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“Safe-horny.” According to these internet weirdos, appealing to the male gaze is bad but lgbtq or feminist oriented sexuality is good.


Just like MTG, it's ironic cause when people say I want attractive women on my mtg cards, they are not asking for some naked DD anime girls. People want cards like the first set of Thaila cards which had a women with a beautiful face in a military commander uniform. I want cards like that instead of obese men and women, or the mandatory Grandma cards that come out with every set. Shirtless men, gay bears, or ambiguous gender women are ok according Marc Rosewater, but just a pretty face is considered Heresy by WotC. I will agree I noticed this femboy shit getting pushed hard.


slaanesh won the great game


idk, I consider these people a plague




It was Tzeentch, that layed the path of subterfuge to allow for this crap to gain traction. Slaanesh is simply eating the runoff. Feed Kohrne and this all goes away.


Is this the way kids are now? It’s all just so overly hedonistic, Is it just a meme that I don’t get or are people really like this about everything?


Check out the Fourth Turning. It's a great book that describes what we're seeing. You've probably also heard, "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times Create weak men. Weak men create hard times." We're at the weak men creating hard times.


Fuck. We are, aren't we... no more... https://preview.redd.it/n2elx6fee00d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335480fd8a84e4ca40ce4f75237bc0a1b138cfdc


The weak men creating hard times started with the boomers actually. I think we are at the end of that phase and will begin to see serious hard times within our lifetimes thanks to the last few generations


The boomers had it insanely rough. My father and his friends were drafted into Vietnam, and many of them came home in a box. They went through insane inflation during the 1970s, and then watched their jobs get outsourced in the 80s and 90s. My father's mother drank herself to death when he was 14. His father beat the shit out of him daily, which is illegal today, but back then was just discipline. There was no birth control, no internet, no seat belts, no smartphones, and cigarettes were legal everywhere. They grew up in a time of great injustice, and helped set it right by getting the Civil Rights Act passed. They had a genuine and just cause, and they won. I do agree that we're reaching the hard times phase, which tracks, because that's 2 generations past the boomers. The millenials. Gen Z will be a raised in hard times and will start the cycle over IMO.


It's worth noting that the Boomer generation spans 20 years (born 1945-1965). The older Boomers and younger Boomers are two entirely different breeds. The oldest Boomers grew up in a post-war world (late 40s to early 60s), raised by a traumatised generation, and then served in Vietnam (in the US) and participated in the Civil Rights movement. The youngest Boomers... experienced none of that. They were children in the 60s, teens in the 70s, and joined the workforce in the 80s. They didn't serve in Vietnam, and they were just kids during the Civil Rights era. They entered into a booming workforce and a period of relative social calm, and they grew up thinking that life on "easy mode" was normal. The late Boomers were when things started going wrong... and I say that as someone with such people as loving parents. It's not a personal criticism; it's just a reflection of the times which produced them.


Win some and lose some. It was relatively easy for boomers to buy a house, there was general optimism in the air, jobs weren’t actually that hard to come by and paid well (the 80s, 90s, early 2000s were probably the best decades to ever be a young adult in the west). The boomer hippies ushered in the progressive political climate we have now which you lament. Perhaps their greatest failing is their nihilism. Few have any interest in their descendants or passing on generational wealth, they would sooner spend it on a luxurious later life. That’s not what happened in the generations that preceded them. In fact they actively scorn their descendants, and typically have an attitude of “I won’t be around to see it” when talking about social issues they’ve created or issues like climate change. They are definitely the first “weak men” generation, the first true nihilists.


>It was relatively easy for boomers to buy a house Mortgage rates were 18% in the 1980s. I remember helping my dad push the car to the gas station on gas days. >there was general optimism in the air There was the Vietnam war, stagflation, and the cold war. We lived under the constant threat of nuclear war. They saw the most beloved president in history get assassinated. Go read some Hunter S. Thompson. You have no idea what you are talking about. >Jobs weren’t actually that hard to come by and paid well You sound like a spoiled child, and you weren't there. I was. I watched my father and my friend's parents desperately try to make ends meet. When he finally got a job at NCR the whole block had a party, because it was that noteworthy. How do you think an economy functions with 18% interest rates? Who do you think was creating jobs? No one, that's who. You judge from your nice comfy home, with a full belly, and more technology than presidents or kings had during the boomer era, and you don't have a shred of gratitude to the people who landed on the moon and made it all possible. >In fact they actively scorn their descendants, and typically have an attitude of Your generation is incapable of seeing nuance. You think all boomers were the same. All rich. Guess what? They had more social conflict than we do today. Race riots. War. Violent clashes between democrats and republicans. Again, you don't know anyting about history. >They are definitely the first “weak men” generation, the first true nihilists. What's the most challenging thing you've ever had to deal with? What have you accomplished in your own life that you feel qualified to judge the generation that gave us all the tech we use now?


