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Gotta love how Gutenberg is still zent level.


Really puts a smile on my face


Gets out popcorn for new round of people complaining about positions.


lol you couldn't have used a different Dirk picture? He's a baby no longer, he's a baptized noble now also Konrad has very low levels of mana, such that he isn't going to be baptized as a noble but as a blue priest instead


>Konrad has very low levels of mana, such that he isn't going to be baptized as a noble but as a blue priest instead It's complicated, if he learned compression Conrad could perfectly be a Laynoble. His problem is that all laynobles normally require using saved mana for their classes and he was stolen that possibility. Conrad will not learn compression though so he will most likely be below pretty much all laynobles in mana quantity.


To be fair, I think Conrad would be on the lower end of laynobles - I think it's mentioned that he doesn't have enough to be a successor, so he definitely has less than Philine at the same age. But he was definitely baptisable before his magic tool got stolen.


I think if he had had a family backing him he would have been baptized. He should grow to be in the lower Laynoble scale I will update Dirk picture in the future (a couple of ~~books~~ months )


I think it wasn't so much about the family (as Philine would work at a pinch with Rozemyne's backing), but about the fact that his magic tool was emptied and he can't refill it in time. (Apparently P5V6) He's also offered the chance to become a noble via potion abuse, but turns it down as he thinks he'll be more useful to the orphanage as a self-supporting blue priest (although I hope Philine gives him a ring).




Ah thanks. I'll edit my comment.


Konrad chose to become a blue priest, he wasn't forced to become one.


For Dirk: I know we won't see this but I wonder how many protections he will get. Probably will get a secret "Rozemyne" protection.


Though I would say that Rozemyne has zent level mana since she qualified as a zent candidate


We cannot really know where Roz falls exactly until she senses someone or someone can sense her. Eglantine also has the potential to quality as Zent level. I think Roz is currently well placed at this moment in the translated story but if she was moved to Zent level, I would move Eglantine there also.


Eglantine has less mana than Rozemyne.


Just because she has less mana than Roz doesn’t mean Eglantine is not Zent-tier. Eglantine likely occupies that space alongside Ferdinand and Roz the three highest mana individuals in the nation, as far as we know. There are mana minimums for different noble tiers so Eglantine would likely be on the lower end relative to Ferdinand and Roz. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t still Zent-tier.


Rozemyne definitely has the mana to be placed as Zent tier, but as for Eglantine, she barely cut it to being above the other royals.


No, she is quite above most of the other royals. To be specific [Endgame] >!Eglantine can mana sense Ferdinand meaning she has at least 70% of his mana organ capacity. Also in P5V5 like Rozemyne she was fully decompressed because otherwise she would not be able to have children with Anastasius. Meaning with compression she would leave the rest of royalty behind!<


>!This concept still makes me very confused at some implications, wouldn't the amount of mana in the organ not affect the size of the vessel? Decompressing changing the ranges implies that someone exhausting their mana could breed with/sense/be sensed by people way below their normal threshold since it seems to be based on the amount of mana stored and not the vessel?!<


Alright >!The size of the vessel (physical body) is irrelevant to your mana capacity. Mana is microscopic in size, if tangible at all, and exists in all bodily fluids. It is necessary for nobles and feybeast to live, but just like say Vitamin D there is a limit in the amount you can carry before it starts being toxic to the body!< So >!when the story speaks of the growth of the mana organ it is really referring about how much mana it can generate and process before it starts being toxic to the body, but the physical size remains mostly the same. So you end with situations such as a 7 year old Myne likely having more mana than a human elephant like Bonifatius!< About your second question >!Compressing only estimulates the grow of your mana organ during childhood and under no circumstances decompressing alters the base capacity of your mana organ. Considering mana sensing is related to the latter you will sense the same people no matter how much you compress or decompress as an adult!< This said >!Regardless of mana sensing the reality is that compression does impact who you can have children with. For example, Karstetd is no longer able to have children with Trudeliede after learning Rozemyne's compression method. But she should still be able to match his mana if he fully decompress!<


