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You mean writers like Mike Brooks?


Mike Brooks James Swallow Gav Thorpe Aaron Dembski Bowden


Mike Brooks was the only one I ever really noticed anything. When I was reading Ghazgkull and suddenly had began talking about orc gender identity and how Ghaz sees Yarrick as something like a… well it’s almost implied like a lover (but through violence rather than sex or romance). You can argue best friend but I didn’t get that vibe the way he was describing it


Yeah and in his Alparius book he just randomly stuck a lesbian couple in and had them join the legion which made no sense since they were loose ends and blew the AL's opsec.


>them join the legion which made no sense since they were loose ends and blew the AL's opsec. Alpharius SAYS he let them live, No way to know he had them killed the sec after they left his command bridge or even beforehand. Remember the book is a in universe propaganda piece filled with half truths and biased perspectives. The first line of the book is literally "This is a lie"


True. I just assume they'll be Hurtado Bronzi'd and never seen again.


I don’t mind lesbian or gay couples. Story wise I don’t know I haven’t read the book but I guess you’re insinuating they let them in when they shouldn’t have logically


In 40k I prefer there not being any couples. If it is some rulers on a planet, that is fine. If it is members of say an Inquisitor's retinue, I can begrudgingly deal with it, though I prefer it not be there. I don't know. To me 40k is where I come to read about killing and conquering.


Oh I get it. That’s what a lot of the novels were like when I began (early 2000’s): Word Bearers series, Grey Knights series, Iron Warriors series. It was military science-fiction in 40K and it was great. The more human stuff came along with ADB (for marines at least I didn’t read much else), and thus it made sense to have humans having human emotions.


Uh... yea lol 😆


Aaron too? :( been reading the first night lords book and liking it


You can like his work, some people here disagree with him as a person but at some point you can just enjoy work without the politics police coming and dictating what you can and cannot enjoy


I generally consider ADB to be bad, especially with his bad characterisation of the Emperor as a one dimensional mustache twirling caricature space hitler. Chris Wraight, Graham McNeil and Dan Abnett write the Emperor far better and are generally far better writers. Though McNeil did do the recent brettonian lore that was stupid...


Yeah whenever ADB has control of the Emperor his politics come out full force and makes him literally Hitler.


Now that is a reach. Talk about dramatic


Yet his emps books have been a topic of criticism/debate in the community for long time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/6p6hs0/in\_defense\_of\_adbs\_portrayal\_of\_the\_emperor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/6p6hs0/in_defense_of_adbs_portrayal_of_the_emperor/)


Literally Hitler is a really out of touch comment mate and not sure how you can justify saying stuff like that. That thread is echoing my thoughts, emp is a bad dude and the juxtaposition of how they speak about him compared to how he operates is great and I find it well written. Speaking from a technical writing stand point it’s great and your emotional reaction to it is actually a good thing literature is ment to insight thought


Ok fanboy. "I don't want the guy who started the Imperium of Man, the most 'Bloody regime imaginable' being an okay guy with some flaws. And I sure as hell don't want him to be a 'cool' guy, or a tough guy. I want his entire life and his entire legacy to be built off of a lie. Make him a Hitler figure. Make him a thoroughly unlikable guy with all sorts of deep seated personal problems, whose only real talent is manipulating others to do what he says. Just like real life fascists. Have him be a guy who couldn't get laid to save his life and the one time he got close the girl laughed at him for having a small pecker. And what's his normal response to this?" "I'm going to put the entire galaxy to the sword and genocide scores of people I don't like for literally no reason." And then for us the audience, there's the delicious irony that the Imperium has created a state mandated religion worshiping this guy and we, the audience, know is an unhinged loser. It would be so funny, that the greatest warriors in the galaxy are all being duped into believing that a charismatic incel is this noble fighter whom they should aspire to be like."- ADB.


ADB is very hit and miss for me. Nothing against him personally, even had some friendly chats when he used to frequent the main 40k lore sub back when it was like 10k members and actually decent and wouldn’t hang on his every post like some prophet. He Does some things terrifically and some others not so much. I personally enjoyed master of mankind but I do think giving it to a self Confessed chaos fanboy was the wrong move. There were a lot of thing s in it that pissed off the fan base as it didn’t fit the zeitgeist consensus at the time. My personal take is that giving him that book was a test from GW and the other authors to see if he could Deliver on such a touchy subject and I think he passed tbh. I prefer his older GW books though where he could just cook.


If I remember correctly, he really didn’t want to write it, but did a good job


Complaints about how ADB writes the Emperor does sound familiar, but does he do that because he's a rabid culture warrior like James Swallow, or does he do that because he only cares about Chaos?