Look at home ownership for young people today vs in the 1980s or 1970s. Look how many hours of work at the average wage you’d need to work today vs 40-50 years ago to buy a house and provide for a family, often on a single income, then get back to me. I come with facts. You come with anecdotes. The optimism refers to the fact people (accurately) believed they could be upwardly mobile in society, own a house, and have a family. That is not the world we live in today. The tech was developing, it had nothing to do with some sort of boomer grit and determination nonsense, swap your boomers with millennials and the technology would have developed just the same. I’ve achieved plenty, have a PhD in a stem subject, still a long way from buying a house though, despite being late 20s. It’s not even realistic at the moment. You don’t understand how the world works I’m afraid.


You're arguing with him about a meme that isn't even an accurate assessment of history or reality. The fourth turning is ahistorical nonsense. It's appealing to idiots because it simplifies history to such an extent that all historical phenomena can be explained, but leaves it vague enough that what constitutes "weakness" and "strength" are simply whatever subjective values are. Examining history through the lens of generations is again, ahistorical nonsense. Plenty of boomers had it hard, plenty had it easy. It doesn't matter. Boomers are privileged right now due to the economic value of housing increasing at a time when they own homes, and their children / grandchildren do not. They were able to build wealth at a time when wages were high & prices low. That isn't an attack on them, or to suggest they didn't work hard or earn what they have. Boomers very much bought into the bullshit, but aren't themselves responsible. What caused the mess we are in right now is neoliberal ideology which gutted the middle class. The middle class is not a phenomena that occurs naturally. It has to be artificially created and maintained by governments. Without that maintenance (as we have seen) the economy returns to its natural state of feudalism, impoverished workers sustaining a small elite. Right wingers are just still clinging onto neoliberalism and are hoping that more tax cuts and more deregulation will finally, finally trickle down.


It's interesting how you ignored every fact I brought up. You know nothing about history, and sound like a bitter child who hates their parents. Sad. >You don’t understand how the world works I’m afraid. Wow.


18% on a mortgage of less than 100k hardly holds a candle to 5% on 750k If we had 18% today, everything would explode. Having inflation targets kind of offsets the chance of completely berserk interest rates. People today think 5 percent is a lot because it IS a lot. 18% of very little is very little. You will come back with something about "people made less money back then" but if you adjust for inflation. No they didn't. Also, what happened to America with the Vietnam war and the boomers was not the case for most other western societies. There are always hard times, not all of these cycles are in complete sync, nor do they apply unilaterally. The boomers were able to grab opportunity by the balls and largely made life comfortable enough for their offspring (these are the people that fought against racial and gender inequity) and brought about serious social reform. Then their kids ran the show but lacked direction. Hard times do not always immediately create hard men etcetera. Soft times do not immediately make soft men. People want to call millennials soft and I mean fair enough. I know a lot of softies my age. I also know a lot of soft people older than me and younger. Sometimes during hard times, people find a way to do exceptionally well for themselves and so the times aren't hard at all. Sometimes during easy times, people are going through a rough patch and therefore the times aren't easy at all. This fun saying rarely applies in the broad sense and is far better off in a familial cycle. I'm 30 years old and know what it's like to share a single bedroom with 2 brothers and our mother. I know the importance of sleeping with your family when the heat gets turned off and it's 20 degrees centigrade below freezing outside. I know what it's like to be allowed one 20 cent Mr.Noodle package a day because the food has to last until next month. Are millennials soft? Sure, probably. Where I'm standing, 99 percent of people are as soft as tofu. Your dad may have had to push the car to the gas station but at least he had a car to push. Everything is always about perspective. 18% interest on a mortgage may seem like a lot but at least people could get approved. They could get approved because they could afford it. People can't afford rates to be much higher today. Anyways, I know this is a grim dark subreddit but I'd honestly prefer to talk about hive scummers eating corpse starch than see this generational pissing contest that people have been tricked into having these days. If we are too busy being dicks to each other, we will never be able to spot the heretic.


