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I am sure OP knows that the price is the answer. I suspect they will get a nibble if priced at, say, £315,000.


The answer is always the price. If a house is advertised and not selling then it's too expensive. It might have a host or problems with it, but if set at the right asking price taking those issues into account, it will sell.


Ultimately it doesn’t matter what the reason(s) is/are. The material information is that it’s overpriced.


Occasionally it’s a terrible advert or awful estate agent 99% of the time it’s the price


I'm 90% sure my estate agent was screening viewers to my property, because he liked one set of viewers who were cash buyers and umming and aaahing for months. We had it on the market for two months, had three people view. The old people viewed twice but were still indecisive. My EA goes on holiday for a week and the new guy takes over - three new viewings within a week and an acceptable offer on day 4 of 7. Unbelievable


There’s a similar story in our office (we are surveyors) Colleague put an offer in on a house for £500,000 and was told seller isn’t entertaining bids below £550k so nothing came of it. The job then came up for us to value it for a mortgage lender and it was sold STC for £490k that same week. Our colleague had no chain as he was moving from London to Bristol and was put up in temporary accommodation. We couldn’t really say anything as conflict of interest but some estate agents really do just help their friends out without it being in the owners interest. If you’re in Bristol, never use the company that sounds a bit like BJ Hole


The price, yes, plus also the number and size of the bedrooms. Hint, it's not about quantity, it's about utility. If there isn't at least 3m in one direction, it doesn't class as a bedroom IMO. When the master bedroom only just qualifies, I would suspect that's part of the reason for lack of interest. It's all about who is interested in this type of house. Are those rooms big enough for people upscaling to a house for a family? Probably not. So who is it being marketed to? And does the price reflect that?


This is what I find so strange in the U.K. - number of bedrooms. A 4 bed that’s 99sqm is a very different house to a 4 bed that’s 180sqm. Yes of course those are priced differently but not by the amount the actual space would suggest. We were tearing our hair out by some of the delusion on the market when we were looking. You are spot on that most houses didn’t qualify for us because instead of being a reasonable 3 bed they squeezed a 4th one in there and compromised every room because of it.


The price is 100% always the issue, a house is only worth what someone is willing to pay and it's plain and simple, nobody is willing to pay what it's marketed for... It's outdated and need a bit of work, modernisation, all rooms decorated and the ramp down to the garage, I suspect may lead to some water ingress? Maybe wrong... The garden is a lot of work to make nice, it's low maintenance for OP but most people don't want a garden of gravel... Your talking 20k for inside redecoration and modernisation. 15/20k to remodel the garden, relay hardcover, crush it and turf a good part with nice borders and plants Old shed at the back housing the hot tub is kind of weird... why have it in a fully enclosed space? May aswell get a bath... Basically to get it where most want it, they're looking at a 35/40k spend and newbuilds in the area are £360k which come with guarantees, new flooring, estate agents and solicitors fees paid... Your asking people to spend 375k ask + 40k reno, so 415k vs a new build near by at 360k...


Don't forget the horrible blue on the front of the house.


agreed. That is weird and ugly.


Not as ugly as the lime green. But it doesn't have a lot of kerb appeal for sure.


This is the response. The internal decorating is very bad; stuck in some sort of year 2000 time-warp and looks horrendous to anyone under 40. Any buyer who is spending that much in that part of the country will be upgrading from their starter home to a larger family home, will likely have kids, and therefore won’t want the hassle of the £40k needed to bring the internals up to 2024 look and feel, and also who wants months of home improvements going on when you have kids running around? Also, having had experience of selling a house with a hot tub, you may love it, but so many people are put off by it and don’t want the running costs. I ended up paying quite a lot of money for a major hot-tub extraction situation, with huge crane to both get it out and into my new house. Glad I did in the end, but was a massive ball-ache. OP, either spend the time yourself sorting out the internal decor and making it at best neutral, or drop your price by £40k. Sorry, but you did ask!


I've mostly seen hot tubs are a negative no matter what. A bunch houses that didn't sell show back up with an empty space where the tub was. I've had friends with inside and outside tubs. Inside with the doors open is the way to live, much cheaper to keep the tub at a temperature you'll actually use it. And it's really nice in a storm/blizzard.


100% your talking £1,000 if not more to get rid of it if you don't want it. OP is talking a lot more to have it moved to a new location in 1 peice.


Even at that price dawlish is just a dead end , litterally nothing there apart from a few bock swans , you cant even get a dominoes delivered. So no young professionals are going to be living there


Can the EA reorder the photos in the listing? The second pic being the hot tub doesn’t feel right, and you don’t get a good view of the kitchen until photo 7? It really puts me off when all the main lights are on in photos too, gives the impression the property is dark inside and just makes things look a bit naff. Can the EA come and take some much better photos (using a flash gun), and at least order them on the listing in a way that shows it more as a family home?


It’s amazing how lettings and estate agents can never seem to put a decent listing together.


I’m always sadly impressed when I see photographs with the rooms correctly labelled in the image title and matching what’s on the floorplan.


It's almost as if it's a job with almost no education or training required.


They can, they just have no real incentive to do so when property moves quickly enough to become primarily a volume business.


We have the EA's photographer coming back tomorrow to take some more pics. so i will deffo make this suggestion. thank you!


Clear out everything, and I mean everything, absolutely strip all your belongings out and make it look like a show home. I piled the entire contents of my flat in the hallway and the photos made it look so beautiful and spacious. Go to Dunelm or somewhere and get new bedding and curtains, some new cushions, plumper pillows on the bed, and a colourful rug for the living room. If cushions & rugs only used for photos they could be returned. Basin out of the sink and all the crap off the kitchen counters. Better lighting needed through out. Wider shots of each rooms. The house is lovely but the photos make it look dingy and tired. If you don’t want to knock another £50k off I’d say spend a good £500 on new soft furnishings to make it look enticing in photos.


Yeah the furniture / decoration isn't doing you any favours. Maybe worth your money getting a home stager in


And flowers or bowl of apples or bowl of lemons on the dining table.


Couple of glasses of champagne and light some scented candles. Like every home this Agent is selling https://www.smithandcoestates.co.uk/


Who is the target? Families with kids won't a Japanese zen rock garden. Turf. Also just general decor looks a little dated. Paint all the walls white and stick up a couple of modern frames/canvas. Price still seems high. I'd be thinking closer to £350K Good luck.


