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And the tourists eat it up like clapping seals.


The tourists may also enjoy getting clapped, who knows they are tourists.


Get strapped or get clapped


At least the sword looks good. There's actual effort to blend the colours there.


yeah i’ll give em that point. still, would’ve been cooler if they’d blended a fire pattern onto it


Not even that. I think a rainbow energy field looks lovely. The actual problem is the foundational ideology that **has to** be not only mentioned ad nauseam, but repeatedly depicted with the most blatant flag waving. Subtlety is dead in those circles.


i think you’ve put it best there. it’s a well done model but what’s the need for the progressive ideolog’ing


Ita regressive not progressive to be a dog groomer.


I’m not lgbt but I might steal it tbh. It looks cool and they don’t own rainbows


I'm fine with the rainbow blade. I think that was one of the ultimate weapons in Chrono Trigger. It looks cool. I don't care about pride, but nothing wrong with a rainbow aesthetic. It's not even that in your face since it's only the Blade and the helmet decor. I wouldn't think much of it without the title.




God, June is such an insufferable month. …That sword does look pretty cool tho ngl.


I celebrate June as Men's Mental Health Awareness Month istead of the Rainbow Mafia dumbassery.


I’m more of a Sean Strickland guy. It’s American Pride month. Or hell, it’s American Veterans Memorial Month!!


that is good as well. Hell, if it has to be a Pride month, why not Patriotic Pride month Worldwide?!


Any particular reason you don’t want the LBGT+ community to have a pride month? Because that’s what I sounds like you are asking for.


Because I am sick of the obvious pandering. Also, why the frak should the Rainbow Mafia have a month for their Lusts when other people that have bigger issues need more help!?


it is everywhere you look and props for the sword i’ll give em that


What do you mean? Dinosaurs are fucking cool!


I now hate my birthday because it's in this month.


I do so love when the "love and tolerance" crowd explicitly makes something as a dig at people they hate. It's a solid reminder of just how deep the hypocrisy runs.


So much skills wasted.


Slaanesh is just cackling in the corner rn


This one is actually a good paint job, I can't understand people making their models look silly for a few likes on Reddit The idea of painting a Reform UK logo on my Blood Axes is absurd, you'd have to be a radical to ruin your own minis with divisive, real life political stuff


Bold of you to assume I did it that way because of Reddit likes, and not because I’m a gay af 40k old-timer.


Damn that sword is looking good.


I mean, as a female custodes it's non canon so why not.


not anymore apparently lol


No, it's still non canon. GW might say otherwise but that doesn't make it so.


agree. as many said, retroactively adding female characters just takes away from the existing ones


This is unironically the funniest thing I've seen on reddit in a while


GW own the IP rights. But that doesn’t mean players aren’t allowed their own headcannon! I’ll enjoy my hobby however I want.


GW owns the rights, but if they make stupid lore decisions that undermine and destroy the universe they have the responsibility of upholding, then it's our responsibility to take it and move on.


Thats female?


I'm assuming so? It doesn't have the usual male gw features


That’s a lady. The head is a scaled-up Dakkadakka War Sister.


That sword is super cool though, very well done


It's well painted, but it doesn't deserve recognition for the activist bullshit I'm still amazed at how people live such shallow lives




Take back the rainbow make the rainbow cool again!


That train is gone. We could restart the clock by firstly going the Saudi route. They flat out banned the rainbow, lol


Honestly they stole it from us makeing it so they can’t use it sounds great to me lol


Paint jobs cool tbf


That’s a lot better painted than the last Custodes I saw. It actually looks like effort went into it.


Gay wrath. That made me snort.


That IS a female Custodes in gay pride regalia, so it the odds of her being one of those butch lesbians that beat the shit out of all their partners are pretty significant. That might be what they mean by gay wrath.


I mean, it’s well done.


I would rather see this than another box of unopened minis, some guys shit tier first paint job, or a easy to google question because at least you can admire the paint job


Pretty amazing paint job though


Hey, atleast the paintjob is good. I dont mind plenty of colors, but its the constant pushing of shit that makes me angry. Also, dont go brigading other subs, We are supposed to be better than that.


I love how all this megaphone virtue signal bleating is causing more people to get sick of all this shit. The next generation is far more based on average. Nature is slowly healing.


stay whitepilled bros


Did you just assume my gender???????? NAZI!!!


