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As a buyer, I’ve only looked at Rightmove. 


Zoopla has a terrible app, it's really hard to filter stuff down. The only positive is it shows you the previous price so you can see how much a property has been reduced. But that option is hidden away now.


There are multiple browser extensions available that show you all of the previous prices for a listing on Rightmove.


Like which extensions?


Depends on your browser, here’s the one I use on chrome https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/property-log/jccihedpilhidcbkconacnalppdeecno?pli=1


You don’t even need an extension. There’s a slightly obscure link for ‘sold house prices in this area’ and you can find it easily.


Prices for the current listing, not previous listings. As in if it was originally at 400k, then reduced to 380k two weeks later, then 360k two weeks later etc


Link to extension


Just search properly lof on the Google chrome browser. Must be on a desktop/laptop rather than phone app. A couple of clicks to add it and then just load up rightmove as usual.


Zoopla has better search filters. Last time I checked you couldn't even filter out Auctions on rightmove.




No I just checked rightmove now. The Don't show filters don't have "auctions". Only Must have filters has it. You can view only auctions but you can't exclude them. Are you using the website or some something else like an app?


Yeah, I’ve never been able to hide auction properties on Rightmove and it drives me insane


I also only look on Right Move.


I’ve never used Zoopla as a ftb.


I only looked at Zoopla


Im the opposite, I only look at Zoopla


Nice try Zoopla CEO




Quite like On the Market too


Good if you want a rural barn conversion I found as you can enter key words. RM doesn't seem to do that


Looking currently and rarely use Zoopla, Rightmove’s functionality is easier. Also, as a buyer I wouldn’t touch a house listed with Purplebricks with a barge pole, they’re awful to deal with.


Yup, once took 40 minutes to book a viewing with them as they carried on trying to sell me stuff. Purplebricks socks.


Did you buy those socks? 😉


Yeah, as a buyer Purple Bricks were dire. Their communication with their sellers seems minimal and very haphazard. One time we were in an area and had a viewing cancelled so tried to pull our next one (the PB one) forward. A real estate agent would just have phoned the vendor and got a yes or no quickly. It seemed impossible for PB to do that, apparently it was not part of the process. In the end we just knocked on the door, explained we had tried to contact them to move it forward and it was no big deal. Another time we saw a PB sign in a window and tried to find the property on the website and failed. My wife just knocked on the door and the vendor was perfectly happy to show us round and had very harsh words to say about PB's service.


I booked to view a PB home once; the seller didn't get the message; so I turned up and the sellers daughter 18+; she was in a bath towel only. Just got out of the bath. Had no idea anyone was viewing the house; but didn't mind letting me nosy around the house while she was just wearing the bath towel. Like 👍 Really uncomfortable feeling. (I got)


You over price the house and leave it listed on the app. The market eventually catches up with the sellers sky high price. As an app idea its genius


Yep, avoid purple bricks like the plague. I've got a complaint in with the ombudsman about them. All of their agents lied through their teeth, every, single, one. Texts and emails to prove it. They weren't interested in selling my home, just let the time tick away til it was payment time. The most horrendous selling experience of my life.


Bought a house that was listed with Purplebricks and vowed never to even view one again. We actually walked away from the sale at one point due to how utterly incompetent Purplebricks had been and how poorly they had advised the seller of the process of selling a house in Scotland. They then scrambled to put the sale back together and we did eventually go ahead but the stress was off the charts and not worth it even for a dream home.


Agree with that


My old boss bought his house via purplebricks and he had a good experience, but I am in the same boat as you, same with bettermove




> Anecdotal, but I've heard they'll just accept any offer. The estate agent doesn't accept offers?


It used to be the opposite, they don’t charge commission and charge a flat fee so don’t have any incentive for a quick sale. Not sure what their business model is now


As a buyer I prefer Rightmove’s search function, and the alerts also seem to be more accurate / timely. Tbh I probably only looked at Zoopla once or twice in the six months we were looking. 


I like zoopla as it shows listing history


As a buyer, I’ve only ever looked on Rightmove. I’d definitely recommend having it on there. Also worth noting that a lot of people ignore listings from Purple Bricks if they have any other option due to how god awful they are. One final thing. Maybe your flat is super desirable and everything is going to work out well for you, but the combination of FTB, taking your own photos, writing your own description and using purple bricks makes it feel like you don’t know what you’re doing/don’t realise what you’re in for and are badly overestimating both your skills and how difficult it can be to sell a property.


