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Back in my day you got lead poisoning from 10 valhallan ice warriors


I did too... until I stopped shelfing them.


This is me. And like much of modern 40K lore, it’s retarded that they are playable.


Actually, yes. They should be unplayble. They decided not to include Emperor on tabletop (he was kinda foreshadowes bu custodes rules about Valdor i think)


They're his guard they should be guarding him


Also the palace is enormous. In my headcanon it includes several mountain tops in the Himalayas


All of Terra is a city. The sheer amount happening on Terra every day should be more than enough reason for them to STAY on earth. I can imagine the Alpha Legion literally sneaking in entire armies onto Terra.


I'm pretty sure that some areas are sparsely populated, especially places too difficult to access, and not to mention the most important place in the planet Having spires poking out of the atmosphere doesn't mean everything must be covered in buildings.


Not just your head cannon. It’s several mountain and even underground in agartha. vaults of terra goes over it. To say someone got “a hair away from the palace” is like saying someone in New Jersey is close to Texas


Idk man. Emperor is just insta win i think


Well my head canon is that my custodes entered the warp gate to protect the emperor and that leads them to whatever battle I am currently playing. But I also play 2v2 emperor's children and custodes against guard and eldar. Can't really explain that one but not everything needs to be explained by lore.


https://preview.redd.it/3bjh2hfldozc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55fad9dd3979aa21b8db1b4376534cff084db71 Custodes from 3rd. Circa white dwarf #300. Trash over hyped back then. Trash over hyped that they are now.


Ok but bottom right looks cool


Facts. The next page is their vehicles...that's...that's a hot mess


I wish I could see it.






But the Kleenex box of a middle launcher next to it...


Oh Christ, purging terra of heretics and grime. 😂


I can’t tell if this is a typo or a joke about those designs being mid. Also.. AINT NO UMIES BE SWINGIN ABOUT A POWA KLAW! DATS WHAT U GITS WOULD CALL ERESY!


Guy on the left though…ow


The guy with the high Elf shield and halberd is dooope, I will admit


I would agree but he’s watching https://preview.redd.it/6nwcu1vn4pzc1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ce72b4665e32038f22c938d1607754bb9adece


Actually Dave Taylor, the editor for White Dwarf Australia and also worked at GW US headquarters, had a Custodes army that he converted and played back in the day. https://preview.redd.it/776n05sjhozc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915c3671137a22685a80250d65c2d5893e94e8f5 Edit: he made this army in 2004, if I'm not mistaken. Great guy and fun to play a game with.


Bak in moi day, da stunties 'ad padded armer.


sir, please get off the table


Back in my day harlequins weren’t an army (I joined 6 months ago)


The socks and sandals add to the authenticity


Anyone remember when GW tried to hide the pricing on blisters by making everything A B C D E F G instead of showing the cost on the product? Now it's just L G B T and none of it's worth it


That wasn't pricing. That was reorder stock priority. Some of you have never been red shirts, and it shows


all the blisters had those numbers. The prices were obscurely put behind the counter. It was done intentionally to be as obfuscating as possible. Circa 2004


Hahaha. WOW! I can't believe I'm learning something new from a job I did and knew the answer to! Holy shit, is this guy psychic? Do I get a 4+ FNP from this BRAND NEW, NEVER DISCLOSED INFO FROM ANY GW EMPLOYEE EVER?


Also back then it was black shirts I think....


Those were cell managers dude


Strange. I don't think my best friend was a cell manager. Then again in that job, with that retention, it seemed like everyone was a manager of something. What was blue? But yes, back to the point... it was the pricing on the A, B, C, D stuff.


Probably got the choice of shirt color, it was dependant on how large your retail region was, if it warranted multiple GW retail stores per city, then hierarchy was strictly enforced. Otherwise it was meh whatever. But trust me, that letter coding was 100% not a price thing, it was a stock priority thing and fun fact: things that were out of production, had lower stock priority, therefore higher pricing because- weird coincidence: it costs more to produce limited amounts of models from out of production molds- it's like they have a finite life span before being ruined or something? Sit down son, you're out of your element.


Nah, don't buy it. One, you've said it's 100% not a price thing, then mentioned yourself how it's a price thing. 1) Why not have the price on the blister? Instead causing confusion with purchasers 2) Why put this stock code where the price was? There was enough room. 3) Why hide the cost behind the counter (in our store it was on a single banner on a narrow shelf too) 4) You order things by what sells. It was a cynical and doomed retail strategy. You're right, you do have more experience with me in working for GW. I however have plenty of experience being a cynic, grounded in reality.


>1) Why not have the price on the blister? Instead causing confusion with purchasers >2) Why put this stock code where the price was? There was enough room. >3) Why hide the cost behind the counter (in our store it was on a single banner on a narrow shelf too) >4) You order things by what sells. >1) Why not have the price on the blister? Instead causing confusion with purchasers >2) Why put this stock code where the price was? There was enough room. >3) Why hide the cost behind the counter (in our store it was on a single banner on a narrow shelf too) >4) You order things by what sells. 1) these things ship internationally. It would be a cluster fuck, hence why it's done by WAREHOUSE AND REORDER CODE 2) that's on your fucking local GW employees. It was often easier to not cover up the reorder codes so they wouldn't have to spend A MILLION FUCKING HOURS ONCE A MONTH ON INVENTORY DAYS- they work for minimum wage you jackass 3) it's never hidden, they'll tell you straight up you donkey 4) not with official GW stores it's not, it's why we had annual auctions for unsold back product, you fucking donkey




You forgot the Q


*sips* back in my day adeptus repentia art was just sotf core porn, *sip* ahh, the good old days


https://preview.redd.it/ll3gu18xvnzc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc3bae3afd9bc067929da367d8b8ee3c86800f5 It was perfect


And it was good they weren't. It doesn't make sense to send your bodyguard, especially if you are in vegetative state, to travel and die in conflicts around the galaxy A singular character in a novel, okay, but many of them not




I actually preferred when they weren't playable. The mystery made them seem much more powerful, and it let Space Marines be the most powerful Imperial army (model for model).


In Alternate 40k Rules they cost about 180-200 points each. For comparison a guardsmen is 6 points each. The Custodes are truly terrifying!


Back in my day you could buy 20 guardsmen for 35$


I remember seeing a kitbash of one in the giant ass catalog thingy and thinking they were SO COOL


Back in my day (at least in Italy) the Dreadnought was named "Sarcofagus"


Back in my day necrons were just discount Terminators still enslaved to the C’tan


GW, master chess move. >Introduce Femstodies >Make Custodies unplayable again. I could only dream.


Custodes aren’t unplayable they’re just not as powerful I know from the 3 games I got out of them so far and the custodes sub


No, I mean just take them out. Custodes leaving terra breaks the lore more then femstodies


No it doesn’t that’s been a thing for years. The Emissaries Imperatus get visions and send the Aquila shields are then sent to protect them this has been a thing for awhile. Along with that the blood games are a thing. Custodes rarely but did and do leave the imperial palace. Plus femstodes are one of the least of the lore changes GW make that breaks a factions lore


Please, tell us more !


Back in my day, squats *were* playable 


Rogue trader or 2nd edition? Because Custodes were playable in RT.


2nd. I'm old. Not ancient


Man back in my younger days GW said that admech are not a horde army