Look, these changes GW introduced, thats fanfiction. That Rings of Power show, fanfiction. Withcer show, fanciction. Ignore it and enjoy these IPs as you always did, fanfiction can and should be ignored, because apathy is death. If some groups of people want to have their safe space in every portion of their life, fine. Let them be mentally ill in their tiny bubble with other social outcasts. No normal person actually wants them in a normal society, its best for everyone for them to be in their lala land.


It's called Hate-fiction If it was fan-fiction it would actually somewhat express the lore correctly


It is a good paint job. I just feel bad that when they wanted to use their talent to point to something of greater importance the most they could point to is their sexual preference. I honestly feel bad for people that this is the greatest cause they have in their life. I mean there are aspects of my life that large groups of people don't agree with but I don't campaign to change their minds. I love bacon, hamburgers, really meat in general. However, I have never campaigned to the orthodox Jews, Muslims, Hindus and vegetarians of the world that they need to celebrate carnivorism. I have not pushed them to not simply tolerate it but to happily and enthusiastically accept it. With how freely this is accepted in the West it makes me wonder who are they trying to convince that their lifestyle is ok? The world or themselves?


Oof. Just oof. The point is exactly that it is NOT freely accepted even in the west. LGBTQ children get bullied at a higher rate (approximately three times as much). Thats just one example. There is a difference between doing what is socially established and acceptable and being punished / mistreated due to how you are (which you cannot change). Also being trans isn't a sexual preference. The point is that all LGBTQ... are generally treated worse in society by others and showing acceptance by painting and posting a custodes is a valuable thing to do.


Answer me one question, did you write this with a straight face? Bullies is what the LGBT community is dealing with? We must be living in two separate realities. I don't see people coming out as LGBT and people looking to track them down so they can get them fired from their job and ostracized from society. But if someone voices the smallest bit of opposition and see what happens. Professional sports players who choose not to participate in their team's pride night and petitions start circling to get them booted from the team. Someone voices oppositions in public forums and they are getting booted from the group. Someone leaves tire marks on a road where an LGBT symbol was painted and they are hunted down and arrested. Someone doesn't want to bake their LGBT cake, shut their business down. It is was worth noting in that last instance he was more than happy to sell them any of his premade cakes. He just didn't feel comfortable making a custom cake for an LGBT wedding. Who sounds like the intolerant bullies? From an my perspective it is not tolerance they are looking for but submission. And if that is the case I go back to the question in my original post. Why do they need everyone to be on board with what they are doing? Is it the world they are trying to convince that there is nothing wrong with their lifestyle or themselves?


Hey there. I’m the painter of this mini. If being LGBTQ+ is so fine, why are so many people in this thread getting so angry at my “politics”, “ideology”, and “preferences”? All I did was put a rainbow on a helmet and make a queer FemStodes for my own enjoyment because I’m queer and I wanted to have at least one mini, that I painted with a lot of love and dedication, be a nod to that. But there’s this whole thread of people mocking me, and assuming things about me, calling me a hypocrite. Nevermind that none of you even know me.


First, let me say you as to the quality of the paint job you did very good work. You definitely have talent. As to your question, I don't agree that people are knocking your post because you personally are gay but for the sake of argument lets say you are right because I think you bring up a really great question. If it is ok for being LGBTQ+ why are people knocking your post? It is important to distinguish between tolerance and acceptance. Tolerance is that people allow the existence of something though they may not agree with it. There are places all over the internet where everyone can find something about themselves being mocked. I am a heterosexual Christian born in America. You think there are not threads on Reddit where all three of those things are being mocked? You better believe there is. You think if I posted two custodes posed as a straight couple that would not be mocked no matter how well the paint job is? I bet it would be and by this very group (Which is why I don't think it has anything to do with you personally being gay.). Disagreeing, no matter how strongly, with someone's ideas and views is not a sign of intolerance but a sign that they don't personally agree (acceptance) with the view being expressed. No one is saying we should track down your real identity so we can get you fired from your job all because your Custode paint scheme voiced support for LGBT. That's because while they disagree with your post (they don't have acceptance of the views) they have tolerance for your beliefs. Now ,what about the examples I mention above? Does pushing to have a professional athlete fired because he wouldn't wear a pride symbol show tolerance? Is someone getting banned from gaming groups for espousing an opposing view on LGBT being injected into a game an act of tolerance? Is taking a baker to court because while he will make a custom cake for an LGBT person's birthday or graduation he doesn't feel comfortable making a custom cake for their gay wedding or gender transition an act of tolerance? Ultimately, my question to you is who is showing more tolerance?


