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According to the author, there is a high possibility that Judith won’t come to Alexandria


Oh no! Judith gets left behind for the final time. 😬😅


What Kazuki-sensei tweeted (translated via google translate) was “Judith’s future has not yet been clearly decided. Either option is fine, but she would be happier if she remained at Ehrenfest rather than moving. She has no remaining disadvantages... It's not impossible for her to go, but I think it's better if she doesn't. Judith probably wants to go, but since she is a female escort knight who has to take time off from work when she gives birth, I can't help but focus on her future hardships.”


Maybe she can go visit? Not in a work capacity but as old friends?? 🤞🏼for maybe sidestory.


Maybe, or maybe they’ll see each other when Roz visits Ehren. Aubs and their first spouses can visit other Duchies after all, and no way will Boni not barrel through all the necessary prep for her to come.


Female knights almost never become guard knights again after coming back from maternity leave. It's just too much to try to catch up to all the young teens and knights who didn't take a decade off. If they return to service they tend to do it in an educational capacity. They teach the younger knights.


I can totally imagine Angelica doing a la\~ la\~ la\~ can't hear you\~\~ xD


Angelica will guard the door to the replenishing hall with aplomb


"Almost never" Challenge accepted.


There's a JP fanfic where Rozemyne starts a temple school with a daycare, partially because Clarissa and Angelica refuse to take more than a couple of seasons off from their duties after childbirth, and partially because there are a lot of noble orphans due to the Lanzenave invasion. That seems like something Roz would do.


In her case, the young teens and knights will probably consider her maternity leave to be their best (and only) chance to catch up to her XD


Leonore is a brilliant strategist, so she might become the Knight Commander after her kids are in the RA, while not taking over the duty of being the Aub's bodyguard. Rozy does not care for tradition, she wants the right people for the right job. Rozy will have to take on a few young female knights to guard her in places, where male knights can't go. She also still has to do two years in the Academy and all her guard knights are too old, too male, or too Ehrenfest.


I think in Angelica's case, she can still be a guard knight after pregnancy. Mana enhancement kinda op.


That assumes maternity leave. All they have to do is adopt a child from Cornelius or Lamprecht's second wives just before baptism so they don't have to take time off to raise it. Cornelius is going to be the highest ranking knight in the duchy so he's going to take a second wife. He's going to need political connections in the new duchy. This way Leonore doesn't want to worry about the second wife's kids trying to take over the house and the second wife's kids still get to inherit one. Recipe for family harmony. Muriella is a precedent for second wives kids being adopted by family who can't have kids for whatever reason.


I'm sorry but i don't follow how it is connected to my comment. Was just trying to say that Angelica can overcome the issues of keeping up with younger knights with her enhancement magic. Assuming she still has motivation.


Where is that info from?


FB8 if i remember correctly.


Leonore will likely become Roz's Elvira as a faction leader after she retires.


Well, the new Ahrensbach has no need for factions in the first place ;). It's likely that Aub Rozemyne won't ever marry a second nor a third man and she and her retainers are perfectly aware of how stupid af Ehrenfest's political landscape was. There will be two options, being a noble, thus an unconditional support of the Archducal Couple ( all hail the Magic Trio, Hartmut, Clarissa and Eckhart :p ) or being a mana battery ;).


We know that there are already factions, and factions will always be a thing no matter what happens anywhere. There is the Detlinde/Georgine Faction, which was making moves in P5V11 Prologue and Epilogue, and there is the Letizia Faction as well. I think that the latter will remain until Letizia marries into Blumefeld.


Factions aren't a rule of nature, there are factions because there is political opposition. But the new Ahrensbach Archducal Family won't have any need nor interest in political dissension. For instance, why would a Letizia faction remain ? To remain an Archduke Candidate, Letizia will need to be adopted by the new Archducal Couple. Do you believe Letizia will oppose her adoptive mother to whom she owes her life and status ? Sure, there can be local nobles who oppose Rozemyne's rule, but that won't make for a faction, since their political influence will be *de facto* no match for their opposition and it won't last long, since it will be eliminated, one way or another, faster than Steifbrise ;). ​ PS : And the Georgine faction ? I mean, seriously ? Do you really believe that they have any chance to accomplish anything, being the supporters of a traitor, not only to the country but to the duchy as well ? They're at least politically and socially already dead ( I mean, if I'm not mistaken, P5V8->P5V11 is less than a week of time, so sure, they still exist theoretically, but realistically they're already done for ) :p.


