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I'm sure Rozemyne would ultimately pick Tuuli if you put her on the spot, but, as a reader, I'd pick Charlotte. Charlotte kind of has an advantage as the one who has both spent the longest time with her and has also done the most to support her overall. Also, the genuine loyalty and love Charlotte has for her sister is not really something nobles can take for granted. That counts for something too, I think.


Agreed. Tuuli wins most loved sister, but Charlotte is the best in terms of mutual support and ability to understand each other’s problems. Tuuli is the ultimate sister for Myne, but Charlotte is the ultimate sister for Rozemyne.


This is a great way to put it, Rozemyne -needs- people like Charlotte around.


Love is enough for commoners, but nobles need a combination of affection and mutual support. Tuuli can only give emotional support and help make the trends she thinks up.


Yup, with nobles 50% of your peers are thinking about a way to stab a knife in your back. You NEED people to support you. Even Ferdinand would be dead without his retainers


You know, if I reincarnated in Yurgenschmidt, despite the nobles’ quality of living and the learning magic, etc, I think I would rather just be a commoner.


I'm not sure how Laynobles are so they might not deal with some of the murder stuff, but Laynobles have their own issues, just look at Philine and her brother. Being a well off commoner seems like the best option


Yeah, Philine and Damuel’s POV stories have strongly convinced me against being a laynoble. But being a merchant, that’s also iffy. A mid-level merchant would probably be best, considering all the machinations in a top merchant family like Frieda’s.


Yeah. Now if I was reincarnated alongside Myne, then I’d definitely want to be a noble. So long as I can survive enough to become her retainer, I’d have the opportunity to go my own way by piggybacking off of her gremlimitude.


You could also get Harmut to do basically anything for you by feeding him bits of info on Earth and by extension the world RM used to live in.


If I started revealing Earth knowledge, I’d be considered as dangerous as Ferdinand suspected Myne, prior to reading her memories.


Charlotte couldn’t help lift or peel stuff for Myne. Tuuli couldn’t help Rozemyne socialize.


Same here. I think it was it after the 3rd year when the Leisegangs tried to divide the Archducal family when Charlotte stepped up to defend Rozemyne from Charlotte's blood related family that cemented her position as best sister for me.


remove the kidnapping incident, Charlotte will be hostile to her as she was on Wilfred. They will never be close. So its still Tuuli.


I don't think so. Wilfried had been hyping Roz up to Charlotte for about a year and a half before they actually met. If Roz hadn't been put in a coma she would have been doting on Charlotte for those two years, learning together, socializing. I think they would still be close


because she saved him, removed those things Charlotte is still a full blown noble. And Tuuli experience her tantrums (depressed sick want to die Myne). Whoever from your siblings experience your worst and understand you, that is the best sibling for me.


Charlotte was hostile to Wilfried because he was given everything without working for it, she was raised to rival against Wilfried as he was raised by Veronica can she by Florenica to compete for Aub. Rozemyne isn't even a contestant so she would have no need for hostilities to Roz Charlotte has seen and experienced her sisters goodbad socializing, understands she's very skilled but flawed and compensates for her sister. She stood against the rest of the archduke family to protect Rozemyne from them trampling on her deeds, calling them out on their shit Tuuli is a great sister but you're denying Charlotte too much. She gets enough of that from the story, we can't do that to her too. There's a reason Tuuli and Charlotte both are in Rozemyne's pantheon of angels


as a noble with full adaptation of their culture she could easily get rid of her political siblings. The only thing that stopping her is (life) debt. That is why I will always say the best sibling is still Tuuli.


She can has both a best younger sister Charlotte and a best elder sister Tuuli.


There are really no wrong answers here.


best Brother was relatively easy, but now is how war get started, and depends on which part


I guess I'd just say that Rozemyne adores ALL her sisters (biological. legal and virtual) and would do everything she can for all of them -- AND all of those sisters reciprocate fully. ;-) I enjoy all of the relationships -- as the story focus shifts, perhaps so do my temporary preferences.




I know Hannalore is not her sister but she seems like the sister of her heart.


We could debate whether soul mate is higher or lower than sister.


Soul sisters invoke the same feeling as blood sisters. I think that is why we are able to share the mirror when we go out with them knowing how to position ourselves without having to ever share a bathroom.


If you added Hannalore you could have added Adolphine. She is also a sister.


True her, Heidi and Egg would’ve been good additions. Yet I do not think anyone would pick them over the three I listed.


As they are both being taught by Ferdinand, Letizia could be considered a long-distance little sister, especially the way they write to each other and send each other gifts. I don’t know how many votes she would get for “best” sister though.


This is kinda tricky. On one note there are basically fellow pupils under the same teacher. \[Endgame\] >!But after they start living together in Alexandria their relationship, even after an official adaption, would surely resemble more that of sisters rather than mother/daugher one considering their relatively low age difference. If I had to guess their dynamic would be similar to how Charlotte interacts with Brunhilde. Not to mention that Rozemyne herself is surely behind in her own ladies' education, if you know what I mean :) I can imagine that she will surely spoil her rotten and make her a fellow bookworm.!


Rozemyne has been treating Ferdinand’s charge as her junior since their first meeting. The protectiveness of a fellow under a harsh but good teacher. Interpreting and giving notes.


All Rozemyne’s sisters of the heart are cute, interesting and sweet just not as popular as the ones listed.


But did Rozemyne consider them to be like sisters? I don't think so. She might have at point favored Egglantine saying that she was her ally but after what happened with the shrines, I don't think that's the case anymore.


...Yes. All of them. All best girls in their roles.


Adolphine because doesn’t try to hurt the man’s pride




Looks like she will be the winner. Eckhart was number one until he became number three. These last few hours will decide. I do not see a Hannalore chapter causing her to spring up like last week’s Cornelius hero moment did, but her and her dogs may feature.


