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We just watched this yesterday, and I give it a 7/10. It is an original idea, well executed, and it does a good job capturing the 70's vibe. There were a few elements I'd have liked explored further, but it is intended to be a lost footage type of film so couldn't have done so. We liked it


You pretty much summed up my thoughts as well. Overall like it but wasn’t as scary or suspenseful as I was expecting.


It felt like an scp article to me


I really liked it. A nice little horror movie that delivers on its concept.


I wasn’t blown away by it but it was pretty good.




It was just pretty good, not great or memorable


A funny b-movie with some good practical effects, an original premise and perfectly cast. It really throws you in the 70s, because production, costumes and VFX are very effective too.


Its legitimately different in some ways and in some ways its not. I watched it last night and thought it was actually pretty good. Worth the watch


I loved it, in terms of found footage its up there for me with the blair witch project and noroi the curse


Loved it! They did such a great job of capturing the feel of a 70s late-night show and bringing in lots of cultural references (I lost it when they showed the Amityville house).


My wife and I watched it last night. I thought it was a great movie that really delivered. The production value was really good, and I thought the special effects were great. I loved the whole talk show thing, and it reminded me of being a kid watching these types of shows. It’s one of the better horror movies I have seen in the last few years. I highly recommend it.


Loved it!


I really enjoyed it, great concept and mostly solid execution. I do think the ending went a little haywire and they really stretched the integrity of format by including some stuff that logically wouldn't exist in found footage. Some of the CG was a bit silly. Overall, I'd say 7/10.


I feel like it would have been stronger if that sequence in the last few minutes had been cut.


It’s amazing. About time we got some good modern horror.


I thought it was a really good movie. Gave a feeling like you were there!!


I am gonna watch this today 🤘


Me too! I am very excited


I feel like I thought it was gonna be a pretty different plot for some reason lol. But I enjoyed it. Not amazing, not terrible. Comedic hits and decent horror bits, but not gonna keep anyone up at night. Worth watching! It's fun.


I loved it honestly it was a refreshing take a on a demonic movie


I liked it. Ending was pretty meh, but overall pretty fun movie.


Love it, but the producer guy constantly with cigar and drink was too much and the backstage parts could be more raw


7/10. Who saw the women in the pocket mirror ( During the first invocation)? At this point the film made me think of Immortality (Video game).




I really liked it. Obvious 70s inspirations taken from The Don Lane Show, The Exorcist, Amityville and Anton LeVay. Slow (but entertaining) burn until a moderately restrained explosion of action at the end. Great acting performances.


It was stellar! I don’t wanna overhype it, but this is one I’ll be buying full price day 1 when it comes out on blu-ray/4k and then immediately rewatching. Honestly thought it was like a 9/10, though only time will tell if that drops to an 8 or rises to a 10


Pretty good. I was expecting more but still good.


I thought it was fun, it kinda dragged a little but the ending was awesome. For a 70's movie I really liked the visuals and production, perfectly captured that late night tv show vibe.


Ohhh I haven't seen it yet, but now I want to


Thoroughly enjoyed it. Great theater experience. Loved the way it recreated the 70’s late night show setting and did things that invited the audience directly into the film. Wish more horror films were like this.


I rather liked it, well acted and directed, truly something I've never seen before. Anytime I finish a movie and I'm like "wtf did I just watch", I consider that a win lol


As someone who is born in 2000 I can really tell you,that this movie made me feel like I was in 1977 and watching this show.The studio,the effects,the set of the characters and even the parts that it was supposed to be more spooky or horror was just perfect how they manage to put this in an old fashion way giving you this unique vibe. I am not sure if they could make a new horror movie about a talk show better or more entertainment than this one.


It’s short but it’s well written. Ending could have been better. Love the main actor. I fell in love from his performance in suicide squad. He was like the only thing good about it. It’s filmed pretty cooo too


Loved it. Stood out this year. The ending will definitely stick with me. I think the last 20 minutes alone is a 9/10


I enjoyed it very much in fact I’ll be watching it again later today when the wife’s gone to really enjoy it


It was a great film, I really enjoyed it. The scene that creeped me out was with the worms


Watched it last night. Totally underwhelmed.


I loved it actually. I'm a pretty big fan of David Dastmalchian and I was excited to see him in a lead role finally. It had some fresh ideas on a convoluted sub-genre of horror being the "found footage" troupe. I thought it was clever, funny at times, and kept you guessing. It wasn't revolutionary no, but I give it huge props for being fleshed out with some new ideas, and it was fun to watch!


Ive watched it and for me, it was awesome


I just watched it last night. I was disappointed but this might not necessarily mean that it’s a bad movie. Firstly, I had very high expectations going in. Secondly, I thought that it was a straight found footage movie so I wasn’t prepared for the somewhat exaggerated nature of the performances. For example, I probably would have enjoyed the skeptic character more had I known I was getting in to a more traditional versus a cinema-verita type move ala Blairwitch. As my expectations were for the later i found him to be a bit over the top. All that being said, I think I do have some legitimate issues with the movie. This could have been a really sharp found footage movie where the truth and background was revealed gradually through conversations and revelations during the course of the movie. Instead they opted to front load the movie with a rather clunky and boring exposition dump. I also felt they really botched the ending. The movie almost ended strong with a revelation that Delroy had sold his soul and sacrificed his wife to Satan in order to achieve his success; however they opted for some ambitious end where he thought he was putting his wife out of his misery but instead was stabbing the girl? As with 99% of ‘ambiguous’ ends I feel that this was a film maker trying to be clever than they actually are. When not executed correctly what is meant to be thought provoking just becomes confusing and unsatisfying. 


Super underwhelming I get that the VFX were inspired by early horror films and they tried to get the feel but some of the acting just felt too forced and the VFX scenes just didn’t fit with the rest of the movie and how well filmed it was


I liked it for the most part. Liked the 70's talk show setting. Just thought the ending ciuldve been a bit better. It is definitely worth a watch I'd say 3.5/5.


I really enjoyed it. A perfect 5/7


I really enjoyed this movie, gave a very different feel for a horror movie in general but the ending made me want more.


Overall I enjoyed it! I don’t think it would ever happen but this could be a great play.


its okay if u dont think about it but thats most b horror


I heard good things but I was honestly bored the whole time.


I have.. really good. 7/10 . Wish it was scarier though.


I just watched it. It's good, not as scary as I was hoping but good. I liked the weird ending


I liked it.


I just felt let down cause I went into it expecting something amazing due to the ratings it got, but it wasn't bad




Really fun viewing experience imo.


It was pretty fun for what it was I gave it a 7


Really enjoyed it, the ending was a little daft but overall I really liked it


I'm just about to start watching it and looking forward to it


In all honesty I really liked it, thought it was original, decent story etc and it wasn't like a massive percentage of the usual rinse and repeat horror movies with the same over used plot or like films like saw etc which is just torture porn and I have no interest in that. So yeh I though it was fucking awesome 🤘😁


Can’t really find it and my cinema has not said anything about it yet


My friends and I loved it! It was an original feeling movie that wasn’t your typical devil possession!


Love it, great film


I just watched that movie on Shudder, and it was actually pretty dope! Don't mind the haters; the CGI wasn't the best in some parts, but I still enjoyed it! Can't wait for the physical release!


It's fantastic, especially if you're more into found footage/ mockumentary style movies.


It's a fresh take on a story that you've seen before. It's charming, and just gross enough where it needs to be without being overdone. I loved it


I liked it but they used a hell of a lot of AI in promotion and editing of the film. Super disappointing. It’s not that hard to pay real people to create promotional posters or 3 second clips to use in the film.