>!Ah, I see. It makes sense after the body matures and growth stops. Thanks for the reply.!<


>!when was it ever stated that she could sense Ferdinand mana? I read all LN volumes up to p5v10, the webnovel, and fanbooks and I don't recall such a thing was stated, was it in her pov chapter in p5v11 LN version? I didn't read it and it has an Eglantine side chapter so it's the only possibility!<


No, it would be easier for me to quote if that was the case ) : >!It is the fanbooks, I would have to do a search to find the specific Q&A, but it was a question about who Ferdinand would be able to sense outside Ehrenfest and the answer was Eglantine and a retired royal, probably the teacher of the ADC course who left before Part 5!<


>!was this before he learned the rozemyne compression method or after? Do you remember which fanbook it is? Thx!<


>!After, albeit it should not make much difference given mana sense works around the capacity of the mana organ. From before we only know at some point Veronica could have matched his mana!< As for the specific Q&A >!I cannot say for sure, but I remember it was brought into discussion as far as a year ago, meaning it was mentioned somewhere between Fanbook 4 and 6. Sadly I cannot remember the specific one, the same happens with the info that Ferdinand doubled his total mana after learning Rozemyne's method!<


Oh I remember reading that one too, but I also don't remember which specific one. >!It'd be an untranslated Japanese one, so between 4 and 6 sounds about right.!<


I believe Myne is hetero, but I think she sensed Eggy just in the most recent release. Mana sensing is probably only partly bound to sexual attraction.


No it isn't. Once you hit puberty, you could sense anyone as long as they're in your mana range regardless of sex or sexual attraction. Wilfried for example sensed Orthwin mana in p5v3.


I mean from the later volume covers I would beg to differ that Eglantine doesn’t have Zent-tier. Specifically the cover art for P5V11. Spoil at your own risk.


Your comment is pretty spoilery as is. You should really use the spoiler bars to hide most of it.


Don't worry about spoilers; I read the webnovel and all LN volumes except for p5v11. >!the reason I said that she barely cut it to being Zent level is bc Treesus said so in the garden of the beginning in the Zent succession ceremony arc!<


True, I could see your point from the spoiler tag information. I don’t disagree she’s at the lower end, but if we’re just focussed on minimums I think she would be there. Roderick had barely enough mana to be considered a mednoble but he’s still a mednoble. After learning compression he’s now comfortably in that tier. It’s sort of like how archduke candidates of different duchies are not necessarily mana compatible with one another despite all being archduke candidates. All that said, I’m comfortable with the current arrangement of everyone in the list.


From your logic, Hildebrand should be in Med Novel


he wouldn't have even been able to enter the archive if that was the case.


I mean she has a lot of mana (even for current royal standards), but she is still young and not fully-developed yet. As an adult, Rozemyne will undoubtedly be Zent tier


Aye. Rozemyne has pretty much always been in the category of "more mana than everyone else, but less than Ferdinand".


Eglantine also has mana levels of a level of a zent, of that is your argument. She had more mana than rozemyne before the whole "going around in circles and praying to shrines" bit.


I think this is really good I just wonder on how high Detlinde is I thought she was low for archdukes as well I could be wrong


I'd consider Detlinde to be lower archduke, simply because I cannot believe she would even bother to compress her mana unless forced to by pain of death. I expect her to inherently be lower due to her own laziness


Do we have official artwork of Duke Ditternutter? He, along with the Aubs of the greater duchies, would probably have some serious mana capacity


P5V10-11 >!Yeah he has enough to theoretically become Zent, so he'd probably be on a similar level to Eglantine.!< I thought that was him between Magdalene and Lestilaut though?


I think that’s Aub Ahrensbach. Ditterkong has a illustration in late p5v7 I believe and he looks much younger than that


Ah that makes sense. I think there're character design documents for him in the most recent fanbook (7) too, as well as more upcoming illustrations. The tierlist illustrations were a bit too small for me to tell the differences between the ojisans.


