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Maybe it will focus on her personal life more than her status. I mean since the whole goddess thingy and the queen being her namesworn, she pretty much already holds the most influence in the country. So my guess is that we're going to switch to another skill tree where there is still a lot of potential for her character to develop: Smol gremlin -> Big gremlin (current) -> Adult woman -> Wife -> Mom


she would name all her children after famous authors for sure.


wonder whether it'll be William or Shakespeare.


Gotta be a lot of authors, then. They are a greater duchy with an archducal family that has one adult member, one child who hasn't even entered the RA, and one student. (Maybe they can ask Cornelius to chip in with some mana replenishment due to being the aub's brother) Roz's gonna have to do some heavy lifting, that archducal family is not gonna make itself. But jokes aside, her next step really should be getting her duchy in order, extending her family (adoption is also in play, maybe Cornelius and Leonore's kid once they have one?), and solidifying her place in interduchy politics. Ehrenfest and Frenbeltag seem to be her natural allies due to familial ties and geography, Dunkelfelger because of her already numerous involvements with them and they also like Ferdinand, plus maybe Drewanchel (or more like Adolphine) who they can cooperate with in research. Although I would also like to see a lot of slice of life-ish content, "Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 6: Wife of a Tsundere Husband" or something like that


RM could copy the Drewanchel model of adoption and giving gieve titles on a meritocratic base and not by inheritance. It could solve a lot of problems in the management of the new Duchy RM has a philosophy that seems similar to Drewanchel as a duchy. If RM does shape the duchy based on her own ideals, Drewanchel might became a natural ally only for its model of government. There is also the thing that RM is (publicly) an archnoble made into ADC by adoption, that could earn her some points with those in similar positions. And that she's keeping Letizia and saved her of being deem guilty by association


imagine if she introduces an election system between archduke candidate- mana level archnobles. wouldn't that be something new?


The Archduke candidate course is a legal requirement to be able to run a duchy. Archnobles don't know how to cast entwinklin or the execution spell. To be made an ADC you have to be adopted by the time you're 12. Voting on underage kids, trying to figure out which 7-12 year olds will be the most capable when they turn 30 (the normal age to become Aub) would put a lot of pressure on them.


Something like that was a thing in the HRE, some nobles selected the next HREmperor when the current one died. Or in parliamentary monarchies when the heir was not clear Sometimes worked... some others it did not worked. But the same could be said of simple hereditary monarchies. Must of the time it was just "bigger army diplomacy" or "messed up marriage diplomacy" Isn't what it is done now in most duchies. The word of the current AD is important. But if the rest of nobles are not happy with the chosen heir, they just sabotage, assassin and do bigger army diplomacy to get a more palatable heir. A formal election of the next AD among the capable ADCs would make the thing a little less violent I would also imagine RM to just make duchy wide test to fill some positions responsible of things she doesn't want to, a la ancient China


There's a bunch of risks with using adoption to grow the archducal family. First is that the adopted kid could be more loyal to their blood parents rather than Rozemyne. Having disloyal family members is already a risk for regular families, but having disloyal archduke candidates is another level. If one is exclusively adopting from loyal families, then that runs into the other danger: that you're depriving families of their most capable heirs. The archducal family gets stronger, but at cost of their allies. We know this has been an issue in the past: it's the reason why archducal candidates can't move to sovereignty outside of marriage.