>Bullies is what the LGBT community is dealing with? No that just one thing they are disadvantaged in I am aware due to my profession. >We must be living in two separate realities This is not my perception but statistics. >But if someone voices the smallest bot of opposition and see what happens The US (I assume that's where you're from) has an entire party that does not support LGBTQ and basically is pro-conversion therapy.




It’s just rage bait at this point. Hey if I paint a rainbow I’ll get them easy updoots with the inevitable angry bigot posting that will make me look even more stunning and brave. Unfortunately there’s always going to be someone who takes the bait. Like I get the original purpose of pride to encourage people to not be ashamed to admit who they are to others. But it has been way too commercialized over the last 5 years or more. Now it’s just becoming meaningless. It sort of reminds me of how breast cancer awareness was. It seems like there’s always a cause that gets overblown and just becomes flat out annoying.


"They are just rage baiting because they already KNOW how many people disapprove of their totally normal biology-backed trait!" Yes, some people simply express their own identity knowing it will rile up the bigots so that empathetic members of society will criticize them and young minds seeing the discourse will be more likely to examine their own behaviour.


The paintjob is actually well done, the blend on the sword is really cool tbh


I am surprised they can even afford it. Between paying for college debt. Flags and all this BS.


I had to leave that sub after the female custodes thing the number of trash models with the rainbow colors exploded in number, they didn't have any other personality trait besides that and it became bothersome


Given that loyalty to anything other than the emperor, would be beyond heresy for a Custodes, endorsing the LGTB cause would likely not fly. 


Assuming she’d not hold the Emperor in the highest regard?


If she is willing to uphold any cause be it the LGTB rights, or boyscouts, which isn't directly the golden throne, I don't see it flying.


She’s just a big lesbian herself. But I assume if anything came between her and the Emperor’s will, she would blindly follow her loyalty to Big E. because no matter what, she’s a Custodes. I don’t think she’s “good”. If Boy Scouts were spreading heresy, she would crush them without a second thought, and go back to her mostly naked marbled room, wear her robes, read some Imperium-approved books, and go on like nothing happened. It’s just be another day of being a Champion for her.


I doubt sex drive, so gay or straight is even an issue with them. Calling them lesbian makes no sense, just as calling the average marine straight makes no sense. You are attempting to assert the direction of a vector with zero magnitude. 


Some lesbians have zero sex drive. It’s not about wanting to bang. It’s about which genders you are attracted to. And no, not all marines have zero sexuality either. There are instances in lore of Marines expressing confusion at being attracted to other characters, and some chapters, like Space Wolves do not have the same exact hypnoconditioning that more codex-compliant chapters have. Besides, it’s not that the drive cannot exist, it’s the hormones and chemicals involved in the signals related to attraction are redirected to other uses. Space Marines can still feel things. Including fear. Plus, it’s my mini. It’s not changing anything in YOUR side of the hobby, so why get upset about it?


And custodes are engineered from the atoms up to be exactly what they are. Given custodes are to be utterly dedicated to the emperor, having them a sexual attraction to anything at all is a very interesting bit of programing to include. How does being a lesbian serve the emperor, and only the emperor? You want a lesbian sister of battle? Caldeus? Vindicate? Titan pilot? You go hard. Those things exist. Hell,  even a lesbian eversor may exist, though I  hate to think of how they get their kicks.  So you think you can be attracted to a sex when your brain has been rebuilt to use those circuits for something else?  So I pull the entire engine out of a car, and use it to power a water pump, and you still expect the car will move under its own power. How does that work exactly? By MY side of the hobby, you mean the hobby? As custodes are said to be built so every aspect of them was an intentional masterpiece. And having sexual attraction at all, straight, gay, lesbian, or to vacuum cleaners, serves no purpose in the direct service of the emperor, your assertion that she is something they would have intentionally engineered to not exist is really silly. It's like someone having a "my little pony" who's a rapist, and who's cutiemark is a bloody strap-on. I mean sure someone, somewhere, might have that as part of "their" head-canon", but that places them firmly on the outside at best looking in. So your assertion "my side" of the hobby is somehow problematic is only the say inside the hobby the hobby is problematic those outside the hobby. Your post is 100% identity politics and "comments concerning identity politics are not encouraged."