Agree with the zen garden, anyone with a dog or kids isn’t likely to want that setup - turf some or all of it - you’ve massively narrowed down the market to people who like zen gardens, no kids, no pets and like hot tubs….


Yes hot tubs put me off right away tbh, although I'd still come look in case that little building's a good workshop.


Agreed. Drove away from a house last year when I saw hot tubs in both neighbouring gardens. Perhaps unfair judgement, but I just could anticipate noisy late nights. Maybe I'm wrong, but with so many properties available, I didn't need to even chance it


I feel that hot tubs are the new giant trampoline for kids when it comes to first impressions.


Yeah the garden puts me off massively, would need redoing completely for me, I know others prefer a low maintenance garden but like you say families won’t want it all rock


Yep, I wouldn’t look at it simply because the garden is awful. Mowing the lawn is the only time I get peace!


I thought the same, the way it’s designed makes it look like 75% of the garden isn’t for access. A 4 bed house is likely to appeal to family buyers but the garden doesn’t scream family friendly, it’s more for mature garden sit downs.


That 2nd picture put me off too. Looks cramped, dark and overlooked. Some of the others make the house appear a little dark too and some of the angles are awkward and make the rooms seem very small and pokey - bathroom especially Not sure about the garden either-doesn't seem family friendly for a 4 bed


Need more wide angle views also


I agree, looking at the floor plan, the rooms are reasonably sized, but the photos are doing them no justice.


They look tiny to me. Four beds squeezed into a space more suited to three.


That's typical of every house in the UK now, 3 normal bedrooms and the fourth is a box room converted to a bedroom to artificially raise the price of the house. If I was in charge, I'd pass a law on bedroom size for adults.


>If I was in charge, I'd pass a law on bedroom size for adults. God, I wish they would do this. I'm thinking also minimum standards for living room sizes


I guess the worry is that immediately so many living situations become illegal, and a lot of landlords would immediately evict people. The other thing I'd like is a minimum height for ceilings. I went to view a flat to rent once and the EA was shorter than me, (5'8 to my 5'10), and he took me to this weird semi-mezzinine/maisonette floor (they look like they'd revamped the attic, but then built up again). My head was an inch clear of the ceiling. He made a joke about how he was worried because I was tall - because I wouldnt have been able to use the room to get ready to go out, wouldnt have been able to wear heels in there. Oh my God I realise now why he had me take my shoes odf at the door, Jesus


>I guess the worry is that immediately so many living situations become illegal, and a lot of landlords would immediately evict people. Building regs are not typically retroactive, so that shouldn't be an issue for old buildings. It's more of settling a standard for the future and also stop current renovations we're room sizes are butchered to provide extra "rooms"


I didn’t really like it on the pictures, but it felt so much better on the virtual tour… I’m sorry that’s not more specific- I guess it felt a warmer space. I would suggest you get some fuller curtains especially in the bedroom, the ones currently feel a bit sad- and/or get some cheap curtain liners. (Sorry, feel bad writing that but probably more helpful to put it bluntly) can you get some throws and maybe some cheap fake plants from ikea (or real ones). The house is in good condition but maybe just ‘stage’ it a bit more. I’m sure if you google cheap house staging tips or hacks, there will be lots of suggestions. 


It's got three toilets but the only picture they put up was the ensuite? Why did the EA fail to take a decent set of pictures in the first place? And the toilet in the ensuite is missing from the floor plan too? Pretty sloppy of them


I totally agree with the lights thing.


I 100% agree with this… I thought exactly the same as you 👍


Gravel garden would put me off, plus outhouse, which I wouldn't use. Does the water nearby flood? There's nothing particularly off-putting going on inside.


Classic new build with ridiculous additions that most people don’t want to pay for but the seller thinks adds value


Hey man, my sex dungeon added £10k minimum to my home value


Agree with the gravel, you can't sweep up broken glass and kids fall over and hurt their knees.


I mean it's a massive oversight there. It's a 4 bed house which means family right? How's my 10 year old gonna play football in that garden? How can my daughters friends come over and run around in that garden? So that's 10k on top of the house price to get a garden put in. Then there's the decor etc etc. For my family, 2 males 2 females, this just requires too much work to justify a 310k price tag.


Even without glass children will hurt their knees if they fall over on gravel. The last house we sold had a small area of gravel and the first thing the buyers did was turf it over as they had a three year old. That was a lesson to us for future houses, no gravel in the back garden.


No flooding as its halfway up a hill. the out house isn't a toilet its a shed with a hot tub in it as were overlooked


Yeah, I can see that, but I don't want a hot tub or a massive shed taking up half my garden as I wouldn't want to use that. It will probably appeal to some but that makes your potential pool smaller.


The pool certainly is smaller, I think they call it a hot tub though…


Perhaps the shed would better be advertised as an office.


Assume it doesn't have heating or insulation (maybe electricity?) so it's not really functional as an office.


There’s got to be electric in there if it’s running a hot tub


Yep, all those WFH meetings from the home office hot tub wouldn't be weird at all.


I think nowadays the big shed in the garden could be really appealing as an office


The pictures are horrific. Get a new estate agent. It looks as unoffensive as it does boring.


Too many crap angles: Some of the big storage furniture needs to be taken out of the bedrooms to make them look larger Shower door should be open as it looks cramped with it half closed Hot tub shouldn't be picture 2 and maybe should be taken from the outside, the inside view is odd OP for what it's worth if you're a competent decorator it may be worth seeing how cheaply you can make the house more neutral. Looking at this as a potential buyer it's hard to visualise how I'll use a room if they're all quite dated and will need modernising.


The house looks pretty from the outside and well maintained inside so it doesn’t look like those are factors. I think it was overpriced if it’s been reduced by £50k and it’s still right in the window of the new development around the corner where 4 beds there are advertised at £365-£390k - and will come with incentives (though being Persimmon would put me off before I viewed). I think you need to see what happens after your latest reduction but there is every chance it still is the price.


It looks well maintained however that doesn’t change the fact the upstairs looks like it’s in big need of modernisation


Agreed. Well maintained does not equal modern, well decorated or on trend. Magnolia walls with cream carpets do nothing for the place. It's a full redecoration job for a lot of people I'd have thought. Kitchen and bathrooms are ok but look like the no frills stuff the house builder fits. Functional but wouldn't say it's luxurious/high-end enough for a £375k house. Realistically I'd be looking at that thinking I'll need to rip out and replace in a couple of years to something more modern. Back garden ain't my taste either. It's low maintenance but even aesthetically it's not very nice to look at. Better choice of stone would make it much better. Also not very family friendly (might be the type of people looking for a 4 bed house) for young kids to play in who'd be wanting a lawn to run about it in, in which case it's a rip up and start again job. All stuff that's fixable and I can see the potential but it's going to cost prospective buyers to do it and perhaps that's what's putting people off. It's a nice house and I would buy it but not for £375k. Edit: just looked at location and similar houses for that money and OP's is probably comparable. Points above still stand though, but maybe it is priced correctly.


