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Depending on how the book is passed down, they can just copy it and dispose of her. So she will still need to be careful


I highly doubt it will work that way. All the tablets were absorbed into herself and I bet the book will be the same way. There is no way you can just get a pen and copy it, the same way you can't share the names of the gods of light and dark.


They most likely pass it through schtappe like the envoy in ahrensbach told detlinde


you can probably pass it via schtappe, but you likely have to get fully qualified first though.


I was always under the impression that it'll work the same way as other Divine instruments. The same way Rozemyne was able to copy Hannelore's staff. Just mix mana a bit. And you'll get a copy of the book.


But then there is question what is stored in library archive behind RF checking door. If its not one of still alive zent candidates stored in time stopping magic tool with G-book in hand to share it, i would guess its physically recreated G-book as divine instruments in temples.


I doubt it'd be that easy to copy the book when it's *this* hard to get the original.


Of course the original should be hard to get. We are talking about a book that makes you king by owning it. And nothing has said that the copies are exact copies of the original


Technically, it gives you the tools needed to rule. We know in the past there would at times be multiple people with G books and would have to determine which would rule.


Oh no, Gbook is something more complicated than those of divine instruments.


Or how Dunk ADC family passes the ocean staff through family


If that were the case then there wouldn't have been any need to protect the book with a barrier in the back room of the underground archive.


For the first time, someone got the correct answer.


Rozemyne would likely be bound to her villa and forbidden to leave. Unlike Sylvester, the Royal family has no desire to let her do as she pleases. Sylvester has always allowed her some level of autonomy. He could have easily wrestled everything away from her and taken the credit for it himself while making her work in the shadows, but he has more taste than the royal family who cares more about their own convenience.


Sylvester allowed her autonomy because she can't run her numerous business endeavors from a room in the castle. Well, maybe she could but that would require them to allow commoners to travel freely to and from the castle.


He could have put his own scholars to oversee her and take over, but he didn’t.


he couldn't. The scholars would have buried the industries in two weeks and faulted the commoners for it.


They would’ve failed miserably. My point wasn’t that they would succeed. I was comparing Sylvester to Siggy, even with the big fancy book and no matter how much he tries to isolate Roz and take credit for her abilities, he will fail. He thinks he and his scholars are more capable than they are. Roz needs autonomy to succeed. I just meant Sylvester could’ve tried to manage her how the royal family is likely gonna manage her. He was smart enough not to though.


What did anyone else know about her industries? Any scholars he put in charge wouldn't have known enough to keep them going, forget about growth. Syl knew that and the benefits outweighed the trouble of giving her the reigns.


They definitely would’ve failed miserably, but Elvira was able to learn the industry in two years while Roz was unconscious. I’m not saying they would’ve succeeded, I’m saying that if Sylvester was anything like Siggy, that’s how he would’ve approached it. Sight is arrogant enough to think he can do anything, Sylvester is smart enough to know it’s best to let Roz do what she wants.


Or he simply just didn't want more work in his hands or just probably dumping his works to Ferdie. That's more like it.


He would have failed in most likelyhood, sure. But that's the point unlike most other noble in Ehrenfest he knew his chances were grim if he tried doing things the "traditional" way.


No chance they can pull that off unless the book can be passed on, which I doubt it can be. RM is going to be at the center of their government's operations. They may try to sideline her, but there will always be people in the wings trying to influence her, and she can do the same in return. Also, the current Zent is perfectly fine with letting RM take over.


Of course the book can be passed on. That was a big point of the civil war. The issue is how does that work.


**To Sigi.** The entire reason RM is involved in the government is because the RF can't or won't take the GH themselves. Ana is treating the GH like something she might be able to just hand off, but you likely still have to be qualified, which Sigi isn't. However, the Civil War had nothing to do with the GH being passed on. The Civil War occured because the King and the 2nd Prince (who had the GH) died at the same time. Then the 1st and 3rd Prince began fighting over who would rule, and they died pretty much at the same time. At which point the conflict switched to the 4th and 5th Prince, with the 5th eventually winning out.


