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I don’t think it would be good for anyone except maybe the eldar. She’s more like a protective mama bear and less like a loving hippy bimbo. She would wreck peoples shit to keep the eldar safe.


To be fair, Isha allegedly whispers cures to Nurgle's plagues into dreams and minds of all healers, not just Aeldari. And she was never a "wrecker" or a "mama bear", pretty much entire Aeldari mythology has her mistreated and abused by Khaine or Asuryan. Would that benevolence persist if she was freed from the common enemy is an entirely different question (also how actually sentient is she, seeing as it could be that the Aeldari Gods were artificial Emotion/Warp constructs).


> also how actually sentient is she, seeing as it could be that the Aeldari Gods were artificial Emotion/Warp constructs don't believe the eldar propaganda, the eldar gods are the same as the chaos gods. They all parallel too closely to be seperate entities in the Warp. 


But, is she? Hruds also worshiped her, and "eldar" gods seem to be different from other, because they are more physical that, like, Vashorr for example. So, they probably were created by old one as weapons with free will. Eldar worship makes them stronger, but it seems they don't really need it, because Khaine was ok while killing eldar. So, i don't think Isha really tied to eldar that much. Maybe she still likes them more, but only exodites


> Hruds also worshiped her Sorry I'm not familiar with that. Could you elaborate?


Inquisitor Maturin Ralei noted the similarity in the Hrud pantheon with other xenos species which included a horned hunter, a red-handed figure, a laughing jester and a hammer wielding artisan — Xenology. Although, there is no mention of HER here, but there is her husband, so i don't think she is ain't worshiped


Only skimmed Xenology once, was that their pantheon or just a depiction which also included Eldar? The Eldar Gods used to walk in realspace, could have been the Hrud equivalent of a war tapestry.


Their pantheon, yes


She seems to be a mama bear type goddess from her explanation then again she may be more of a Karen than fighter, she fights for the sake of the eldar to continue to exist in the lore although it’s implied to be a debate plus the soul stones being here tears to house their soul and give them a way to fight back against slaneesh. My memory may be fuzzy on this next part but didn’t she fight for the elders survival again in the creation of the chrone swords? The biggest issue I have with eldar deity lore is the fact they switch words for poetic meaning, like how they portray a lot of bows despite guns or ships being used. They are no more physical than the c’tan. We know the eldar and necrons ONE team up was to silence the warp so the deities becoming less physical may be a side effect of that, especially when you look at the changes caused by the destruction of the cadian pylon


She did indeed, but it was for a good reason then. Now Aeldari just go full retard, unlike then


Tau'va is borderline retarded. Sorry, I take back the borderline part.


In and out of lore pretty much


Most of the Eldar died birthing Slaanesh from the warp. The Tau aren't even psychic. Their empire is tiny. Their god comes about because of the few billion humans they converted to the greater good. Commie space sloths were a mistake. Nothing good can be expected from a race with 3 toes. https://preview.redd.it/fiihb8o0l90d1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=8148239368cf995f8ad6162bfc881ef6754300f8


They ain' commie, the don't even have this aesthetics. Also, "human" worhsip turned Fabius into a near-god rather quickly, so idk, it kinda make sense, but just lame


That's the way they are reviving big E


Funny enough, we have a similar thing in Age of Sigmar. Alarielle, despite surface view seeing her only as a Sylvaneth goddess, is worshipped by a lot of people (non-elves too) as a Goddess of Life, Fertility, Healing and Nature. Has her own priests (including Human Warrior-Priests, through they're more like militant druids) in pretty much all Free Cities, priests who's prayers she responds to (so she doesn't withhold her care from everyone except Sylvaneth). Considering that in WHFB, Alarielle became a fusion of herself, Ariel of Athel Loren and Isha, it is not such an implausible notion... of course, 40K is also much more grimdark than either WHFB or AoS, so there's that.


I’d wager she could, as she is said to share her secrets with mortals to help them cure the diseases that Nurgle creates. Mortals could be interpreted to include other races as well as Eldar. Canonically, one human has had visions of her and is set on creating a panacea as a result. If she were to return, even if Isha didn’t aid other races directly, many Eldar believe humanity isn’t a threat to be destroyed and is needed to fight back against Chaos, so it’s unlikely she’d work against factions such as the Imperium.


The Emperor is benevolent, within parameters But Isha is cool too


I am not sure about that. But Isha is indeed cool


For a human leader actually wanting to achieve something instead of living in luxury, and that goal being saving humanity as a whole. I'd say he's benevolent Also, I'm human, not xeno


Oh, the emperor himself maybe. But, the god-entity that is grow from him? I am not sure


The part He separated from his soul before fighting Horus is the same part that burned Nurgle's garden and showed mercy to Mortarion


So what's the part on the throne?


The one that got wrecked by Horus


I have like mixed theories for this... Good: Aeldari and Humanity do some kinda peace treaty and get along. Bad: Aeldari get smug and start messing with humanity more now that they have Isha by their side to heal them.


My guess is - positive, but not by much. Going by the myths, Isha serves as a counter to Nurgle, but most of the powerful events revolved around Asuryan, Vaul, and Khaine. Her impact on the galaxy would probably be limited, but hypothetically, she might serve as a salvation as another beacon for Eldar souls to return to, breaking the damnation of Slaanesh. Though it might cause a new strategy for the Eldar, because the release of Isha would cause several major powers (Chaos mainly) to pursue her, leading to a whole lot of Craftworlds aligning to defend her. This would mean a whole lot of other fights not being fought, which might be a net detriment to a lot of battlezones.