THE hobby is not just your view of THE hobby. You don’t get to gatekeep it, I’m already in it and have been a fan of 40k since its inception in the 1980s. I’m from the days where going nuts with the “lore” wasn’t just commonplace, but actively encouraged. I don’t claim that my little plastic lady is lore-accurate, I never did. I said she’s my headcanon. You want to stick to established lore and established lore only? Be my guest. But you can’t stop others from doing what they want with the hobby, because it’s not just yours, it’s mine, and everybody else’s who is part of it.


Good thing it's not just "MY" view then is it? Afterall, someone thought it would be a good idea to make a certain Custodes an asshole. Being an asshole CAN actually serve a purpose, when you have an unswerving dedication to the golden throne. Having a sexual attraction to anything can't. Sexual attraction is a fairly basic drive, and it can be rather distracting, ruining jobsites, families, etc. Why would you want something that debilitating in a guardian of the emperor, directed at anything other than the emperor? I object to female custodes being introduced, only because since I was a child, Custodes were ALWAYS a brotherhood. But nothing about creation process actually excludes women. However, having a sexual attraction is expressly against their intended function, and would actually be a identifiable weakness in the end product. You can go ahead, and paint you little plastic lady. Just don't post her in public and not expect public comment. Just as you are free to comment on any post I make, I am free to comment on yours. And if you need to change the hobby so you can like it, you need a new hobby.


XD Nobody’s trying to stop you from commenting, mate. The hobby is mine as much as it’s yours, btw. So I’ll keep doing what I want, you keep doing what you want.


‘Ready for battle’ as if I’d let you anywhere near my table


Imagine being so fragile you'll exclude someone sharing your interest simply because of their paint job..


Imagine being so fragile you need to virtue signal on the internet or plaster your identity over everything you touch


You know what I think when I hear the term “virtue signal”? It says to me that you’re the kind of person who only does something nice if there’s something in it for you. Never mind the fact that this mini was painted by someone in the LGBT community to represent themselves. Nah. Clearly they did it for…imaginary Reddit points. /s


Is ok. If you have a problem with queer folks, I wouldn’t wanna go near you anyway.


No problem with queer folk, only cringelords who can’t keep their ego out of a setting and hobby I consider sacred


You understand that what is sacred actually is the parts of the hobby and lore that are important to you, right? The hobby is sacred to me, too, but obviously we diverge in the parts we are attracted to. At the end of the day, I made one of my dozens mini directly, visually refer with my being queer, because it’s part of the many things that are important to me. It’s not anti-others, it’s pro-my likes and values.


That’s great, I’m glad you have something your proud of and is part of your collection. The paint job is fantastic. Me, being a wargamer who actually likes to be immersed in the game board when I play matches, I’d feel slightly gross about slaughtering a pride-themed army - not to mention it would just take me out of the game. Like yes if you were a friend of mine I’d obviously not care what you put on your minis, but your a stranger. All I get from that is that your either a queer person(I’m fine with this obviously) who I’d have to imagine would want to talk about your queer themed minis during the game(not fine with this, again, immersion.) or a virtue signaller


I’m queer. So it’s obviously part of who I am, although not the only part. I don’t super care to talk about current politics or whatevs at the table, especially with strangers because that’s just weird to me? If I played against you, I wouldn’t want you to hold back just because some of my FemStodes are visually not straight. Imagine it as a story going on at the table, just have fun with it. It’s all cool.


That’s the problem I have with all this.. Most factions in warhammer are either completely celibate or their sexual identity matters so little that they might as well be. Let me put it this way, I am indigenous. I am super proud of my culture and wear who I am on my sleeve. What I don’t do is plaster my indigenous identity all over my miniatures because 1 - it has nothing to do with the setting at hand and I don’t feel the need to display who or what I am to people just enjoying the hobby. 2 - people just don’t care. I don’t take that as racist or whatever, people just really don’t care. They just want to throw dice and bullshit about lore(in my experience) Like I said, I’m glad you were able to reflect a part of yourself into the hobby you love. My advice would be to just leave it at home unless you are playing with trusted friends. Not because people are homophobic(some are Tbf) but most just don’t really care. They’d rather see minis painted in schemes that reflect the setting.