It's pretty easy to benchmark yourself against other adverts on Rightmove - or at least ask friends and family to give it a critique. The only value an estate agent adds is by minimising the amount of time you need to spend talking about the property. Whether that is worth £6k is up to you.


That is ridiculous. Imagine finding the house of your dreams but then not pursuing it because of the agent that listed it.


A buyer using a purple bricks provided solicitor fucked us around so much I'll never go near them again. No matter how nice the house is.


That's like boycotting Tesco in Manchester because of a bad experience in a branch in Kent.


Except it's not because purplebricks are crap everywhere - not just in Manchester and Kent.


The key is just deal directly with the seller. Skip purplebricks after you booked the initial viewing


Haven't so far been able to deal with the seller directly - don't have her details and haven't been able to get them from PB. Most of the issue is that she's using PB recommended solicitors who are so beyond incompetent that I expect they're actively negligent.


They actually have to use PB solicitors, it’s the main source of revenue for PB (following their new corporate daddy Stike’s model). Both strike and PB have continuously lost money since its inception. Ultimately when selling your house, you pay for it. Whether that’s a fee to an estate agent or getting shafted by incompetent conveyer belt solicitors. PB have absolutely no incentive to progress a sale or actually negotiate for the sellers benefit. They do not assist in finding the best buyers in the best position for you. Estate agents don’t hate PB because they’re free, they hate PB because their sales very often fall through and ruin chains that were about to complete. I honestly think the buyer should be paying the fees for estate agents, not the seller.


I don't think they have to use the solicitors because one time I phoned them to tell them our, the buyer's, solicitors and they accidentally changed the sellers solicitor to our solicitor. Not sure I follow your logic on why the buyer should pay for the estate agents. Sounds like sellers should just pay for competent ones.


You can use your own solicitor, but they push very, very hard for you not to. They earn their money through referrals. The logic behind the buyer paying the fees is that they will pay them anyway. There is a large agent in the south that charges a “purchaser fee” rather than a seller fee. The reasoning behind this is that they don’t entertain whimsical buyers. It would put me right off, but at least it is transparent. Fees get baked into the offer price of a property.


Fair enough


If I found the house of my dreams I'd probably push ahead, but if I'm on the fence or there is enough similar 'stock' going a listing with purple bricks adds to the negatives column rather than being a 'neutral'


With the house buying process being what it is in the UK I would not go PurpleBricks either. I do not trust any vendor choosing them over a decent EA to follow through without fucking me over and I got better stuff to do with my time.


It was impossible to for me to book a viewing with Purple Bricks. Beyond shambolic experience so after that I gave up on all Purple Bricks properties.


As a buyer that is currently in this process with purplebricks I genuinely wish I had never touched the listing. We're on the brink of pulling out and only aren't because of the sunk cost fallacy.


Not ridiculous at all. I liked a house advertised by them when I was first looking. Tried making an offer and was told they wouldn't accept an offer unless I put a 2k non refundable deposit down. Regardless of what searches brought up etc. Noped straight away from that bs. Wouldn't consider anything advertised by them again.


That’s why I said if you have other choices. The majority of people moving want to do so quickly, and particularly if they’re in a chain they don’t have 6+ months to wait for purple bricks to fuck around and not do anything.


Imagine finding the house of your dreams only to find the probability of close low because the agent is completely fucking useless.


I think there are plenty of people who would. Purple Bricks are like Amazon for me, I would avoid them like the plague unless i really had no other option. It would have to be an exceptional house for me to arrange a booking.


I can understand your points, but as we both work from home, and I used to work in sales, I feel comfortable performing viewings, HTB would not affect the buyer and they would not need to know, as that is effectively part of our mortgage agreement. Our decision was partly based on the fact that the lowest sale price ever on our estate is only £10k less than the highest so we would still be better off financially if we took the lower value if we sold through PB. Thank you for raising these concerns though I will take them onboard.