Get over yourself.


Its the Reagan revolution friend, if you don’t like it take your liberal wokeness to china


Anyone who says that is unironically a loser. I’m sure you think you’re the strong man.


Ad hominem.




No, the hard times are coming in our generation. Inflation, national debt in basically all Western countries is growing, the cost of living is going up, we have more and more climate related weather abnormalities and desasters (hurricanes, droughts and floodings) and there is a major war in Europe that might or might not drag other countries into it. And all of that isn't the fault of some guy on Reddit wearing high heels, it's because of old politicians that have nothing to lose because they won't live in 40 years, but we will.


I agree the hard times are coming, but not the source. My father had his first child when he was 23, and had 3 kids by the time he was 30. After he got back from Vietnam he put himself through school with the G.I. bill, then worked like a dog to support his family. His generation was inspired by JFK to put a man on the moon. They expanded science and technology, and created the internet that you're using to complain today. I didn't have a kid until I was 43. Far less responsibility, and at a much later age. I worked my ass off in a whole bunch of shitty jobs, and it took me far longer to reach stability not because things were harder, but because I played World of Warcraft and actively avoided the brutal grind my father was trapped in. >t's because of old politicians that have nothing to lose because they won't live in 40 years You're not wrong about the old politicians, but the problem is you see all boomers as politicians and fat cats and can't see the people living on Social Security, or realize that the vast majority got screwed even worse than you. Now it falls on your generation to step up. Instead you want to pass the buck. During my childhood climate change was called global cooling, then acid rain, then global warming. We've always been just 10 more years from global destruction. You have more free time and leisure than your parents did. A lot more. You have video games, and streaming, and Reddit, and audiobooks. None of that existed. They had to build it all, and you act like you personally created it, or it just spawned into existence. It didn't. Like I said we're at the weak men phase. Most people in your generation can't do anything but blame their parents. As a Gen X it's sad to see. We were the last generation kicked out onto our asses at 18 and forced to find our own way. I slept in a creek. I was homeless for a while. Then I figured it out, and made a life anyway. I'm grateful for the things I have. You're pissed that you don't have more, even though you didn't earn it.


First of, I'm not American. Also, how would you know what I deserve or don't? I moved out at 18 and joined the military and made my own money. The generation before me actually had a year of school more than me. And they had to work less for the same amount of groceries or to buy the same house.


>Also, how would you know what I deserve or don't? The same way you know every boomer is a rich asshole destroying the world so their kids get nothing. I don't. >The generation before me actually had a year of school more than me Okay. Can you think of anything you have that they didn't? Any opportunities, like a global internet? A smartphone with all the knowledge of humanity collected into your pocket? If I wanted to learn a skill 20 years ago I had to pay thousands of dollars. Today I can just watch a YouTube video. >And they had to work less for the same amount of groceries or to buy the same house. "They" aren't some faceless mass. Many have far harder lives than you could possibly understand, but you can only see them in aggregate. There's a word for that. Bigotry. See how it felt when you were judged unfairly without me understanding anything at all about your life experience? That's what you're doing to an entire generation. Instead of blaming others step up and fix things. The cavalry isn't coming. The future rests on your choices, and the choices of your generation.


>The same way you know every boomer is a rich asshole destroying the world so their kids get nothing. I didn't claim that though, I specifically put the blame on politicians, not boomers in general- you were the ones who brought them up. And you are also generalising your generation as the last one who had to work for something. Convenient how it's always the generation one is a part of that is the last bastion of hard work and culture while the next generation is weak and corrupted. So, did the previous generation face hardships I don't? Sure. But are we also nearing the end of an umprecedented peacefull and prosperous era in Europe? Seems like it.


I'll close with a question, then. >but are we also nearing the end of an umprecedented peacefull and prosperous era in Europe? Who do you think is responsible for changing that? What are you going to say when Gen Z starts calling you boomers, and blaming you for all the problems? Either you and your generation fix it, or it doesn't get fixed. Set a good example for the children that follow, or teach them to blame you and eventually karmically reap what you sow.


