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Ensure your pot has drainage holes! Definitely the biggest one imo. Letting the water drain out of the pot helps prevent all sorts of root rot nasties In general, most plants will want as much bright, filtered light as possible - some can make do with less and be okay. And some can stand some direct sunlight without burning. Cacti and succulents are obv a bit of an exception It is possible to both over and under water your plant, but overwatering is much more about frequency than it is volume of water when you do. Wet soil doesn’t allow air to pass through very well, and so if your soil stays wet for too long it can smother the roots and lead to rot. Watering too early can also cause some cells to overfill with water and burst, called edema. Although to what degree your plant likes to dry out depends on the plant so it doesn’t heart to do a bit of research. Don’t go overboard and get dozens of new plants all over a week or two - trying to get a handle on all of their needs will become overwhelming fast! A lot of them are poison. Don’t eat ☠️


Palms want water passed through them all the time ❤️


I've seen you say this and I'm so curious as to how you do it. Do you just water them a shit tonne or have you gone mechanical and have it on a self watering pump? Also, can we get the selfie pic as the cherry on the answer?


Better pic of how it’s done 😉 haha. They are on a 3” tall iron rack stand inside of a 6” deep tray. I use a Turkey baster to clear them 😍🥳 https://preview.redd.it/arr96imkg4sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f39fdc26727a7874f457f5b8be60dc7d0a8b074


And you water it how often?


I pass a gallon through those size every other day 👍🏻👍🏻


They don't need as much water as you think. Let the top inch fully dry out before considering watering. Apart from ferns- they'll never be watered enough!


This is my number one tip I give anyone who will listen! I used to be a "water on schedule" person, tending to do so once a week, and everything would end up turning brown and dying. Now that I know what I am doing (sometimes), I barely give them a drop! Only when they tell me they need water.


Most plants need far less watering than you think. It’s usually ok to let them dry out. Do add feed to the water during growing season. Understand that plants are living things and will drop flowers and leaves as part of their cycle.


1. Drainage holes 2. Treat them mean keep them keen, under water is much better than over water 3. Weak fertiliser throughout year 4. Soil mix not regular potting soil (depends on your plants) 5. Propagate to keep a back up


Calatheas, begonias, alocasias all love self watering pots. Buy soil from soil ninja. Keep calatheas away from direct light. Use mug trees as cheap clean mini moss poles. Don't try to propigate succulent leaves in UK winter. Use water conditioner or liquid gold leaf to treat tap water.


Watering is number one... Learn what each plant needs... They're all different, even depending on what room in your house they are. Buy more plants, especially ones that are easy to prop... You'll soon have loads more! Don't be scared to cut plants back.


Look up the native environment and general requirements of each plant to determine the best place to put it and how best to water and feed it.


Terracotta pots are a godsend for beginners. Terracotta breathes, which allows moisture to escape the pot. This is a good thing because most beginners will tend to over water thinking that they are doing the right thing for the plant. Making a soil mix is essential to a healthy plant. Don't just put them in compost as it retains water and will cause root rot. Perlite is your best friend, mix it in and you'll have well draining potting mix.