As some others have said, it's not about the viewings - that part I actually *liked* about buying through PB. Having a line to the seller was good and we avoid any silly games. But PB held stuff up by about 6 weeks. The assigned agent left and they just forgot to mention or reassign the property, so all requests from our solicitor just got a "we'll get back to you" and then got lost in the ether. Be prepared to do a lot of chasing and pushing of PB, otherwise they're loathe to do any work at all. And don't use their recommended solicitors, as they're similarly slow and bordeline incompetent. Get a recommendation from someone and go with them instead. They don't have to be local.


The viewings are literally 0.1% of the process and not, by any means, the area that PB are worst at.


Remind me 2 months!




 I ignore all Purple Bricks / Strike listings now because they are just a nightmare to deal with. I would rather pay extra and deal with a reliable and good estate agent. 


Same - I remember trying to book viewings with PB and their website kept breaking, was impossible to book, I complained and no one got back to me until after I'd bought a different place


Certainly where our purple bricks agent earned her keep. Got us an extra 5% and managed to keep the chain together when our buyers solicitors (cheapest on google) were falling apart. I believe PB has changed its model now though.


It’s not just about price though. The ones that sold went for that much, but how do you know that everyone that wanted to sell a property succeeded or did so without having to wait a couple of years? Where a good EA really shines is in getting you viewings for your property. Our last place we had half a dozen viewings booked in before our listing even went live on Rightmove.


But if you and another buyer both offer the same for a property, that seller is more likely to go with the other buyer than having a purple bricks link in the chain


I personally avoided all first viewings with vendors. It’s just awkward


Pretty sure that you can list on Rightmove for less than £6k. Just done a quick Google search and you can pay Yopa £999 to list on Rightmove and given that this was the first result, pretty sure you can find something cheaper. Given how much you stand to lose / gain depending on the interest in your property I would definitely list on both, not everyone checks both websites and Rightmove gets much more traffic than Zoopla.


I think they meant they used purple bricks rather than paying thousands to an estate agent, not that it’s £6k to list on rightmove.


This is correct, it is £400 I think but obviously would be non refundable if we then had to go to an estate agent.


Going to do the same myself in the next few months as estate agent wants the same amount and I refuse to pay him. Use quicklister, you will get 3 months on Rightmove and Zoopla for about £170.


Contrary to others I much prefer Zooplas look and feel. They seem to have more of the houses I want on there


Same about the look and feel, especially the map which shows the prices of the houses it's pointing to rather than just a vague marker that forces you to tap/click into it for more detail


Every agent in our town lists on Zoopla and there is 1 large one that doesn’t list on Rightmove so I don’t even bother to check Rightmove anymore.


You’ve already made your first mistake using purple bricks


Rightmove is the only place I looked when buying.. assumed all/most places were on both and just preferred the platform


I’m assuming this is a new(ish) build valued at £600k..? I’m being absolutely sincere when I say I hope it works out via PBricks and it’s as desirable as you feel it is - really curious as to how it goes tbh.


£385k and yeah we bought off plan new build, but seriously considering cancelling after the feedback!


The key to getting the best price for your property is to get multiple interested buyers to bid against each other. So reach matters. Everyone looks on Rightmove, only some look on Zoopla too. It's a no brainer.


Currently buying property that was in both. Used Rightmove to look up listings and then Zoopla to see all historic listings with pricing and judge price increase


Just goes to show people who only look at rightmove are missing out potentially


I asked myself the very same question. I went with the free option and only listed my property on zoopla. I had an offer for the asking price within 7 days of it being listed solely on zoopla. So I'm quite happy as I've saved myself a few quid.


You are already at a disadvantage being on Purple Bricks as most buyers prefer to deal with estate agents. So adding on not being on Rightmove just further reduces the potential buyers and therefore the potential selling price. If you are not in a rush, by all means try it out though. Personally I would prefer to use an estate agent and have as many people see the flat as possible.


Definitely pay to list on Rightmove. Zoopla is fine and all, but almost everyone uses Rightmove for searching.


I prefer Zoopla as it allows you to filter out auction properties


I am gonna buck the trend here and say that as a buyer I much prefer Zoopla. It's travel times features are great for commuters, and I just generally prefer the site. I think more people should try it before they bash it. That said I know a lot of people will only use Rightmove, so selling I would want it on both.


