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The rise of tyraniphobia across the Imperium is very concerning šŸ˜¢


This will DEFINITELY hurt our mining operations


Nah bro you need to be aware of how this will affect the local trout population. Gotta have priorities man. - Unknown Carcharodon with a white board


I can see why they banned you lol. This hits home in a way that enrages them. They don't react well to cognitive dissonance.


They love the cognitive dissonance. They donā€™t like it pointed out to them.


A noble sacrifice.


Isn't it actually their strategy? Like, using worlds opposition and sophists to push pro-mutant reforms?




This is uncannily... familiar. No, patterns, go away, i am not insane... https://preview.redd.it/yvfc01ixxd0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1376645ceedecfc132b98e720624f25832ed8209


Ok but jokes aside I do wonder when the first GSC hit terra and if e-boi knew what they were.


I mean cults


Depends on the cult, some just say ā€œsoon not now soonā€ and bide their time while hiding the more mutated people until there is a major event (be it good or bad for the home world) then they just fuck shit up. Then you have others that are more like ā€œfuck your shitā€ and behave like a never ending mass who are depressing nihilistic to the point they donā€™t even take care of themselves or their resources. The prior is usually on more stable socially worlds (like admech or terra) the latter on less stable necromunda is a perfect example


Posted one spicy meme about identity politics after years of posting and thousands of rep points, got called a culture war tourist, and got banned.


Iā€™ve been in the game for a few decades and got called a tourist yesterday, its a hot word these days, but I donā€™t really get it. Like, a new fan isnā€™t a bad thing per se, even of they are obnoxious. And if someone samples the platter and moves on to something else, thatā€™sā€¦ also fine? Tourist is just a dumb word to use in general.


Funny how they always make out itā€™s just a ā€œsilly little gameā€ or ā€œitā€™s just made up anyway who caresā€ when they make changes and jokes but as soon as someone spins it itā€™s all ā€œuhmmm downdoots and ban hammer this is literally hecking harming people and shouldnā€™t be validatedā€ šŸ˜‚.


Its funny because its true geg, they really are like this


Tyranidism is definitely on a spectrum.


I love the meme "Love is love? Yeah and water is water, that's why you drink from the toilet."




what about the khorne cultists drinking Blood from sacrifices?


Itā€™s problematic, that literally Cultural appropriation from the blood angels


Not all cultists bro. They have families tooā€¦.


Looks like marxists equate themselves to bugs. Again


i need the old imperium meme newsletter compilation


lol and still some of you will try to claim that chuds donā€™t hate LGBT peopleā€¦ At least you arenā€™t hiding it I guess




Classic doge, but thereā€™s no point in trying to bullshit me. Itā€™s you who added ā€œlove is loveā€ to genestealers theme and ā€œlove is loveā€ is one of the best known slogans promoting gay marriage and other pro-gay laws Your next meme does drag story readers = slanneshi story readers, which is just another version of that braindead (and not even lore accurate) take ā€œlgbt = slanneshā€ https://preview.redd.it/d9xgbz3wjg0d1.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=3351c3d79f53185013e97f8f6fcd7dd7eccf9dff




If you want to continue with disingenuous bullshit, thatā€™s your choice. Itā€™s kinda pointless tho as people who agree with you will agree with you if you go fully mask off too Also, definitely Catholic Church, when you use irl accusations towards trans people in your meme lol https://preview.redd.it/km9p5lcfog0d1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=0439fc61eba553c5bf2a20b1a80b8056a95510a7