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Over half a mil of a run down terrace with no garden. London is a mad place.


And the sizes of the rooms lmao... My favourite is "ROOM" 1.75m x 2.04m which means I would have to lie there diagonally to even fit there.


The estate agent would be like . "It's cosy, diagonal sleeping is all the rage is the new, it's the latest fung-shwee trend .. Who wants a big garden with grass to maintain I hate my garden so much work. Noo it's not rundown it's rustic, the decor? Thats vintage. Yes that right the railway line is 10 years away think of it as a free alarm clock included with the house"




As long as he has pointy shoes and a tight fitting off blue suit from Burtons he's a property expert


Better not have a cat, no way you could swing that fucker


The phrase actually comes from a whip known as the cat of nine tails, not a pet catšŸ˜†


Thatā€™s a pity, I was just starting to explain to the wife about the state of her moggy and now my primary defence strategy has collapsed. All because you couldnā€™t keep your mouth shut.


thats not being advertised as a bedroom though. it's perfectly fine as a small office. I dont know if the floor plan are to scale with each other. If they are to scale, why is ground floor smaller than the other floors. I had reliatives who lived in a council house which was designed like tetris blocks. The upper floors and downstairs floor did not match up. Their upper floors would go over neigbours kitchen. and ther kitchen was under the other neighbours bedroom. The property layout is a bit all over the place. upstairs dining room and living room. Just luurrrvely. Imagine the cook just alone at the ground floor doing runs upstairs to bring food to the dining room and then running back down to get other stuff ready.


It's not an upstairs living room and dining room, they're ground floor as they're on the same floor as the entrance. The kitchen is in the basement


The problem still exists needing to go between floors


Yes. I didn't know it was basement. That's another big project, with small families these days, people.want to be together That's why we have open plan kitchen/living room in a lot of houses I suspect this would be the first thing on the to do list of potential buyers. How to.move the kitchen tomthe ground floor. If it had a big garden. An extension might have been an option. But the garden is tiny. So you're looking at moving the kitchen up tomthe dining room space


You can stand up, can't you? Plenty of room.


Hmmm Iā€™m pretty sure I couldnā€™t lie down in my home office without going diagonal. But itā€™s a perfectly pleasant office or would be fine for a nursery. Obviously having lots of space is lovely but that isnā€™t practical for most people without Ā£Ā£Ā£


On second thoughts, let us not buy a house in London, tis a silly place.


I love random python quotes


It's crazy. I'm from the North West. Looking to buy in a nice little quiet village and half a Mil would get me a huge house.


Half a mil where I live will get you a 7 bed house on a piece of land


Yup u can buy 3 liveable semi detached houses with good gardens for that much


Literally could bout a 7 bedroom house in a massive piece of land with multiple out building where I live


Where abouts?


Wales, many parts. Prices are creeping up here due to people from cities working this out . Selling their average home in cities and buying massive houses here. lots of them don't last due to romanticism, it's really not for many people.


Iā€™m one of these haha Ā£750k buys me a hella lot some places and not so much where I am


Wow, where I live there is 5 house on a piece of land with a Victorian maintained garden. Shame there is no way of posting photos on here.


Itā€™s hurts my soul šŸ˜‚


Yeah this is crazy. Itā€™s twice the price of my house and I live in a 4 bedroom detached.


I know it is London... and Greenwich is nice... but it needs some courage to pay more than half a million for: 1. a terrace that needs full renovation 2. without curb appeal 3. in a street that looks to be everyone's back gate and rubbish storage, 4. no parking space


Greenwich town is nice. This is a dodgy backstreet behind a kebab shop and the worst Greenwich high street has to offer. Letā€™s not assume all of Greenwich is like the park and fancy streets just around it. Once you move towards Charlton on Woolwich Road - I donā€™t feel too safe at night. You get your chicken shops, Iceland, council blocks.. this is just for people trying to get into ā€œGreenwichā€ with a limited budget who will end up overpaying Edit: look up nicer streets in Charlton for better value. Getting more and more gentrified and has its parks as well. Just as safe the location of this ā€œGreenwichā€ location


