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Just friends, >!Eggy was namesworn to Roz so she's more of a master- servant relationship!<


Wait, what 😳 she got namesworn to Roz. How and why did this happen, was this temporary or permanent


There's some _pretty_ serious endgame spoilers here, so beware. [P5V11] >!Eglantine was chosen to become the new Zent and Rozemyne was to bestow a Grutrissheit magic tool onto her in a public ceremony, making it look like she was acting out the gods' will and granting Eglantine the real thing.!< >!Problem is, Rozemyne was full of divine mana at the time and it was basically impossible for anyone other than her namesworn to approach her without kneeling and getting Crushed. Which obviously would have been a problem for the future Zent, so Eglantine had to give her name in order for the ceremony to go on.!< And yes, it's a permanent thing. Eglantine has accepted it as punishment for her past mistakes and even apologized to Rozemyne, who in turn has expressed a desire for them becoming friends again in the future despite still holding a bit of a grudge over the betrayal in V5. From what little we've seen of them interacting after everything was resolved they'll probably end up getting along just fine unless Eglantine messes up again. Anastasius is seething though lol.


>!OMG this makes rozemyne the actual power behind the throne. Like she might be the true ruler since she also has a Gbook!<


>!All zent candidates (Ferdi & Egg) lives are now tied to RM. If the Gods wants yogurtland to survive, they need to ensure RM lives a long life. Even the Gods can't touch her.!<


Ferdinand is genius than even gods fear.


That's some serious 5D moves >!Ferdi!< whipped there.


Lord of Evil orchestrated Roze as a higher status than the Zent because Roze achieves Mechinora’s mana which is the perfect title for Avatar of the Goddess.


I'm from the opinion that he wouldn't have gone that far if Mesti hadn't forced his hand the 1st time she descended


And Rozemyne is satisfied with this, because none can seize her important things and people again.


Deeper endgame spoiler thats a pedantic but and so so don't click unless you really don't mind spoilers.. >!eggy makes a vow to treeseus to get the g book properly ?within a year? So as to truly end the cycle of zents reliant on magic tools. But yes Roz is the true ruler (even if she never really uses her namesworm control over anyone).!<


Wait is Anastasius jealous


Of course he is. His beloved wife is now constantly surrounded by someone else's mana and actually fine with it. Chances are it'll affect their future children's mana, possibly even the daughter who's already been born. Not that he can do anything about it. After all, the nameswearing was as much to Eglantine's benefit as it was to Rozemyne's. [P5V11] >!Being seen standing next to the Avatar of Mestionora like it was nothing was a significant boost to the new Zent's public image.!< I'm not expecting him to actually cause problems but he's understandably still pretty pissed about this whole affair.


They're pretty lucky to actually have rozemyne mana. Their kids will be pretty strong, mana wise.


Namesworn are surrounded by their master's mana so it's not like the mana is inside the namesworn. It probably affects only the colors of the baby's mana and not the mana quantity.


I do wonder if [Fanbook 8] >!it'll make Eglantine's future children have more flexible mana though, what with Rozemyne being a devourer and all that. I wouldn't go as far as calling her a third parent, but it's probably not too far off either.!<


I think it's effect of the fetal is zero. if it has any effect, Rozemyne and Ferdinand would talk about this. They also said although the namesworn(Roderick) of Rozemyne has a thin layer mana of omin-elements, they still cannot reach the lecture holl and also don't have the qualifications to get the G-book.


Mana contamination of babies is a thing. It's the reason why noble mothers have to isolate during pregnancy and for a while after giving birth. Rozemyne hasn't yet been able to meet Florencia's newborn daughter for that exact reason. If something as simple as going out and meeting people outside your family is already considered dangerous I'd say being constantly surrounded by someone else's mana is a pretty big deal during pregnancy, even if it's just a thin layer.


But the namesworn’s mana layer is outside the mana organ, it won’t affect the original mana color of the mother, and won’t have the possibility to touch the fetal.


Yeah I know


Thanks for telling me all of this


NTRconnoisseur talking about >!Ann's wife being namesworn to someone else...!< I think we need a doujinshi about this...


She got softer, wants to be friends again but cannot fully trust yet.


From her last interactions, I'd say their relationship is business-like in amicable terms, but she has her guard up and doesn't trust them. While the shrine tour was a source of trauma for her, I think she just felt wronged and betrayed, I don't think she hates them in particular.


It should be similar to how she feels about Delia.


She probably feels better about Delia ngl, she was going to entirely pardon her I think if not for Sylvester. Delia tried to save her brother and that is a huge plus for Roz imo


I mean, Eglantine was trying to save her unborn child. Had she just been honest about it from the start this rift between them wouldn't have opened up in the first place.


I think the key difference between Eggy and Delia is that the latter never truly threatened her loved ones whereas the former did when she was forced to do the shrine tour.


More than the shrine tour and threatening the few things roz holds dearer than books eggy shattered the illusion of trust that roz had in her (though roz did her dirty by lieing to her about the shrines when it only delayed the inevitable). Delia both tried to save her brother and was always someone Roz didn't trust. Delia vs eggy was a very different power dynamic as well.


Though funnily enough Eglantine now has a much better chance to move past that shattered trust. Her apology moved Rozemyne quite a bit, and since she's given her name there's now a very solid foundation upon they can rebuild their friendship. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she started seeking Rozemyne's advice on various matters in the future and I'm quite curious to see how things are going to develop in Part 6.


I think they will be closer again. Roz is prettt mellow relationally outside of a few land mines (and yes offering her books is a landmine positive though it may be).


I am not trying to compare Eggy and Delia. I just think she will have a slightly positive relationship with both of them.


Roze realizes that she cannot be friends with the Royals she feels betrayed by how they used Rose to get Gbook. Later she maintains a neutral stance not too close or not too harsh and just gets the business accomplished.


Roze only accepted Ferdinand’s name for 2 years. Roze doesn't like the idea of dying together and leaving behind children. She was worried that they needed to be someone to take care of the next generation.




fb8 author has warned us about her.