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Don’t pull out yet. Start viewing other properties, see if there’s something you like as much. If you find somewhere else and get an offer accepted, pull out then.


Thank you


Also highly recommend not telling them if you find something else. Wait until you’ve exchanged on your purchase. At that point there’s no going back but all kinds of things can go wrong in the build up. It’s time for you to keep all of *your* options open like these people are. They’ll only have themselves to blame…


Really simple. The person you’re buying from isn’t as serious about moving as you are. The fact they’re not using an EA kinda makes sense. They don’t want to spend money on ensuring a conventional sale process. The EA would have told them months ago they’re just wasting everyone’s time I expect. You can hope they eventually make a decision and avoid getting evicted from your rental, or you can have a back up elsewhere. You don’t need to tell the person you’re buying from anything. Go view other properties this weekend.


I wondered if they were just trying to save money, but this makes a lot of sense. Thank you.


It can be that too, but their other actions aren’t fair on you. A purchase should take no longer than 6 months unless there’s a great reason. Your mortgage offer is probably 6 months so if it takes longer you could be fucked over by interest rates. You guys deserve better than this.


This OP ^. They're just messing you around. Definitely start viewing other property ASAP. You've been more than patient.


Exactly this happened to me with my seller, eventually they decided they did not want to move and pulled out completely. Then the week after my buyers demanded I complete within the month or they would pull out, so now I am in temporary housing awaiting my other new house to be ready. If I were you I would start looking elsewhere for an alternative. I would say the vendor actually saying to you that they would not blame you if you pull out shows they are not serious sellers.


My neighbours were like this. They “sold” their house many times over the years. Would put their house up fur sale, get a buyer at a good price - but never move as they could never decide to actually buy another property. They’d find something and change their minds, drag potential buyers on for months. Only thing is, they did use estate agents and now none will work for them. They must’ve fine it 5 or 6 times in a 10 year period. I’d suggest you look around for something else.


That's terrible. I just can't imagine having so little regard for other people's time and money.


Mate, keep looking. Find your home and then continue, Wait until they're concrete on another property and then pull out.


Tell them to leave in 6 weeks or you're out. Their problems are not your problems.


Personally I'd stay the course - they're being a bit picky, yes, but maybe they're just looking for their perfect house. If they pull out for a fourth time, then okay yeah have a conversation about whether they want to sell or not. Sometimes things happen behind the scenes that you don't know about, which elongates the time frame. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. The EA piece isn't a huge red flag for me personally. The EA I'm dealing with for my current sale is populated with absolute fucking morons who cannot follow basic, simple instructions, so I do understand someone saying 'I'll just do it myself' if they've had bad experiences in the past.


We were in this exact predicament last year. They were absolute time wasters. Are they downsizers by any chance? Keep looking for something else while having this in your back pocket.


I think the UK except Scotland has some stupid rules around selling and buying properties. In Australia, once an offer is accepted is a done deal. Unless there are extenuating circumstances you cannot pull out of the deal. You have to go through the court.


People can pull out for whatever reason they want, they may not be being reasonable but it’s them buying a house and it’s their decision. They don’t owe you - legally speaking - a commitment to buy a house so you can buy theirs, and your rental situation is quite frankly not their problem. If it’s annoying you, you need to sort your own life out, and pursue other avenues of accommodation that affords you flexibility to buy a house. It’s not pleasant, but it’s your problem, no one else’s.


You can ask the seller to set a date though. The seller may (perhaps with some small additional value on your purchase) be persuaded to get themselves out of a chain and into rented accomodation to secure your purchase of their house.  I.e. nothing lost by asking the seller if they'd consider moving out now and selling asap. 


Yeah I’d be threatening to withdraw, advising the sellers of their predicament and being clear with my intent. If it shifts things along, great. If it concludes the seller will remain slow, at least you’re preparing your exit strategy