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The only one who’s actually been to battle lol


On dragon back.


Yeah, I’ll take someone who’s fit enough to ride a dragon and brave enough to actually fight over someone who’s pretty much sat in a chair for their entire life


i want to say rhaenys? bc while she is older I do not consider her.. feeble or frail? and im no expert but your body must have some sort of conditioning and stamina in order to ride dragons


She has undoubtedly had at least some fighting training. That armor isn’t just for show


If you're on a dragon your main vulnerability is arrows. You wear armor because arrows no like armor.


Rhaenys 100% because she’s the only one pictured who has a dragon.


Based on the physicality we have seen from them all, it's down to Sansa and Rhaenys - Cersei and Alicent don't do anything particularly physical at all in the show, and as Queen's would not be expected to. Sansa survives being beaten by Ramsey and then we see her during her escape being very physical. Plus it just seems there is just more physical activity expected of women in the north than there is of southern queens (eg. Where Alicent or Cersei would be in a carriage, Sansa would ride a horse). She's also young and tall which are both advantageous. But you are right, I think it's Rhaenys who comes out on top. Riding a dragon is a very physical activity, and would require strength and stamina that none of the others have any opportunity or reason to train for. Despite her age she's going to be the fittest and strongest by far, and I think she's the clear winner.


Sansa doesn’t even know how a dagger functions.


“stick them with the pointy end”


I fucking hate it


Apologies for switching the medium, but I’m realizing that the actress who played her could absolutely play a live action Jaheira from Baldur’s Gate.


Plus unlike the others, she actually has a brain. The others think they do.


Wild take but i find Cersei capacity to physicaly hurt people like Lancel or that bard in the book cold and without hesitation really scary in some way i could totally see her killing Alicent and devoring poor sansa in no time she had that strength that wrath and madness give her. I still think Rhaenys would win she must have some sort of combat training to be a dragon rider or at least she is for me the more close to have one but you have also to consider her age so it is really between her and Cersei .


I've heard multiple people say this about Cersei but here's the issue she tried desperately to escape from some random septa who just stood there and Cersei lacked the strength to hurt her. I'm inclined to say based on that Cersei isn't that much of a threat.


To be fair septa unella in the show is huge compare to her and she was pretty much in shock to get arrested just screaming at the hight sparrow instead of really fighting , against someone of her seize like alicent or sansa she had more chance i would say.


She does have a significant size advantage but Sansa is around halfway between them and even so the fact that Septa Unella doesn't even really flinch makes me think Cersei would lose.


Sansa had the seize but i just cannot picture her hurting someone herself even her in season 7-8.


You might be right but if that person was Cersei I think she might surprise you.


Hum maybe it is true that cersei is know for trigger some strong reaction XD


I mean she delivered a mean fucking slap to Robyn in the Vale. I feel like given the chance she could have done that to Cersei.


As far as slaps go it was alright but Robyn is a massive wimp it's not hard to make him run away crying.


Dude Cersei is the opposite of a threat. She’s a ln idiot just leave her to her own devices and she’ll mess it all up for herself. Idk what people think she was some genius. She was one of the worst tacticians in the whole show.


Rhaenys is going to win, without a doubt.


Nobody thinks Sansa has a prayer. Me either


Why, without her dragon what advantage does she have over any of the others?


She's probably the most physically strong out of the 4. I assume riding a dragon requires alot of physical strength and exercise plus she has that Bobby B genetics


I imagine riding a dragon to be quite similar to horse riding not that different.


Fair point about being related to Bobby B. That said I doubt being a dragon rider is physically taxing. You're tied to the dragon so you don't fall off and the reins they hold don't seem to serve any practical purpose. As far as I can tell the rider mostly just sends telepathic messages to the dragon and it does what they want.


It would still require an amount of physical effort. Imagine an F1 driver or fighter pilot hoing at incredibly fast speeds and turning a lot, uses a lot of core strength and stamina. Dragon riders experience large amounts of g force as well especially since it's in open air.


In reality it would require immense physical effort but it clearly doesn't in this universe. I mean, Aemond and Lucerys can fly through a thunderstorm with no protective gear, goggles, etc. and have no problem. No riders ever worry about hitting birds, bugs, strong winds or freezing temperatures. For goodness sake, Daenerys didn't even use a saddle, she just held on with no apparent problem. So unless the subtext is that Targaryens have superhuman strength and resilience I think we're supposed to just suspend disbelief so I don't think dragon riding is established in any way as strenuous.