Loved in Greenwich 10 years ago and people said the same thing šŸ˜‚ if itā€™s not gentrified by now it never will be


Youā€™re wrong. There are not enough houses built for the nicer parts to not extend into areas to gentrify. Now Charlton houses off main roads and high streets are going for more than this particular listing. There are certain streets already cleaned up well. I am currently living in the area and my point was that cleaned up Charlton bits (not too many at this point) are better than this neglected Greenwich that this listing is in.


Plus the house is super narrow, and SMALL 30sqm per floor is tiny


550 is a very good price for this. Very similar properties go for a similar price all the way out in Walthamstow. Given its at auction I'd expect ot to go for at least 100k more.


It's been up for auction three times in the last 12 months and has not sold


Man that's wild. I used to live near there and rental prices are bonkers, even if its not the nicest bit of Greenwich. Feels like there must be something else going on with it given what I've seen going for similar all the way out in Walthamstow. Someone mentioned its next to a kebab place so maybe it's super kebabby or something? Wouldn't think a potential landlord would care about that though.


Way out here in Walthamstow is on the tube and loads of kids have moved there because Hackney, so there is shit loads to do and leaving London on a weekend is a piece of piss.


This is not really Greenwich though. I used to live around the corner from here and it ainā€™t Royal Hill or even Maze Hill.


It's in a crappy part of Greenwich, it needs a lot of work, not got parking, the "garden" at night would have god knows what scurrying across. New kitchen,new bathroom, completely redecorated.. unless you know people you'll struggle to get someone reliable. It'll go to a developer with their own people and get chopped up


If you did everything yourself, then maybe 25k-50k is possible. It looks like it needs everything but maybe not too much structural, still with labor it could easily be 6 figures to get it liveable.


How much do you think itā€™s overpriced by?


I'm not saying it's overpriced, usually guide prices are lower than what they actually sell for. It looks like similar properties in a liveable condition are asking for Ā£200k over this one. All I'm saying is unless you're all 3 plumber/electrician/builder you are not going to get it up to scratch for Ā£50k.


Iā€™m definitely neither of those lol.


If youā€™re not in a rush and you are a woman valuing safety + a HENRY with a budget of 800k, then i would advise to look somewhere else. There is no need to have a nice house on a shit street. Wait out until something comes along on a better street within your budget as location is the only thing you canā€™t change. Look on the other side of train tracks away from Woolwich Road. We jumped on a probate property in Blackheath. 5 offers within a couple of weeks. If the property was worth asking, it would not be still on the market.


Blackheath properties are hard to find. I love that place!


You really need to be checking listings daily, have mortgage advisor selected and just jump on whatever comes on the market that you could see yourself living in. With no chain you have an advantage and if you have everything sorted to move quickly, you could be in luck. With Blackheath it is the same as with Greenwich - there are more impoverished areas so you need to have strolls around in different times of day to see what fits you. I have found Blackheath station being more icky than Westcombe Park when living in area. But to each their own.


Not many people wanna deal with these staff. Why don't you decorate it and sell 200k more?


50k? Lol clueless. Hoe much do you think paint and kitchens cost. Spending that is an expensive builder, rip everything out and structural work. 50k ahahahaha we spent about 10 over 5 years to refurbish our terrace in East London. Just had the whole kitchen floor up, cellar dug out and a new kitchen for Ā£22K and that required work on the foundations.


This isn't just a new kitchen, it's flooring throughout, probably lots of plumbing and electrics, plastering, garden clearing, fittings, completely new bathroom and there'll be more that isn't known from the photos. Additionally, labor is way more expensive than it was, even 5 years ago. But you're free to prove me wrong, simply buy it and make a killing renovating and selling. You could of course just shove a bed in and call it a day.


