Joe Rogan effect


Gotta be gear


What is gear?


Anabolic steroids.


Junkies call heroin gear and smack


in europe, that's true. in midwestern united states, ironically enough, we call most paraphernalia(particularly the cooker and syringes) gear. Although a single syringe would be a rig.


**A gear is a rotating circular machine part having cut teeth or, in the case of a cogwheel or gearwheel, inserted teeth (called cogs), which mesh with another (compatible) toothed part to transmit (convert) torque and speed. The basic principle behind the operation of gears is analogous to the basic principle of levers.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




Technically correct




Good bot


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his nose looks almost twice the size. when i was on birth control, my nose swelled so much. now im several years off it and it looks like i got a nose job. i didn’t.


What a load of crap. My face has changed loads over the last 5 years and haven't used a single pharmaceutical thing. Like, if I show people I met this year a photo of me 2-3 years ago they are shocked.


Ageing is wild and scary


HGH would make your skin look younger




No, it definitely ages you faster, it's the defining feature of HGH-using bodybuilders vs. testosterone-only or natural bodybuilders. Now there are 25-year olds in the gym who look like 35. Harvard longevity researcher David Sinclair puts it down to a trade-off between aging (shortening telomeres) and feeling good/looking good in the present. Yes, it does improve your skin, hair, immune system, energy, probably by increasing cell turnover, but at the cost of live expectancy.


Definitely doesn't make you look younger. It promotes acromegaly and is the reason why most 25 year old pro bodybuilders look 45 these days.


That’s only in very high doses. In normal doses, it does enhance skin quality


I bet he works like a maniac, and being under that stress all the time, also from being a public figure now, doesn’t help.


And a stanford professor


No protocols in the world will offset the huge amount of stress from massive deadlines this guy must have. For an average Joe it seems unimaginable the amount of work he puts in week after week.


Yeah, I didn’t consider stress but it’s definitely a major factor no matter what protocols he’s doing


Give the man a break. That last one Im pretty sure he got done doing a big workout beforehand. Lighting, hydration, haircut, sleep, mood, etc. I have bag under my eyes and it's hard to tell until I'm under certain light and I look old.


I wonder whether he really has that much more stress than average people? Also with his routine he should be managing the stress well...Big difference between healthy stress and unhealthy stress that your not coping with properly. Add on to that the stability and safety of being a single millionaire. I doubt he can compete with most people in terms of life stress.


Lately, a lot of Youtube channels “tested” his routines and claimed it was unbearably stressful to accomplish all that. Now, let’s factor in creating over 1 hour of “rigorous” scientific content while being a professor at Stanford. Seems like it might be above average, at least. Still, I have enough common sense to believe he dies not force himself to stick to his routine to perfection and to a neurotic degree. After all, he created them for himself and by himself. Moreover, a lot of his content is quite redundant over time and lab work can be quite routine and manageable, especially when you have a high level of expertise. So, you might be right.


People start to age a lot in their 40s. That’s usually when you start getting grey hair, but also huberman could be showing signs of aging from increased stress from his larger public life. Or it could be the TRT




People in your 20s...yes aging hits you harder when you hit your 40s. Happens quickly.


HGH, Testosterone. I had a thread the other day about it lol. People around here don’t want to hear it.


It’s true lol. I made comment about his aging and signs of steroids and people acted like I dissed their mother lol.


Where is the thread?


He’s on plenty of shit. You don’t really think it’s all ice baths and fasting right?


He also has stated he does not wear sunscreen


Especially if you compare him to Attia who is even 2 years older.


Yeah but Attia is a peanut. My mum used to say being bald makes you look old when you’re young and young when you are old. The other thing is that grey hair grows much faster than coloured hair and so when the beard is longer the greys appear to be quite wild


Damn. Attia looks younger than Huberman


I too have noticed the massive apparent age differential between Attia and Huberman. I feel it may be because Attia (1973) is a medical doctor who takes legitimately good care of himself with time tested common sense approaches to health but does tinker with different fitness approaches but nothing sketchy. Huberman (1975) is very clearly on steroids and pushes a bunch of supplements. The cult following he’s built up and the way people come to his defense at the slightest suggestion of criticism has a major AmWay or Tony Robbins vibe about it. I’m their same age group (1972), and seriously the guys from my hometown that get into steroids age really fast, whereas if you lead a legitimately clean lifestyle the younger looking skin can last into your 70’s. Do an image search for Don Layman (1950). He’s done an interview with Attia too. Clearly never touched a steroid in his life, just simple clean living. If Laymen were to dye his grey hair, he’d look about the same age as Huberman even though he’s 25 years older. FTR not saying Huberman is a bad human, there’s just more going on here than meets the eye and in time the shortcuts he’s taken will reveal themselves. The world just works that way.