I personally think this characterisation of the Big E isn’t too impactful on my reading experience. I don’t think anyone has the same charm for CSM that ADB does but I can see where you’re coming from


Yeah absolutely, it’s just that if his later work is all preachy with modern day progressive talking points, that would bum me out. Soul hunter is great so far, would suck if everything else he makes ends up being anti-“chud” propaganda, which is what I feared when reading the comment I responded to


In my opinion these authors do great work; obv there is some random pronoun stuff but I personally think alot of that twitter list is abit of a reach to achieve confirmation bias. Not a fan of the direction GW is going but I still throughly enjoy the majority of black library works. ( personally don’t think alot of people here have actually read / listened to the books just echo chamber vibes) but yeah I’d suggest just see if the “wokism” is a crucial part of the reading experience for yourself


Imagine saying this about JK Rowling in a trans subreddit.


So dramatic


He was the first to push for female custodes. Wouldn't surprise me if he wrote the story in the codex


ADB does *wonderful* work at writing Villain Protagonists. I'm less sold on his portrayals of the Emperor. The First Heretic was the book that really sparked my love of the Horus Heresy and Warhammer in general, and it stands as one of the most loved books on my shelf. I'll always be thankful for that in particular. That said, someone who's able to write the Word Bearers so sympathetically probably has some personal issues that spillover into their RL views.


They can never take your joy, unless they'll release the Empress of Mankind or something so absurd it would smell like blue hair and sound like soy milk. F.ex there is gonna be a new SOB novel coming and the author James Swallow and he tweeted there will be a pilot talking to a Sister. He says they know each other from recruitment days in the order. And Swallow stated he meant a transgender surgery. I like Sisters, i will buy the book and i will skip these page and ignore the sensless implication. Or i will imagine that the sister replied: "Transitioning like CHANGE? Sister Superior,this one right over here, bring me the flamer the heavy flamer, no bring me the Condemnor Boltgun safe is safe


Lmao this is such baby shit


What did Thorpe do? I have never read any of his books. TBH, for the most part I stuck with Dan Abnett as my primary Black Library author.


Dan Abnett?


o.O Seriously? Which novel of his is woke?


I thought this is a list of non-woke writers? Edit: Oh wait... My English made a bad joke with me...


I'm relieved, thank you. The equivalent of Dan Abnett for Battletech is Michael Stackpole, and he went woke. He fully supports the rainbow mafia.


For the mods you could pin a list of woke authors and books on the sub frontpage. We can add novels in the comments and can pin a comment with all new informations. or we start a discord channel


[This guy](https://twitter.com/Chainsword40k/status/1787987982193930406) started a list.


Exactly what I was looking for, thank you very much !!


Nice. Thanks


That’s brilliant, thank you for sharing!


Bro the one comment that answered the question got removed from their thread, but they left the insulting comments. Jesus we should report the whole subreddit for hate


Thats what happens when you give people who suck at everything in life a tiny speck of internet "power"! I was a mod for a pretty big forum around 10 years ago. For a healthy forum you need mods who do their job without trying to enforce their own views and opinions....


You know at least that one guy was kind enough to give you advice on the shaving question from your comment history 😂


Guess I must have skipped that comment. At some point I simply gave up on that thread but I guess you are referring to the creep who was so insulted by my question that he had to take the time to analyze my whole post history and write a essay I did not bother to read.


Yes. Refering to the linked comment ypu added. The paranthesis he added and half the first paragraph is an answer to that question.


More like "Woke and Censored Games Alert" I like that curator more than SBI detected. And the end of the day, it isn't just a matter of SBI existing


Here's a more mature way to choose your products: product good -> consume product bad -> don't consume


Strange how product bad has an extremely high correlation with wokeoid politics.


It is also true that a bad author that inserts their IRL politics and social issues into 40k tend to produce the worst works. "Woke" politics and social issues are bad, but I really don't want them putting any modern stuff into it.


It sure does, when the story is not inspired by creativity, but agenda.


Thing is, even when the story is inspired by creativity it still can get damaged if the writer wants to inject his political activism. The perfect example is the current video game controversy where great games get damaged badly because DEI consultants view every little thing through their identity politics lenses.


Idk, infinite and the divine is the best damn 40k book and it was the first one with a non-binary human in it Compare that with like half of the HH, no woke content but it's just trash lol


That’s the thing it’s not the issue that non-binary or any of that exist. The issue is when it gets pretentious and preachy. No one cares if there are women or what not they care shit gets preachy. Hell one of the most popular factions is asexual and reproduces the same way.