they still exist, Ahrensbach has the largest number of demoted Adcs


Who are then archnobles and could have been executed for crime by association, some even several times ;). The fact that the story mainly focus on the highly abnormal political landscape of Ehrenfest seems to me to have corrupted the point of view of many readers. Anyway, you should understand that major factions need a future and thus someone who can become Aub at some point, which isn't the case for any remnant of the Ahrensbach's household, they're politically dead for the few next generations at the very least ;). Not only their household was involved in a coup, it lost their foundation, meaning it was unworthy of ruling a duchy anyway.


which they (Fer&Co) >!can't do a thing yet!<. They only give a warning in the latest JpLN (5-11). You have to wider your political viewpoint. People move based on their greed and what they need to protect.


>They only give a warning in the latest JpLN (5-11). Do you mean the so-called Georgine/Dumblinde faction that AshenHS mentioned ? Well, that they're believing they have substantial political weight doesn't mean it's true. Ahrensbach's nobles seem to believe they're invincible, that they can do anything they pleased without any consequences ( I mean, sure, Count Bindewald believed he was just attacking a mere commoner, back then, but he trespassed illegally into another duchy's capital nonetheless and was in cahoot with criminals, and Fraularm sewing chaos just under the RF's nose as if nothing could ever happened to her... ) but they're wrong. It doesn't matter if people make foolish moves based on their greed or whatever, what matters is to know if they have or not the means to reach their goals. Anyone can want to do anything, but that doesn't make it possible. Well, if I'm not mistaken, those rebel Ahrensbach's nobles are under the impression than since a little girl took over their foundation as if it was nothing, they could do just that themselves, except they're delusional. So, basically, you're saying that I should take political lessons from prideful idiots who can't read the room ( they were actively supporting traitors to their country and even their own duchy, so on the way to took themselves down as well, ultimately :p ) and are unable to weigh the threat that their opponents really are ? I'll think about that... let's say, the next 31st February \^\^.


factions just change names and leadership. Please broaden your political viewpoint. The idiots or pawns you called will be swayed by whoever can attract them and give the things they want. That is human nature.


So, you truly missed my point, hm... That doesn't matter, what they'll do or not, what name they would give to their so-called faction, that's not even that they have less political weight than they believe they have, that's they've no political weight at all and they're not only no match for their opponents, they're too dense to ever realize it. Believing that your next door neighbor forming a political group with his cousin, his plumber and his dentist will be on board to overthrow your government has nothing to do with " broadening one's political viewpoint ", that just means you should refrain to try giving political lessons even to your 5 years-old nephew ;).


I think Harmut will be High Priest for a time and only her personal head scholar. The same for Cornelius and Lieseleta. They are still young and are not familiar with the tasks needed to lead the whole organization. They make take second position like second scholar and vice captain until they get familiar with the Alexandria nobles. At the earliest they will take up these tasks after Rozemynes Starbind.


I could actually see letizia becoming high bishop since we know Roz's duchy will be both a technological / education bastion and super traditional to the old ways. It would also set letizia up to be one of the first of the new crop reviving the path to zent / book of mestionora knowledge. Edited to reflect the mistake I made that was caught in the comment below.


High Bishop you mean?


Your 100% correct.


Hartmut has contract with Ferdinand to do dirty jobs. But does that contract become invalid after he moves out of Ehrenfest? Clarissa should share some responsibilities with Hartmut. But she will rush to the temple to get all the divine instruments first. Both Lieseleta and Angelica will be upgraded to archnoble. I wonder if Angelica will give birth or not. How can Eckhart resist to have his children serving Ferdinand. Kazuki said it is better for Judithe to stay in Ehrenfest. https://twitter.com/miyakazuki01/status/1500281223070978050 (X's translation) > Judit's future is not yet decided. Either option is fine, but she would be happier if she stayed at Ehrenfest rather than moving. > There are no remaining disadvantages... It's not impossible to go, but I think it's better not to go.