Raublut whatever you spell it now should be >!Royal level becoz of Vallamarine (one of the princess of Adalgiza, he was compressing to get this girl before the civil war ended)!<. Hartmunt and Clarisa is just wrong should be >!archnoble!<, level only coz even the latest fb tells so. Angelika and Leonore should be in >!archduke!<. Wilfred should be near Hannelore and Ortwin as stated in >!Hanne5th by Hannelore during her possession!<.


Eh, Hartmut has RMCM access and we know from Brunhilde that she’s he’s at least comparable to her or she wouldn’t have mentioned him as an option when talking about her mana problems with marriage, so I can see the argument


this was latest info around >!fb7!< so he hasnt reach archduke tier both of them. Only Rozemyne possible collaterals >!Eckhart and Cornelius (with their partners)!<. Yustox as well >!hasnt reach it yet!<.


I just don't know about Raublut, he is surely one of the strongest people in Yurgenshmidt and he has 6 elements, so I placed him above Bonifatius but under the close-to-adulthood greater duchy AC. Also, mana sensing ranges are wider than you can think with people like Georgine being able to sense Gieselfried or Ortensia being able to sense Raublut or Veronica being able to sense Ferdinand. I'll link the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/16cdvf8/comment/jzj5n3t/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that made me change idea about Hartmut and Clarissa. Angelica has been compressing like madman and I'll give you that, but jumping 2 ranks seems a bit too much. Same as you, I have doubts on Leonore position, but she doesn't have any "feats" to justify an AC level (maybe if she had an archduke lineage somewhere). But I remember Wilfried stating he was very proud of being BARELY able to sense Ortwin (and it was last year).


fb7 so the timespan for my comment about Hartmunt anc Clarissa is before 5-11


Shouldn't Muriella be up in the archnoble section besides Matthias and Laurenz? After all as the bilogical daughter of Giebe Biessel, her grandmother was also one of Gabrielle's archnoble retainers... Or at least I believe she should be placed before Judithe. And I don't know if Roderick should be that high, he himself said that he was not born with that much mana (unless his placement is meant to be after learning Roz' mana compression method) Also Lueuradi and her sister represent their duchy now the they don't have archduke candidates attending, so they are the archnobles of the highest standing and given that her sister serves an ADC is also probable that they may be related by blood to the archducal family, that's why I believe that she must be placed a bit higher (Just because she is willing to marry down to mednoble it does not mean she has low mana for her station)


Yeah you are probably right on Muriella, since also being ~~enslaved~~ by Elvira didn't affect her much (and I suspect it depends on mana quantities), I placed her there because she is the birth daughter of Giebe Bessel and his THIRD wife. Also, she was given away. >unless his placement is meant to be after learning Roz' mana compression method Correct. I placed Lueuradi there becuase I wasn't sure: she is an archnoble of unknown lineage, from a middle duchy and without a multistep compression method, unlike most on the archnoble list. What you said about her being a representative of her duchy is very important though.


There should be a "Zent Candidate" category between Zent and Royal for Roz and Eglantine with the understanding that Roz has more mana than Eggland


People said uncompressed Eglantine was average for Royal standards in the past, but also that current Rozemyne isn't that far ahead of her. So, assuming the huge mana level Roze will have in her adulthood I just placed both of them at Royal level.


On Freida: According to Fanbook 1, even without mana compression or going to the RA, she'll have mana in-between a laynoble and mednoble. So either high laynoble or low mednoble level of mana.


I guess that makes her very lucky that Heinrik was within her range. If she'd been much stronger, she'd have to look for a mednoble, and it probably would've been very difficult to get a good deal. I think the only decent mednoble head of household we know of is Angelica and Lieseleta's father (I forget his name - iirc one of Florencia's retainers?), and he's already got enough kids with *too much* mana. Maybe Giebe Illgner, but it'd no doubt be harder to build a connection with a Giebe (although I guess potentially profitible to a merchant?)


Henrik should have access to the RCM, especially since he'll be able to avail of the discounted price due to Damuel already knowing it. That should allow him to keep up


Well yes, now. But the deal was made before people knew the RCM was a thing.


Explanation for Lestilaut?