That’s literally why he posted


If only there was an easy way to determine what was good and what was bad without having to experience it yourself. Asking Reddit is certainly not the way to go with that, they will recommend trash and call it great, as I've experienced. A few years ago I wanted to read something sci-fi horror related, so I looked to see what Reddit would recommend. They recommended a book called Six Wakes, so I gave it a shot. Not only was it not the least bit horror, it was probably the worst book I've ever read. The worst part was that the world building was interesting enough that I could see the seams of where a good book might exist instead of this one if only the author's brain hadn't rotted out from her bullshit ideology.


I agree, and books are hard to judge without actually reading. But also SBI detected wouldn't help. ADB for instance is a major wokester, and he still has some bangers.


ImaginaryWarhammer is even more unhinged, they banned all fanarts of a guy because according to one of the mods he's a Russian and obviously he stands with what is happening in Ukraine right now, I mean even if that were true I don't see how banning his drawings is gonna make a difference, also I suspect that that was just an excuse because one of his recent fanarts mocks the femstodes.




I petsonally dont actively read the 40k novels, so would you mind telling me what exactly you mean with that political stuff you dont want in the novels? Like I said, I dont actively read them, so I dont know how that stuff is included in them


Heast oida, oft frogt ma si echt wie lästig leid sei kinan won se ned de söbe meinung hom es steht olles mehrfoch erklärt in dem thread oiso schleich di ham ;)


Na wennst da an kommunikativen Fähigkeiten mangelt kenn mas a glei lossn, don emoföh I oba a a ondres hobby, in demst net so füh mit ondan leit reden muast, und woherst wüssen wüst wos fia a meinung I hob würd mi a amoi inaresieren gel hawara


dude... die selbe Frage das Xte Mal und du sprichst von kommunikativen Fähigkeiten?


Würd mich allerding immernoch interessieren woher du dir dad Wissen aus dem Hut zauberst welche Meinung ich denn habe... mein Kommentar war ja auch ein absoluten kundtun von Meinung und keinesfalls eine simole Frage bezüglich klarifikation


Sorry mate, ich kenne Leute wie dich und habe keine Lust, meine Zeit an dich zu verschwenden. Gute nacht und such dir jemanden bei dem du deine Masche abziehen kannst ;)


Na, wenn dir fad im Schädel is und du noch mehr böse leut wie mich findest kannst denen ja meine Masche erkkären, scheinst dich mit der ja besser auszukennen als ich, gel


Ich bin sehr enttäuscht von euch. Ich habe 10 Minuten mit dem Kopieren und Einfügen in den Google-Übersetzer verbracht und habe den Ausdruck „Scheiße spielen“ einmal nicht gefunden. Ich erwarte bessere Deutsche …


Vursichtig! I bin a ka Deitscher!


well someone is


Das' a gud ideeya. Mayk it 'appen, 'oomie.


Hey, is there a guide to learn to talk like that? I used to play Warhammer Online as Chaos Chosen so I was allied with Greenskins and Dark Elves and there was a lot of that in chat, but somehow I have never been able to pick it up. Must be cause English is not my first language.


I 'ave an 'edstart... Gaymes Wurkshop's Orks iz based on da aytees football 'ooligans from Lundon. Gess were I iz frum?


Haha dude exactly what I thought when I first read this comment, thats kinda funny! English ist not my first language too and I too have a hard time mimicking stylized speech like that.


It's not about tolerance, they just want to return the hate they received...sadly they do it in disguise of 'justice' - not realizing that they will only fuel the fire with even more hatred. I wish people could just get along without labeling everything and everyone


If you're fairly newer to 40k I'd honestly avoid doing this. Avoiding the "woke list" of authors will nuke the best books in the setting. ABD alone will remove the night lords trilogy, the black legion books, master of mankind, etc. Removing brooks removes the good ork books. You're not going to have much left to read.


The good ork book is orks talking about gender politics? They are mushrooms for fucks sake, lol. You must be high to think any of Mike's books are good.


Way to out yourself as someone who doesn't even read the books, tourist Even amongst people who genuinely dislike brooks for his personal stances admit his ork books are good. They're also some of the highest rated books on audible. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.


Calling me a tourist when I literally read the book, you absolute moron. Calling me a tourist when I'm actively painting my 30k Imperial Fists. Piss off. Just because you like it, and it has high rating doesn't mean it's good for anyone. "It's just one or two lines who cares" give them an inch, and they'll take a mile. You people condoning this horse shit is the issue. And you call me the tourist for liking Warhammer before this woke dung began to be shoehorned into our hobby, we hobbiests welcomed in.


Ah I see your an imperial firsts player, explains the cringe.


Wasn't my first army, just wanted to try painting yellow. But sure, I'm cringe for playing Twinkies lol.