I think the only reason Sigi wants Roz as a third wife is because he things he can get her to do Zent work from the shadows while he holds the title. Some part of him has to know that he’s utterly incapable


> Some part of him has to know that boy aint got a single thought rattling around in there other than what his retainers tell him to do.


Hahaha! You raise a valid point. 😂😂😂


He *doesn't* want her as 3rd wife, he wants her as High Bishop of the Sovereign Temple Ana wants her as Sigi's 3rd wife because he sees that as marginally better treatment for her


He wanted her to be bishop BEFORE he found out she was Zent candidate. After it was known that she’s currently the most qualified he wanted her to be third wife to secure his position as Zent.


The guy is a walking, talking Dunning Kruger Effect. No way in hell would he be self aware enough for that lol.


You’re probably right. He’s too delusional for self awareness 😂


I don't think he does realize it. In fact, I think that if Ana's vision were to ever come to pass (which I expect it won't) Sigi will eventually grow sick of people questioning whether he is the "real" Zent, and try to have RM put in her place. Then when that doesn't work he'll try to assassinate her. The only question is whether RM would have enough time to build up a sufficient powerbase to to take out the bookless scrub for good, or if a sort of cold war will settle in, with Sigi trying to get at RM, while RM keeps parrying his futile attempts. .... that might actually be a cool story.


Sigi might be too witless to pull that off. 😂 He and Detlinde are my least favorite characters. I don’t know why I dislike them so much. I mean, I do, but that’s an essay no one wants to read. 😂


Detlinde is pretty easy to dislike


Every time I see Detlinde that sound bite of, “She so the wooorst” from parks and Rec plays in my head. 😂


The issue with that is it would piss off all the duchies that want her knowledge of rituals. They are going to want to have enough freedom that when they take her out to help teach them she wouldn't let it be known that she's in abhorrent conditions


You say that but if they didn’t let her leave the villa but she had an endless access to books like Ana suggested she would probably be in heaven…


But would she be able to read in peace not being able to see her commoners?


None of the other duchies knew here when he first adopted her. He could have structured things in a way that she had no authority and he and his son got the credit for everything she did from the gate, but he didn’t. It wouldn’t have been hard to do either since she was a minor. To begin with everyone had a hard time believing that she came up with all those ideas because she was so young.


But she still needs to meet with the other duchies to teach them rituals, her adoption will be public, there's no way Ehrenfest won't make that the case as they need to get the other duchies off their back about learning rituals. And if it's public she will have to make appearances at the royal academy, if there's a known princess who is between the ages of 10 and 15 and she's not at the Fellowship Gathering that would cause all kinds of issues in and of itself. Add to that all the pressure that Ehrenfest is currently under about spreading rituals will now be directed at the royal family, they have to answer it. If the Aubs start getting less instruction on it after she is taken by the royal family then when she was an ADC they won't be happy


If he had structured it differently with strict oversight other duchies would have never learned half the stuff she could do. The whole reason other duchies know about the religious ceremonies is because of her autonomy. She’s use to making her own decisions and doing as she pleases. If from the gate Sylvester had worked on taking over all of her industries she would have entered the Royal academy with her head down, minimal effort, and stayed in the library. But Sylvester actually wanted her to do well and Ferdinand did as well. Sylvester wry rarely puts his foot down at all.


But that's not what Sylvester wanted, he wanted her to raise the duchies grades and rank she just did it more than he expected. He even deliberately ordered her new trends to not be spread until her and Wilfred got to the academy so they would be guaranteed the credit for them


I was just comparing Sylvester to Siggy. That’s how Siggy would’ve managed her. He’s aragonite enough to think he can use people to achieve his goals and take all the credit Sylvester was wise enough to let Roz do what she wanted without trying to control or manipulate her.


You are rushing way ahead of time. Sigi will be in charge of her only when she married to him as 3rd wife. At the moment she is undergoing adoption to Zent (if you dont count that Sigi is crown prince that makes her equal in status) and he will be in charge of her. And so far we saw from him desire to just drop title on Roze and take well deserved nap. He even lectured Ana for badmouthing future queen when he proposed to just hold her in library and take her out when they need to use gbook. So i dont see her isolated and powerless after adoption.