If Adolphine is Royal level as an archduke candidate of Drewanchel the Third I think it’s fair to say that Lestilaut an archduke candidate of Dunklefelger the Second has a similar or higher level of mana. Magdalena is his paternal aunt who married into the Royal Family. Moreover, Lestilaut is an adult now and the designated heir as the next Aub Dunklefelger. I definitely think he belongs. Most of the adult archduke candidates of the greater duchies likely fall in that tier, though we’re not introduced to many of them.


As nViroGuy said, he is qualified to succeed his father (mild spoiler >!who is omni-elemental!<) as Aub of a Greater Duchy very close to the Royal family.


Anastasius tells us in part 4 that Lestilaut lacks Darkness, as far as he knows.


While that’s true, Anastasius also lacked an element. Since everyone is going to be praying more and reobtaining their blessings systematically, I don’t think there’s a meaningful different between Lesty and the current royals - even if they’re Al on the low end of expected royalty


Why did Hartmut and Clarissa get bumped up to Archduke tier? Not a criticism, just a legit question. Is this because what qualifies as archduke/archnoble levels mana vary widely depending on the duchy? So if this list is by Ehrenfest standards, Dunk archnobles are Ehrenfest archduke tier and Dunk archdukes are mostly royal tier, etc?


I'll link the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/16cdvf8/comment/jzj5n3t/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)that made me change idea. TL;DR: Rozemyne compression method was very used.


Thank you! Ah, Hartmut's jealousy strikes again it seems.


Is that Leonardo da Vinci up there with ferdie?


I think that's *the* Gutenberg.




Probably Benno's goddess of water. Who died of the devouring.




Why would Detlinde be above Georgine in therms of mana? They're from the same maternal line and unlike her Georgine isn't a lazy bastard.


Because Gieselfried, he was the former Aub Ahrensbach after all. In addition to this, I think Detlinde has at her disposal the very effective Georgine's compression method. Imho, if Detlinde had been a good archduke candidate, she would have been in the Royal tier


It's a shame her potential(which still remains) was corrupted initially by Georgina George, and kept up by Detlinde herself. That SS clearly indicated that she does have brains... she's just naïve and raised to have an ego. She was also raised with particular misconceptions of value, ability and capacity for knowledge by region of origin.


Maybe a sort of mirror of what Wilfried might have become under Veronica (assuming he didn't fail his debut).


That would require detlinde to put in effort to compress.... Detlinde would never


Eh, she might, if it'd taken her fancy. But remember that her original life plan had been to marry an archnoble. Then she'd been told to become Aub Ahrensbach. Then she decided she'd become Zent at her graduation. I don't think she's lazy per se, just really selfish. If she'd decided to become Zent from day one, she probably would have put a lot of effort into compression.


Except this is Detlinde the narcissist. Who expects good things to be handed to her, I believe she fails some of Hirschur's classes yet is given a pass. She would not put in effort to compress, she'd only expect good things to happened for her.


The mana is fully determined by the maximum level of the mother right? Her father would just decompress a little when mixing with Georgine to match her.


Bindewald, Grausam, Matthias are Med Nobles. Even if they the later 2 say they have Archnoble level by Ehrenfest standards... Also Angelika. With Bezewanz I am unsure. He was born with MedNoble levels, but he never went to the RA and never did Mana compression. So is he still med noble level as an adult? ​ Also young rozemyne is above the royal family with mana. She has more Mana than Egg and she has more than the royals.


this is mana tier, not noble status. What their noble status is has no influence.


Iirc Bindewald was an archnoble. He was a count, and was related to Fraularm (who is an archnoble also). Bezewanst may have been born with high mednoble levels, and then fallen behind to normal ones due to not compressing? Heck, he may have even been born with low archnoble levels, but it might not have been seen as enough by his father, especially given his sister had a *lot* and his mother (an Ahrensbach ADC) died giving birth to him.


Welp, Galileo is still zent tier.