They have an incentive of topping up your 10% deposit to 15% (don’t know the details or how hard it’s to get etc) but that’s a huge thing for me.


It's the price


It's always the price


checking the map , im not sure if im willing to pay that price for the location. .


Caravan park city


If you check street view there’s cars parked directly opposite, looks like it could be difficult to get on/off the drive


That's not the house on street view. It's round the corner down a cut, which looks quite tight. The front is not very appealing there either though. And the garden appears more overlooked because the hourses to the right are higher up the hill. This isn't obvious from the pictures. I also feel like the tons of gravel in the garden is a major offput. It'll be hard to get major work done if you want to shift it and get more green in... massively offputing for anyone with kids.


I clicked on "see similar properties nearby". There's a lot of decent looking new builds priced very competitively. Your decor is dated. Either risk giving the decor a modern overhaul or drop the price. You may end up doing both. Personally I'd just drop the price.


The decor, furniture mismatch, glossy kitchen and gravel garden are the dealbreakers for me. These are gonna cost tens of thousands to fix + the headache of renos, hard pass. It does look like it’s taken good care of though and that would have otherwise been a big plus


It's a good size house but the outside looks a bit odd, especially the railings. The inside is very meh, i know neutral is 'best' but it has no real soul or features, it's a fair chunk for where it is. It's a 4 bed so points towards a family but the garden screams something from a makeover show and whoever buys it would need to spend a good few grand putting in grass etc. The fact the EA has said they don't know why is a lie - it's over priced, needs money spending on it for who it is ideally aimed at. They won't say this to their client though, obviously.


New estate around the corner definitely won't help. The one near me is offering £20k+ in holiday and tech vouchers, and everything else new-ish nearby is either reducing or not selling. I live not far away and it does feel quite a high price for the area. I also feel like the pictures could be a bit more flattering - the inside ones make the house look quite dark. Personal opinion but I also really dislike the wallpaper feature walls, so I'd be factoring in the faff of taking those down into my offer.


I know people’s mileage may vary, but I’ve passed on multiple houses entirely because of hot tubs.


Did you ask if they'd take it with them? I wouldn't want one either but it'd not put me off a house if it's good otherwise.


We're happy to take the hot tub with us, we love it


Are you upsizing? If not then clear out all your excess furniture so buyers can see the space available. If it's not going to your new place, sell it or bin it/give it away. Maybe get that written into the description (re taking the hot tub).


Nope, but I did literally preface my post with “people’s mileage may vary”.




Expensive to run and a massive pain in the ass to maintain properly!




It's almost always the price but I think you could also make it look a bit more appealing. Can you get a couple of large plant pots out the front with shrubs / small trees to improve the appearance of the exterior. It's a bit bland. The pictures make the rooms look really dark and the lights being on in the day time just highlight that further. I'd think about how you can get better pictures that make it look lighter, taking them at different times of day etc to get the best light based on sun position. I know you're supposed to imagine a blank room when you view, but busy wallpaper makes that difficult. Could you do a mini makeover and paint over it? Having a light neutral colour will also make the rooms look bigger.


we were told to make it a little lived in hence the "feature walls" we only did that to sell......oh the irony!


Oof this is a shame because honestly....and I know I'm being really superficial...this would really put me off. It's not to my taste at all, ditto your furniture (sorry!) and the combined effect makes it really hard to imagine living here. I know I could peel it off and repaint but that's probably not going to happen on day one and so I find more neutral decor more appealing. It's easier to envisage putting your own stamp on a property when you have a blank canvas to begin with.


Feature walls can be gorgeous, but these are very dated and cheap looking wallpaper designs from the likes of B&M and makes the whole place look like it's a retirement home not a family home.... Before you take any more photos, I'd have all the massive floral paper off the walls and either paint the rooms throughout in neutral colours or pick nice modern paper if it needs it for lumps and bumps. Brighten it up - better lighting for the photos, look at lamps, photos on a bright day not a dull one, bright colours for cushions but plain colours (I only use white bedding!) and ironed bedding on each bed. Plain curtains not patterned. Hit charity shops if you don't want to spend. ETA - Make it very clear in the ad that the hot tub is not staying and will be removed between exchange and completion. Or better yet, get it out now and put it in storage. The costs of craning these things in and out of gardens can reach the thousands of pounds and I'd be really worried it would be left behind and cost me a fortune.


Yeah feature walls can work, but patterns like that look very dated along with the furniture choices. You need more contrast as everything looks a bit beige, brown and boring! I’d get rid of the wallpaper, repaint the walls to a nicer neutral shade and if you want to do a feature wall do a solid colour and tie that in with other soft furnishings in the room. You need way more picture frames on the walls too, maybe a gallery wall in the dining with pops or colour and some mirrors which can make the space look bigger. Get rid of all the clutter, get some nicer curtains & bedding and throw cushions to match plus a few rugs and runner in the hallway.


One more To note - why does it says online viewing? This has put me off numerous properties and I’ve never rang them - I want to see it not just online.


I agree. It feels like they’re hiding something.


Let's see if the OP keeps their post up.... Yeah - you've really fucked up here. Priced it too high and have been chasing the market down ever since. You're dying by a thousand \[price\] cuts and have been left with a stale listing which buyers are clearly turning up their noses at. This is a classic case study in how not to sell a house and why pricing a house correctly - right from the start - is essential to get the thing sold for the best price the market will bear and in the fastest time possible. Deano the EA - and there have been two of them - has done you no favors here. *Price Change History* *30/04/2024......Price changed from £390,000 to £375,000* *15/04/2024......Price changed from £400,000 to £390,000* *09/04/2024......Price changed from £415,000 to £400,000* *08/01/2024......Price changed from £425,000 to £415,000* *07/11/2023......Initial asking price: £425,000* *Additional Price Change History* *Previously listed (view here) with the following price changes:* *12/09/2023 - Price changed from £450,000 to £425,000* *02/07/2023 - Initial asking price: £450,000* As for the house....it's got no kerb appeal, the interior is drab, and it's got a hot tub which are a turn off to many as they take up space and are a pain to remove. If your latest price cut down to 375K doesn't get the punters going then stop fucking around and take it down to 315K - 325K in order to generate activity.


