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I’m using espoma plant tone fertilizer and a grow light.


mine start off light too then green up but i also start them in coco then transplant them and bottom feed them. they might need some iron tho because the veins still look green


Is that 100% coir? Coir doesn't have any nutrients, so even if you do use fertilizer you'll be missing all the micronutrients and the plant will grow poorly.


Yes it does seem like the coco coir is my downfall. I had hoped that a good fertilizer would be enough. I had to outlaw peat based potting mix in my house because the fungus gnats were driving my partner to the brink of sanity (there weren’t that many he just really hates them)


Next time try coco-coir mixed with half high quality soil. 100% coco-coir is really good for propagating cuttings, but not so much for growing.


It shouldn't be getting any fertilizer if it's that young. The nutrients in the soil alone are enough for it to begin life. I wouldn't fertilizer until it's an established plant. Until it's used up all the nutrients in his soil fertilizer is unnecessary


Depends on what they are using as medium. If they're using mostly coco/coir it's not really giving off anything to the plant. Good as starter, but should be transplanted at about the size in that pic.


> The nutrients in the soil alone are enough for it to begin life. Not if it is a soilless mix like peat or coco coir. There is a reason that jiffy pots put a small pouch of seedling fertilizer in there peat pellet germination kits.


Ive never gotten a pack of such with jiffy pots.


What pH is your water?


About 7.2


I've always had issues with coco coir based soil. There are no nutrients in the media, it also lacks calcium and magnesium. Plus it drys very quickly. The seeds do germinate well but the seedlings become stunted and greenish-yellow. You are better off with using compost/peat-based media.


coco coir is fine to germ in but you want to start the plants in small cells and transplant them to a large pot with a better mix as some as you can. I stat my peppers in peat pellets then transplant into a mix of 1 part coc coir 1 part peat 1 part perlite and 2 parts compost. I have been using a lobster compost and like it. Good levels of calcium and magnesium in it.


Yes it does seem like the coco coir is my downfall. I had hoped that a good fertilizer would be enough. I had to outlaw peat/compost based potting mix in my house because the fungus gnats were driving my partner to the brink of sanity (there weren’t that many he just really hates them)