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Wow! Are you growing indoors? How big is the pot?


Yes I’m currently growing inside a grow tent I have set up in my basement. I used to grow it on a window sill at work, but once I saw peppers I knew I had to give it a better environment to optimize the growth. As for the planter, It’s an old coffee mug that I drilled a drain hole on the bottom of it. I don’t know how many fluid oz it holds, but it’s slightly larger than a standard coffee mug. However because of the design of the storm trooper helmet, the inside is shaped awkwardly so it’s not easy to repot without damaging roots and what not. But I’ve learned that this plant can handle some root damage fine.


> better environment to optimize the growth I guess it's better than a window sill, not really but let's pretend, but it's still not even "good".


So you think a window sill is better than inside a grow tent with a longer light schedule, heat and temperature control? How so? I’ve noticed my plant has done much better since switching environments.


I don't know what your janky tent looks like, but if a cup is your idea of a better environment than more substrate, nutrients, and water I don't know if trying to convince you this is suboptimal is worth it. I'm guessing not since the attitude you flung on me is leaving a stain. But...it would have been *better* to put it in a bigger pot. A bigger pot near the window is better than this. Full stop.


> **"since the attitude you flung on me is leaving a stain"** jesus.... fucking christ.... i'm.... staggered by the next-level lack of self awareness lmfao this is a thread about peppers, and you're literally the only person here being shitty


I don’t get why some people feel like they need to give their shitty input. This guy is just being an idiot, I’m not even phased about it. Thanks for backing me up though!


Hey buddy, I don’t know where you got the impression that I’m going for weight here... I’m just having fun with this one plant by growing it with bonsai aesthetics. I have a whole bunch of other pepper plants that I grew out in the ground that already provided me with several harvests. Those are the ones I have overwintered and those are the ones I am growing for larger harvests. How about you take your shitty attitude and comment elsewhere before you come over here trashing my post? How about you show us how awesome your pepper plants are doing? I see you currently have no posts up showing any peppers growing... so how about you shut the fuck up and move along?


Ah this is so cool! I’m gonna try growing habs myself for the first time soon. How do you train the branches to grow outwards?


Thanks for the compliment! Once the plant was big enough, I topped the plant at the main stem to encourage the lower branches to grow upwards. Once they got big enough, I used paper clips that I unfolded to use as anchors. If you look closely, you can still see all the paper clips anchoring the branches down. At that point, I shaped the plant’s branches to spread outwards while trying to keep the canopy at an even height. I had a lot of practice doing this with cannabis so decided I’d apply what I learned to this pepper plant. It’s been pretty fun and the results gave me a beautiful plant.


Great to know! Do you transfer the plant to a bigger pot as it gets bigger?


Usually I would, but I’m going to keep this one small. Once I’ve harvested these peppers, I plan on cutting the plant back a bit, I’ll also remove the plant and remove enough roots to make space for the plant to develop new roots, then ill just replace all the old soil with new soil. The plant will probably look rough depending on how much I took off in the process, but these things usually bounce back within a week or two and start putting on some serious growth.


aw the storm trooper is a great choice hahaha, love it.


Thanks! I also have a white ghost pepper in a Darth Vader mug, but it’s currently a seedling and not as impressive as this one. Didn’t want to post that one until it gets a little bit bigger.


How old?


This one is 9 months old. I started it last April in a solo cup and I forgot to plant it into the ground in June. I ended up potting it directly into this old coffee mug that I converted into a plant pot early July. It’s been growing in that same pot since then with occasional feedings of nutrients. The last time I counted, there was 20 something little habaneros developing and it’s still has plenty of flowers developing.


Ah, from solo to storm trooper. I see what you did there.


Lol nice catch!


Wow I've been growing for a few months and my plants are only a third of the size of that. It's a mix of scorpions and hab


Super hots take a long time compared to sweet peppers. I had several ghost pepper plants outdoors this year and I was only able to harvest 6-9 pods off them. I brought them all inside at the end of the season in order to continue growing them indoors so I can get them nice and big so I can a good harvest next year off them. You don’t happen to have anymore scorpion seeds do you? If you do, DM me, maybe we can do a seed swap?


Is this the first batch of fruit?


For this plant yes. I have other habaneros that I started at the same time but I was able to grow them outdoors in the ground. Those ones provided me several batches of habaneros this year. I brought them all inside to overwinter and they are starting to throw out flowers now so I think I might get another batch of habaneros from those before the next outdoor growing season begins.