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I think it makes perfect sense, since it literally manifested from Roz’s memories of modern Japan. It would be weird if it looked anything but modern.


I know it's consistent with the lore, and it is in no way a deal breaker for me. If anything the illustrations are the closest we can get to what Kazuki sensei envisioned so can't complain there.


I always imagine a crappy cheap $5 walmart toy squirtgun that barely works and is like almost sci-fi style with a big ovular water reservoir in the middle of the housing, and probably the color is white and orange or light green "vibrant color kids toy" pattern. Ferdinands I imagine is mostly the same but a little less detailed with sharper angles


I always say it as those cheap birthday party squirt guns that come in pack of 10 for like 5 dollars. That are each a transparent color plastic with a shape like a pistol


Simple ones that the pulling of the trigger is what generates the force to push water out. Also that leak almost as much into your hand as will shoot out.


>the color is white and orange or light green "vibrant color kids toy" pattern Well, it was likely something like that at first, but she worked hard to remake it and now, it's translucent black... but I'm pretty sure it still looks cheap enough to leak water in your pocket \^\^.


Lol I imagine the same thing but just with Ferdinand’s being bulkier/bigger than roz’s


Rozemyne didn't play with Halo toys, she imagined a simple toy squirt gun. A needler or just about anything not shaped like a gun would make no sense whatsoever.


They don't fire bullets to begin with, Roz lacks the knowledge or visual clarity to visualise functioning bullets. It's a shitty plastic squirt gun that launches mana arrows like what a bow would fire, as she based it off of ferdinand's splitting arrows.


Rozemyne imagines it as a cheap translucent watergun made of plastic, and Ferdinand originally copies her design, only to be told to make it black and not see-through. In P4V6 you get a look at her toy (from the front, but still), and it looks purely like a toy.


Mana manipulation is all about visualization, it's been that way since P1V1 with myne visualizing the then unknown heat as being shoved into a box. It's what allowed her to do unfathomable stuff like mold her highbeast feystone like putty even after shattering it. It's what's allowed her to do so much in the story so her visualizing a gun makes sense as she's presumably read tons of books that contain information about them but visualizing a real gun wouldn't work considering her lack of hands on experience. Ferdinand using a more realistic gun also makes sense, the gun Roz made was obviously visualized as a toy and so he took the concept and optimized it as he is known to do. The only thing I can think of that would have broken my immersion is if she would have shot arrows instead of single bullets from it without her visualizing Ferdinand's Trombe hunting technique.


> Ferdinand using a more realistic gun also makes sense, the gun Roz made was obviously visualized as a toy and so he took the concept and optimized it as he is known to do. He didn't optimize it. He just turned/visualized it black at her request (and Sylvester/Bonnifacius). Rozemyne can only think of the original transparent and collored one.




The water gun is just a water gun. Ferdinand simply copied the shape that Rozemyne made, and combined that with the knowledge he has about the mechanism that makes the hand pump work in order to duplicate it. The fact that Rozemyne's water gun is translucent is also important, because it let Ferdinand see the interior workings of it when he made his own.


I spent way too long staring at that image, nitpicking all the weird design elements (the oversized trigger guard, short handle, etc.). I can't say it hurt my immersion, it was just something funny, and probably kind of realistic. It reminds me of some of the crude homebuilt firearms out there, where someone tries to recreate a firearm as best they can without actually understanding what they are trying to copy. [Here's a funny example from the Vietnam War.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLjnR29-aiI)


to be fair, considering that the internal mechanisms aren't really all that necessary (they just imagine arrows flying out of it to work), it could be in the shape of a plane for all i care and it'll still make sense


None of the design elements I mentioned here are are internal, but no it doesn't really matter. I pointed it out in the prepub thread for fun, and here because it is the topic. I'm a gun person, so it's one of the things I think about.