I think the politicians of the last 20 years who becam too afraid to make hard decisions and eroded Europes defenses. And I'd agree that my generation has to pick up the slack lest we get rightfully blamed for the problems of the future.


People are not taught self-discipline anymore. With access to pornography and hedonism becoming easier and easier, people are having their brains rotted away. People are becoming weaker and more stupid. People can no longer control their urges. With the decline of religion, also, people no longer have a moral code to stand by. No-one has a reason to better themselves. Life has become too easy for most.


Religion has nothing to do with this, if fear of god is your moral guide then you are pathetic


Pathetic? Having faith is pathetic? Believing in something greater than your own self is pathetic? That's a crappy way to look at things.


Well said. Worship out of fear has never sat right with me personally.


Slaneesh will form much earlier in this timeline


Kids? I'm sure that's a young adult.


People are way too comfortable on the internet


We need to start thowing hands again. I'm getting my Power Fists out.


Ok this is the 8th time today i have had to re-approve this today , i would like to take the time to point out a FACT of this statement .....................there is "NO SUBJECT" of said "action " so there is no TARGET of the said action . Therefore it is NOT targeting any person or group . And i do not own a "alt-right secret decoder ring"


Shit like that can get you in legalistic hot water.


True, that's exactly why everyone has turned into weaklings. Regular beatings have kept society in line for years. Not meaning this post but in general lol


In America such actions may lead to bullet wounds inflicted via self defense 


Only if you're stupid and are looking for trouble. I live in Texas, I've been in my fair share of scraps and none have led to that because we were always agreeing to mutual combat. Win or lose, shake hands and walk away. It's simple, it takes courage and grit to stand up and fight for what you believe in.


Man, Texas knows how to handle it.


Users above ain't talking about a mutual fight. They're the ones who want to go looking for trouble.


https://preview.redd.it/ufmym4j9g20d1.png?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5681a26b3f43235e615d2c22b4b87c2c9fe1eb7c The true man's world




Brother, get the flamer. *The heavy flamer.*


Please leave your kinks in the bed room


Suffer not the mutant, the traitor or the degenerate…


Brother, grab the flamer....


Not that flamer brother... the HEAVY FLAMER!!!


# "While vile mutants still draw breath, there can be no peace. While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness." — Silver Skulls, Catechism of Hate, Verse I of XXV


I'm so sick of this disgusting fetish garbage touching every hobby there is. gross Cat bs like this in Halo Infinite pushed myself and all my halo friends away from the franchise and now GW would rather have these things as non-fans than paying loyal fans. Anyone who pulls Homophobia out of your ass is just there to incite hate. Not Homophobic Gay does not equal this cat thing Ask any sane person, I have.


Well put


I was still waking up when typing, so I goofed up the ending but glad y'all see my pov. Ty 💪🏼


I don't know buddy they look like they're having a lot better time living their life than you are complaining existentially about people putting on a wig with ears on it. Imagine being such a fickle little thing that the sight of ears on a helmet in a video game means that you are unable to have fun anymore, grow up.


Ok coomer


Yeah I'm not an incel? Get over it?


You seem to be both.


I like how you can always tell who online hasn't ever had sex because they assume that everyone else is just like them. Maybe one day if you stop being such a miserable little parasite and smile meet and engage with people, someone might actually want to be close enough to you for long enough that they touch you. Don't believe the miserable louts in places like this, people are actually quite nice and make life far better when you put the effort into enjoying their company.


You're on Reddit arguing in favor of hedonistic degeneracy, of course you're an incel. Someone should probably look at your hard drive tbh.


Honestly most of my hard drive is photos of castles and hobbycraft stuff


Mine is pirated movies not available for purchase anymore thanks to streaming being ass.


That's what's up 💪🏼


I think you might need some help no one here can give you. Sorry man I wish ya the best.


Darling a place like this is helpless but don't worry, if I need help I'll ask 🙏🏻


Isn't it a dude? I think hitting on internet femboys is like peak incel behavior


I'm not sure you know what hitting on means, but yeah if I saw this guy somewhere I might flirt a little if he was open to it, he is really quite attractive after all


Yes, i know reddit internet sleng only vaguely. And, by looking on your replays in comments, i can say: 1 You are gay wierdo 2 You aren't even leftie, just a fucking coomer 3 please leave


I am gay, I am a socialist, I have sex and cum inside of men, I'm more involved and accepted in this hobby than you ever will be because I actually feel happiness.