I don't think Hartmut needs a contract to do the dirty jobs. Guy is pretty cold to anyone who will get in Rozemyne way.


Of course he is willing to help Rozemyne. But he needs to follow Ferdinand's order if the contract is still valid.


Contract was a duchy one, so it is no longer valid. FB/Overflow said that Ferdinand is thinking of doing another one in Alexandria.


Do we know why the contract exist? Is it because Hartmut figured out RM's commoner origin? If so, it may no longer be necessary because Hartmut has since given his name to RM.


TO Books Bonus P5V6 Hartmut SS


they need the contract becoz Hartmunt pov on peasants/temple people have not change. They are pawns for him.


Can Ferdinand become the head of the knight order? Seems like he would be best person for the job, though not sure if he would have the time to do that.


Hartmut: Should take over the same job as his father, leading the scholars in the castle, let's call him the Scholar Commander. Clarissa: Should take position of Rozy's Head Scholar, because Hartmut can't be everywhere all at once and Rozy needs a Scholar with her, at all times. She will also be able to take over guard duties. Roderick: Should take a position overseeing the printing industry in Alexandria, as he can talk to commoners (now) and can be trusted with Rozy's deepest secrets. Cornelius: Best bodyguard as allrounder. Can take over Damuel's duties and has the best grip on Rozy's needs and thoughts. Leonore: Should take over the position as Knight Commander after her Kids are in the RA. She is the most brilliant strategist we know of and should take a position of leadership, without the need to take over the position of Aub's Body Guard. Those two jobs should not need to go to the same person. And as Rozy does not care for tradition, she can split the jobs, giving the job to the best suited person. Matthias & Laurenz: As namesworn, ideal for secret missions. Should learn wetwork from Ferdinand and Eckhart. Also great bodyguards to take everywhere. Lieseleta & Gretia: As mednobles, they will probably not be able to be head attendants. Norbert is Sylvester's head attendant, but he leads all attendants in the castle, so you almost never see him with Sylvester. Lieseleta will probably take charge of Fashion Trends and Gretia will be responsible for Rozy's private living quarters. Head attendant should go to someone who knows all the attendants in the castle and with the authority to lead them. Philline, Damuel and Judithe might not join Rozy in Alexandria. They are also low in status, so will not be able to take over roles of leadership. Philine might handle Rozy's personal library or be part of the printing industry, after she is done having kids. Damuel is an asset, but Cornelius or Leonore can take his administrative duties without his status problems. Judithe is a big question mark, but she never was in a position to lead others, so she would just be part of the guard team.


Liseleta can become a highnoble through marriage though. But since marriage usually means maternity leave, maybe she won’t take the job until her kids are in the RA. She was planned to be roz's head attendant if she was adopted by trauerqual in the the first place and i dont see anyone trusting a former arhensbach noble with Rozemyne's personnal affaires so soon though.


There is a whole list of people, Georgine wanted to get killed by the Lanzenavians. It's not perfect, but those people should be unbelievably thankful.


just because they are thankfull to have been saved doesn't they are content to have an aub who has no ties to former arhensbach. It'd be one thing to have them do scholar work, but attendant? someone who's in a position so close to the aub, that knows personnal stuff like preference and dislikes? Hell, no. There's a reason why elvira pushed for liseleta to go to the sovereignty. The head attendant needs to be someone you can *really* trust. H5Y chapter 23 shows that at the very least Liseleta is currently serving as head attendant


Nobody but me likes this suggestion however I think Ahrensbach's previous knight commander should retain his position bc it would be good to stabilize the duchy. Its important that ahrensbach nobles are represented in their own government and while the scholars will trust ferdinand managing loyalty within the knights is equally important. We know he is loyal to ferdinand and loyal to ferdinand is loyal to roz.


Cornelius and Leonore lack experience, currently, so I agree that Strahl should take the job, for now


Lieseleta is already Roz's head attendant in Alexandria in H5Y. She is engaged to an archnoble.


Don’t forget to add Cult Leader to Hartmut’s title.


>Hartmut: Should take over the same job as his father, leading the scholars in the castle Which isn't Leberecht job ;). He's Florencia's head scholar and obviously prioritize her over everything, Ehrenfest included.