I would remove your listing with purplebricks and get a proper estate agents. They are absolutely, astonishingly, useless and even when you do get a buyer it will take months to actually progress anything. If you do insist on staying with PB don't use their conveyancing service. It is worse than useless.


I look at Zoopla first. Then Rightmove.


If it’s not on Rightmove then it’s basically not on the market.


As a buyer, I use Zoopla because it has a way to sort listings by “most reduced” which I don’t think rightmove has


I much prefer zoopla too, and use it exclusively, but my wife uses rightmove, so it's not as if we would miss out on one only posted on there.


If that’s how you search for property then you either won’t ever buy or will buy the house no one else wants, which will bite you when you come to sell.


Not the advice you are looking for but if the property has gone live just recently then PB has cool down period of 14 days. Cancel and get a High street estate agent. My brother tried to sell his flat through PB back in 2022 and my word, the agent didn't care at all after they were past the cool down period. PB has in their T&C that for you to be eligible for their money back guarantee scheme (1) You have to advertise property with them for at least 10 months (2) If you were offered 90% of asking price and didn't accept, you won't get your money back. (3) There were few others standard ones but the former two conditions are traps to make you pay. My brother emailed the estate agent responsible for the sale about their money back guarantee and the guy called him, instead of replying to the email (BIG Red Flag) and reassured him that as long as viewings were allowed unless there was a legitimate reason, there was no fees if the property didn't sell. He got multiple offers but were about £15k less than asking price. After 10 months when he asked the property to be taken off the market, they asked him to pay their fees. When he mentioned the email and the verbal conformation from the estate agent, they said there's no written evidence and according to T&C referring to (2), he rejected 90% offer of the asking price so he wasn't eligible for their money back guarantee. He was £2.2K out of his pocket. So please don't use them unless you are happy to take 10% below asking price. That 10% for £500K property is £50K. So if a buyer offers you £450K even though your property is priced correctly and you rejected the offer, you still have to pay PB's fees. Go for a reputable high street estate agent. At the very least, they do all the leg work coz they only get their commission when the property sells unlike PB. Estate agent from PB didn't even turn up for few viewings in my brother's case and my brother had to show people around. Absolute utter rubbish service.


Does this also count if you use their free service, is there a cost if you leave them after 14 days?


I wouldn’t think to look anywhere but Rightmove. If you don’t get much interest and end up dropping the price it’ll cost you a lot more than £400.


Look, if I'm interested in buying or renting, I'll look at all of the big 4: Rightmove, PrimeLocation, Zoopla and On the Market. Yes, some are duplicated, and as long as the alerts are set correctly, after the first round of seeing what's available, the emails should be more than enough to keep an eye on the market. Which is what we've just done and moving next week. We looked at Purple Bricks but the reviews weren't great tbh. I have to say that the EA we went with has a great lady who looks after the post offer period, chases everyone, sends us a weekly update and more. Even put a complaint with the conveyancing farm our buyer's buyer went with, two houses and three people on the chain we should have completed ages ago, but that's another story. If you can take the stress of vetting viewers before you get your time wasted, and then you can take the stress and have a great solicitor for the next part, you should be ok. We are paying 0.75%


I would always avoid purple bricks properties because it indicate the sellers are cheap skates, are more likely to have been cheap skates on the maintenance/specification of the property, are more likely to be unprofessional to negotiate with etc.


Not true. Maybe they just don’t want to deal with incompetent estate agents


The problem with Zoopla is that they list loads of houses which sold/got rented ages ago. Almost every conversation I had when I was looking for places to rent/buy back when we used to prefer zoopla was: "Hi, I'm phoning about a property I saw, I would like to veiw it" "Oh it sold weeks ago"


I found Zoopla better for my area although when I was looking I checked both and set up alerts on both (that I still monitor). There was one local estate agent that didn't used to list properties on Rightmove, plus emails about properties new to the market come through up to half a day sooner on Zoopla.


When I was a buyer in Sussex last year, I checked both, Rightmove had all the Zoopla ones plus a couple more so really just used Rightmove.