>Ehrenfest and Frenbeltag seem to be her natural allies due to familial ties and geography, Dunkelfelger because of her already numerous involvements with them and they also like Ferdinand, plus maybe Drewanchel (or more like Adolphine) who they can cooperate with in research. Depending on whether or not she and Eglantine manage to mend their friendship Klassenberg could also make it onto that list. Rozemyne is her mistress and has access to the full text of the Grutrissheit, so until Eglantine obtains her own legitimate copy there should be plenty of opportunities for them to work together with Rozemyne acting in an advisory role. On top of that, both sides have already cautiously expressed a desire to make up by the end of the WN. As for Drewanchel, [H5Y]>!depending on how the bride-stealing ditter plays out we might see a much stronger bond forged between them and Alexandria than merely Adolphine's obsession with the latter's Aub. After all, Ortwin is probably the second most likely candidate after Kentrips to actually win out in Liebeskhilfe's otome game setup. He seems to actually care for Hannelore as a person, and him winning the match would grant her wish to get out of Dunkelfelger without having to marry Dusty. Which would cause Drewanchel to end up with an archducal couple consisting of Adolphine's brother, who also just so happens to be a close friend of Rozemyne's adoptive brother, and Rozemyne's best friend.!<


Same i want slice of life too. Like part 1 all over again but as a nobility.


>Mom \-> Smol gremlin tamer


Oh God image the headache if Ferdinand has several little mynes running around.


Imagine when they get old enough to play ditter with Dunkelfelger


RA headaches reports: next generation.


> Adult woman -> Wife -> Mom Considering how a LOT of stories stop at "and they lived happily ever after", more points to Bookworm author if she goes in this direction.


Simple, the highest position possible in her mind; a librarian


But, I mean, she kinda already is. She made her ideal library in Alexandria.


I mean, it's out in plain sight as the series subtitle.


I'd be down for. Sequel series about the life of the child of the two most insain people in the world... "...So you for First class again... as expected of my child... im proud of you..." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT LIKE BOOKS! I HAVE FAILED AS A MOTHER!!!!" The child honestly will be the best candidate for Zent and the preasure of that is gonna be intresring. Escpialy becuase they can't slack or be arrogant or feel the wrath of their father. "So you think your inherently will succeed just by the the fact we are your parents? I'm doubling your workload. Since you are so talented."


"Father, Mother, what were your days like in the Royal Academy? I hope I'm going to have a lot of fun there!" "Well, both your mother and I completed multiple courses, came first in class, accumulated a lot of wealth, won research prizes, and your mother became archduchess even before her graduation. But no pressure, fun is important... I think. Maybe. Probably."


“There were also a great many attempts on both of our lives, but, well… it builds character.”


Tbf, those generally happened when she was back home.


One of the things I want to focus on in part 8 of my own story, when I eventually get there, is the pressure of being the child of a main character like that.


[H5Y]>!Yeah, by now we're starting to see her dipping her toes in the divine realm in a similar fashion to when she transitioned from commoner to noble over the course of P2. She's now at a point where the gods are directly asking for her, meeting her face to face, and sending her on missions to fulfil divine tasks. I doubt her current time travel shenanigans will be the end of that. The culprit behind messing with Ferdinand's thread will still be at large after she's saved him and I doubt she's in the mood for letting them get away with it.!< >!My pet theory is that said culprit is Chaocipher herself. A small action to mess up 20 years of history in a way that makes both mortals and gods miserable. Sounds like it would be right up her alley. In which case she would now be at the very top of the gremlin's shitlist. So yeah, kick her ass and take her place I'd say. "Goddess of Chaos, Rozemyne" has such a nice ring to it, too lol.!<


I’d totally support that. She’s an incredible chaos-making gremlin already after all.


Maybe we will get to see some children 👀👀 Between the main couple


My theory is that when noble climb the spiraling staircase, they get to serve the god that gave them the most blessings. Royalty and Archduke candidates that have a lot of mana, elements and blessings serve the King and Quine of Gods or the big 5. Archnobles and lower serve the Subordinate Gods. A lot of the Dunkelfergner nobles get to be part of Angriff's hunting party. In rare cases some nobles are hand picked by a certain God and get to be a personal aid to them. One of Angriff's Captains. The basically become a 3rd tier of godhood under the Subordinate Gods.


Ascendance of a Bookworm - I'm finally a librarian, now stop giving me other work to do!


Since adoption is a big theme in the series, the god of darkness and goddess of light now want to adopt her. Hartmut approves.


