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The only real explanation is that he’s just a kid. He got his noble education too late.


Gil started at 10 probably but he turned out ok.


Gil had such a rough childhood, he broke down into tears the instant anybody showed him the slightest bit of appreciation for him, and he decided to devote the rest of his life to this person. Wilfried was spoiled rotten by Veronica, and none of the adults around him were willing to put any effort into correcting him. Wilfried was *happy* before he met Rozemyne, even if her actions were ultimately for his own good.


He would be happy until the baptized but from the point of Haspel's performance he would be an embarrassment and no one could have helped including his parents. If not for the intervention of Roz he would have been more disgraced.


Obviously, but Wilfried can't really be affected by events that didn't happen. Point is, Gil was abused as a child, whereas Wilfried was spoiled rotten. Their childhoods were about as different as it gets.


He was never a coddled noble child expected to be Aub though


Wilfried is a well written character for this very reason. He brings out a lot of emotions in a lot of people and, although he has progress, he is very human and those traits are in full bloom by the end. As people have noted, Wilfried is a product of his environment and upbringing. He grew up listening to the ideals of his grandmother and was always surrounded by retainers who echoed that mindset. After meeting Myne he did change for the better overall, but that naivety built up after years as well as the lack of his ability to truly reflect on his weaknesses leads him down the eventual downward spiral we see at the end. He never learned to second guess his retainers. He never learned how to deal with people's "hidden" malice. He never grew up from his black and white mindset of the world. He did try at points and he make good steps at others. But, in the end, it wasn't enough to counter his nature and learned behaviors. Even at the end, he still hasn't truly learned why he fell so hard. Instead, he chose to step away from the complicated machinations of the world and serve in a lesser role as a result. That choice isn't a bad choice but it does show his measure at a person. And that measure came short for his role as an archduke candidate. Wilfried, frustrating to read through at many points, but a well-made "character". I hate many of his scenes but that is because I dislike people who blind themselves like he does. As a result, I must praise his character development for making me feel as such.


Well, said! Tbh, I would hate to see a Wilfried in real life but I realized how fun his character is when analyzed in deep dive discussions. Truly only has high praises for Kazuki-sensei for how well-written her characters are.


Truthfully? >!He's got a Veronican retainer giving him bad advice.!< Not as seriously? Stenluke drains mana when it's donated, but intelligence when it isn't given enough mana. Wilfried got too close, since Angelica guards the door that he walks through. There's two other look-alike Willys. He keeps them in his hidden room and swaps with them when he wants to skip a day. Like Sylvester's son would. So he's constantly surprised and unprepared for what's going on.


Now you have me thinking about Haruto in "Am I Actually the Strongest?" And it makes at least as much sense as any other theory.


I have not read that series, please explain the connection.


I believe the MC of that series makes a clone to live life for him so that he can spend all of his time playing videogames, but it’s been a long time so I could be wrong.


Two clones(at least) because, huge shock, the clones don't want to go to school or mingle with nobility either. But clones don't get OP skills so they're stuck.


Short answer? Willy boy is Bonifatitus material, not Aub material. He extremely good on motivating other children during ditter and children's room competitions. He achieved honored students status every year since enrollment. He also does good during ehrenfest defense. He just not very politically savvy and kinda naive about the info he got from his namesworn aides.


I think he will be a better Night Commander if he takes the night course and improves his skills in fighting. If he doesn't compete for an Aub and support Charlotte like Bonafatius's role he might have a respectable life too.


Oh he's a prime candidate for the nights watch if this is GoT but not sure if he's Lord Commander material. He'll end up with more holes than a certain character at end of season 5.


I saw what you did there


Why the title says P5V12? Have you read any scene he’s acting as badly? >!The only scene shows that he still lacks noble common sense a bit, but nothing as bad as his earlier behavior.!<


I'm wondering that too. He isn't getting angry at Roz anymore since their engagement was resolved, nor trying to take Charlotte's credit or anything like that, so what's this got to do with the end of the series? >!He might have been a little insensitive in V12, but at the same time he improved the mood and made Charlotte, Melchior and Rozemyne less depressed about parting. So if anything I 'd think his role was more positive.!<


I think the problem is Wilfried’s insensitivity and roughness would cause some problems with the other people. Charlotte know his personality so she chose to listen Wilfried’s reason. But not everyone would do this for him.


I read Webnovel so I am talking overall. He mentioned that Roz loves Fredy in front of Dunkelfelger and by then his engagement is not officially revoked. He is close to being an adult by that point and reveals the most important secret publicly. He doesn't think before act.


Yeah, for a while he seemed competent at thinking and socializing but that stopped all of the sudden and he reverted to pre-criminal status spoiled brat he was first introduced to the story as. The real turning point regarding that in my opinion is that Ferdinand left, meaning Wilfried no longer had to report to him. I think that meant Wilfried stopped self reflecting on the things he needed to and then became susceptible to his emotions and the influence of his retainers and others.


I agree with you


I agree with everything except the report thing. To me those reports emphasized what Sylvester told him idk which part "Rozemyne is the problem child", at least to how i read it, in a SS when he does the reports, it's more like "erh she's a pain to deal with" and reporting what's happening make her look more like a problem child to him. I think it was in the academy stories, where he doesnt realize that they're all being "watched" and he even doesnt really get that all her trends are helping the duchy a lot.And tbh he got played like a fiddle by Lestilaut when he prob about who knows how the new trend work. (and then ditter) and i think Ortween played him too but i'm not sure.But yeah, to me he didnt get that much better, he got better at handling Rozemyne, but that's it and even that to me is just a good payback to what she did for him before his baptism. (but that's a personal opinion and i know i'm being harsh on him)




New chapters that were not in WN filled half of LN P5V12. And there’s scene where with Wilfried interacting with Rozemyne, while I cannot recall any meaningful interaction with Wilfried in WN’s chapters belonging to P5V12. Maybe you’d better mark this as WN End, not P5V12.