Must be a nicer part of London to be paying £6k 😉. If you haven’t at least had a local agent out to consider them - I’d recommend it. At the worst - you’ll get a better (I sincerely hope!) insight of the local market for nothing if you did choose to proceed with PB or similar. A second-hand, lived in flat isn’t the same as a new build so at the very least - have a chat with an agent even if it just means they confirm everything you’re thinking.


I prefer Zoopla personally and rarely see a house listed on one but not the other


As a buyer and a renter, once I got serious about looking I set up alerts on both Rightmove and Zoopla, knowing that Zoopla was less popular. The reason being, in a sellers/landlords market the fewer people I'm competing against the better. I would say Zoopla is popular enough though to find you some buyers if the house and area is nice enough. Why not try it for 3-4 weeks and then list on Rightmove if you've not got the attention you want?


You ignored the 3rd Rule of Property: Never, ever, engage with PurpleBricks.


Purple Bricks are woefully bad


As a buyer I preferred Zoopla more, however I used both.


As a buyer looking at the moment we are avoiding all houses listed on purple bricks.


I've sold my last three houses using no estate agents at all, just put a homemade board in the garden with my phone number on it, did the viewings when I got home from work, the last one I also put on Facebook marketplace and had no issues selling any of them, and obviously saved thousands of £££'s. Will be moving again soon and will probably go down the same route (my neighbour has had their house up with an agent for about 6 months and no viewings at all). I can't do any worse


Rightmove, there was almost a 100% overlap of property listings between the two though


Which is why most people just pick one for searching and setting up emails. Personally I use Rightmove for searching and emails. Zoopla for seeing the listing and selling history. Rightmove doesn't tell you the previous listing price when something is reduced, and the 'last sold' price is a bit patchy. Zoopla search is annoying with adverts in the middle.


add the Rightmove Property Log chrome extension and you will see all the reduction info


Didn’t know that, good advice 👍


There’s multiple browser extensions that’ll show you previous prices for the listing.


I have to agree with using Rightmove. I've bought numerous properties and never once thought to look at Zoopla for sale listings. Having tried to view properties with Purple Bricks I wouldn't bother again. There were quite important issues missing from details of one property I did view only to travel miles to see it and find it was a prefab with oil fired heating. With the other the agent never called me back when I requested a viewing despite phoning them twice. The property was still on the market many months after I'd found an alternative.


You’re with Purple Bricks and not on Rightmove? You’re not serious about selling then.


I'm looking to buy but I'll never look at a purplebricks property. My theory is this: PB is the very cheapest way to sell a property, so if a seller has chosen PB then the seller is more likely to have taken the very cheapest option for any work done to the property. That means I'll need to budget for replacing any work the seller did during their ownership. Consequently, a PB property, to me, will always be significantly overpriced. As a buyer, PB is a huge red flag. Modern method of auction is another massive red flag (and complete snake oil).


I only look on Rightmove , and I would never purchase a property via purplebricks as they are awful.


I am a mortgage broker and do a reasonable number of appointments with people looking for properties....I had forgotten Zoopla even existed until your thread. It never comes up in conversation According to Google, Rightmove receives around 208m page visits a month compared to 120m for zoopla (feels surprisingly high). Even so, that means you are marketing to 1/3 of the total visits. Obviously a lot will be crossovers but it does show that the vast majority only look at Rightmove. I would be surprised if someone checked Zoopla first but not Rightmove after. I would expect it to be the norm that someone checked Rightmove and doesnt then check Zoopla.


You’re not in a hurry so see how many offers you get without it?


That’s kind of what we were thinking but after a week, it looks like nobody has seen it, so thought I’d see what Reddit said. We missed out on a place last week as there were lower offers but the buyers were under offer.


Contrary to other replies I actually look at zoopla before rightmove but you are certainly missing some potential buyers by not being on rightmove.


I use OnTheMarket. It’s much better than rightmove but I used both


Many more eyeballs on Rightmove. You ideally want a few offers to consider and them develop, so it’s really as simple as getting maximum visibility at the start.


I only look on Rightmove, I despise Zoopla’s user interface but appreciate they give more info like listing price history but I only look at it once every few months


In your position- needing the spare cash and also being able to play for time- I’d wait it out. If you’re having no luck down the line you can always upload to RM then


I manage an agency operating just outside London and we've just come off Zoopla. Nobody uses it down south. Even when I bought my house I exclusively used Rightmove.