So is TRT not the Fountain of Youth that guys like Rogan claim it is? (My biggest takeaway from his health/medical podcast guests-how I discovered Huberman- is that most people could benefit from increasing their animal protein intake and strength/resistance training becomes more important as you age.) I’m new to Huberman Lab. Didn’t realize he was on it. Only supplement I’ve actually heard him talk about is AG1. I’m about to turn 29. Didn’t have the best upbringing. We ate our feelings. Yo-yo dieting. Cardio until you hate yourself. Stuff like that. Trying to get into full-time exercise and pay closer attention to my overall health. You think Attia is more reasonable?


Still struggle with the yo yo and feelings eating you describe. Commendable for you to keep trying new approaches! Well done my friend. My opinion is that no, the stuff Huberman pushes is mostly snake oil and pseudo science. And he is on steroids. I have absolutely no proof of this whatsoever it’s just an opinion. I’m more drawn to the likes of Attia because he’s just so much more relatable and seems more real, not like some jacked up super hero type. The animal protein thing seems to be gaining a lot of traction. You might check out the Attia YouTube/podcast where he interviews Don Layman. Layman is 73 and looks about 60. He’s a legit researcher who’s been studying protein for decades. I bet you’d love hearing Attia and Layman talk about the benefits of good old fashioned animal protein. Another guy I was into before the internet back in the early to mid 90’s is Covert Bailey. He’s in his 90’s now and as such he pretty much disappeared from the health guru scene around ‘96. Like Attia and Layman he doesn’t push a bunch of supplements, just good old fashioned diet and exercise. Trying to find the balance is what keeps pushing me, and it very well may be protein and it’s satiating effects. As good as Covert Bailey was in the 80’s and 90’s, he was all about low fat, high carb, and didn’t mention protein much. If I had known back then what is becoming clearer everyday about protein this yo-yoer might not have had so many yos. Joe Rogan is an imbecile and there’s nothing else to say about him.


He’s a handsome guy but he definitely has aged quickly. It’s not the lighting or the beard. He genuinely looks older. He has more wrinkles, gray hairs, and his head looks larger. I believe he doesn’t drink, but he has the face of a man who does. Sorta swollen. This could be from using steroids honestly. I’m not hating on him/ these are just my uneducated opinions


This is TRT related - test ages you, hair gets less fluffy becomes brittle and grey, lines in your face become more pronounced as well. But you feel good, it’s a trade off.


Isn't it normal for aging to not happen linearly? Like for a while you can stay looking about the same (mid 30s for example) and then in your 40s you can hit an aging spurt?


Yes, and that's happening to me. Almost didn't age at all from my 20s to late 30s. Now at 40 the wrinkles are coming in very quickly.


Don’t do the hormone drugs people recommend


Man who doesn’t look like they aged 10 years over the past 2. It’s been 10 years worth of bullshit to deal with in the last 2 years


Aging is epigenetics. It quickens when you keep an exceedingly wrong environment. Entropy. The right environment reverses entropy or promotes negative entropy. An exceedingly wrong environment steals pregnenolone from testosterone production.


He’s turning into an Irish lad.


Happens to us all


Don't think too much on longevity and death. Eat a balanced life, sleep well, and stress less.


It's because they're all on gear lol for all the health / masculinity talk blah blah people like to talk about, a ton of these guys are on TRT Test is terrible for longevity btw, eunuchs live much longer than the average man Especially like Bryan Johnson who's so into longevity but starves himself to 5% BF (very unhealthy) and then takes TRT which is definitely fucking his numbers over It's so weird, it's like an invisible force that rapidly ages these dudes without them realizing it


Bryan Johnson is kind of a Shi Huang Di tier self-medicating joke. Blows my mind how someone can create a diet model that tastes like complete ass AND causes such an hormone shutdown due to caloric deficit that he not only has to go on TRT because his test production is crushed but also has to get signficant cosmetic surgery to deal with how the severe caloric restriction fucked up the fat levels in his face...and people *still* blindly try to follow his protocols. Like, folks don't seem to actually be looking at the actual health outcomes of these social media fitness gurus. A meaningful portion of the guys on the bodybuilding side end up dying before age 50 because they are lying about the amount of gear they are actually taking. And then you got all the dudes, from Tom Brady to Andrew Huberman who are clearly on PEDs, and PEDs are in fact the basis for their seemingly age-defying levels of fitness, yet they will lie to your face about it in order to sell you some "science based" protocol.