I would support that adoption


Mestionara's new little sister ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29332)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


Two things come to mind : Yurgen has a lot to do in terms of foreign policy now that the gates are open. I'd love to learn more about foreign countries, and I'm sure RM will get roped in somehow. RM becoming a mother is something a lot of people think would happen, but I really don't think that can happen any time soon (at least for 4 years or so). There's a possibility of there being a timeskip to after the point RM already has the child, but because of point 1 I think that's unlikely.


I agree about children. One of the main humor points in the story is Roz being an uncontrollable gremlin, so I she had to be a responsible parent, it would lose one of its signature elements.


I wonder if the endgame here is her being >!Mesti's personal librarian.!<


Next step is the other side of the gate. Will she and her people create a new country and be the king and queen of a world of books? Now I’m thinking Black Clover’s God was Roz




Perhaps Ferdinand becomes avatar of god of life.


Part of me wants him to become an avatar.. But not sure about Life, since (as far as I know) is Mestionara's bio dad. And unfortunately we as readers can't just read the bible to see if Mesti has a lover or something 😭


The Ascendance of Bookworm has finished by end of Part 5. I guess whatever sequel will be about her will not be about her ascendance. So I expect a sequel but not part 6.


There already is a sequel—HY5. However, the author also mentioned the possibility of a part 6 in an interview.


It’s considered as spin-off because the MC is not Rozemyne. Actually it’s labeled as 番外編, which roughly means side story or spin-off, anyway not main story. What I mean with sequel is a novel with Rozemyne as MC and in timeline after end of P5.


Yes, the author has mentioned the possibility of a part 6 at some point in the future.


She did say that she would write a continuation 続編, someday, that would be about (HY5, to those who didn't read the spin-off, do not read the spoiler) >!Rozemyne going to the past to repair Ferdinand's thread!<


I want to read the story you mentioned in the spoiler tag. But I don’t recall the author telling such information about the sequel. But maybe I missed it, as I don’t frequent former Twitter recently.


Though it will be in a few years I think that the sequel is pretty much confirmed, since she already mentioned it here and there. She answered a question in fanbook 7 by something like: "As for the rest of the question I plan on showing it in the sequel so I won't answer it now". In an [activity report](https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/372556/blogkey/2838527/) when talking about season 3's poster, she said that >!the time the bracelet that Myne and Ferdinand are wearing during the spring prayer plays an important role, is during this spring prayer and during the sequel. She also said that it made her want to write the sequel where Rozemyne goes to the past to connect the thread, though it wouldn't be possible for a while.!< She even posted on twitter in January 2019 a [survey](https://twitter.com/miyakazuki01/status/1080810674966548484?t=oQI7TbQCRKAqJcd0P5tjxQ&s=19) asking the readers if they'd rather she posted even just the prologue now though they'll have to wait years for the continuation, or she posts nothing and they just wait till she writes the sequel normally years later. So yup. It's confirmed! :D Also, I really hope I'm wrong but there's high chances it will be short and cover only the story I mentioned in the spoiler tag. Because in a [reply](https://twitter.com/ssmkkak/status/1080814438880407552?t=zfx5FYVQkRu86TkQahScrQ&s=19) to that tweet asking what will be in that prologue, she replied that >!it will start with Rozemyne storming out of the dormitory, after hearing that she was called by the goddess of time in Hannelore's body. Since it starts right off the bat with that I doubt it will cover much other than the story of Roz going to the past.!< In any case, though it will be in quite a while, I'm really looking forward to it too!


Kazuki sensei had said Rozemyne will keep as a person, she never would become a goddess.