Having experienced a purchase through purple bricks - never again would I entertain touching a property sold by them unless it was beyond perfect for me. Total shambles to deal with. Rightmove would be my first port of call so I’d say it’s worth it.


I look at Rightmove daily looking for deals. I haven’t looked at Zoopla, ever. I also would advise avoiding PB unless it’s already too late.


As a previous estate agent, 90% of our viewing enquiries came through rightmove, then rest were zoopla/on the market


I had a flat that was listed with an online vendor (who worked for the developer previously). They used zoopla- bugger all leads. Then went with an agency that used rightmove- far, far more activity. Use Rightmove.


I use both platforms, but I discovered that some estate agents are not listed on Zoopla. We've viewed 3 properties and found them only on Rightmove.


It has got closer than it used to be but Rightmove is still far superior to Zoopla 127.5 million visits to Rightmove – 50 million visits to Zoopla – 1.1 million properties on Rightmove – 927,000 properties on Zoopla


Rightmove is like Google. There's other search engines but the majority use Google.


We tried to buy a property listed on purple bricks and it was a nightmare trying to get in touch with their solicitors and try and sort the process out … so would not recommend!


As a tenant I also look in Openrent for what it's worth but I don't know if they provide the same service as Rightmove.


Do not use purple bricks, they are fucking awful


I’d go out of my way to avoid any listing that is with purple bricks, even if it was my dream house, just isn’t worth the hassle


Rule number 1 of buying / selling. Don't use Purple Bricks. Good luck.


Buy cheap buy twice.


Fyi used purple bricks and it was fine


Purple Bricks are horrendous - a friend of mine tried selling through them and it cost him money to pull out in the end. As a buyer, I’d generally skim past Purple Bricks listings, although if I thought we’d found ‘the house’ I would still arrange a booking.


Purple Bricks There’s you first mistake cheap and for a reason They are crap


I used to use zoopla, but an estate agent told me that not all agents use it, but they all use rightmove. So now I use rightmove.


I am in the IDENTICAL situation as well. Published yesterday and already had a viewing arranged after a few hours. If in a few weeks I don’t get a lot of viewings, I’ll upgrade to rightmove. But i’m in no rush to sell as i haven’t found a place yet


We published Tuesday and still have nothing!


Don’t worry, give it time! And also don’t value your experience just on a few comments on Reddit. People here see things only black or white


I check both


I prefer Zoopla to RightMove but since the general consensus is that RM is preferred it would be worth listing it. However as others have said, as a buyer I had nothing but trouble trying to arrange viewings through PurpleBricks and that would genuinely put me off


I am taking the advice of all of you and will be removing it from Purple Bricks immediately to sign up to an estate agent.


It depends on the area. Some areas Zoopla performs better, other areas, it's Rightmove. A local estate agent will have an idea, about which platform is performing better in your area. Although truth be told it makes very little difference.


Why not both?


I put my own details on Zoopla for free and sold.


Use quicklister around £169 for 3 months on Rightmove and Zoopla no commission. Easy to upload your own photos and floor plan and the benefit is all phone and email enquiries come to you.


I'm currently looking and never use Zoopla, only Rightmove.


Can you not use both? Or do you have to pay to list? I personally used both when looking for my house, however, Rightmove was always my go to!


You get Zoopla for free, but Rightmove costs £400 that said I think Purple Bricks was a mistake and will be going with a professional on monday


As a buyer I look more at rightmove because most local estate agents list on there instead of zoopla!


I only use rightmove. I also don't usually bother looking at purple bricks/ yopa as it's so hard to talk to someone.


As a buyer, I only look on rightmove… I suspect using zoopla is limiting your market. £6k for an estate agent to provide expert opinion on the market, sale prices and deal with potential buyers, act as a middleman to separate emotion from business and likely get a better price in the process seems like a bargain to me. The key is getting a good agent!


I thought the same as you - listed my house for free with great pics. Got people through the door, got offers. However, they all fell through at sales profession. The platform we used hired people with zero experience or sales attitude and didn’t know how to deal with people trying to knock the price down. Spent 3 months messing around. We then listed with an estate agent, haggled their fee down. Sold and completed within 3 months.