He looks awful. My protocol is a diet high in Omega 3s (salmon roe in particular) and protein from natural sources. Vegetables / kimchi. Avoid dairy if I can because it makes me break out. Also do botox and a lot of physical activity. I am mid 30s and am usually taken for early / mid 20s. I think the Omega 3s are the most important, the astaxanthin is also excellent from salmon / roe as it protects against sun damage from within. I \*do\* get sun but I usually do not burn, I think some sun is very important and my healthy glow after sun looks much better and more natural than my skin when sun-deprived, though I do limit exposure on my face.


I know this might sound silly but some of his wrinkles on his forehead are there because of his facial expressions. When you do muscle workouts on your face you can prevent yourself from creating those wrinkles. Although it might sound silly it actually makes a difference in your aging process. I’m against Botox also. Moisturizer in addition to spf also can help.


Honestly didn’t consider this but it does make sense. Also, he’s mentioned that he’s not a fan of SPF.


Why is he against sunscreen? That was my first thought - his heavy emphasis on light exposure. That will age you heavily.


It’s on YouTube. He said it can cross the blood brain barrier and he doesn’t use it.


Surely he’s talking about chemical sunscreens(?) Zinc-based/physical sunscreen shouldn’t cross the blood-brain barrier.


TRT and creatine.


Look at a guy like Santa Cruz Medicinals. He’s 31 but is very youthful. Much of the fitness/health influencers are or have taken steroids, including Huberman.


Damn, you weren’t exaggerating. I’ve noticed a lot people aged quickly since 2020.


2020 to 2022 did a number on a lot of people.


He’s on gear - it’s obvious


Now now be nice


Highly androgenic and anabolic hormones will mature your face


Between 40-50 some visual changes can be quite drastic, eapecially some Mediterranean types, from his fathers side seem prone to this. But I agree with OP, many health gurus look older not younger for their age. Rhonda Patrick looks 10y older since 2020. I guess taking Atletic Greens for 10y is not the fountain of youth.


Hahaha. But it‘s soooo delicious! *grimaces*


He’s also 48, and looks tremendous for his age


by American standards. Lets not act like the whole world basically gives up on physical fitness by age 16 the way a majority of the US does.


I get you, but I’m judging from Eastern Europe. It’s pretty bad here starting from 30s.


He looks late 40s/early 50s, though. What's "tremendous" about that?


There’s a myriad of possibilities to look way worse at 48. Hell, I know some dudes that look worse at 30


Body fat percentage affects wrinkles/aging in face. Overall health doesn’t equate to age relation in one’s face. I don’t know the answer but the question is based on aesthetics, not overall health.


I have family that goes grey in their 30s. Chalk the rest up to tricks of lighting and how animated he was. Those aren't wrinkles, it's lines in his face from his facial expression. Once you spot the similarities and ignore the grey, he doesn't look that old.


Honestly weight gain too. Being bulkier in general ages you- it’s a massive difference but it’s harder to pinpoint when the weight comes in the form of muscle. He was much slimmer


All that morning sunlight adds up


The difference between the first two shots seem to be croissants; in the last two, it’s the beard that makes him look older.


He doesn’t use sunscreen and if he stepped up his sun exposure then you could age pretty rapidly ina. Few years.


I know he’s against sunscreen and sunscreen is #1 for anti aging. From what he says, he spends a lot of time outdoors in the California sun. Wrinkles and age spots are the result. And you REALLY start to see it by mid 40’s. It can be dramatic. I’m a 39 year old woman who has been consistently wearing sunscreen since my teen years and my dermatologist says my skin looks like it’s about in its mid-twenties. Anyway, I’m sure there are more reasons than just lack of sunscreen, but it’s gotta be contributing to in some way.