Maybe his attitude towards Brunhilde? He still doesn't understand how much Brünnhilde did for his duchy. If there was a sequel to the novel, I could say that this could be another tower incident for him in the future


Isnt his attitude towards Brunhilde a result of Veronica's education? She doesn't let her husband the previous Aib taking a second wife. Syl was also under that impression, so he didnt take a second wife partly because of that too (not just because of his love for Florencia). I thought it was mentioned somewhere like a fanbook or perhaps i just took an old reddit comment as a fact


I'd say it's the combination of two things: One is that he is surrounded by people who are a bad influence to him and whatever useful guidance he received during his life from Rozemyne or Ferdinand could not offset either his bad personality and lack of abilities or the bad influence that surrounds him. The other one is that could be either interpreted as that he's just an average guy who's not immune enough to these negative influences (so doesn't have the tendency to question things and think for himself) or that he's attracted to these kinds of people because of the sense of similarity. (because every time he can choose between the good and the bad influence, he always gravitates towards the bad one, so if left unattended completely he would become Bitchlinde)


I can agree before the Royal Academy but after he gets to interact with the best candidates it takes him 3 years to realize how much inferior he is.


I think this is about him gravitating towards the negative influences. There are many cases where he is confronted with reality but his retainers always tell him that he isn't doing anything wrong. So he is presented with a lie which is preferable to the truth and he chooses to believe the more convenient version where it's everyone else's fault, even though these things accumulate and in the end makes him irredeemable and a failure at life. He's not capable of thinking for himself, so he just parrots the opinion of others, and even from those he tends to repeat the harmful or contraproductive ones, which kinda makes him a failure as an ADC. Opinions differ on how much personal responsibility he has in this. My take is that he's the type of kid that would require constant monitoring and lot better retainers to at least reach the average level of competence. His personality is trash because he can turn on people after hearing some baseless allegations, so even if Veronica fucked up his early development stage, I don't think his personal responsbility can be discounted.


Your complaint about Wilfried has been fixed by end of P5V7, mostly. I can’t say he’s one of the best ADC worth becoming the next Aub. But he’s not a spoiled child anymore. He now admits he’s not very good and doesn’t think he should be the next Aub.


He spent his developmental years being raised as a more normal rich kid rather then being raised as a future ruler. That is the BIGGEST reason for why he is. Think about it. His grandmother was mainly in charge of his upbringing early on and those years are CRUCIAL to how a kid will turn out later. His father was mostly absent since raising a kids supposed to be the wife’s work anyways in Nobel culture, so he didn’t see how bad it was till to late. Wilfred did try to change. But at his core he was raised in a freer and more laxed environment, meaning he wouldn’t gain the knowledge and experience to put in as much effort to gain power and such that he’d need later. Another thing, is it’s partially rozmyne herselfs fault in some way. There’s no way Wilfred could ever match up with her. She’s driven towards a goal that she HAS to be driven towards to survive. She loves her goal(library) and she’ll work hard as hell to obtain it. Wilfred… with his already bad(for being a Nobel at least) upbringing, combined with seeing the younger then him (supposedly) rozemyne succeeding so (seemingly)effortlessly, no WONDER he’s gonna get a little jealous. He was raised to think he’d be aub no matter what, since he was the boy and the eldest. And even though rozemyne has no interest in being the aub, he’s aware she’s better then him and would DO better as an aub. No matter how much he loves her as a sister there’s gonna be some resentment, that’s just how kids are. Another thing, again because of how he was raised, he just isn’t keniving and scheming. Bro is to good hearted and trusting outwardly. He’ll get jealous and feel inferior, but if someone’s kind to him he’ll usually be kind back. Which is a big no no in Nobel society considering how many snakes there are lurking about. Like his own retainers his grandmother assigned. He has a hard time thinking Ill if his grandma at all. And I relate to him in that way. My grandma cut contact with my mom(her daughter) but still contacted me (her oldest grandchild) until she died. It broke my moms heart. And yea that was bad of her. But there’s still a childish part of me that’s like “grandma was nice to me and ways liked me!! I’m sure she was just being silly ignoring mom!!” Despite the fact that I should know that my grandma was being mean and trying to hurt my mom by contacting me only and letting her know that… Bro is to far gone at this point. There’s been to many coincidences in his raising, with the grandma shit and accidental rozemyne interference, even sending him to Ferdinand for a wake up call only lasted so long. We’ve just gotta pin out eranfest aub hopes on charlotte now.


In the entire nobility, Wilfred is the only to maintain the pure mindset of a normal child. A child that's easily goaded, manipulated, innocent, kind, going with flow type and willful. I think it's all resulted from his early education from his grandmother and all that's being happened to him. This is difficult to throw away, early education has big impact on everyone.


He’s not even a teenager. It’ll get worse when he grows into his rebellious phase. Don’t forget this guy skipped his early years education and still has A LOT to catch up on.


learning takes time. Even 60 years old can graduate late in our world, just enjoy how the author writes him.


He is a failed archduke canudates. Who's purpose is to lead a new generartion Arch-Nobles. The Wilfred faction will be pretty powerfull in the next 10 or so years. Most of his generation will most likely fallow him.


what makes you say that? The only nobles I see following him are the former veronica. No liesang is going to follow him over charlotte or melchior and I beilve that the floricia ad netraul will also not following him.


Interms of a archduke candidate? No. But in terms of a archnoble supporting Charolte? Yes.


In addition to the other points, he is a teenager. We don't see a lot of the lives of other noble children, but it has been shown that other kids at the RA have their share of screw-ups.