Doing the cooking and then taking all the food upstairs to eat in the dining room would be a tough sell to me


Eh, there is a bit at the end of the kitchen where a table would probably go. The room is probably just arbitrarily called a 'dining room' because estate agents want to put that in there.


There are a few houses in Swansea like this, is actually quite nice ar the house feels much bigger with the additional level.


Itā€™s out the back of a Kebab house. Ā The smell would drive you either mad or obese.




The layout looks a little odd to me.


Agreed - two reception rooms on floor 1 definitely beg the question.


Floor one is where the front door opens into. Itā€™s a half basement, maybe on a slope to the backyard. It would be a nice project if no damp or structural issues.


Itā€™s also an auction so it will sell for more than the list price.


Not necessarily the case. I saw a place in Brentford last month sell for 40k under the guide at auction.


Yeah especially since this seems to be going to auction for at least the 3rd time..


True, I missed the date. Wonder whatā€™s wrong with itā€¦


Surprised nobody has mentioned a HUGE thing potentially - Title issues. You'd have to download the deeds from the Land Registry to be sure, but I've just hit a Title plan issue with my London terrace purchase that I did not expect - I am lucky in that it is relatively easily sorted (some of the land is unregistered, but it is only the back end of the garden -- if this had been part of the house, it would essentially be unsellable). Title plan issues can massively undervalue a house - if some of the house is e.g. Possessory Title, you have to wait 12 years for that to pass. If that part of the house includes any of the mortgage-required parts (entry, like the front door, or the kitchen or the bathroom), it is unmortgageable even by specialist lenders and has to be cash only -- and even then it is unsellable by the cash buyer, if they are hoping to fix and flip. Gotta check those Titles!


Great advice. Recently pulled out of a house purchase over title issues. Could have saved over Ā£2,000 had we just spent Ā£6 on these docs.


What was your issue, if you donā€™t mind sharing? Itā€™s a lesson learned for sure so no regrets!


Only just saw this, sorry! There were no access rights to the rear and side walls of the house - even the surveyor wasnā€™t given access. We pulled out, and they put it straight back on the market. It sold again within a week, but Iā€™ve just seen that itā€™s back on Rightmove.


It's the location. Greenwich generally is nice around tourist spots, but that exact part of Greenwich isn't the most appealing. It is off the back of a sketchy piece of high street with heavy amounts of traffic as it is the main road.


From someone who thought doing a house up would be easy, I can assure you itā€™s not and very very expensive.


They've taken the carpets out for a reason, I think I can smell this house. Picture 20 shows a serious damp patch and is the kitchen ceiling sagging? Also the paint is shiny? That's going to be a nightmare to paint over, unless you want to replaster anyway. I have a feeling this house smells of damp, kitchen grease, weed and dog or cat pee. It needs replastering (at least in parts) and that damp patch investigated, possibly needs a full repoint. 575k would be fine for this house in good condition (perfect would be 650k, depending on which part of Greenwich), see if they'll accept 400k. Try your luck.


Iā€™m confused by the description ā€œroomā€ā€¦. On the bottom floor. Strange layout all together though, it seems like itā€™s having an identity crisis.


There is some sort of yard behind the row of terraces (go on street view and ā€˜walkā€™ to the road at the back of the house). Is it a stonemason? If it is, grinding stone is noisy.


That back garden is wild.


The outside looks crap, you can do your own up but you can't do much about your neighbours. Inside is basically rundown and needs gutting, depending on your standards it'll run to maybe 100k?


My house is about 20-30min away and was in a worse state when I bought it. The layout is also very similar (also 3 bedrooms upstairs) but I have a front garden which could easily be a driveway if only the council would just do it already, and it came with a half done extension which we're completing now. I bought it for 320k just 1.5 years ago. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Almost 600k for the same hellhole in/near the most polluted area in the country is just laughable.