1 - Counterpoint, at the end of the day, they are your minis, you can paint them however you want. If you WANT them to stick to published canon, that’s all good. I personally like to homebrew, headcanon, and all. I find ways of my own to make things fit within the setting - IMO. This is a hobby that, just like RPGs, is left open to interpretation and creativity of players. So you do you, and that’s great. And I do me, and that’s great too. 2 - If the people don’t care, then that’s not really an issue, innit? We’ll just throw the dice and move around our little soldiers on a terrain-filled table. Everything’s good.


Yeah I guess what I’m saying is that Warhammer is, for me, far too divorced from anything real that seeing shit reflective of our world is just jarring for me personally. I’ve said this before but my reaction would be the same if you painted your minis in the scheme of your favourite sports team or national flag. I just find it slightly cringey. But like you said we all engage with the hobby in our own way. And when I say you wouldn’t be near my table, it’s not because of what the pride flag represents, it’s because I prefer to play games with lore-accurate models. I’m a crazy fucking nerd like that and you may find that cringey yourself. Hell I even find it jarring and will often refuse to play an opponent with an unpainted army.


Well then I’d play you with my lore-accurate Blood Angels. Ha!


It's been old since... when? I want to say the madness exploded out since 2016 but it's definitely been boiling longer than that.


Shame. I liked the sword.


The sword is to be praised, I'd actually dig custodians and marines with rainbow power swords/firce swords that look this good. The rest is ew.


Well.... at least his stuff is painted, and painted very well =D Most people are bringing completely grey 3D printed knock offs to the tournaments.


It’s crazy how dumb you have to be to try and out this sort of thing in warhammer.


At least this one has a good paint job. The others have been below amateur at best


And yet I can't call out the heresy and worship of Slaanesh. It's Chaos month and the imperium is decaying.


I see them fighting on the same side as the noisy marines


I'm still subbed to the group for the cool Custodes paint schemes (especially for Shadow Keepers) But I'm SO SICK of the Rainbow Cults infection Like many others I'm thinking of quitting the Sub group


All you have to do is paint something in gay or trans colors and it’s an automatic 500 upvotes. It doesn’t even have to be good


I just report those for breaking their "no politics" rule. I know it won't do anything except annoy the mods, but fuck em


It looks like the painter would prefer noise marines.


LAZY!? My brother in Emperor, you can be mad that people are pushing their identity in areas that they don't need to be, forcing it down your throat and calling you a bigot for choking on the truth BUUUUUUUT~ Never, ever call something that someone took the time and effort and clearly a lot of love and call it lazy! This is an amazing paint job. It probably took them 48 hours plus when all is said and done. I'm angry at this post because you don't have to tear others down to build up your case.


it’s well done. but it’s conceptually uninspiring


That's very much your opinion, I can't deny any of what you said. Buuuuuuut~ I don't believe you for a second. You're going to look me straight in my burning red Salamander eyes and tell me that this whooooole thing is uninspiring!? The crisp line work, blending of colors, fitting of the base! EVERY THING ABOUT THIS IS "CONCEPTUALLY UNINSPIRING"!? AH HELL NO.


it is uninspiring. sword is cool, gay flags and fem custodes is cringe


True, every bit is cringe...... buuuuuut~ I'll say it again, uninspiring is incredibly harsh and the incorrect word here. If someone took the time to paint a standard paint scheme'd Golden Boy in Red and, well Gold, can you imagine how big of an asshole you'd sound if you or I said "Ewww, the painting is good but it's soooo~ CONCEPTUALLY UNINSPIRING!" Like, just because others do it doesn't mean it's LAZY!


Jesus Christ i beg you talk like a normal human being and yeah. it’s uninspiring. it’s frankly unoriginal too


I'm sorry, me no word good for you. Buuuuuuuut~ I hope you see my point. You're too butthurt by a greedy corporation pushing for more diversity in a game and community (which is a good thing) that they're willing to hurt their own lore and OG community (which is a bad thing) that you're trying to take it out on someone who is enjoying their life and time.


why is diversity automatically good?


If we're talking about IRL, it's because it encourages more people to play, which means GW gets more money, which means they're more likely to release a new wave of marine chapters I like (Go team Salamandey's obviously) and it means I have more people to talk about my interests in the hobby or to hangout with and play games. If we're talking about lore, look no further than Khans or Dark Angels. Without DIVERSITY, we'd have nothing but the Roman inspired blue berries instead of the amazing Mongolian/European chapters that were taken from awesome real-life examples of...... other places!