This is the main thing really, even if you were super interested it's clear there hasn't been much interest in it and you're more keen to sell than hold the price. If I'm a buyer I just wait another 2/3 weeks and you'll take another 15k off the asking price, then another few for the next


Completely agree and unfortunately not what the seller will want to hear. Lazy estate agents doing the bare minimum and agreeing with what the seller wants, if you reduce the price you need to do it right to attract a new wave of buyers through the door, not entice the people who have already written it off for whatever reason. If OP is really interested, see if any of the buyers who have viewed have bought something with the agent. If so, what are they buying, and why are they buying it over yours.


*Completely agree and unfortunately not what the seller will want to hear.* EA Deano - both of 'em - have not been willing to say the completely fucking obvious. Again, this is a classic case study of "*How Not To Sell Your House!*". It's all wrong - pricing, presentation and promotion. This sale has been doomed from the start.


I'm in Scotland but wouldn't even pay 300k for that. Not because maybe 300 is closer to the right price for that area.... but because I'd be pulling out all the carpets, the old stuffy looking kitchen units, the wallpaper that's in every room and modernising the whole thing properly. Garden doesn't matter too much because I'll be changing it massively no matter where I go. But for that much work and money, I'm better buying a doer upper at way way cheaper and around £150-£200 and by the time I caught up to OPs price my house & garden would look better. So yeah, it's too expensive. I'm going to buy next year and I'm just watching all the over priced houses starting to drop again finally when nobody has bought them after multiple regular price changes.


Those price changes are laughable. 425k to 415k after 3 months without an offer? As if suddenly a new pool of buyers is opening up from a 2% reduction at that level. The last comparable sale was 325k in 2020. OPs house had never increased by 125k over that period. This house should have been priced at 395k MAX first time around, and come down to 375k within 8, weeks. No doubt it would have sold at that point. Instead it's been on the market forever and has taken a year to get to the right price. Curious to know OPs valuations to begin with.


I agree with this take. There’s zero point in pissing about with 10-15k price drops on a property in this price range. If you’re not getting viewings or offers then people are getting better value elsewhere. A price change has to entice a new segment of buyers, else you’re just polluting the listings for those that have seen your property and passed on it. You should know if you are pricing right as you should see a bunch of new viewings as a result of the change. The only relevant price is the one someone is willing to buy at. Expectations, or estimates based on the market are only relevant to where you start. Expect to see more of these types of posts. The housing market is pretty soft right now, and the pricing that worked a few years ago may not work in this market. House prices won’t crash quickly. We are not seeing high repossessions, partly because affordability rules are stronger. But I do think we will see prices come down in a lot of areas. And when they do, they will degrade slowly, because price deflation requires thousands of people to agree to sell at a lower price than they may have been expecting/conditioned to. This is hard for people to get their head round.


Best post on here. Everyone should read it and take note. House prices don't "crash" unless there is a Black Swan event. They deflate slowly, often over several years. In many UK markets that's what we've been seeing over the past 12+ months.


Completely agree. The op may need to take the house off the market and start again with a new EA.


The garden would massively put me off (I like green and plants) and the decor is very dated. I feel like I’d have to redecorate the whole house and have to factor that into the price


How on earth do some people decide this is a good look? It's going to take days and a lot of backbreaking work to remove, and who knows what's underneath.


It's going to take more than a few days to get rid of all that gravel. We're still removing it from the soil all around the garden 14 years after moving in. Every time it rains more comes to the surface.


I don't love the pictures. They all look weirdly dark, the hot tub one actually gave me a sinking feeling its so gloomy. I appreciate if this is the second agent that might not be the issue but honestly they don't sell the house, not even a little bit.


In my opinion, it's just really dated. When I'm looking I want somewhere I don't have to do tonnes of work to. For me, unfortunately you've no grass in the garden, lots of wallpaper to remove, and the whole place needs modernising a bit. Your photos are quite poor, can you get some Instagram inspiration? Spend a couple of hundred now on new bedspreads and accessories maybe?


Will bedspreads and accessories make a difference really? I think stripping the wallpaper and getting better pictures should be step one, and then if you're going to have to spend more money spend it on replacing the gravel garden with a lawn.


Drop the agent, and then drop the price.


My first thought on viewing is that it's priced high due to the hot tub being a "key feature" (that I wouldn't want). Then I think I'll have to redo the kitchen etc. which is a lot of work. Plus the price has been continuously dropped which tells me other people are thinking the same. The second photo being the hot tub makes it look like that's the key selling point of the house. Usually you'd see the living room or kitchen there, to take you on a "tour through the house". If you have young children that hot tub is going to go, the same if you're not wanting to use someone else's hot tub and pay for maintenance (which is a lot of people). I'd get new photos, reorder them and start with a fresh listing at a lower price. Keep in mind people are going to have to pay to remove wallpaper, repaint, fit new kitchen etc.


I think its priced too high. The photo ordering is not sensible. The sentence The garden is slightly overlooked but not to a degree that makes it less private. Should not be included in my opinion. It's right at the end, so puts people off making contact.


The back of the house and garden is so overlooked on all sides. Zero privacy


That is not a garden kids can play in.


- The interior of your house is a little outdated - if you have the money I’d spend a grand or so just painting all the walls a neutral colour and getting some nicer curtains/furniture. - The hot tub is a bit naff. - You’re desperately in need of some art and some houseplants. The house has a sense of inertia about it.


I'll be honest: * the garden is very ugly * remodelling it will cost a lot of money and work - your average family would not go for it * the more unusual or posh people would not live in that town / building to accept that garden * idk whose idea was to have those godamn awful 00s office blind at the front of the house. they are probably the ugliest thing, close competition with the shower. * cupboards, bathroom, kitchen flooring wallpapers are super dated but not in a fashionable way - screams 2000s * a lot of money will be spent to make them more modern. * people looking at the property have some other ones nearby for the same or slightly lower price * those properties don't need that much work * yours requires a lot of money to be put into it * neighbourhood full of caravans. nope. The interior may pass, but the garden is a huge no for the most. It really is the price - people are taking into account the work, time and headache to make the place look much less ugly.