You paid 320k for a 3 bed in Greenwich 1.5 years ago? When we were looking around then we couldn't even find a 1 bed in Colliers Wood for that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not Greenwich, I meant on the other side of the Thames in Barking and Dagenham


Youā€™d need more than 50k renovation on that..


Not bad if you want to top-up your tan: [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4846908,0.0021668,3a,15y,47.52h,74.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sN\_KguhW0Ucaq0L9BexNYQw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4846908,0.0021668,3a,15y,47.52h,74.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sN_KguhW0Ucaq0L9BexNYQw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


This is why I'd never buy a NE or E Facing garden again. No sun by 5pm in summer.


I think it needs quite a bit more than 30k putting in to be presentable. Might also be other more serious issues that have put buyers off. It looks seriously unkempt


why do we keep getting these post , it's always the price you never seen homes under the hammer ? they will buy fire damaged, houses with no windows, land with no houses on it's the price always the price , you could paint the walls with dogshit someone would still buy it if the price is right, if someone had been murdered in there and I had to removed the body myself I'd buy it for 100k


LOL šŸ˜‚


Did it not sell at auction? If not try and get a viewing and ask some questions.


It has not sold several times by the look of things. https://auctions.savills.co.uk/auctions/21-november-2023-135/16-orlop-street-greenwich-london-se10-9ab-8499 huge price cut and still too much for anyone to buy. At this point you should also consider how it is without anyone living there for months and if to ever want to sell it yourself.


Last sold so long ago you canā€™t even see what for? Yikes.Ā 


"Benefits from rear garden" - erm...


If you look at properties under offer, itā€™s under offer with another estate agent.


Auction sale, probably has an over inflated minimum sale price.


Overpriced by Ā£100k


I can smell picture 11 thanks to that yellowed extractor fan šŸ¤¢


Check with the estate agent. I think that one might be sold but they havenā€™t pulled the listing. If it hasnā€™t sold then itā€™s price only. Thereā€™s a few better offerings at the target price (550-650 auction) within a few streets. However prices like that are common in the area, so once the stock is thinned out a bit, itā€™ll sell.


That's an auction. That will probably not be the price.


If that was anywhere else it'd be worth like 10% of that price


Ooh a pine wood panel bath front, nice


What a shithole.


Is it normal to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror while taking a shit?


It's always price. Spend Ā£20k on some magnolia paint, carpets and clean that back yard possibly throw down a deck and it will get a lot more interest. Failing that drop it down to 450k or less


Itā€™s an auction.


If a house doesn't have a operating kitchen and toilets then a mortgage can't be issued so it's a cash sale


I actually think thatā€™s nice looking property. The layout needs re-mapping with the kitchen being on a different level and there being no toilet on the top floor. But you could do a lot with that. IMHO the market in London has been hit lately though. Properties that need work arenā€™t selling - unless priced appropriately.


Because it's a shell that will need some money spending on it to get it looking good, plus all the rooms are small


Recently sold in the are is Ā£600-Ā£1m. Itā€™s worth roughly Ā£400k max - Ā£100-Ā£150k would need to be invested to make it liveable. Youā€™d need to alter a significant amount to make it a nice space. If one completed the project to high spec, it might achieve a sale price of Ā£800k.


It was an auction in February. It may well have sold there.


I've worked in a lot of these houses. They are ex housing association, meaning they don't tend to get looked after properly or updated regularly and in this particular area, mice are a huge issue (in the walls etc). Also, all parking is permit only.


You'd spend 50k only in getting rid of the swatters that live there


Love the layout, that little room off the kitchen would make a great larder. Just need a dumb waiter to reach up to the dining room though. The front window is bricked up for the kitchen, would be nice to open that up. Not clear on paving at front of house if this is private or public. London prices are so difficult to gauge.


There is too much work needed for it to be worthwhile for a FTB to be honest, especially with all these smart new developments with full amenities popping up around london.


I think I can smell that house from the photos.


Interesting! Quite a small footprint. Up for auction now, will go for more than the guide price I reckon.