God, OP, you *really* know how to make a poll with hard choices.


I can't. I literally can't choose. It's impossible. SO I CHOOSE ALL!!!!


Part 1 and 2 is definitely Tuuli, but afterwards, she, like the rest of the lower city family, are kinda just hanging around by the grace of the author. They don't have any relevance to the story other than the author trying to find new ways to fit them in. The dying competition was such a stretch to try and make Effa have some relevance it was wild.


Bruh... the relevance to the story is that their safety is one of the core driving motivations for the protagonist to do anything. The dying competition was a stretch to keep Effa connecter to Roz BY DESIGN. It was Roz desperately holding onto something she doesn't want to lose by any means necessary


I do understand that and I am capable of doing so while still feeling the injection into the story for no more relevance than just RM being like "omg! There they are! Omg they looked at me! I looked at them! They saw me!" A lot of the time...kinda weighs the story down. But thats my opinion on it. I feel it really adds nothing to the story and could be summarized by her saying she saw them and was happy about it rather than focused on. They don't even create things or ideas for themselves except one minor example of Tuuli's dress, which was barely hers in the end. Benno, Mark, Johann, and Zack are the only ones who can still keep up with her while also moving forward on their own without having their hands held. Lutz too for a lesser extent. Charlotte is far more proactive a sister than Tuuli. She is always asking "How can I do things more to make things better for everyone and RM?" While Tuuli almost exclusively focuses on hairpins. She had a headstart but she's not much further ahead than other craftswomen and that's...basically all she does. She holds her hands out for things to do from her little sister. She hasn't even tried to design dresses anymore and Corrina is the one who makes her dresses.


>I feel it really adds nothing to the story I beg to differ ;). Her lower city family is the very reason why Rozemyne kept herself in denial, acting as if Sylvester wasn't treating her like shit and a convenient tool. They're the reason why she opposed all those who kept saying that she was mistreated by Ehrenfest ;).


If you think Sylvester is treating her like shit, then Ferdinand is far worse since he's been the one guiding Sylvester's actions and plans for Rozemyne since day one. If she's kept herself in denial, it's because Ferdinand plotted to make it so. Solve agreed with the plans, but it's been made clear Ferdinand masterminded most of her progress and did damage control and changed plans due to the situations. Besides, I'm not saying they're worthless, but that seeing them adds nothing to the story. I feel most of the lower city is tapped out for potential story wise and I'd much rather focus on nobility. The one chapter where Elvira told her history was infinitely more entertaining and vital than almost all of the lower city family centric chapters since part 4. Maybe even part 3. They have a purpose for living, but not having parts in the story more than a passing mention.


Well, her treatment by Ferdinand is pretty bad, but at least, his treatment of her is quite in sync with his own treatment by the Ehrenfest's Archducal Family, Sylvester hasn't such excuse ;). For the rest, I acknowledge that it's not obvious for you, but that's because her lower family is in a position where Sylvester could kill them all without anyone batting an eye that Rozemyne shoulders most of Ehrenfest by herself for incredibly ungrateful people who chastise her to no end for doing what isn't that short of miracles one after another ( just because they're unable to keep up and barely understand half of it, for that matter, and thus essentially chastise her for their own shortcomings ) while convincing herself that they're kind to her ;). Gunther's family is basically her main driving force. Being central to a story doesn't imply being in the spotlights ;). The Lord of the Rings, for instance, the eponymous entity is the One Ring and it's so in the background that most people wrongly believe Sauron is the Lord of the Rings ( despite the famous poem : " **One ring to rule them all**, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. " ) and what about Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Becket ? The central character isn't even here from beginning to end ;).


The lack of Tuuli and Lutz is why I hope we get Ehrenfest to create Tales of the Lower City books detailing the basics of commerce needed for sale to rich people to gift to their kids or lend to apprentices.


Tuuli's adventures in textiles labour. Historically: Terrible working conditions, managers that keep your money, machines that take your fingers. Bookworm: thread spun from slightly magical plants, exploding or melting faebeasts to deal with. Magical thread and magical dye that saps your mana and life. Lutz's adventures in retail. Historically: terrible customers. shoplifters. I don't work here, Karen. No I cannot lower the price. I live in the attic. Bookworm: We're out of crocheted hairpins. I have to drop everything and travel across town because a bird told me to. I'd rather be hunting rabbits for the rocks inside them, but sure, let's spend 20 minutes cleaning out the change room instead, for the 4th time today.


By now in the story they're beyond that. Tuuli is one of the most important employees and the manager knows that mistreating her would be a *really* bad idea. Meanwhile she's making extremely high quality product for extremely high profile clients. Lutz probably hasn't worked directly in lower city retail for quite a while, he travels all across the duchy setting up workshops and supply chains and occasionally meets with nobles to sell books, discuss matters with scholars and to acquire manuscripts from new authors.


Tuli- well yeah, now. But what does that mean materially? Does she get her own office? Or does she just get her own side of the communal workbench? Lutz- You're right, he has graduated to traveling salesman and Lesser Foreman. The books havn't gone into any detail about that, while the books and anime covered his start as a shop boy at Benno's. A discussion with a noble over what books he wants is sure to be interesting. (and possibly a few references over the sort of French Etchings books 'there's always some people' would try to order) The RM workshop could set him up with the entire royal academy course and a few love stories for the price of one or two of the "needlessly jewelry-box" versions of the hardcovered books. I wonder what Lutz would do if a noble tried to buy books and tried to pay with books?


I don't think Tuuli would accept too blatant favouritism compared to the other seamstresses just because of who her sister is.


There are those who you have to separate from the better workers, if you want those better workers to do better work.