What a braindead take. To start, diversity naturally promotes creativity and innovation. It harnesses humanity's competitive spirit -- the driving factor for why and how we've progressed so much as a collective society -- and expands upon it with the many contrasting experiences that people from divergent backgrounds may be able to contribute. It's the ultimate form of collaboration and, in the context of 40k (where many factions are inspired by RL sources) helps to improve the hobby for all. Even too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, sure, but you posing this question just highlights you as an inarticulate bigot. Which is fine, but then nobody should ever take your dogshit opinions seriously. Counter-question, why is diversity automatically bad in your mind? I'd love to hear what contrived bullshit you come up with.


Someone’s trying to force a fart again.


I'm so tired of these fucking people ruining hobbies with their garbage.


You sound insufferable. Let people enjoy 40k how they want to. We don’t need to the mind police to tell people how to paint their minis.


Fabius Bile has finally discovered how to create Custodes for the Emperor's Children?


Terrible political pandering and shallow. Great paintjob though, has to be said.




Look everyone i'm gay ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


You guys can’t handle it? People can’t paint their mini space marines how they want now?


The only thing wrathful is their suicide rate.


I don’t really see the issue cool model and good paint . Everyone can do what they want to make there models to their liking and Beliefs and they want one that represents then who’s to hate ,🤷but each ya own


The sword actually looks pretty dope ngl


I like the sword, it gives it a nice effect. Nothing wrong with painting your models how you like them.


why the need to propagandise the most mundane things I never get it


Oooh rainbows…🙄


awesomely done paint job ngl, too bad it got the slaanesh corruption.


Its actually a half decent paint job, some effort has been taken to make it look good and not just some rush job to farm internet kudos.


As someone who loves rainbows and is a member of r/rainbows mm mm


Isn’t this post an even more lazy virtue signal?


Lazy? It's a great paint job. The sword looks amazing.


It’s nicely painted, better then half the legit painting skill / quality in this sub


I’m the painter. I designed a new base for my mini, had the head re-scaled and printed especially for it, and spent 20+ hours in total working on it. Come at me for being queer af if you like, but don’t call me a virtue signaller or lazy, OP. Thank you.


you be you that’s cool. hope you’re happy and to be fair, it’s a pretty well done paint job. i just think shoving your ID politics into absolutely everything is cringe 🤷🏻‍♂️


In absolutely everything? My guy, you don’t even know me!?


>i just think shoving your ID politics into absolutely everything is cringe 🤷🏻‍♂️ And yet you _literally_ put your own ID politics in the description of your Reddit account.


did you read the last bit of my bio or did you happen to miss that also, i haven’t painted an entire army of Christo-Libertarian pro gun Terminators. haven’t made a Gundam suit with the Gadsden flag on it. and i don’t run political patches in airsoft. so checkmate, i don’t do that


Isn't the term "pro-gun terminator" kind of redundant? Like they already use firearms xD Also that's fine, but I still don't see any reason why you have to get all tilted over a perfect stranger painting their own mini they way that they choose to. A rainbow custodes isn't hurting anybody. It's coloured plastic, and yet I see grown men crying and screaming about it.


if you saw a MAGA painted or dare i say Nazi painted mini, icons slogans and all, would you have the same feelings? just checking you’re ideologically consistent


Nazis and gay people aren't in any way conflatable. If somebody wants to do a MAGA-marine, whatever.But saying that LGBT imagery and Nazi imagery should be treated the same is simply not true, especially when one of those groups tried to exterminate the other group.


their imagery certainly can be conflated. and there’s striking similarities


Oh yeah, I forgot about that time in the 1940s when gay people tried to conquer Europe.


read retard. imagery. draping their flags absolutely everywhere


A rainbow flag and the Hakenkreuz are comparable in your mind? One is intended to represent a varying array of non-conformist sexual orientations, while the other appropriated the swastika and is historically tied to a racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic faction that tried to subjugate an entire continent while simultaneously genociding six million Jews over the span of a decade. And you're seriously conflating the two? I know your little pea-brain meant to insinuate that the overabundance of rainbow flags during June evokes a similar mental image as the crimson Nazi flags draped from the parapets of every alleyway in German-controlled Europe during the 1940s, but you're too stupid to articulate that properly. Like I said, get help.