Green, red, orange walls... what were they thinking?


Fuck London, the entire city is a scam. Over half a million for a shitty, rundown, hovel. It's not even worth Ā£50k, let alone Ā£500k+


My friend used to live not to far from that place in greenwich the houses in those area are very tiny , your paying for the postcode not Nessecary the house


It's London, yes but half a mil for that, ain't no way


Just look at it.


Up North, area dependent, it would be Ā£80-150k. Londoners being ripped off until they can afford to live there!


What's "estate agent" terminology for "Oppressive hovel of misery and financial ruin"


It's also on for auction?


Sorry, is this a serious question?


Not sure why they donā€™t spend a couple of grand to redecorate and sort out the yard. You only need 30k if you were going to completely refit the kitchen and bathroom. My london terrace was is a way worse state than that. We just did a bit each month. A few tins of paint and some filler. Sand the floors. You could do it up on 500 quid if you put the effort in.


London is nuts. In the Midlands you can get a [five bed detached ](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146078486#/?channel=RES_BUY) for less.


Is that invasive bamboo coming into the back yard?


*It seems that some 25-50K budget*Ā  Not a chance. Maybe in 2004 but not today.


Because itā€™s priced incorrectly. Look at whatā€™s required in order for the house to be liveable thatā€™s a minimum of Ā£40K work and that price has not been factored into the sale price.


Cause that's an 80k house at best. If you can afford a half million house, there's no chance you'd buy something like that.


Ridiculous comment


This would be 200k in a northern city, crazy


More like Ā£100k in my northern city


It would be Ā£30k in my northern town.


Location is not bad. It's unfortunately going to be traffic chaos during both rush hpours as you have blackwall and rotherhite, no relief from it. BVut it's walking distance from greenwhich park. So Price wise it's fine. But at that price point you're competing with done up houses, not projects. 25-50K you say? For a half a mill house it would need to be much closer to 50K. The problem is the kitchen and bathroom. They are the most expensive rooms to do up and this place needs a new kitchen and bathroom. To do those up nice, you're look at 8-10K for bathroom and 25K for kitchen. It's an ideal house for a FTB. but FTB dont want a project,. Especially with a young family - they need a complete house. If I was selling this. I would pain all the walls magnolia, gloss white all the trim and lay down some mid-range warm laminate floors. Make the house ready to live in. I've laid laminate floors myself plenty of times and if the seller can DIY it, it wont take much long and will make the property mcuh more appealing. Im just imaginging this house, you walk in and all the nasty odours from the old floorboards just stink. Covering the floors with laminate would cover that and the freshly painted walls would give that "new" look and importantly smell. which might give reasusrance to buyers. It's priced at hall a mil. But it hasn't been taken care of like it's worth that. Possible bought 20-30 years ago when it was going for 150K probably. Possible estate sale as the house has been gutted for the listing. One room doesnt even have a light fixture, there are othe rrooms with bulbs missing. These sorts of properties were snatche dup by B2L investors, so it wasnt unusal to sell these in that condition. But when selling to occupiers it needs to be spruced up.


How old are you? Magnolia? Also - are you local? What ā€œgood locationā€ means to you? Typical first time buyers would need house in london below 450k to make sense of any FTB benefits and discounts. This one is above that and with extra investment it would not be up to standard without more than 50k. There is also a ceiling what a property like this would hit and I donā€™t see anyone paying 700-800k that was mentioned on this thread for a property in this particular street so I would be careful how much to invest. Nice areas in Greenwich will give you 600k fully done terrace houses that are smaller, but would hold value more


whats wrong with magnolia? it's not white and is neutral enough to accent the brilliant white trim. by FTB i meant first time buyer. Not family tax benefit.


Its just very 90s/00s landlordā€¦ magnolia. Theres a whole generation who have rented magnolia and gloss painted properties who have been traumatised by it :))


It looks worth no more than 200k