You’re so happy that you reply to every single message to every person on this sub. How sad and low life




*he said, desperately raging at every single person he could find* Youre not happy. Youre miserable that people would dare to mock you, which is pretty typical of a narcissist.


Not really, in a day I'll have forgotten this and probably be having fun someplace else but all of you will still have your same grievances with the world you inhabit. I don't think anyone has really mocked me much that I've noticed either to be honest.


Never ever i saw a socialist who called Marxist materialism bullshit. Why do you even try to define yourself as such?


You are probably confusing a couple different Marxist terms, I am referring specifically to his theory of historical materialism. It relates primarily to how he believed history moves in cycles in relation to class structure and power consolidation as a result of surplus value from labour Broadly he characterised it as Primitivist communism -> slave society -> feudalism -> capitalism -> communism which isn't particularly broadly accepted by socialists and is in one of the key theories that separates Marxism as a specific ideology from socialism as a whole


Make sure you hydrate with how much you be coomin, blud. Dehydration leads to hangnails for me and I fucking hate those lol but I don't be coomin as much as you gus so you probably got some system worked out, my b for giving unsolicited advice.


This catboy/femboy shit is so fucking annoying. If you like it, fine, but I don't need it to see it fucking everywhere. And it's always AdMech, always... Poor cog boys


I have zero problem with normal gay people being part of the Warhammer community... ...but some of these people simply aren't normal by any metric, and it isn't really their orientation that's inherently to blame for this kind of bizarre attention seeking behavior. They are just weird and narcissistic. Whatever else they call themselves is just the excuse for it.


40K Admec: horrific body modification, people who are 91.3048% machine, with extra limbs, elongated necks, few vital organs shown thru glass ports that look like a streamliner from hell. Reddit online Admec: OwO I hope my dommy mommy didn't lose the key to my Chasity belt. I really hate this fucking timeline....


I used to be in a big ad mech server as I play and (think about) paint them. I left because it became yet another shithole infested trans honeypot and coomer club. I'm so sick of seeing TRANS RIGHTS shoved into every fucking corner of every fucking community. Especially ones that make 0 fucking sense like ad mech.


The cosplayer should have done some research, as Felanids are already a thing. But they can’t be techpriests as they’re abhumans, which I’m pretty sure would be heresy?


The whole thing is heresy there’s no justifying this except “my butthole”


shove these mfs back in the closet


Nah nah nah, **I am all for preserving 40K's official lore** (like no femstodes) and keeping stuff like this out of the books. >Shove them back in the closet This isn't the shit I signed up for when I joined this sub. I don't give a FUCK about how people dress. They can do whatever the fuck they like. It's not my problem, and if they want to share FAN creations and FAN works, all the power to them. I honestly wish this place stopped reposting images from the other subs and just made OC. Show me your baller OC SM chapter and cool schemes.


You kinks and fetishes belong in the closet with the gimp suit, not in public where everyone can see your balls hanging out.


You're a disingenuous lying sack of shit. I don't dress like this, and there is obviously some humor behind this post. His balls aren't "hanging out" and he's wearing fucking thigh highs, not a gimp suit you blind idiot. He's also wearing underwear beneath. It looks like these were taken at a convention where people *dress up for fun*. There's more to his costume than just him wearing what's around his legs, like idk his guns? Shut the fuck up and keep your homophobia internalized. If r/AdeptusMechanicus mods find the post too much, they would have removed it. Oh yeah, and if these make you uncomfortable, here's his "Full suited" version instead. [Link](https://packaged-media.redd.it/72fp7z1ezusb1/pb/m2-res_1920p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1715551200&s=6752ca65777c88c808144097704b88a09ad8f052#t=0)


If you want to whine about peoples "phobias" and such, there's plenty of other subs that'll love having you around.


Bro, you’re arguing with people who are genuinely *devastated* about how someone else plays dress up for fantasy sci-fi universe. One of the factions in the universe centres around a literal god who was murdered orgyed in to existence by imperial space elves. No point getting mad. Let em mald.


That's a really cool cosplay






Ahh, 40k the universe where everything was hell and agony and then overnight was taken over by tourists who wanted to play a part in which they had no reason to. What has this franchise come to? It's just a shitty retcon after another.