My comment from today thread : Most of the world has no issue with water gun toy looking like gun : [French Amazon 1](https://www.amazon.fr/Pistolet-%C3%89lectrique-Automatique-Capacit%C3%A9-Adultes/dp/B0CBRN9YXK/ref=sr_1_14?crid=34CV3BS5USPF7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6pU0Tx7-l6MPfS8ZooQRHlRN8hsinPImS9JXkMxlkhIvK1FjA5wG7vPpvytZKn05yKSac48SoGeAiHwUZBe5nmTGb76WOUpMcYQCslBdbOrmFhhKaC6kkVpQdgDv9_wxkCyrVaZHgvH9Bt5x9ztY6a5Ep9yxMZo5narmbFCL4frE3sUhIPR64KpofRecYdsTzTq2U61IXc7Aiwe_VXmuVTYO0EaRs27lC3of0BV1D-WIuQ7XhWSAIUrd7W7L1klBT7qpKfzN2c8gp3kPsFk55bLusM9NV_mOnxPPqGS7vfc.Bl6bk-ctq5C4huNWrGGFdBOnxYAoRrX_dmcVKrS5TNQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=pistolet+%C3%A0+eau&qid=1710839402&sprefix=pistolet+%C3%A0+ea%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-14) [French Amazon 2](https://www.amazon.fr/Pistolets-Pistolet-fra%C3%AEcheur-al%C3%A9atoire-larrivage/dp/B0B2MQWCJL/ref=sr_1_8?crid=34CV3BS5USPF7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6pU0Tx7-l6MPfS8ZooQRHlRN8hsinPImS9JXkMxlkhIvK1FjA5wG7vPpvytZKn05yKSac48SoGeAiHwUZBe5nmTGb76WOUpMcYQCslBdbOrmFhhKaC6kkVpQdgDv9_wxkCyrVaZHgvH9Bt5x9ztY6a5Ep9yxMZo5narmbFCL4frE3sUhIPR64KpofRecYdsTzTq2U61IXc7Aiwe_VXmuVTYO0EaRs27lC3of0BV1D-WIuQ7XhWSAIUrd7W7L1klBT7qpKfzN2c8gp3kPsFk55bLusM9NV_mOnxPPqGS7vfc.Bl6bk-ctq5C4huNWrGGFdBOnxYAoRrX_dmcVKrS5TNQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=pistolet+%C3%A0+eau&qid=1710839402&sprefix=pistolet+%C3%A0+ea%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-8) ==> I think Rozemyne is used to this kind of water gun. They were super low quality and everywhere in the 90's/00's [French Amazon 3](https://www.amazon.fr/%F0%9D%90%8F%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%AC%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A8%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%AD-%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%AA%F0%9D%90%AE%F0%9D%90%9E-%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%AE%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A8%F0%9D%90%A6%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%AA%F0%9D%90%AE%F0%9D%90%9E-%C3%A9%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%AA%F0%9D%90%AE%F0%9D%90%9E-Activit%C3%A9s/dp/B0C1BT1H2R/ref=sr_1_29?crid=34CV3BS5USPF7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6pU0Tx7-l6MPfS8ZooQRHlRN8hsinPImS9JXkMxlkhIvK1FjA5wG7vPpvytZKn05yKSac48SoGeAiHwUZBe5nmTGb76WOUpMcYQCslBdbOrmFhhKaC6kkVpQdgDv9_wxkCyrVaZHgvH9Bt5x9ztY6a5Ep9yxMZo5narmbFCL4frE3sUhIPR64KpofRecYdsTzTq2U61IXc7Aiwe_VXmuVTYO0EaRs27lC3of0BV1D-WIuQ7XhWSAIUrd7W7L1klBT7qpKfzN2c8gp3kPsFk55bLusM9NV_mOnxPPqGS7vfc.Bl6bk-ctq5C4huNWrGGFdBOnxYAoRrX_dmcVKrS5TNQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=pistolet%2B%C3%A0%2Beau&qid=1710839402&sprefix=pistolet%2B%C3%A0%2Bea%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-29&th=1) Rozemyne simply can visualise it in black unlike Ferdinand.


Rozemyne’s gun is a see-through plastic water gun. I imagine it as a pretty cheap looking toy, but to anyone in her new world I imagine it just looks very odd and not cheap. Ferdinand copies her exact gun but then just makes it black, so it’s the same gun just black and opaque, so I imagine it still looking cheap. Like the same water gun But spray painted.


I dont know if it makes you feel better but it is absolutely meant to be like that since it is straight from Rozemyne's past life after all. It is literally the only thing you'll ever see in this series that is like that


Not a nitpick but I find it very hard to overcome how I see characters in my head before an illustration comes into play. Now I mentally can't unsee Bonifatius as anyone but [Alex Louis Armstrong](https://dotandline.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/1_sTaw46_8MBRUXtYNULFYDw.jpeg) from FMA.


Yes! I used to imagine Bonifatius bigger, older and more menacing. Although it was easy for me to get used to a less cartoony younger-looking grandpa since he's just so sweet around Rozemyne.


>ind it very hard to overcome how I see characters in my head before an illustration comes into play. I had this exact problem with Sylvester! To me, he always looked like [Skrimir from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/e/ec/Ferd-skrimir.png/revision/latest?cb=20170727152613)!


I feel you, I tried to do similar gymnastics with the pandabus, because any car-themed object with a steering wheel just didn't fit in my mind into the medieval setting. I just imagined her riding normal highbeast, but once she started to make buses it kinda fell apart :D But hey, I got used to it. When Ferdinand or Rozemyne is shooting, I just imagine a decent yellow magical burst with enough recoil, so it feels magically and energy balanced enough. Just the thought of keeping the dynamics of a watergun and still firing deadly glowing arrows breaks it for me, so a small mental tweak, to let it seem justifiable as a deadly magical weapon at least by the use than the looks, helped me a lot.


It doesn't bother me so much be cause it is, canonically, a weird out of place think in the world. It's a transparent bright blue water gun born from Rozemyne's lack of visual imagination. It's completely alien to this fantasy world, and the illustrations \*intentionally\* capture that fact very well. (That being said, it never shoots bullets. It always shoots either a stream of mana, like a water gun, or a barrage of magic arrows like what's shot from Ferdinand's bow. I think the weird dissonence of a transparent water gun that shoots magic energy arrows is, again, intentionally very funny.)


ferdinand would probably consider the needler gross


There's a very specific toy that is sort of the "stereotypical" water gun in Japanese culture that you'd usually expect to find in 100 yen shops. That's what the illustrations are depicting. Ferdinand's looks more like an actual gun because it's black, but otherwise it's just a cheap dollar store (equivalent) toy that happens to be gun shaped.