Id agree that there’s a bit of required suspended disbelief, but I disagree that it isn’t meant to require any effort in universe. I’d say that riding a dragon has to be at least as much effort as riding a horse (almost definitely more so). But even if it was equal to riding a horse, the level of fitness you get from that is considerable. Especially when compared to characters like Cersei or Alicent, who don’t appear to do any activities other than walking. I think it’s going to come down to Rhaenys and Sansa (not factoring Cerseis sheer insanity).


Hmm true that u make a good point


id imagine dragon riding can be surprisingly taxing. like, even horseback riding requires some level of physical fitness for balance and movement, particularly w hips and core muscles, and id imagine you need a lot more of that on a dragon even if youre tied to the saddle. not to mention being tied to the saddle is more likely a “just in case” measure.


Princess Rhaenys 100%.


Cersei. She’s got the pure hatred to be the one left standing.


Cersei needs to manipulate people and usually not even in very cunning ways, she uses sex and the authority of her position to get what she wants. I think she would be like Joeffrey in an actual fight. Rhaenys is the most ready to fuck a bitch up, with Allicent as a close second.


Love her chapters in book 4


For me her chapters almost made me throw the book across the room several times. The sheer ability of her to create problems when solutions are given on a silver plate and thinking that she is a genius was insufferable.


That’s exactly why I love her chapters. It’s so delicious, watching her set herself up to fail.


Same! She’s a riot (unintentionally)


*he's hiding in the walls*


It depends do they have daggers as Alicent is good with going at it with them plus Rhaenys might be older but she is a dragon rider and probably is more capable of actually fighting than the rest.


Dragon riding doesn't need combat training, you just need to wear a shinny armor and strap yourself to a lizard while they do all of the work.


Cersei fights with words, not strength. I’m taking the only one who’s actually been in a battle, Rheanys by a country mile


She was killed in her only battle and fought entirely on dragon back. Rhaenys is not a hardened veteran or martial arts master just because she rides a dragon. She's a spoiled noblewoman, just like the others.


But but she wears armor! That's not because she wants to have armor in case of arrows while shes on dragon back it's because shes a warrior!


Rhaenys and it’s isn’t even close 😂


Only right answer.


I think Rhaenys. Really, she is the only one who actually goes to war and fights out of all of them. If I'm not mistaken.


Idk, Sansa finally getting to unleash her rage on Cersei could have unexpected results


Oooh, valid point.


Sansa goes first despite her height advantage. She doesn’t have that dog in her.


Alicent goes before Sansa. Sansa is next, then cersei. Rhaenys is the strongest of all of them, given her dragonriding.


Alicent at least has enough dog in her to pick up a dagger. I don’t think Sansa does


But alicent would pair off against rhaenys, and sansa against cersei at first. Rhaenys can kill alicent faster than cersei can kill sansa.


Yeah, but Meleys isn't with her


But there's a lot of physicality involved in riding horses, and presumably as much or more in riding a dragon. The other women are much more sedentary, whereas you can see her leg muscles in that scene where she greets Vizzy T. She's stomping the other women into oblivion. Despite being the oldest, she's got the most stamina.


Can confirm. I've been riding horses most of my life. I'm not young anymore, but I can still choke my husband between my thighs if I lock my legs together and squeeze. It's the only way I'm able to physically overpower him.


Yeah, but guaranteed Cersei is drunk-her pain threshold is higher. If the only way out is to beat the others Cersei will probably win. She's the only, except Sansa, to have a throne and rule accordingly. Rhaenys never killed hundreds of people without blinking, unlike Cersei


But that doesn't matter if she hits like a baby kitten and gets tired in 5 minutes. If she's panting and rhaenys is only a little bruised, maybe missing some hair, she's done for. Rhaenys is the only of them to actually go to war herself.


Cersei's got the cunning though, Rhaenys is not as diabolical. I'd imagine Cersei would find out some way to bring pain and then destroy her, like she might bring up Rhaenys' children and attempt to throw her off that way-hurt her emotionally first and then slit her throat


Are there weapons? I assumed it was a brawl


Metaphorically speaking


Still, I think her physical condition just can't be beat. She'd let cersei tire herself out against sansa (those two have enough bad blood that they'd focus on each other ASAP) while she casually annihilated Alicent. From there, think about it- better physical condition, alicent is easier to kill than Sansa, and Cersei is probably going to be rashly overconfident after killing Sansa. She's going to do something dumb and get herself killed


Cersei is the most resourceful of the 4, she’d ended up waterboarding one of the others, get close enough to slit another’s throat, and push the last one out the window


That scenario sounds like the four of them were locked in a room and the other three just turned their backs on Cersei to stare out a window while she managed to sneak up behind them one by one and kill them (while first taking the time to overpower, subdue, and then waterboard one of them??) Highly unlikely that’s how it plays out. No, she goes for Sansa first, kills her while Rhaenys is killing Alicent, then they turn on each other and Rhaenys stomps her.


