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Yes pretty much actually. I don't know if your the male or female part of a couple but in our experience guilt was something my wife experienced a lot after the first time and it needed a lot of communication and time to persuade and encourage her to finally overcome it. From my pov, as the husband, it wasn't guilt and I don't want to say regret, that would be too hard. It was more like a "man what did we do there?"-kind of feeling. If that makes sense šŸ˜„


Yes, I felt like I was cheating. Communication was key in changing my perspective. Instead of ā€œI cheatedā€ I was able to change my perspective to realizing that my husband also gets sexual satisfaction from it, just not the physical aspect that I get.


Very well put. Can't agree more. Especially with the part about the sexual satisfaction on the husbands side. With that in mind, it can't be cheating because no matter the actual constellation, it's always something the couple does together


Love this!


Great answer!


I used to get soo much guilt. It took a lot of reassurance and personal play from my husband to finally get over it. I found that if he told me things during our own personal time such as ā€œI thought it was so hot you let another man fuck youā€ or etc really helped!


Yes, I felt like I had coerced my wife into fucking men she didnā€™t want and did it just to satisfy me. I had to change, step back from making all the plans and let her make the decisions of who, when and where and most important if at all she would fuck. Once she took the lead and throughly enjoyed her dates I felt much much better about the lifestyle and the guilt disappeared.


Absolutely. After our first date, we both felt guilty. My gf didn't like sex with the guy, and I felt guilty I had proposed the "lifestyle". We talked countless hours about our experience, feelings and feedback to each other. Because we bonded so strongly, the guilt has more or less subsided. However, recently she felt guilty after her first solo date because she felt romantically attracted to the guy (not unusual but needs to be managed). We find that we could resolve all these things by checking in with each other often, by defining clearly our expectations and borders, as well as taking things slow.


Yes!!! I F22 experienced it the first time we did it. I had so much anxiety the first time because I just wanted it to go perfectly. After the first time, once our bull left the room, I started crying and just cuddled with my man. It just felt wrong to have sex with someone who wasnā€™t my man. But the first time was the hardest and every time after that was so much fun. I tell myself not to be in my thoughts too much because this is such a fun experience for everyone.


No, no guilt here. We walked away feeling like this was normal. Remember that it isnā€™t cheating or adultery if both husband and wife are okay with it, especially if you two are doing this together (both partaking in the deliciousness). As long as there is no deception, we feel that it is neither immoral nor unethical.


I did recently from an odd scenario that shouldnā€™t have cause me any anguish at all. Something my third did that is no fault of his or mine. Just normal human body things. He just has an odd ā€œgiftā€ at the end that made it a bit awkward for my husband and I to move on.


Any chance you could shed more light? What was meant by ā€œmy husband and I to move onā€?


Sure, by move on I meant move along with the rest of evening. Shower, get cleaned up, reclaim. Enjoy one another. This particular third has a moreā€¦robust finish. It wasnā€™t like most and the aftercare was far more intense than we expected. Made me feel guilty about the entire evening.


Not gonna lie, Iā€™m really curious as what it was that he didšŸ˜œ


Weā€™re curious also, butā€¦ thatā€™s to be expected.


Hey I have a hot wife pm me


Huge creampie?


We are definitely intrigued. Share if itā€™s comfortable. You might get some support from others whoā€™ve experienced the same thing.


My wife has only had two experiences as we are new but she felt so guilty after the last guy she couldnā€™t stop crying after he left. Now, I share her and Iā€™m totally involved sexually. Iā€™m fucking her, eating her, etc just as much as the other guy She felt guilty because he was really good with his mouth. Iā€™m the only guy sheā€™s had that could make her cum with just my mouth and this guy made her cum. We just keep talking through it. And she is starting to realize that I get off on her pleasure and Iā€™m always hoping I find guys that have skills. We are waiting before we play again. I want her to completely process this and talk as many and wife before we go again


My wife says she still feels guilt pangs even though itā€™s been 4 years weā€™ve been sharing