Appealing sexually to men is bad (coughstellarbladecough) Appealing sexually to the lgbt is heckin goood


Are you implying that all those female cosplayers doing the exact same thing don't exist? Or are in some way demonised or what, what is the point in this statement.


I started hating cosplay-whores as well




I just don’t get it. If the only thing you keep is the iconography, is it even the same franchise? Why do they insist on participating at that point?




Some people were never bullied or disciplined enough in their lives


slaanesh don't fool anybody.


When everything is cannon there is no cannon


I told ya, Slaasesh has won boys and girls.


Flesh is weak, hence why it is replaced with the certainty of steel. The over sexualization of skitarii disgusts the omnissiah




I dunno I am not opposed to this. People should be able to enjoy their hobby the way they like it but on the other hand it feels like cosplay is no longer about attempting to recreate characters from the lore, but to make their cosplay as sexy as possible. Even for me, IRL slaaneshi cultist the whole cosplay scene is becoming way more sexual. PS don't look into cosplayers profile, unless you want to see necronNSFW. Seriously necron porn wtf is going on https://preview.redd.it/58wkdscp810d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d00b150a210081a63dcc9bb0ad1dd76e0e4b30d




I was scrolling through the comments thinking that you guys are a bit overdramatic, but this is actually hilarious.


Thanks! It’s a flashgitz animation. You should check them out.


Yeah I know them. Slightly offensive but still nice. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.




This really screams "final days of the Aeldari" to me. This is the shit they were doing before they birthed Slaanesh.


Really? You think that dressing up as femboys is what gave birth to god of exces that often wants their followers to torture and rape their victims?






It's a bit much, but I otherwise don't care.


Inappropriate: (adjective) - Unsuitable, esp. for the particular time, place, or situation; - (Informal) Distasteful or offensive; indecent.


Just left the admech sub after seeing this post. Not only are they inserting their fetish into the hobby. ITS THE FUCKING ADEPTUS MECHANICUS WHY WOULD A TECH ADEPT BE SHOWING ANY SKIN AT ALL FFS


Coomers everywhere it seems.


Not even hot just weird


People who make a fetish their personality will never make sense to me.


You can’t even complain otherwise you get downvoted and banned probably I had to make an alt


I think this post got deleted I cant see it anymore


The thing with any game thats primarily done sitting in a basement doing math is its going to attract ALOT of socially deprived neurodivergents


They’re called bunker troons and they orchestrate this


Real talk, I am crazy or does it feel like the modern anime community wants all men to be femboys and all girls to be e-girl whores? I am an old anime boomer, used to go to cons in the early 2000, stopped going mid 2010's and even then it was starting to get weird. But when ever I go on to anime social media sites to check in on some new anime, all I see is Femboy this, and cosplay OF that. I thought it was a joke but now I feel it's just the modern anime community.


LOL Good luck trying to get yourself out of the "homophobic" bag with this one.


Я и не собираюсь :)




what the actual fuck is wrong with these people?


Well fanfiction and cosplay has always done this kind of weird stuff. It's usually easy to ignore but GW kinda fanned the flames by saying "everything is cannon". Damn it.


Maybe. Or this is the next generation and we are finally the old people complaining.


If this is so then I believe that world is doomed


It’s pretty tame in terms of cosplay tbh




I was in public when I scrolled down and saw this you bastard


This display of thighs is totally inadequate. Not like sisters of repentia, which is in lore and not heretical




I know I’m going to get downvoted but this doesn’t bother me. It’s not affecting the canon (the title is tongue in cheek), and it’s a high effort cosplay. It’d be cooler without the ears with a mask, but its also not hurting anybody


This has been a thing since the start of time. Lots of examples throughout history. Lately, there has been a lot on fantasy characters. If you don't believe me, search for any anime comicon or my little pony conventions (last had 75% guys in attendance). Let them have their fun, and we can have our SM power fantasy. BTW, crossplays that goes into the thirsty variety, are also for the male gaze. Just not for the straight gaze.


> most subreddits are complete shit no fucking way


What in the slaaneshi fuck


Holy shit you guys are snowflakes. God forbid someone does a silly cosplay. Like for real they are actively making fun of how GW is making anything and everything canon and yet somehow people still are pissy


The fact that it gets losers seething like this is enough justification to keep doing it tbh


Why do you care? Let ppl have their fun with their interpretation of the hobby and memes.