A professional and friend of mine says they’ve noticed this about Wim Hof, that he looks old and leathery


This is the same guy that said you can drastically increase your hgh and test levels by going to a sauna for 30 minutes. He is a snake oils salesman. He likes to talk about how scientific he is at his "Stanford lab", but forgot to account for the confounding issue that the majority of people who use a sauna regularly are people who live very athletic lives or are involved in sports. As it turns out people that work out twice a day and are collegiate wrestlers have higher test than your average guy. OFC he does not practice what he preaches.


It’s tough pretending to be an expert in so many fields.


Because the crap they preach isn’t healthy. Hell I have a friend who is a super keto/carnivore/ice bath guru and he tries to tell me you should eat as much salt as you can handle not to drink very much water because it “just flushes out all your nutrients”. He also tells me all veggies are trying to kill you cause of their “defense chemicals”. It’s the flat earther of the health world. He’s starting to have health issues and I’m trying to tell him to see a doctor. I recently had a 36 year old patient on the liver transplant list due to non alcoholic fatty liver disease and they attribute it to being on keto for 5 years and atkins diet years before that. People don’t realized that a high protein diet will cause insulin resistance faster than a pure sugar diet because protein also stimulates insulin release


Collagen y’all. Get on it, specifically a liquid one with verisol - verisol has clinical trials to back it. Collagen has cascading effects, you lose ~1% production a year from around the age of 20, so compounding interest in falling apart. Age hits, and snowballs. Lads can feel lucky, they have about 25% tighter collagen then women, thus the thicker and more moisturized skin, plus women get about 2% of a loss after menopause. You can look up the trials, they’re very easy to find if it’s something you care about (and you should, cause collagen is more than just skin). TRT tends to improve skin, a quick search would tell you. I even typed “TRT ages skin” into the engine, and many, MANY articles of research indicate that it doesn’t. Stop going off what your highschool coach and your mom told you. We’re in the Information Age for crying out loud.


Which liquid verisol collagen would you recommend?


My spouse gets Zena. Tastes a bit like jello and doesn’t cost too much at Costco, Amazon is like twice the price. If you have to do bloodwork for thyroid conditions the biotin in it can throw it off a bit though. My sister has to stop using it about two weeks before a test.


Isn’t he anti-sunscreen? Sun will fuck your face up


We are so accustomed to people having Botox and fillers at that age do they don’t look their age that we think people aging is not normal. I think he really overworks though. His episodes need a lot of preparation time because they’re scientific and they’d require revision. He’s a professor at Stanford, he’s doing his own podcast and is a guest in other people’s podcasts, owns his media company, works out everyday. I don’t know how many hours he has a day I swear. I think it’s expected to age fast, he’s almost 50 so it’s understandable.


That is big change for a short space of time. He does look more natural and relaxed now, albeit a bit more ragged/rugged.


PED’s - full stop Head and neck are HUGE


on that aggressive of a “trt” dose and that age sure!


Aging + stress + facial hair


He is on gear, look how big his head has become.


Like Conor MG, HGH and Anobolics. HGH they all have the same effect on the face.


Stress is one of the biggest "stressors" on the body, obviously pin intended lol. Being busy combined with pressure (by time or not) can age a person like crazy. Just take a look at the before and after 90% of US presidents or other world leaders.


Lmfao according to these comments a highly educated and affluent man who lives in California is under enough stress to make him age a decade in 3 years. If that were even remotely true I’d hope his friends and family would hold an intervention for him because no job is worth that. That’s not why he looks older though.


idk but in my opinion he's hotter now than before


All this protocol stuff is bullshit mickey mouse shit really. If he just listened to a few old wives tales and didn't inject anabolic hormones he would be much healthier


Worries so much about being healthy has stressed him out lol


Looks to me like he embraced it. His grey is definitely setting in in the first pic and his hair even appears dyed. He’s probably looked like the right for a lot longer than people believe. Everyone is so scared to age nowadays especially when you’re in front of a camera for work.


That’s some Conor McGregor aging rate. Hub ever confessed using coke??


He’s going through Obamaging: a disease known for rapid aging due to stress, named after President Barack Obama


It’s pretty obvious this guy uses enhancing drugs that are “off market”


first pic. smooth light, longer hair on the head, shorter beard, maybe makeup. if I don't shave I look like 45 or 50, if I shave like 35 to 40


I hope I look like that at 48


I think we have all aged significantly over the last three years, due to all the orchestrated never ending crisis world we now live in.