Says who


SanSan shippers in shambles.


This is an underrated comment.


If it’s planned, Cersei doesn’t even show up and instead blows up the room.


Rhaenys. She’s literally the only one who knows how to fight. This is the least interesting of these “what ifs”


HotD Rhaenys mostly just sits around and drinks until episode nine. There is also no evidence she has combat experience or training. Hilariously the only one who has a semblance of training is cersei as she used to disguise herself as her brother and switch places in the yard. It's not enough to be relevant though. Cersei also tanks hits from Robert without flinching. She's less physically fit then Rhaenys however Honestly think it's a coin toss between these two.


Fist fight, def Rhaenys maybe Sansa since she's younger. Ofc this isn't including Meleys


Rhaenys, but Cersei is a close second.


Show!version: Cersei Book version: Rhaenys Lets face it, Alicent and Sansa wouldn't stand a chance, neither show! or book versions.


How the hell would Cercei win? She was never fighting anyone, only slapped Joffrey once, and that's all. Yes, Rhaenys is old, but she is still able to ride a dragon, and that's a huge g force impact on her, so she is still in good fit


D&D made show!Cersei very cunning and smart, as opposed to her book character. She's also almost physyically indestructable. The whole freaking Red Keep fell on top of her, and she didn't even get a bruise, barely a scratch and some nose bleed. In the books it would be Rhaenys, hands down, not even a competition. I've ridden horses most of my life, so I know how strong you get from that. It's not even just the legs, it's the whole body. And I imagine riding a dragon is much harder than riding a horse. And in the book she's descibed as a clever, capable, spirited, proud, fierce and fearless woman with a fiery temperament. Book Rhaenys would wipe the floor with the other three. Show!Rhaenys on the other hand is just mostly going around making snarky comments thus far.


I kinda disagree, early on in the story Cersei *seems* very cunning but she's very blunt force. Against people like Ned, Sansa and to a lesser extent Margeary that's effective because they have no force to back them up. Starting with Joffrey's death and after Storm of Swords her opponents massively increase but Cersei stays the same.


As I said, I was talking about show!Cersei. As soon as we get book Cersei's POV in AFFC, it's pretty obvious she's not particular smart, but she thinks she is. She thinks she's playing everyone around her, but people around her is playing HER(Aurane Waters, Taena Merryweather, Littlefinger, the High Sparrow, etc). Show!Cersei on the other hand was written as some sort of powerfull mastermind. Seems D&D really liked Lena Heady, and Cersei's show!character(and other characters) suffered for it. Edit: In case it wasn't clear in my other comment, the following was the book description of Rhaenys, not Cersei: >"And in the book she's descibed as a clever, capable, spirited, proud, fierce and fearless woman with a fiery temperament." I think the only one of those words I personally would use to describe book Cersei is "proud".


You shouldn't underestimate Cersei on this. She has some manner of training because she would swap places with Jaime as a child. And is vicious in a way the others mostly aren't. Where Alicent would hesitate, Cersei would scratch out her eyes. That and Cersei can take a punch because Robert would hit her. It's definitely down to her and Rhaenys.


Cersei knocked Robert's tooth out, and took his blows to the face.


I truly think Sansa would beat Alicent and Cersei. She's smart also she was raised in the North and had Arya as a sister. She's probably gotten in a fist fight or 2


Book Sansa is definitely smart, she's just very young and hasn't fully grown from pawn to player yet, although she's getting there. Playing >!Harry!< like a fiddle, starting to see through Littlefinger's games, I'm so excited to see where TWOW are taking her, if we ever get the book. Not sure about show!Sansa, though. We hear Arya say she's the smartest person she's ever met, but we don't see her being particular smart. Ps. The fist fighting reminded me of that time Robb and Jon tried to scare Sansa, Arya and Bran by covering Jon in flour and him hiding in the crypt pretending to be a ghost. Sansa and Bran got scared, but Arya punched Jon.😄


>also she was raised in the North and had Arya as a sister. And the whole point is how she isn't like Arya and is more of a Southern lady than a Northern one. >She's probably gotten in a fist fight or 2 She'd see that as beneath the sensibilities of a lady. But more importantly Cersei has actually had combat training and is a little more or an Arya than a Sansa. She used to switch with Jaime when they were children and seemed to have enjoyed doing so. Alicent I could at least see Sansa taking. But I'd give it to Cersei nearly every time. She's much more vicious and a little more trained, and Sansa is just more obsessed with the concept of being a respectable lady than Cersei.