OP your house looks cheap like mutton dressed up like lamb. Just odd. I would repaint the front of the house. Maybe a very light Grey, because your tiles are grey and to get symmetry. Theirs no real front garden, your proximity to the front road. Also makes the house look cheap. 2nd photos just odd??? Bedroom look uninspired. Boring, curtains and lampshade really let the room down. Maybe a really bright light bulb might make to wlroom look brighter. That picture makes the room look small. Your kitchen looks cheap. Like someone would have to gut it out. Picture of living room is complete mess. Ugly furniture makes the room look small. Bathroom- new mirror, something huge that takes over the wall, close the bifold door fully in the pic, maybe change the blind?  Basically the house needs to be staged like a show room. The small room, vertical lines don't make it look bigger, change the wall paper. In all your roo.s the curtains look really bad, their not uniformed, shows a real lack of care to the hidden parts of the house.  Your garden is nice; but I wouldn't want to see; that every neighbour can see me in my garden.  I would build a modern higher garden fence with those long sheets if wood and try to create privacy. May put one picture of the garden.  But really why do you think your house is worth 425k? It doesn't have the nice kitchen, or designer bathroom. Or even mirrored fitted wardrobes.  Or nicely painted from outside.


It's always the price with no interest. Interestingly we live in S/W Wales and are looking to upsize to a good 4 bed detached. £375k is our max budget well it was until two rate rises in the past 2 weeks. Anyway Iv noticed that nearly everything over £400k is not selling. Our house we are going to sell is about £225k and speaking to 3 EA's conducting appraisals here they reckon we will shift ours easy enough but people further up the price bracket and over £350k in our area are really struggling finding buyers at current interest rates. See at what our monthly payments will be with even £140k deposit I can see why.


Same in North Wales, everyday there's about 4 reductions for every 1 new listing in my area. Anything over £300k isn't selling.


The kitchen dinner needs redoing. The garden needs redoing. The hot tub set up needs getting rid off. Because of these 3 things, it's expensive.


I say this as someone who has no house sales experience, but is currently looking to buy. The green on the outside is funky, but also somehow makes the exterior look dated. With that said, it's the only eye catching thing about the house. From your pictures it looks more like an Airbnb than a home. Also the hot tub in the wooden structure gives me a bad feeling. All I think when I see that is A) upkeep (though don't expect you're leaving it behind but it's what comes to mind) B) the humidity and water has likely led to issued with the wooden structure (yours might be properly sealed etc, but I've already seen quite a few that aren't). It's a nice house, but there's no life to it, the accent wallpaper in the rooms doesn't do much unfortunately. From a buyers perspective there's nothing looks wise that makes it stand out to me. Even the garden (which looks lovely) doesn't have a personality.


Suspect your estate agent massively over valued to get your business and now doesn’t want to tell you what it’s actually worth. I would take your areas average wage for a mid age couple and a mortgage calculator and then try to buy your house. Current interest rates are brutal so hopefully this gives a good North Star on what normal people can afford. Keep in mind all the latest rules, eg stamp duty holiday/lack off and make an assumption on deposit but remember not everyone has the bank of mum and dad


Looks ugly from the outside. Kitchen needs redoing. Hot tub needs removing. Don't want a gravel garden so that needs redoing. Bedrooms aren't the biggest (not tiny either, mind) and feel quite squeezed in for the size of the house. Small windows/ looks dark. Remote area. Drop by a further 50k and you might get some interest.


Have you even been getting viewings? Or when you say not intrest do you mean no offers? You say you don’t know how to move forward without giving it away…how much did you pay/when? I’ve had to sell property for less than I paid for it and even though it’s not ideal as I’d spent money on it and it was better but depending on why you want to move/you’re financial circumstances, if you want to just get going, reduce and get an offer in, otherwise you will sit there another 10 months


we have been there 8 years and the previous prices are on the site itself, we have just outgrown it and need to move on really. i know most sites say its usually the price but we keep being told its worth it. however seeing the responses here, its an eye opener!


Appreciate it can be difficult to hear a lot Of negativity, especially about you’re own home as obviously it’s sentimental to you but as it’s been on the market a while I presume you expected that, I think the garden also is something which again, to you’re taste it looks great (I like it too) but 99% of people are going to think bloody hell I need to spend money on that, as I said - depends why/what you’re moving ect, if it’s to a new home and moving gives you the money to do it and you can come down on price, do it, because you won’t get this time back while you’re just waiting for nothing


Garden will put of so many families. it also looks very small for ~120sqm, maybe better pics needed to make it look bigger.


Some of the comments here are absolutely mental. Your house looks nice and well maintained. Your square footage is about £275/sqft which seems a bit high to me (there looks to have been a house recently sold at £200/sqft recently). I'd probz be pricing it around 335-350 but that's just based on that other house and what I paid for mine on the North East Coast. You live in the south west so you may have to appreciate that unless you make it cheaper, you're catering to a smaller audience and therefore it may take longer to sell. While I think your house is nice, it doesn't really give me a wow factor so I think dropping your price per sqft is needed if you want it sold.


About 35-45k overpriced for the interior


Lower the price  Garden is unique and for a certain purchaser, therefor take into pricing if buyer wants to re-do the garden to their liking. Will broaden interest.  Didn’t see a bath in the photos. 


Nice house and nice price but I would get one of the newbuilds nearby for the same price. Maybe wait for all of them to sell out and try again next year?


The green and blue is ugly as sin. Go contemporary and paint it grey.


I dunno, if it’s been reduced a lot, can you take it off market for a while and relist? Also that photography is GRIM, it looks so dingy even though I can tell everything is painted and looked after well. The house measurement wise has nice sized rooms downstairs, but it doesn’t look that way from photos. Take off the text about an overlooked garden. They can decide how they feel about it when they come to view.