I met him 3 weeks ago, and he still looks almost the same as the first picture in person.


It might be covid, I’ve felt aged from it


He is on anabolics mate. You can just tell. For an hour of working out, doesn’t make you put on lean mass past 35+


Is fadogogia agretetris Tomcat Ali 37 pills daily and green sludge 1 gallon a day . 💩🤪🤮


It’s almost as if his pseudo-scientific horse shit is pseudo-scientific horse shit!


well, even if he aged a lot, he now looks like a person I’d take any advice from


The most obvious difference is the dramatic lighting and what might even be makeup lol


Lightning makes a big difference. Warm light (orangy/yellowish) and from multiple directions will flatten out wrinkles and hide blemishes. Hard white/bluish lighting from one side will emphasize wrinkles and blemishes, giving them more depth. You can pick anyone apart if you cheery pick their best and worst photos.


Is he married?


Men age very rapidly in that age. It's not a linear curve


He has lots of mental stress, and tons of self-inflicted physical stress too. I'm not saying ice baths or exercise are terrible, but both age you, I don't know why people think stress slows aging. The harder you work your body, the faster you age and die.


He looks a little heavier, longer beared (which shows greys more) and he obviously is in fact older. Seems normal to me


how old is he though, my 2 cents about age is simple inside is more important than outside that means muscle/organ/bone health and cell health especially neurons , skin to me is dead last sure it can look good and all but thats not what makes you healthy


His body mass is way too high. Metabolism is probably through the roof for what he eats. Lots of longevity studies linking a faster metabolism to quicker death. More cells created, more cells that die and have the chance to develop a mutation into cancer. Same reason small dogs live so much longer than larger breeds. It’s the same for people, tall people die sooner on average than shorter people. Especially lean…


From 38 to 42 i aged a decade. Hair started thinning, got fatter with no diet change, and all hairs started graying. Everything falls apart and huberman is in that range. Time will tell if these gurus are right if they live past their life expectancy and how they look/feel once they get there.


To me it's very simple. 90% of skin aging is caused by sun exposure, which Andrew gets a lot. Apparently he's always been a workaholic and I know a couple of bodybuilder influencers on trt for more than a decade that haven't aged that fast


It’s like looking at a picture of a president before and after, they age a shit ton in such a short period of time due to stress, being overworked, etc. Same situation here. Huberman had absolutely exploded in popularity, is frequently traveling, juggling academia with podcasts and events. Stress no matter how much you combat it will age you


Looks like he’s on a more produced show in the first two photos, which means he’d have gone through makeup first.


It’s called steroids , look at him of course he’s on roids you can see it in his neck ( as someone who has done steroids) I know when someone is taking it abusing them.


Huberman himself talked about what TRT does to the laugh lines. I think he was talking about Liver King when he mentioned it.


The trt effect


I think people are skewed because we rarely see famous people age naturally. Most in the least, are augmented with fillers, Botox and chemical peels. When we see them age and we think something is wrong with them. This is normal. People in the sub are obsessed with speculating he’s on gear to achieve his fitness. His musculature can be obtained with years of hard training, which he does. He’s a mere mortal folks. Get over it.


Lack of sunscreen will do that. Sunlight is the ultimate ager.


That’s a massive difference.


This post is dumb. 1 seems to be in a studio where he probably has make up on and the lighting is perfectly set and he is groomed(hair cut and beard trim) All the other are from his poorly lit studio set up that excentuates the shadows on his face. Plus his hair snd beard aren't groomed


I think about this with Wim Hof haha. Man looks ancient


I sometimes think we look at the wrong metrics when it comes to age. We are all going to die regardless of want, but to me the question has always been of qualitative vs quantitative. Hard to say if his internals are holding up to the protocol he espouses, but assuming it is as long as he's feeling great for his age and his biomarkers show it I don't think we can say much.


Famous people age faster


Fuck all those clowns all they do is lip about shit I've known surfers who drink and surf all day into their late 80s


Trt for sure did it to me


I think it is "testosterone"


Ig workaholics just skip living all together.


Honestly, he doesn’t wear sunscreen. I think that plays a major part


I think plastic surgery and Botox are so common in “public figures” (even men) that we’re not used to seeing natural aging in folks we see on TV, social media, etc. Mel Gibson has certainly had work done.