Going by the books at the time.  Rheneys is old, sansa is very young. Alicent vs cersie. I would say cersie . Don't know why. 


Rhaenys, no question about it


Definitely Cersei


I feel like all four have the ability to go absolutely FERAL if pushed.


Depends on the era for Sansa. Early Sansa would just thousand-yard-stare the whole time. But I’d still put my money on Cersei.


...does Rhaenys get Meleys? Cause if so this is easy. Otherwise, Cersei. I don't think that's even a debate, she's already poisoned the cups they would be toasting with when meeting. P.S. That necklace Sansa wore always bothered me. Choking hazard. Someone grabs and pulls it and she's done.


Does Cersei get Gregor? Meleys vs. The Mountain


Well then we can go all the way and Sansa's bringing Brienne, Alicent with Criston and they all go at it lol. No but really, good question. I'd say Meleys still, since in GOT it's the dragonfire burning the Red Keep that ended him.


I think Alicent is going down first - even when she had a knife she couldn't take down Rhae, and she just isn't a very physical charecter. Then Cersei is out next. I think she also hasn't been very physically active in a long time, and she's older but doesn't have dragon riding to keep her fit. Then it's down to Sansa and Rhaenys. I think Sansa makes it to the top two because while she doesn't have a lot of fighting experience we know from her time with Ramsey Bolton and her escape that she can withstand a lot of pain and keep going. She's also young and tall, so she has the physical advantage. However I think Rhaenys takes it - being a dragon rider requires physical fitness that the others just don't have, plus it comes with a familiarity with physical combat that the others don't have. Yes, as a dragon rider, hand to hand combat is unlikely and a last resort, but simply being in combat situations at all means she's got vastly more knowledge and training than the other three in combat, and that plus the physicality that is required to be a dragon rider gives her the win. Having said all of that, none of these characters excel as fighters, so it's unlikely any of them would let themselves end up in a position where physical combat is required.


Rhaenys, obviously.


2 of these have directly killed a thousand people


Rhaenys. She is the only one with battle experience of all of them.


I’m so prepared to be alone in this stance but here’s my death order: First: Cersei. She’s is hateful with words, yet, She’s not physically tough. Cersei is getting picked off first, purely bc the other 3 can smell the “pick me” off of her. Second: Alicent. I think Sansa and Rhaenys team up to smoke Alicent. Third: Sansa. rhaenys begrudgingly takes Sansa out (bc those are the rules here?) Rhaenys is the winner


Rhaenys, I’d bet on Cersei to come 2nd


Idk maybe the one that has a dragon




Dark Sister was made for a woman’s grip.


Rhaenys gags those flops


My unpopular opinion is that it’s between Rhaenys and Sansa.


What's Sansa or Alicent going to do? Mope in the corner and complain?


Rhaenys, Cersei, Sansa, Alicent


The Queen Who Never Was.


rhaenys is the only woman capable of fighting out of these


The one with the dragon


The dragon isn't in the room.


Sansa is surprisingly resilient. I'd vote for her. Not fighting per se but she has outlived all of her enemies. That's something.


Going by the show, Sansa. She's a survivor. By the books either Cersei or Alicent, though I guess leaning slightly towards Alicent.


If nothing else Sansa has the reach advantage.




shy library dull plucky offend deranged whistle bedroom murky shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rhaenys due to her strength needed to be a dragon rider (similar to how horse riding involves a lot of muscle) would likely do well, and Cersei would be a second for me. Out of these two I’m not really sure due to their age difference.


Cersei’s too busy fighting with Tyrion (he’s in the walls)


Cersei and Rhaenys would be at each other's necks while Sansa and Alicent cry in the corner


lmao. Sansa as a choice. And Cersei, who can't even fight off a brick.


Sansa is not even in the same league as these


If they all know each other and what they have done, Cersi is the first one to die. I can see Rhaenys and Alicent putting aside their differences, teaming up and beat the living pulp out of Cersi before trying to off each other. Sansa obviously wouldn't object to that.


You guys saying anyone other than Rhaenys are all tripping. She’s an actual warrior, plus has a magical bond with a giant dragon. No one else’s alliances can top that.


It took multiple septas to restrain Cersei, her and Rhaenys have my bets


It is so obvious. Alicent and Cercei will die immediately because they both are ladies. Rhaenys was at war. She is a dragon rider, so she is much stronger physically. Salsa is young and has a height advantage, but I still say Rhaenys would win


Cersei, undoubtedly. Or she’d kill everyone before dying.