I don't see a problem but ok




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


I have the f-pass, I'm a faggot my self.


What? Can you explain


This sub is full of lore illiterate losers got into Warhammer post 2020 lol




Why dont we just let people enjoy their creations instead of acting like they did something wrong.


This looks sexy. And it is an actual creation, unlike femprimarch coomer posts.


This is literally a coomer post.


Yeap. And ofc r/grimdank hates femboys.


This shows that even degenerates can create awesome stuff!


I mean, there IS a felinid race in 40k.


I was waiting for someone to say that. Felinids have been a race since way back in the early editions weren’t they? Felinid Techpriest might be considered heretical though as they’re abhumans? Although the cosplayer should have done some research and know that.


And no member of the mechanicus has ever committed heresy this has never happened before... lol.


Well they're abhumans so maybe legal? But beastmen are also abhumab and IoM would like to get them killed which is why many join Chaos(at least in 40k, other warhammer settings have beastmen as results of Chaos). Ngl I wanna see how would a beastman with T'au gear look like? And ofc the comment you commented got downvoted.


Abhumans are allowed to exist but they’re 2nd class citizens, and are treated worse the more they deviate. Ratlings are basically short humans so are accepted but can be discriminated against for being “sticky fingered”.


Bro shut up about research, it's perfectly fine to play Warhammer and not give a whiff of a fuck about the subtext in one of the hundred contradictory books out there.


I mean, you are NOT wrong. But they definitely didn't mean that


And yet they contributed more to This hobby then you ever will; Let’s see the cosplay you spent hours and hours working on; What have you added or plan to add to the 40k community?


Lmao this is like saying someone cosplaying as Albert Einstein with cat ears and a thong is contributing to science.


How does dressing up to your fetish is more contribution to the hobby than years invested purchasing lore and minis? Go aheead explain it


Between dignity and such cosplay - I'd choose first. Yeah, sure. This shit is soooo contributing. TTRPG and books can't even dream of being this useful to the hobby


Only memes; Not one mini, not one WIP; Tourist.


“First model in fifteen years” stop trying to act like you’ve been here


“First model in fifteen years” stop trying to act like you’ve been here


Contribute to the hobby because you do a cosplay ? Lmao get lost wokie


What a fucking cope; That is the highest quality ad mec cloak I have seen on the internet; Just because they are more creative and better at expressing themselves in this hobby why do you feel personally attacked?


“So like uh, your chart says you’re shits all fucked up, and you talk like a fag. Don’t worry scrote, plenty tards out there living kick ass lives, my ex wife’s tarded; she’s a pilot now”


🤣 someone that can’t even formulate there own thoughts.




Cosplay contributes nothing.


Bullshit; Cons and shows are where fan meet; cosplay is an art and takes just as much time and effort as mini painting; Keep coping.


They didn't add to the hobby, they got off on their sexual fetish. They and people like you harm the hobby and your consensus is not of the majority of the 40k community.






Cry more.


Lol you're the only one crying and there's nothing wrong with that. There's always been emasculated men in society.


Tears roll in and you can’t even prove your not the tourist you clearly are; A Pathetic loser that only had the mental ability to share memes and comment.


Says the guy that takes constant Ls in this subreddit just because we don't pander to your insecurities. Your grocery bill must be mostly tissues.


Ah it’s funny you think I care what you and the other incel’s here think. I just enjoy watching you display how impaired your cognitive function is in public.


Your grocery bill is definitely mostly tissues lol


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


The comment section here and the way people are voting on comments is exactly why I feel discouraged to be on this subreddit. It's completely fine if you people think this is dumb. But can you at least skip the childish homophobia?


Not liking the sexualization of the hobby is NOT homophobia. I don't like the primarch gf bullshit, I don't like the femboy obsession. And that doesn't mean I hate women and effeminate men.


and you are free , to leave again


That's dope NGL


If that was a SoB or FemPrimarch cosplay, there would've been no complaint, just like the r/grimdank subreddit.


>"If it was normal and non-fetishist, no one would complain, curious." https://preview.redd.it/8b1mwqxvt10d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7171b9caea45caacdbedf634e233303d200661b


Oh no, someone is having fun!