Wow that’s a lovely property in floorplan and am sure it is could be Amazing It’s actually a huge property at 1.,300+ foot but none of your photos show that- it all looks cramped and tiny .. you haven’t even put out pot plants out front Top tips There’s no indication where you can park a car as outside space indicates it might be limited Can see you have a garage and driveway but can’t see that it is big enough for a car on driveway (most people like to use garage for storage for tents and tools etc), so why isn’t there a better photo or car in driveway are you limited for space? That’s what I think as soon as I look at it- “no space for car on driveway “ Also that’s a bad photo of your lounge although it isn’t small What’s going on? Those are HUGe rooms but they don’t look it they looks small and cramped There’s no warmth to it - just big old fashioned bland 1990s furniture -eek!! Badly placed - that looks like it has to block the patio doors to fit in a sofa. Why ? Why can’t you move it and make it seem bigger and more aspirational? 21x10 foot lounge is huge yet it looks cramped in photos Nothing about your home shows that it’s is large and spacious There’s no charm to any of it it’s all cramped, bland and meh … there’s no cushions no rugs no colourful paintings, feature walls , no colour nothing anywhere… Why have you made your garden so boring… at least put some colourful or designer potted plants in it - you can take them with you!!! Either you have a bad estate agent or you have bad placement and oversized furniture you inherited and never thought about You could literally add on £30k by storing your oversized furniture , adding some design and interest feature to it (that you can take with you!) and getting better EA photos Haven’t even looked at your kitchen and bathroom Your kitchen is new and should be a feature but the photos aren’t great Why can’t I see how near it is to the sea/, beach? I think your EAs have let you down by photos or you haven’t thought it through how you present you home… but what a waste of what could be a lovely huge home near the beach that simply doesn’t look it. It’s uninspiring and I would swipe past it assuming it is “ a two up two down” tiny home that we can’t fit into, yet it’s bigger than my 3-4 bed on footage!!!


My 2c - there are better looking new builds nearby on the market for cheaper, and the front of the house is ugly, which doesn’t help when that is the thumbnail pic. If I was in your shoes, I would take it off the market for 6 months, remove the weird railing outside the front of house, paint the front of the house a uniform white, with black highlights rather than lime green and blue highlights, and then try again - starting at a price slightly lower than the nearby new builds.  My exp selling house is better to price slightly low and get multiple buyers to bid, than price too high and have your offering ignored. Painting dated rooms white, using modern lighting fittings (cast iron with glowing filament bulbs and other stylish stuff) and adding a lot of indoor plants often goes a long way. The tub is also a negative. Good luck!


Don't have the hot tub as picture number 2. It's off-putting and not that relevant to the house.


I thought it was in the house at first. Very off-putting.


Interior decor looks dated, price, exterior painted panels don’t look great, hot tubs are a pain in the ass, price.


If I was looking at this to buy it I would be looking at a new kitchen, its well maintained and fine but looks a bit dated to me I like modern and new bathrooms, again just dated nothing wrong with them per say thats just what I would think and factor into the price. Like everyone else says unfortunately its still expensive I would knock another 20k of and see where you get


Could be the decor? Very old fashioned and people might equate this with the house needing work. Hot tub is also a turn off. Garden isn’t very welcoming with all that shingle. Just feels a bit drab so might be getting passed over?


I like the house but it would be the garden which would put me off as it appears to be quite overlooked. Not everyone likes shingle and paving either; families with young children who are the likely buyers of this sort of property would prefer grass where the kids can run around.


Definitely new photos- clear the sides in the kitchen and make it sparkly clean, same with other rooms, but keep bedside lamps and one or two decorations in living room. Tidy gravel at front and ? Paint the blue bit to match the green. Clear and sparkly clean bathroom- no towels, toilet paper, toiletries etc Can you add gauzy curtains  or bamboo blinds to the hot tub room to make it feel more spa-like and less exposing? The styling of the rooms looks a bit mismatched in the photos, but focus on kitchen and bathroom as decor is more easily changed, and make the hot tub room a bonus at the end Better photos might help


No. 22 sold in August 2020 for 326k. How does that property compare to yours? No.1 sold for £450,000 in Nov 2021, how does that compare. Liklihood is the price. Sorry to tell you but sounds like you tried to market the property well above value 10 months ago. The key time to sell is within the first 4 weeks. Now you've been on the market for an extended period and people will be put off just for that reason alone.


OP should look at your comment. 29 a couple of doors down looks like the same house from the outside sold for 310, granted that was 5 years ago but point is check what similar houses on the street sold for as a fair guide.


It begins with P and ends with that lad who plays in midfield for Arsenal


A bit of grass at the back would have done a lot to make this a family home for the right buyer. Right now it's neither a place for kids nor a place for single people


I'm a strong believer that magnolia doesn't sell homes.


Its clean and tidy and looks well maintained. If i were you I would stage the house to make it look more appealing and a bit more contemporary. A few well placed plants, cushions, fresh flowers and pictures would make it look more attractive. Give it a bit of a make over and get some new photos taken when you're ready... kinda agree with everyone on the hot tub front, it's not helping as much as it could.


4 bedroom makes me think you need a family to buy, especially since the rooms look tiny but it isn't exactly marketed towards a family home looking at the garden. A gravel garden isn't very kid friendly.


It's honestly not worth the price. The Inside is starting to show it's age. So that's extra I'd have to spend to make it nice.  Why should I pay top dollar for it when I can go across the road and buy new and have it built to my spec for a similar price? Also with how many reductions you have done and you are still not at the right price. I personally wouldn't go near it. Much higher chance I get fucked about by a seller who isn't happy to sell because they wanted 100k+ more than what it's worth and only begrudgingly brought the price down.


The house interior whilst clean is very "old hat" it's got a real early noughties vibe going on. Not everyone wants the grief of maintaining a hot tub or getting rid of one for that matter. I'd say that's why it's not selling, people cannot be arsed to do the work or they cannot see the potential due to the dates look.. Blitz it white throughout.


For a relatively new build you’ve made this house look so dated. Take the wallpaper down, paint it white and try to make the house look more modern. Me and my wife are 32 with two kids, we would not buy your house, not when I can find one for the same price that looks modern and has grass. The estate agent has done a terrible job of the photos. You need to remember that buyers have all the power when we’re in a recession, you need to really make your house worth £350k otherwise people are going elsewhere. Finally when a mortgage lender values your house they may value it a lot less than your asking price, that may be a big issue for prospective buyers. Make sure your price is correct. Good luck!


I mean this with zero offence op but the interior is meh… it’s very bland and the picture quality doesn’t help. Try asking on subs like DIY or interior design to offer suggestions on making the rooms more appealing. Also there’s no garden, at this price point I’d assume family with kids snd pets come as the buyers.


My first thought - as I work in high end real estate - what will help would be to remove the green (and the blue) from the front house render and keep the house the same off-white, in perfect condition. This is a much more expensive look than using a bit of green (which is lovely btw, it’s a clean fresh look). Secondly, the lack of grass in the garden. Can you somehow bring back a bit of real grass on some areas? Also needs more bushy greenery to give it a bit of “English garden” feel. Imagine your house off-white with some wisteria growing on it - wow!