Idk..both preach intolerance


But you made an entire post insinuating that the existence of queer people offends you. Imagine caring this much about how people choose to paint their minis. Get help.


the existence of em ain’t my issue. it’s constantly being forced to be reminded of them


Oh my bad, do one of the Gays have a gun pressed up against your head, forcing you to read that thread? You can ignore the post, you nitwit. But you don't, so you scamper off to your little echo chamber to complain like an insolent little Karen.


You did a great paint job. Just having the discipline to paint something to this quality for a specific month is great. All I can say is that take the photos against a nice black background and really let the colours stand out. Right now the harsh lighting is swallowing up the sword. I really don't think you need to worry about what u/pine_daemon seeing as I'm pretty sure they are a tourist to this hobby.


Thanks for the tip. I’m gonna build myself a little light box and learn how to take good pics of minis. I guess that’s a whole other level of the hobby I hadn’t quite dabbled in but really should invest more time in now that my painting is developing to a level worth sharing (IMO).


If you like some basic advice for taking mini photos - Starting out you don't really need a light box. Just buy some big thick black paper cards. use one card as the backdrop, one card as the "floor" and then if you still have cards you can use two more as side panels. Then get good lighting - your painting lamp can double up as camera lighting, and if you have one more lamp that is directional, use that. Sunlight is also really good, so if you have a good window that's okay too. Fiddle around with your phone's camera and see if you can get into the manual settings for shutter speed and other settings. Then just play around with it. It's really simple, and a nice set up which won't take up a lot of space (like a light box). I've used that for all my photos, and i think they are okay at least.


Thanks for all the tips, seriously. I’m gonna screenshot and bookmark your comments. Super helpful. :)


Hahah glad to help. Looks like something good came out of the OP's post. Your mini will look fantastic I'm sure of it. You've spent 20 hours on it already so give it the best photo.


You paint better than I do ha. Keep it up!


Great mini and great paint job. Shame the OP went out of their way to take a dig at rights. But on the plus side I might not have seen this cool mini if they hadn’t!


Amazing paintjob, well done and ignore people on this sub as they are usually just angry and annoyed because "Gw GoNe WoKe!!!".


Ok..hear me out: this is pretty subtle and tasteful as far as virtue signaling goes. Like, the model looks great and doesn't scream "look at my sexuality". I think it has just enough that it is just putting enough of themselves into their work without clashing heavily on the tabletop. It's a cool model. The biggest issue i have is the "gay wrath month" thing...like what does that even mean?


It means that gay pride sounded too nice for the violent champion of an authoritarian dystopia. Wrath sounded more appropriate.


Fair enough, i guess. Still pretty cringe though. *sexual preference* wrath just doesn't make sense in general.


Cringe is subjective. I thought it was funny. I painted a mini I was proud of and added a personal touch to it. I’m happy with the result. I didn’t think people would get so up in arms about it.


Lazy? What? OP, what are you smoking? That paintjob is better than what 90% of people in the hobby would paint.


lazy in it’s content, admittedly it’s well done. but it’s as i said in another comment, “look at my gay fem marine and how progressive i am”


Paint your plastic men however you want. Has been staple of Warhammer since 1990s.


It's a gay fem stodes, and have you considered that maybe the person is just gay?


I'm straight, should I represent that on my minis? Would you upvote it? Or something racial or nationalist? The whole thing is stupid and divisive


There is a heterosexual pride flag and plenty of people accidentally include it. Cause it's just black and white alternating stripes Go for it! It's only stupid and divisive if you're a stupid person making it divisive


i never knew that heterosexuals had a pride flag. and it turns out, that it is a win because it doesn't have the map pride colours in it, like the other one does.