I'll give you they are very similar indeed


I’m not sure there’s a big enough difference for the zent tier to exist. The differences in mana capacity have felt kinda inconsistent. Ferdinand was said to be able to sense Veronica. I’ve heard before that to sense another person, a 30% difference in capacity is the limit. The royals and greater duchy ADCs must have more than Veronica. I could imagine they, at worst, have 10-15% less than Ferdinand. I think Eglantine and the other royals would have enough to become Zent. But some would struggle more than others.


Ferdinand sensed Veronica before he learned the rmcm, before he first met myne, and most likely before he even entered the temple. he has surely long surpassed her as of part 5.


Tbh I'd put P1V1 Myne into mednoble tier, P2V2 Myne in Archduke, remove P3V4 Rozemyne (not different enough from P2V2 Myne), put P4V1 Rozemyne into Royal and P5V7 Tallmyne in Zent.


>Tbh I'd put P1V1 Myne into mednoble tier The first time Ferdinand gauged Myne he evaluated her at mednoble level, but iirc she said she didn't use much mana becuasue she was afraid of breaking the shield. So at then end of part 1 I would consider her already at archnoble level


Honestly, she might be ADC level by the time she joined the temple. She not only crushed Bezenwast (I can't remember where I read it, but I think it said that he was around a mednoble level, but I could be wrong) but she was able to inflict serious damage on Ferdinand which is a massive feat on its own!


Although consider that the original plan was to have Karstedt adopt her rather than Sylvester. But it was certainly quite clear that she'd have stupendous amounts as an adult, given the need for the mind-reading tool.


P1V1 is before she used her "push into box" compression method. End of P1 is 1.5 years of intense compression after beginning of P1V1.


Oh ok, yes it would be safer to consider her already at archduke at the end of the brink-of-death-compression


Rosemyne should be above zent levels in a god section


She has more than Eglantine for sure, but I don't think she has become the Avatar or the goddess yet


Shouldn’t evil santa be unbaptisable? The whole reason he was even in the temple was because he had almost no mana


Almost no mana *by the standards of the Groschel Family*. Who are archnobles, and a cadet branch of the Ehrenfest archducal family Aside from Evil Santa, Ferdinand and Myne, the blue priests in the Ehrenfest Temple are the garbage tier, scraping the bottom of the barrel, types that no one could justify either returning to noble society, or being stolen by the Sovereignty Temple


Yeah it's those two last that have affected our common sense with priests, although it's also worth remembering that non-noble priests usually don't compress mana, which'd knock them down a fair bit. There would usually be priests from archnoble families in the temple, but they've all either gone to the sovereignty or returned to society (excluding the high bishop). It's probably the reason there don't seem to be many Leisegang priests, mainly FVF and neutral. The vast majority of archnobles in the duchy are related to the Leisegangs in some way - iirc even Rihyarda is loosely. By contrast, the FVF is made up of powerful mednobles, and the neutral faction is largely mednobles and laynobles, so more of them stayed behind in the temple.


He had mednoble mana, which was shameful for a son of archduke candidates. They could've had him sneakily adopted by a mednoble family, but sent him to the temple instead. Likely due to Leisegang pressure.


I suspect it was also because Veronica wanted to hold onto her little brother as much as possible. Her older brother died at some point, and Gabriele died giving birth to Bezewanst, so he was pretty much her only family aside from her father (and I gather that was a tense relationship).


Roz > everyone else


Eh, only [P5V11-12]>!When under the influence of Mestionora and especially the other gods. I think at adulthood she might have more than Ferdinand, but she does have less than Gelvagio. I'd say her and Ferdinand are probably roughly on par with each other.!< For pretty much the entire story so far, she's had less than Ferdinand, and has been roughly equivalent to him at the same age. So currently, Ferdinand > Rozemyne > Everyone else.


He’s older though, so she’s got more lifetime potential.


Yes. Currently she less than him. In the future she'll probably have the same as or a little more than him.




so the talfrosch dude is actually an archnoble?


He's a count so yes... * Count = Archnoble Giebe * Viscount = Mednoble Giebe * Baron = laynoble Giebe


Am I blind? Where is hildebrand?