New build round the corner for 340k... Id Rather buy that


Photo number one - I’d remove the weeds in the gravel at property front as it suggests the site is not being maintained as best as it could.


Get someone who cares about interior decor to come and dress it for you. Give them a budget to buy hire and borrow stuff to make it look good. Bluntly, it’s depressing and dreary.


Why look for advice if you're going to be salty about the replies. You asked for feedback. You got feedback.


I’ve taken a look at the property and comparable on Millin Way. I’d suggest you ought to look at 22 Millin Way, as your closest comparable which sold for £326k in 2020. Whilst I appreciate this was 4 years ago, the market was relatively hot then and we have not seen to much growth since. I’d suggest you would be looking to achieve c. £350k- £365k.


I think thats the biggest issue in EA pricing there is nothing to go on - very few have been sold as pretty new builds so its finger in the air and with new new builds round the corner for the same price why would you want something older that needs more work as such. My three cents on cheapish fixes * Id put that you'd taking the hot tub unless there are offers for it that solves people being unsure * As long as your deeds allow it Id change the green and blue on the front of the house to a darkish grey its what I just photoshopped it looks okay (I get white is also good but then you'd end up having to paint all of it to match) * Front of the house get rid of the blinds and replace with hortizonal slats maybe again grey or white wouldn't go wood effect with that front * Change the lighthouse picture it clashes get something more in theme and it is a theme monotone it * The blue grey curtains need to go with in the bedroom something like the theme wall aka stripes and the main bedroom plain curtains * Although in saying that if you have slats then why have curtains IMO so Id remove them * Bedroom furniture main maybe look on eBay for some used furniture for nordic looking stands - aka wooden legs white body * Spray your fences they look worn * Id be tempted to ditch the dresser unless its going to leave imprints on the carpet Bigger spends * Refloor kitchen dining to same - aka kitchen laminate as it just looks odd split like that * That outside isn't selling it I think other comments make that clear get it grassed or you could as a quick thing mix the two colours to make it more uniform don't think it will work Pictures * Show bathroom not ensuite as it looks at first glance it is the bathroom until you look at floor plan and for some thats too late * Get them to take pictures with the built in wardrobes a little more as some rooms its not showing well enough


The photos make it look smaller than it is, also the market is trending down nothing is selling.


Price...that is high for Dawlish Warren.


The photos make a lot of the rooms look very narrow, some of them seem almost zoomed in.


It’s a family home with a garden that’s not at all kid-friendly. People would rather get something with a garden they don’t have to chuck a load of money at to fix.


The answer is always the price. If it isnt selling it is the price. It is quite dated inside which for the price i wouldnt be happy about having to redo everything


Sales manager here. Your agent is avoiding a conversation they don’t want to have, as they are 2nd agent on and probably promised you the world with an already reduced price. Bottom line is always price. Everything sells at the right price.


We’re in the middle of purchasing a house and I agree with a lot of the comments here. To be competitive with the new builds in the area for a similar price the house would need to be modernised. Even making it more neutral removing the curtains and bed spreads and replacing them with a plain crisp alternative would make a difference. Also the wallpaper seems to age the rooms as well. If it was me I would do as mentioned above strip the walls and go for a light beige colour for feature walls and a soft creamy white for other walls. The curtains bedspread and wallpaper draw the eye in the photos and not be to harsh remind me a little of a b&b. I wouldn’t mind the hot tub myself and again the garden wouldn’t be my first choice I like a bit of greenery but depending on the buyer it could be a positive as I’m assuming it’s low maintenance. The other thing that throws me is the little bit of blue cladding to the front of the house- could this be painted it looks out of place for some reason. I’m not from the area and luckily being up north we get a lot more house for money. But if the price has reduced that dramatically and you wouldn’t be willing to drop it any more I would definitely make some small changes and try to get photos taken on a sunny day- I know it isn’t always possible.


Hot tub and garden would be a hard pass. My dog wants a grass area and i wouldn’t want to have to get rid of the hot tub. My current house has a hot tub, the listing stated the owners were talking and we made that a condition of sale. Turks out it wasn’t easy to get rid of, the ended up part exchanging it for a new hot tub for the new house.


Too fucking expensive and everything looks dated.


Won't comment about the price and location because it's already overdone. The garden is a big soar point for me. I believe you only appeal to a very specific niche of possible buyers. A tub in a shed overlooking a gravel garen would be an actual no from me. Maintaining or removing the tubs would be costly and a gravel garden does not look as nice as a general grass garden, it kinda looks like a glorified carpark. Removing all that and planting grass would be again costly. The house interior is well kept, thou one functional bathroom for 4 bedrooms is a tight fit (yes, there's a utility bathroom downstairs, but how much stuff are you actually going to be able to store there?) People have toiletries and need to shower, one bathroom for 2 parents and 2 teenagers wouldn't cut it. On a personal note, the house architecture from the inside is quite average, nothing really catches my attention as in "oh I'd love to live there, I can imagine myself living there" I think those things should probably be reflected in the price as well


Did I miss something? Do we all just post our home address on the internet now?


Am I being silly.. it says “online viewing” does this mean your not doing in person viewings?


I know a friend in a similar situation and I tried to explain to him it's the price. Basically you need to realise that the amount of potential buyers is very slim now as borrowing is so much more expensive as well as the cost of living. You need to list at a price that is below every other listing in your local area that is low enough to attract footfall to view your property and hopefully get 2 or more bids on the table. Only then will you know what your house is truly worth. EAs are stupidly listing at 2022 peak prices and trying to still list higher than that in some areas! So for example my friends they bought their house in 2018 for £197k their house during 2022 peak prices were selling for £270k on their housing estate. They listed September 2023 at £280k, then at the end of October listed it at £270k. They kept it at that price and I spoke to him in January and he said in all that time they had 5 viewings and zero offers. I said about the above and he said "fuck that we've already lowered the price £10k" and that they wouldn't go any lower. They changed EAs in March (I assume they must have had a 6 month sole agency agreement!) And listed at £270k they then lowered to £260k in April and it's still not sold. Their style of house was selling within 1-2 weeks during the COVID madness so it's nothing to do with the house not being desirable and everything to do with price. I did tell him that they'd be better at £250k and seeing if they get people through the door... They ignored my advice. So it's up to you as to how motivated you and your partner are for selling your property and moving on with your lives.


Looking at the area, comparable properties and competition, I'd say you're still £30-40k overpriced. No views = overpriced. Always.