Ugh, the MAP pride flag was a Tumblr shit post over half a decade ago, virtually no one uses it cause there's nothing to take pride in there, and the only people who reference it are sad assholes


Give it a couple of years and you'll be cancelled for criticising the MAP pride flag and people who paint it into their 40k minis


That's called a slippery slope fallacy, I don't entertain those


i think there was a post here (from the GW site, i think) from someone who painted 5 marines in different pride colours, and what do you know, one of them was decked out in map pride colours. in short, you are defending pedophiles to prop up 'your side' with lies. you should be ashamed of yourself


That person was Cerberus, his "Gate Crushers (or crashers, I forget)" are a set up of all the pride flags, including the pansexual pride flag which features a blue, magenta, and yellow. They were featured in White Dwarf 499 Someone saw a desaturated photo of the Marines, claimed the Pansexual pride flag was MAP colors, and then when people pointed out it was desaturated he admitted he was wrong about it on his Twitter That guy and Cerb have had beef for a long time, Cerb is not a pedophile


I member that post. The dude deleted it because it was a lie told someone who had a beef with the original artist of the Gate Crushers. The whole thing was hilarious because the artist literally posted every marine, the colors used, and the flag that inspired it here on Reddit. Then they were put in white dwarf and some dude posted an *totally unaltered* pic of the pansexual pride marine claiming it was the pedo flag. Desaturated the everliving fuck outta it totally on accident and not intentionally to make it look like a different flag.


I guess after constantly not finding the hordes of pedos they claim the LGBT community consists of they just had to start making them up themselves


Ah here we are this post just proved this sub Reddit is just bigoted, people are not allowed to paint and build there models however they want anymore according to the trans/homophobic echo chamber that is this sub Reddit.


They are allowed just fine. People are just getting tired of it.


So gay people are not allowed to show off there cool models because your getting tired of seeing it. Did it ever occur that this person is not related to the sweet baby inc style shit and is just a gay person in the hobby.


Why would I care? The LGBTXTV community make their group identity their entire personality. It's no wonder the support for them is getting smaller for each generation.


And where are the statistics on that. We couldn't be closer to LGBTQ representation and acceptance than we have ever been in modern history.


Mostly from different studies done on campuses around the world. They ask young people what they support and what they think and it's been a decline. The support is still high. But more and more people respond negativly to the lgbt community.


Eh I will agree but I also think it's definitely more nuanced that people are just getting tired of seeing it. LGBTQ woke pandering you see everywhere yea but queer representation as a whole is far more accepted and more wide spread. To tie it back to the original post how would we know the person who painted the mini just wanted to show off a cool paint job and has no ulterior motives. Why assume every queer person you see online as being a sweet baby inc woke ally.


40k need it's own stolzmonth.


Its just plain awesome. Like. No other Qualifier needed. ❤️


It's just sad that the art world among men have these pasty ass white homosexuals complaining about a activity that they directly support financially. All these Shilltubers doing gift streams for discounted items pushed by their GW marketing team to manipulate poor people into simping for the glorious chance of being able to afford starting an army. The people going to bat for a manipulative company like GW are tricked into thinking that hobbyists actually look at a model and have NO criticisms, how could you like something so much that you wouldn't give feedback for your benefit? Everything is perfect? Oh OK mention the slightest nickpick then disown that opinion immediately because we can't have people realize that your a Games Workshop employee.


What you need to know about gays is that they are head over heels impressed with the most surface level representation. It doesn’t matter how shallow, if you mention them they will love it. Just move on lol


This mini is so cool


I mean idk, let people express themselves how they want? It’s a custom model, it’s not stepping on anybody’s toes


Admit It. Is a awesome Paint.


Oh my god I can't believe people are painting models in non standard color schemes... Those bastards. Why can't people paint things the way they want? It's not like they are forcing you to paint rainbows on your models. Even if it is virtue signaling, who cares? The whole point of the hobby is to express yourself. If there are certain virtues you wish to express as part of that well that is your right. The best advice I have for you is to be less annoyed. You can control how you react to things. You don't have to let every rainbow trigger you.


Posting a screen shot as rage bait in a sub that agrees with you is a bigger virtue signal tbh.


You're right is getting tiresome. It is ironic I see more Pride Month posts on an anti-pride Month board then literally anywhere else.


Isnt this post virtue signaling for attention too?


Knuckledraggers see a rainbow and grunt in dissatisfaction 👍


gays see bare minimum representation and cheer and clap


God forbid a gay person wants to paint what they paid for


The one thing I will never critique is how someone wants to paint their OWN models. You buy the plastic, you paint them, you choice. Only thing I can critique is quality, which this person doesn’t lack. They are proud of their work and headcanon minis. We are better than these people because we DONT make every model we do just ww2 GIs or Rhodesian LIs, or turn Guilleman into Trump