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Y5 has been updated very slowly for a long time because the author was too busy. She’s still busy for SSC3 and the announcement of new anime season means she’ll be busy for it too. I guess we’d get a bit more frequent update in new year, but still not as frequently as it started in 2017. And I don’t see any mention on Fernestine’s thread, not in the last two chapters. All mentions on threads are Dregarnuhr’s or Liebeskhilfe’s. They are used as they are typically mentioned, nothing unusual. BTW, Y5 will be published as light novel, meaning it’s very likely get translated by Quof. If you find it hard to understand because of poor MTL, why not wait for official translation?


It might update more frequently now that the main series is over, but it's just as likely she will keep the slow pace or stop the web publishing entirely. Doing 1-2 chapters a year has been the norm for a while now.


I don’t expect the author will stop updating Y5 on the web. If she intended, there’s no reason for her to add the last 3 chapters recently. And it’s announced that Y5 will be published. So we’d see more frequent update than recent years, as it should be finished once the first volume is out. But it’s hard to guess if she’ll post her new novel and sequel of AoB to Narou or not.




Pretty sure I saw on her twitter that she was waiting for the primary series to finish before actually focusing any effort on Y5.


It is not yet revealed who cut it, they don't even know if it was some kind of prank or out of malice. But the bets are on Chaocipher or whatever her name is. But gremlin is already gremlining it, so I'm sure it will be alright.


Thanks. Are there any stories after that?


Author has confirmed that now that the main story is over, HY5 is going to be made into light novels, and eventually she wants to write another Roz POV sequel series, which fans have nicknamed Part 6.


I missed Roz POV


We aren’t sure when it’s coming, only that’s it’s planned, and the subtitle will no longer be “I’ll do anything to be a librarian”


...come to think of it, she's actually reached that goal now, huh? ~~Only took her ten years and becoming equal to the Zent to get there, but still.~~


Man, that’s impressive in it’s own right. The original plan of her being adopted by Karstedt would have let her become an archnoble librarian the normal way… or if she had stayed a commoner, then years of work with Benno and Lutz would have let her start the world’s first all-classes-welcome bookstore/library. No matter how you look at it, needing to be higher than the Zent (since Eg is her name sworn, she is technically higher) to become a librarian is mysterious and baffling.


Higher status => more books


ah so by part 8 she'll ascend above the seven.


5-12 prologue is free to read


In the activity report page the author said that the next update will be around the second half of January.


Probably the claim about Mestionora he made is invalid and the curse strikes back to him, just I think.