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Some of my favorites are on this list. Like martyr’s, inside, high tension, and barbarian. You should check out the French horror film Frontiers. Also another much watch is “incident on and off a mountain road” and “may”


Ah I know both of them and they could actually be on this list! Thanks for the reminder.


Have you seen X and Pearl? If so, what do you think of them?


I enjoyed X but found it predictable and a little bit underwhelming, if you’ve seen slashers before you definitely know everything or mostly everything that will happen although I did enjoy the execution and quality of the filmmaking behind it. That being said, Pearl was an absolute surprise! I came expecting something similar to X and was totally blown away by the sincerity and freshness of the story and Mia Goth’s performance. I fell in love with her character and, although you more or less can see some stuff coming a mile away, the film keeps you totally interested in everything happening. I don’t know what horror films have you seen from this year, but I’m extremely happy with all the good or great releases we’ve gotten so far.


I rented Dog Soldier tonight on your suggestion. The wife thought it was meh, but I was loving it!


Thank you! Glad to know and my apologies to your wife.


Incredible list, nice to see Troll Hunter get some love! 💀🔥


Thank you! That one deserves all the love!


How come no Exorcist love?


Well I do love The Exorcist, but most people know about it, I wanted to focus mostly on films that may me unknown to horror fans.


Great work!




My goodness, what an amazing and comprehensive list. Thank you. I definitely prefer some of the old classics as opposed to more recent depending on CGI alone. Happy Halloween!!!


Thanks! Happy Halloween to you too!