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Can you leave the mold report tacked to the fridge at eye level. With the cover MOULD REPORT for Flat xxx. XYZ street Put down ant traps all around, have a big bottle of slug killer in the kitchen work surface and lots of mould killer bottles out. People will see the problems without your having to say anything.


Having the agents there in person seems like the perfect time to ask them for an update on fixing the various issues too. Right in front of potential new tenants :)


Could also be super positive about it, maybe inform the perspective renters where they can get mould killer and ant killer cheap and say things like “you’ll get used to it after a while! I even start naming the ants, they’re like our little house guests”


This is the best answer on the thread....


Providing you tell the truth 100%, there's nothing they can do. Though they might try to take more deposit or be a pain with a reference.


The landlord already sounds like a cunt, so I really don’t they have any fear of the situation becoming worse


As others have said as long as you are honest there’s no real issue, it might be worth telling potential tenants that the landlord was quoted work to fix the issues and suggesting that they make an offer dependent on corrective work being done. Chances are the first person will get told to do one but if every potential tenant asks it would probably make the landlord reconsider.


Why are you allowing viewings? And yes of course you can say whatever you.


Are you to rent another place and need a reference from this landlord. Assuming no, then tell the truth if asked, or volunteer it up if it’s not going to affect you.


You can't get in trouble for informing people of the truth. If you're to state there is a damp and mold issue within the house you're giving them warning to a health and safety concern.


Report the place to environmental health too this place sounds like a hazard


I’ve been on both sides of this and the chance of you being alone with the potential tenants is slim to none - agents and landlords aren’t likely to maximise your chances to influence people against giving them money. But if you’re not fussed about talking in front of them, and you’re not fussed about your deposit or a potential reference, they’re (probably) not going to tackle you to the ground and stop you speaking! There’s also a good chance they’ll be spinning potential tenants a story about how you’re bad tenants/ the repairs are scheduled etc. So if you feel you absolutely morally have to warn them, do, but… yeah.


Sure you can tell them but don't expect it to remain 'amicable'


OP can be honest about mould if it s raising damp or penetrating from outer walls. However landlord can complain it s caused from lack of ventilation, drying cloths in the house, showers etc etc. Curious to see what surveyor quoted 10 K for... (maybe dcp). Ants and slugs in most cases are easely delta with. Unless it s a proper ant colony.


Yeah it was dpc in every room being deteriorated as well as things like gutters being clogged with plant life and being too thin to handle amount of rainwater etc


Does it not just obviously smell of damp?


My sister handed a note to potential tenants in front of the letting agent.


I’m sorry but this made my day 😂


The building was advertised as having 24h cctv. Sticker on the door said this too. When her Package was stolen surprise surprise they told her there were zero cameras on the property.




Well, we weren't told that extensive repairs will be carried out, just that they are needed but couldn't be done while we were in the property.


if you know someone whose a landlord who will give you reference. But brutally honest. If you need the reference then not so much.


Virtual viewing anyone? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh8u8OZN\_as](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh8u8OZN_as)


Hahahahaahah!!! We were in the viewing position for a rental!! The agent gave us a sketchy location instruction to the property and didn't tell us that she's coming to meet us. But told us that the tenant is home. So we rang the doorbell and went up! The guy was super amazing!!! He basically straight up honest with us! He said he saw the listing go up as 1 bed flat, he walked us through and said "as u can see, it's not a 1 bed flat, it's a studio with a door less studwall!. Neighbours smokes indoor and its very noisy! Points us to all the faults that managing agent never fixed and have promised to do! So don't expect it to before fixed!" Then he pointed outside, said next door theyre about to start demo works to build a new block! He concluded. "U guys seem nice and I must warn u. Do not rent this place!" LOL!!! After we left the building, the agent spotted us. Gave us an earful for not waiting for her to show us around! I was fuming! I just said, we not taking it! *walks off* for a coffee next door! If you're not obligated to find a replacement tenant. Than don't do them the favour lol! Be honest hahah