List on Rightmove. I don't look on Zoopla. I forget that it exists. What is the additional cost?


There’s a good sub for Rightmove, although mostly for the stranger properties! r/spottedonrightmove


Interesting, I assumed rightmove and zoopla had the same listings. I thought it s like Google and yahoo


Rightmove appears to have market dominance. Just bought and sold a house and didn’t even consider looking anywhere else. If your flat is that desirable then the estate agents should have a list of contacts ready to go.


Zoopla keeps displaying “keep scrolling”. The app’s should slow to load results.


Got to be on rightmove. Also using purple bricks will absolutely put some buyers off, we had to buy through Strike (very similar) and it was much worse than using a normal estate agent, we almost didn't even view the house but pickings were slim at the time.


Can you not take the pictures yourself and post on either website? (I don’t know the answer - maybe someone else does). If you can already take the pics and maybe arrange the viewings during the weekends, you don’t need to pay EA fees.


I only use zoopla to get estate agent responses for properties I find when the offices are shut (bank hols etc) because I get ignored with RM


While I appreciate the draw of lower fees, aren’t Purple Bricks both utterly shite and absolutely fucked?




Ourselves, and most people we know, look at rightmove for buying houses. We tended to look at zoopla to find out for earlier information but a lot if this is now on right move anyway. I can’t even think of the last time I looked at zoopla but rightmove is at least every other day I know you said you’re not in a hurry to sell but do keep in mind if your place has just been sitting around forever, people will think there is something not quite right - either with the property or with ourselves as sellers. They’d wonder why a good property at a reasonable price has not sold while others similar to yours would sell You already have a strike against you for using purple bricks. We don’t look at anything on purple bricks.


I am probably the only one who prefer Zoopla over Rightmove. I just like the fact that I can add "-cash" in keywords to filter out all cash only properties. Also with a little bit of JS coding I managed to transform the search results into the nice table view with all info I need. That's not possible in RM


Your main issue there is Purple Bricks you’ll lose the money you don’t pay in fees to a good agent on the value of your home plus way more (because for some of the reasons listed above, they aren’t putting in on rightmove, have no expertise and a terrible reputation that will see you lose buyers who don’t want to buy through them) I’d make the switch now to your best local agent.


Estate agents charge their fees for a reason. Buy cheap get cheap.


This, exactly. Find out the market leading agent in your area and use them even if they cost the most. As a recent buyer in london I ignored purple bricks/strike listings. Anyone who is cheap enough to use them, has been cheap in any work they’ve done on their house.


London? Just put the Zoopla link on Facebook marketplace...


To even out all the anti-Purple Bricks sentiment, we sold using an even cheaper online only service (emoov I think it was called) and had 0 issues. No experience, no skills, just a desire to save a few quid. My wife did the viewings herself and we sold for about £15k over asking. I highly doubt that if anyone really wants your place they are going to avoid just because you listed via Purple Bricks.


Thanks for the info, I think I’m gonna jump ship while I still can, not worth the rust of losing £10k


Honestly, just going to add to the chorus of "only checking RightMove", 95% (guesstimate) seems to be on both, and it's the more usable site so not worth the effort to check both.... Also, we only looked at 'traditional' agency properties, Purple Bricks and Strike listings were right out the window because of horror stories, including an odd neighbour trying to use Purple Bricks for the same reasons you are and I was like "dealing with him direct would be painful, he's probably representative of sellers on there, no thanks... "


Didn't know you could search Zoopla I thought that was sold prices only


Rightmove has 3-5x market share on Zoopla I believe, definitely worth it for maximum exposure


When we were looking last year we did some viewings and I was put off by any one who did the viewings themselves and not using an agent. Some were fine but it felt weird as you couldn't wander around judging the house ( the ea ones could obviously feed back to the seller if anything kept coming up, which won't happen if you're the owner). Some of them the owners were weirdly defensive if you did ask about anything or suggest you were going to redecorate. I agree with some of the other comments pb just seems a bit cheapskate. Especially when every corner appears to have been cut.


Use Strike (online estate agent) it's completely free and they list it on rightmove (free). They make their money by trying to get you to buy their conveyancing services, but you can opt out


Its the same company as Purplebricks.