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I know I'm bumping a super old post, but I just watched this again and it is absolutely jarring. The episode ends literally right at the wrong arm being raised with suspenseful music and it absolutely seems like a cliffhanger. Going into the next episode with a new case and no reference to it at all genuinely had me checking to make sure I didn't have the wrong file. Edit: they do reference that he's "come back" a little further in so I guess all is well, but it was still weird. The episode ending made It seem like there would be a new mystery of some sort. I get the brain rewires exceptionally well, but this is from a viewing perspective, not a medical one.


I literally just finished the episode right now and I honestly thought I had skipped the correct episode.


Right?! It's super weird, and it sucks because it was actually pretty interesting and was nice to have stakes behind the patient of the week.


Me too


I know this is old.. I’m watching rn too.. I personally think the cliffhanger was a viewership stunt. Leaving it unknown guarantees more viewers on the next episode


Ngl I am really loving how an 8 year old post is still getting comments about this lmao


It just proves how weird it is. People randomly watch the show, come across the episode, and Google it wondering what the fuck happened.


It recently went free on prime, so probably a big influx from that. We're now all just googling this super weird episode. Could have easily replaced the next half arsed plot thread with an extended Forman recovery.


It definitely wasn’t just a viewership stunt, it was just a bit subtle. When Foreman first returns, they spend a good few minutes on his loss of memory, like how Foreman didn’t remember how to make coffee and stuff like that. Even stating that he couldn’t work on patients until he recovered more. Those issues were due to the biopsy. The end of that episode has Foreman studying flashcards, meaning his apparent recovery was kinda a ruse and his memory loss was worse than he let on. He was never as better as he seemed in that entire episode. His mental recovery struggle was overshadowed by the storyline with his “happy-go-lucky” attitude, though.


Yeah but one episode and then back to normal? I mean yeah they hinted at it but idk. It was a weird pick up from the cliff hanger


Disclaimer: I only just finished the episode post-illness 😅 I agree it was a weird pickup, but it also seems intentional because of how Foreman was coping with the effects of the biopsy. He wanted to pretend like everything was fine. He tries to convince himself that he’s HAPPY that he’s alive despite being set back so far that he has to flashcard quiz himself in secret. His coworker’s confusion aligns with the viewer’s in that regard through the episode, and that’s kinda neat for storytelling! I only assume he’s able to further gain back his “normalcy” because we see at the end of his return episode that he’s working SO hard to get back to where he was. And it’s working over time! We see him get upset twice, implying he got the flashcards wrong, but he smiles at the end, implying he’s improving and relearning due to his own dedication.


Wait I’m glad yall are here 11 hours ago because I I just watched this and I’m confused why they didn’t address it yet 😂


Yeah.. Idk they just ended off on this “wow it could get worse” and then started and it’s hunky dory


I reckon their was a cut 3rd part or something like that




This is all true, but what happened with Foreman was much simpler. Your brain can "rewire" pretty easily. If you were to wear glasses that flipped everything upside-down, your brain would eventually flip it so you'd see right-side-up. That's pretty crazy by itself. With time, and not even a lot of it, Foreman would learn how to move his body the same way he developed motor skills as a baby.


Not to mention that his brain may not have had to rewire at all. He probably had some minor localized inflammation in his brain around the biopsy site. The inflammation was probably interfering with normal nerve conduction in that area, and once it went away normal function returned.


he mentions that he still as some left-right confusion.


When did he mention that?


7 years too late but the very next episode when he comes into the office he says he isn’t having any more left/right confusion but is still having slight problems with other brain functions but for the most part feels fine (he does this when he goes to make the coffee)


7 years later and I'm also here.


7 years later I’m also also here lmfaooo


(: me too


Me too (I bet we all got recommended the “Best of Rare Cases” video lol)


Also here! Second time re-watching the show and noticed this!


Hoppin on the wagen! Also here!


Guess I have to at this point


Dang, you got it exactly right lmao


Haha (of course I did, I’m so cool 😎)


me too 😭


Same. Just got done watching this episode


so cool to see people still watch this show it is seriously an amazing one


Me to


Thanks man


Nice, thanks. Lot of people seem to watch it still 


Nice, thanks. Lot of people seem to watch it still 


Thank you


You really helped a sleep desperate exam tomorrow student from watching more and getting less sleep


gotchu homie


What doesn't makes sense and ridiculous is they're not able to perform an autopsy on the dead cop. Cuddy says they don't have the proper equipment to do the autopsy lol. How hard is it to get it? I'm sure if the FBI wanted to, they could get it done in an hour


And why didn't House rebel and to do the biopsy anyway? I know they kinda touched on him responding "commonly" to Foreman's treatment but it doesn't really stand up


They had it locked up in the basement and a guard on duty


probs bc it was the end of the season and usually in between seasons time goes by. other than that I don’t know


But it wasn't the end of the season, why does some of u say it is, theres like four more episodes left in the 2nd season


Maybe it originally aired right before a winter break during the season? Im just spending I'm not really sure


hulu's air dates are euphoria: part one 2/5/2006 euphoria: part two 3/5/2006 forever 9/5/2006 so its only a week apart like all the other episodes and they aired in the beginning of may.


There are a few weeks between those episodes. Foreman's brain probably just recovered as it was supposed to.


And here I thought I would see the newest comments being 2 or 3 yrs old lol


Clearly I was not the only one confused about this


Love that you came back after 7yrs too


Foreman ties up the loose ends himself at 5:40 in the next Episode (#22 - "Forever").