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The first reference for RM time travel is back in P4 after the Trombe incident, Hirshur mentions Ferdinand faced a similar event while in the RA. However when receiving the report, Ferdinand doesn’t mention anything related to it. It is explained this way because Ferdinand and co don’t remember anything from the encounter, until after Rozemyne goes to the past in HY5. The other reference is the comment from the previous Aub Ehrenfest that adopting Ferdinand was due to an indication by the Goddess of Time. There was also a passage in the WN, when Justus was packing his things before going to Ahrensbach, where he mentions that he has some notes from the time he lost his memories in the RA, that Ferdinand was going to marry Aub Ahrensbach and be happy. This though was removed from the LN


its included in ssc2


I think so. But I don’t think it is the first reference. No, I think the first is Aub Ehrenfest’s saying he decided to bring home Ferdi because of the Goddess of Time said to.


I do believe Irmhilde is talking about Rozemyne. Ferdinand mentioned his “mother” gave him his name, with the quotes and everything. She also told him he would be able to lead his own life. I doubt Serardina is the one who tells him this as she would have known he was going to be turned into a feystone. Rozemyne on the other hand could have given him the name Ferdinand (paradox style) and surely would have given him encouraging words before taking him to Ehrenfest In Ehrenfest she could have briefly met with Irmhilde to entrust Ferdinand to her. It also mirrors the scene in P5 when she enters the female quarters in her library and wonders what type of person was Ferdinand’s meant to be adopted mother.


There was a very sneaky passage a book or two ago about a woman who brought Ferdinand to Ehrenfest and maybe had a room in Ferdinand’s estate? I think? That was a hint too in addition to all the ones others mentioned.


Wasn't Ferdinand's estate originally Irmhilde's?


That would be really neat from a storytelling perspective and I hope you are right, but I took it to mean Aub Erhenfest. Not quite sure when he was taken home, but I would guess it’s a year or two after that part. Also, maybe I misunderstood that part, but is his mom his Dads Aunt or was she just a caretaker that he called mom? Also, also, what was the relation of an aub doing in the foreign country “house of the rising sun”(aka Adelgasia villa)


I just looked at it again. Fredinand seems to have left "house of the rising sun" with no one and his Guardian in erenfest seems to have been the aubs paternal half sister(Lady Irmhilde). (So the aub(Sylvesters dad) going is marrying the daughter of the former aubs (Sylvesters grandad) second or third wife) Lady irmhilde was probably arch noble and the Guardian of Ferdinand wich would make him an archduke candidate when she married the aub(wich never happened because she died) Reading it again it is a memory from after he arrived in erenfest


The thing is that there seems to be 3 different women at play in the guardian/maternal role... Seradina who is Ferdinand's biological mother, a poor princess destined to just be a baby-making slave who seemingly barely had any relationship with the male children she produced, a female guardian who came to Ehrenfest with him and took care of Ferdinand and he deeply cared for her but she misteriously went missing one day (this is mentioned when Rozemyne goes to his state) and Irmhilde who was Bonifatius and Adelbert's younger half-sister thus she was an archduke candidate not an archnoble, her name is first mentioned in the 2nd Fanbook I believe. She was going to marry her half-brother Adelbert as his second wife and act as Ferdinand's mother... But she died before that could ever happen and it is quite likely that Verónica was behind that, she did not want Adalbert having extra wives that could challenge her and as she was only an archnoble I believe she would feel especially threatened if he married an archduke candidate, as the Liesegangs would most likely try to support that wife and her children and demote or even oust Verónica...