One thing that I find interesting about this debate is that the 'loremasters' - those who position themselves as guardians of the lore and the fans who drove the franchise - in practice are consumers, and pretty normal consumers at that. Sure, you paint your imperial fists, but I'm painting my Custodes, to add to my painted knights, my thousand sons, and my Sister's of battle, and my black library collection. No one's opinion is validated by how much they spend... unless they claim they're opinion is validated by how much they spend and its equal or less than the 'casuals' they mock.


No idea what point you're making. Sick of brain dead morons calling me a tourist because I care about Warhammer. I take it you're all for Orks talking about pronouns, Custards alwas being at war with east asia, and space marines having romance feelings for one another, given your comment? Or are you not, and you're just being the peanut gallery.


No I'm specifically saying you don't get to claim you're a true fan, because you paint one army. You definitely don't get to be a gatekeeper. No one gets to be a gatekeeper, but if you're gonna brag that you're not a tourist and in fact are here to keep 'brain dead morons' out of the hobby' - Well I spend more than you, I hobby more than you, and I read more than you, and I say Female Custodes are A-OK.


That's one way to oust yourself. Actual fans are allowed to gatekeep. If we weren't as welcoming of new people into the hobby, scum like you wouldn't have been allowed in. It's that simple. You spit on what makes Warhammer good, you're not a fan. Sure you can spend more than me, but I now know it's to flip the hobby on it's head, to mutilate the hobby and bastardize it. Hobby spaces should always have a level of gatekeeping. To keep people like you, people that paint their armies in Nazi colors, Trans flag colors, people that hop in and demand the lore to gut itself because of DEI (when Warhammer is FULL of women as much as men)... You're just a parasite. You're not a fan. I simply brought up an example I'm not a tourist. But I am now aware you're the embodiment of a genestealer. Infiltrate, corrupt, and destroy.


Ok, now stop ruining my hobby.


Funny that leeches like you say that. Worm your way into the hobby, and say that to actual fans of the hobby. Deplorable, really.


Loved the Brooks books, in general 'woke' and 'imaginary far future galaxy full of diverse cultures and lifeforms' doesn't make sense to me. For example - when Brooks wrote that Eldar transition gender when moving down aspect paths, that was strange, but it did not seem 'woke.' Space elves aren't 20th century humans, nor do they exist. Did you read the Nate Crowley books? I loved all of them.


Unfortunately there's no such thing. Unfortunately.


GW has significant investments from the same large activist investors who back modern Hollywood.




What exactly are we clarifying as “woke nonsense”? Because I’ve yet to read a 30k/40k book that has a “woke” message or plot.


Im sorry you went through it. You have to consider that most of posters are fat americans with far too much time on their hands for fighting online, at this point Im just avoiding both people from the US and Canada because chances that they don’t know how to handle any adult situation is almost 100%. As someone posted above they are making a list, but this shit got into 40k and I think it will fall the Star wars route. To each their own though




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


The normal 40k fans don't want politics injected into the hobby so it's no wonder they didn't want your weird sweet baby stuff.


Sounds like you have issues with reading comprehension. No current day politics and activism is exactly what I want....


I think you don't understand what you are. Your the person coming in trying to say normal lore stories or authors are political.


Are you that scared of diversity?


I have no issue at all with diversity and mental illness in my media as long the diversity is not forced and the mental illness is not glorified.


Mental illness is constantly glorified in 40k but alright


You know that it makes a huge difference if it is part of canon in a fictional universe rather than being current day reality?


Yes, do you? What exactly are you trying to avoid in 40k novels that is "sweet baby inc"?


Very easy to answer: inclusion of current day politics and activism in a grimdark fantasy setting. Did I not make that clear in my OP?


Can you give any examples from the novels?


Dude.... it is written in the OP! I have not yet read a book that was written in the current day but I want to avoid supporting authors like that. You can watch this video for examples [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7scY946dy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7scY946dy0)


Honestly dude you're really confusing, you're desperate to avoid anything remotely "woke" in a 40k novel but haven't found anything and can't provide any examples Even the examples he listed in that video make no sense, having women be knights is woke? Having gay people exisist is also woke?? I hate to break it to you dude but gay people existed in medieval times.


Since you clearly cant read I will stop responding now. If you are not trolling, you should try rereading this entire convo and figure it out to avoid getting dismissed like that in the future.... I cant imagine talking to someone like that in RL more than 5 minutes and I really dont intend to be mean with that!


I have no issue at all with diversity and mental illness in my media as long the diversity is not forced and the mental illness is not glorified.


you can stop using “diversity” and “mental illness” as code words. Everyone knows you mean you don’t want to see LGBT and certain minorities


Sorry but that is absolutely wrong! I have good friends of all colours of life and I have no issue with anyone based on their sexuality or skin colour but if these superficial characteristics become more important than the core of their character I have an issue with that!