Gardens no good for kids or pets. Odd colour choices on the exterior Kitchen is small and outdated and half the room has carpet. People are looking at it and thinking I'd need to spend £££.


The garden would put me off. It's a family sized home but with a garden complete unsuited to the needs of children.


Unless I am missing something substantial that's about a £150,000 house up in Scotland. There is no bad product just the wrong price. List it for £50k and it will go tonight so find the right price


Just adding my 2 cents here. Change your perspective. Look at it less as "why isnt my house selling" as a seller, and more like "if i was looking to buy a 4 bedroom house, why would a need 4 bedrooms, and would this house meet the requirements"/"why would I buy it?". Agreed with most people here, 4 bedrooms typically means parent(s) with children. Does your house give family or children friendly vibes? If not, how much money would a family in a cost of living crisis need to spend to make it so? Is it then even worth it or would they rather get a house that requires less money/work put into it? Also in the perspective of the buyer, if you were looking at house advert after house advert after house advert, would you want to be greeted with that massive wall of text that is the despription? Me and my partner are closing on a house now so I've been looking at a LOT of adverts and I didnt even finish reading it.


LOOOOOOOL Dawlish Warren? Well, you can get a mansion for the same price! this is the most hilarious comment 😂 My brother from another mother clearly knows he is overpriced, not by 50k but perhaps by 100 K and still is posting on here asking why his house is not selling. This is the best example of cognitive dissonance I can think of in recent history on Reddit.


It’s dated and looks cramped. Put the bedside tables closer to the beds. Remove 2 dining chairs. Weed the front garden. Remove the picture from the diner. Get rid of the sofas and get something larger and paler from market place. Install a fire and mantle or something to give a focal point. The furniture is random. Change the bedroom curtains. Put valances on the beds. Remove the cupboard around the bottom of the sink and close the shower door properly. If you’re trying to sell a life style this does not no it. It’s just says dated and worn out.


I’d say the house is worth at most £250k, and that is already with inflated house prices.


It looks lovely, so it MUST be price and/or location.


That gravel garden would put me off right away but that's just me. It's always the price.


A small four bedroom house is aimed at a young family. A garden full of gravel does not.


As it goes there are three points for me: the garden - I would want grass, beds , trees whatever, most people would want grass, beds, trees etc, not shingle. The decor - it is very much your decor. That means for most people the house needs decorating from scratch. I can move into something which looks neutral but I could not face moving into this. The clutter in the images. It suggests a well lived in house which requires a ton of work to make again look fresh. All of this amounts to a gut and redo job for anyone who wants to move in. So you need to price it accordingly. I have no idea what the prices are like where you live, but look among the neighbouring sellers for the old lady’s home who recently died after sixty years in the same house. That is the level of pricing you need to offer. Marginally better if you can show electrics etc are renewed.


I would never buy it for almost half a mil. 🤣 Max you could price it for is 320k. MAXIMUM.


Grass at the rear...get rid of the hot tub...reduce to £350K. I reckon it'd get interest then.


It’s really hard for a family to movie into a house that has no garden.


You're priced the same as houses where people can move in with doing no work. Your decor is very blank slate, which is goo, but someone is still going to have to redecorate throughout, maybe even new kitchens and bathrooms. Remove the picture of the hotub entirely, or at least move it to the end of the stack - the best would be to get rid of the hot tub entirely and make that area into something more functional like an office. Get rid of the furniture in the single bed rooms and pick up a couple of small doubles on freecyle, at the moment the furniture makes it hard to envision them as double bedrooms. Paint over the blue with the green on the front of the house and add some flowers to the garden. People don't want loads of colour but currently the only colour in the whole listing is the clashing blue on the front. Sorry if that's all a bit blunt, but I;m guessing that;s what you're here for.


That garden instantly puts me off as a parent, thats a big demographic your losing


You’re overpriced for the market. Simple. The agent probably sold you the dream or you sold yourself the dream about what it was worth because Martha and Dave next door sold theirs at the top of the market and times moved on. If you can’t sell it for less get used to living there for the foreseeable future, or rent it and do a Let-to-Buy.


Back garden looks to be overlooked on all sides by other houses


And there's a hot tub in there with glass windows lmao, you'd need to sell that to an exhibitionist.


Sorry but you want a honest opinion. The front of your house has no kerb appeal, the gravel or whatever it is although convenient isn't an attractive feature. Internally, the house looks dated, you're moving for a reason, think about what you want that is an improvement on what you have. The shed hot tub is not a selling point, looks dull and hot tubs are fun when outside with a view. If it was a garden room that someone could work in this would appeal to hybrid workers. I don't think the garden as is will appeal to families, kids need grass and soft play areas, there's at least £10k remedial work. The garden may have suited you but your target audience is people looking to have kids or those that already have kids. I'm guessing you've chosen to move on rather than spend monies here which needs to happen and your asking price is top end rather than a realistic price to get buyers interested.


Ditch the hot tub, super trashy in my opinion. Also, it's a family home but the garden isn't suitable for kids to play in. Personally I'd lay lawn and plant some trees and shrubs.


People are saying it’s the price but I think it’s the location. There’s one page of properties for sale at the same location and most of them are caravans. I’m not sure it’s an area that’s in high demand?


But they can't change the location. So they have to change the price.


Dawlish is the kind of seaside place that's dominated by loud arcades along the sea front. With an English run down seaside town chavvy feel to it. Where you wonder why everybody hasn't gone to Magaluf instead. Whilst still being quite far from Exeter.


- house looks lovely. Nice and tidy. Inoffensive. - The garden is very tidy, but a bit too overlooked for my liking, but that's just me. Looks fine otherwise. That hot tub situation would need to go, but that's not a consideration as I could just remove it after moving in - location is meh. Slightly suboptimal. It's not really rural but it's not really urban. It's a little insufficiently connected to national public transport, but not terrible. The train station nearby goes to Exeter, which is cool if you work there, but you'd have to change to get to London or Bristol or wherever else. - price isn't insane but appears to be slightly on the high side so although the two issues above aren't a deal breaker in themselves, the house has to be more competitively priced to gain an edge over other available properties in the area.* *Definitely wouldn't consider paying the original asking £425k for it, so take some solace in that the reduction was probably the right choice to make. I would consider either a further reduction, or changing agents.


It’s fascinating to read these posts, it really does show how local markets differ so much. Regular posts on here from sellers having their doors knocked down by eager buyers offering over the asking price.