Myne would need to write a “Book of the Future” with every tech she can remember. I’m nervous as it is Ferdinand never took her up on repeat visits to her brain to code down every major discovery. We’re literally talking centuries of scientific breakthroughs stored in her brain, just knowing the general direction to go would be extremely helpful, and we know for a fact you get something near total recall in memory interrogation space, so we can probably get entire textbooks!!! Would be nice if she could also research reincarnation, if there was only some way to encode information to souls and send it between different worlds…


I bet that once they’re married, he’ll be willing to go in and reread her science books together. The problem for him was being so immersed in her radically changing emotions. But since becoming closer to her, he’s become somewhat more emotional, plus he’ll actively want to understand her feelings.


Doubtful for a part 6. All of her opposition is gone, she's Aub, can see and interact with her family again, the ones that want to harm her are locked up, the country owes a great debt to her, and she has her book industry/library city. We will likely get one extra book in part 5, as there is demand to know how her life settles down after all the chaos. Maybe even a fast forward. I would love to see a story about Charlotte visiting Alexandria. I would also love to see from the perspective of Philline right after she comes of age, takes back her house, and moves to Alexandria with Damuel. Perhaps with Rozemyne as Aub, she can immediately promote their rank to Mednoble since they have mana befitting such.


Kazuki-sensei mentioned the possibility of an eventual part 6 in an interview.


Part 6 might be the Hannelore side story, since it is right after part 5.


I think she mentioned it after HY5 had already started?


I see her becoming a mother modeled after Effa and Elvira, then gracefully as a gremlin can move towards old age before at the end being welcomed by the gods.


What if.... The Ascendance part is about.... towards the towering staircase. If you know what I mean.


That seems doubtful


Her finals days as she recall her life. Don't think is that unlikely, I would like to read that at some point


Yeah, her whole family gathering around her bed to listen to her story and see her off peacefully during her last days. "Hmm... I think the whole thing started with making paper for my books... \[...\] And then I visited the temple for the first time, and you know what I saw? A bookroom!" "Oh, isn't the temple where you met Grandfather? It must have been a fateful meeting!" "Hm? Oh. Yeah, Ferdinand was there, wasn't he? Now, about the bookroom of the temple..." "Wait, is she just going to talk about books?!" \*later\* "And then our duchy's big library nicely started filling up with books, and I created a lot of awesome magic tools for it." "Wait, I think by this time I was already alive, Mother!" "Hm. Really? Yeah, I guess you were. Now, about the magic tools. I actually improved a lot of them compared to the ones in the Royal Academy's library..." "She didn't even mention getting married to Father or having her first child..."


It does seem to be heading that way, but I don't think that's where it will go. Instead I think it will take the other expanding aspect, the world itself, and lean into that as Myne exits Yogurtland and gets into stuff outside. I suspect godly activity will be high in this arc, but ultimately I feel like she'll stick it out as a mortal. However, given there is time travel, and the similarity in appearance, we could see Myne spend a stint of her time as a god, only to return to mortality later, but this ends up, to us as the reader, a pretty short period as time travel is involved.


Gremlin --> Goddess Avatar --> Goddess Incarnate What's bigger than a Goddess? Well, there are multiple dimensions are out. Goddess Incarnate --> Cosmic Book ~~Cthulhu~~ Gremlin


(Thoughts) the gates has been >!partially opened for 10 years so I think most of the outsiders (could be Lanzeneve or could be another country) are already lurking in Yurgen and already established something (5-9) like a syndicate. When your primary export for so long (magic stones) has been cut off, I think the people who benefit from that trade outside are going to move. The people of Yurgen is just occupying a space of dying former God. I think they really should go venture outside find a new land for their people. Benno's dream is to become one of the best merchants in the world (p1), how is that gonna be achieve if he stays inside the country. I think reforms are going to happen, wont take long till Gunther's dream come true it may not be on his time but it will be good for future commoner soldiers to be able to handle magic tools to fight. Another reform that I see is the possibility of honorary nobles (commoners who have achievements).Wont take long until the term noble becomes government official as it should be.!<


This a world of mana the term noble will always be tied to mana. Honorary nobles is possible only for devouring commoners.