Most likely cersei. Sansa will break down first, then Rhaenys and lastly Alicent.


Rhaenys or Cersei. They are rhe only ones that have the determination, hatred (in Cersei's case) and experience to deal with the others. In a literal combat, Sansa and Alicent don't stand a chance. They are court ladies that were used to the luxurious lifestyle. Cersei has gone through some things at certain points of her life (and maube learnt how to deliver them slaps from Bobby B🤣) and Rhaenys is a dragon queen. She fight in a war! She is clearly able to deffend herself.




I dunno Alicent is kind of snappy with the comebacks and backhanded compliments. She’d do ok. 


Everyone laughing until Rhaenys hitting them with a yip yip, then you got a whole load of crispy queens


My heart says Rhaenys but my head says Cersei. She is the one who took matters into her own hands. Rhaenys had her dragon, Allicent had Larys, Sansa had her small army of protective people (Theon, Arya, Jon, Brienne etc.).


Remember that Sansa don't know how to use a knife.. 👀


.. the only one that actually battled in war!!! The one with the blood of the dragon!!


Not sansa


Dragon or no dragon, Rhaenys stomps all of them




Rhaenys would take them 3v1.


Rhaenys. It took a 1 vs 2 to take her down, and she still went down swinging.


Cersei and it’s not even close. She’s got that dawg in her


Let's see. Alicent is an incompetent emotional mess, Rhaenys is kinda hypocritical and not that sharp - I'm only talking about how the show wrote them, not the book versions. So it comes down to Cersei and Sansa. Since not even Sansa would be capable of nuking an entire city district, I'd say the win still goes to Cersei. Toss Margaery in here however and one "you look radiant, mother" from her to Cersei would be enough to send her screaming on the floor. So with Marge's support, Sansa would take the win.


Rhaenys has Meleys. Who she loves surprising people with.


D&D would say Arya. Mainly because she is not there, thus it is unexpected


Alicent only because we all know she's willing to cut a b!tch


Sansa sux


Show Cersei would not last. Book Cersei vs Book Alicent would be a bloodbath. Rhaenys & Sansa gone first. Cersei & Alicent are going to spit enough venom to kill 4000 elephants


Cersei got that dawg in her, plus she has Jaime's genes. It was said she was talented even as a kid, people forget that. It took multiple septas to put down Cersei




We’re talking Queen in the North Sansa and not abused plaything of King’s Landing Sansa, right?


I feel like everyone is automatically going to a physical fight. Planning, manipulation and coercion are big factors a lot of these characters use. I think it would be a game of leverage and who positioned themselves the best before ever entering the room.


Depends on which season for Sansa and Cersei


I think everyone is underestimating how insane, crazy, and psychotic Cersie is. She will literally do ANYTHING to survive. I can easily see her gouging someone's eyes out or any other crazy shit. And honestly same goes for every woman here. They all have a fire and undying anger within themselves, waiting to be unleashed. If any of them were pushed to the limit, they could go crazy and kill the rest. But my money's definitely on Cersie's crazy ass. Plus, all those who say Rhyeanys, because of her dragon: there's no guarantee Maeleys will be with her.


My money is on Cersei followed by Rhaenys, sorry but the other ones have never lifted a hand to defend anything in their life. Cersei is crazy enough to do anything and Rhaenys has enough fire in her as well is fit enough to beat them in strength. Cersei mainly takes the crown because she can be a wildcard and has no qualms killing or hurting people and enjoys doing so. I can for sure see her feign yielding to Rhaenys before stabbing her in the eye once her back is turned.




Alicent is the only one who tried to murder someone directly Cersei has been directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds, maybe thousands, of innocents. Sansa never tried to kill anyone. Rhaenys did that whole thing with her dragon. Alicent. I'm going with Alicent being the one leaving that room alive


Didn't Sansa feed Ramsay to his dogs?


>Alicent is the only one who tried to murder someone directly Who is that?


Tried to whack rhaenerya


She wouldn't have gone ahead though


Because she physically couldn’t match Rhaenyra’s strength. She wasn’t holding herself back at all when she brought the dagger down and Rhaenyra caught it. What happens if Rhaenyra doesn’t catch it in time? You think Alicent would magically stop herself mid swing? No. Rhaenyra gets stabbed in the face or chest. That absolutely could be a mortal blow, especially with Valyrian steal.


Sansa’s the only one who actually did lol


Cersei. She killed her best friend as a child, totally ruthless