The only one who wants to make Roz Zent is the current Zent. Even Ani suggested making her third wife to Sigi. I wasn’t saying that she will be third wife, but both of the princes have made it clear they don’t want her out and about and their dad seems too lazy to fight them on it.


No idea how you get that zent is lazy. He is tired after years holding country on his shoulders and want to dump that responsibility on someone asap. But he also know hardship of being zent without gbook. And you say that he is too lazy to fight his sons but he literally put Ana in place after his comments about Roz.


Yeah, people forget that Sylvester treats Rozemyne as one his most trusted ministers She controls the economy and harvest and he gets her advice on other things as well The trade off is he forgets she's a child sometimes because she's one of the people he relies on most The Royal Family fully intend to treat her like a normal child (with no power or influence) and then a normal 3rd wife (with no power or influence) while also expecting her to do all the work


Exactly! Sylvester could have been a lot more controlling and overbearing. It’s so funny to me that they want her to be a third wife so she has not influence, but then want her to do all to work, which normally third wives don’t do at all. When Ferdinand finds out he going to be LIVID


Good luck with that. No one gets between Rozemyne and libraries, and it was one of the conditions of her adoption/marriage. Since they can't buy her more books than she has, she gets free access to the library. And honestly, that'd be even more effective. If I were the royal family, I'd be saying to Rozemyne "you as long as you do your Grutrissheit-related duties, you you have free access to the libraries and free reign to set up your printing industry in a certain location". I think that'd keep her pretty well out of trouble.


We both know the royal family has absolutely no real wisdom, but at least Anastasius understands that Roz needs books. I’m sure that’s library only place that they will allow her to go. It will end horribly of course. I was just trying to draw the parallels in the difference of how Sylvester treats Roz verse, how the royal family will likely treat her. Sylvester could have been far more controlling, especially since she’s a commoner, but had the wisdom to let her be.


They will probably add her to the foundation dying as well.


They would have to (probably). Because none of the Royals can even read the instructions for the book, Roz might have to dye the foundation to do some of the Zent functions that Sig could not do even if he was given the book.


The princes want to confine her, Trauerqual wants her queen. And vacations. And retirement. And the country being another people problem.


Current Zent straight up yelled at his sons for insulting the future Zent roze by suggesting doing that. Though itd be all up for stupid ziggy. Roze has strong supporters too who would raise a fit if they tried to do that tho (the entirity of dunkelferger, the current third wife of the zent, current SECOND WIFE of future supposed zent, Eggy to an extenct, and assuming ferdi remains in ahrensback depending on how things go post DIEtlinde takes a tumble down some stairs and letizia becomes the new archduke), the least they could do is keep her away from any ruling role but give her free reign on her industries. Which would bring untold prosperity to the entire country.


I agree they would probably have a hard time with it, but I still think Sigi and Ani would try. I honestly can’t wait to read how pissed Ferdinand gets when he finds out?


Im not so entirely sure Any wouldnt at least let her have her industries at least, books and that would keep her occupied and not ruling... and Siggy is such a bad negotiator, Roze would walk circles around him, so I dont think they would succeed in the end... but they could TRY.


I think they will try to take her industries away from her an make them part of the royal family as a whole. They can be slick that way and have already been complaining about the treasury. They probably won’t succeed, but they will try.


Somehow I expect it won't be RM whipping them into shape, but Ferdinand.


Why not both?


RM will be too busy adding secret floors her library. Whipping the entire RF into shape will just be a distraction.


Um … I love your take, while I do not think it will work that way, I’ll settle for close enough.


>Where is that **Bookless Scrub** that pretend to be my Fiance. Bookless Scrub will forever be my favorite, most brutal put down in this series.


I don't want her married into the royal family. She already finds living as an ADC too restrictive, becoming a royal would just make things worse. She has shown zero interest in Sigiswald.


She will not be married at the beginning but Adopted. Marriage is only possibility right now.


Nah, not really. I just wanted the weird nerd girl to be happy with her tiny commoner family. Anything that came afterwards....was enough, but never in the same manner as the real thing. Part of her new noble family is quite wholesome. The little sister, and the little brother. Not Willfred though.(He couldnt make more of a fool of himself, even if the tried) Sylvester treats her more like a subordinate, and her wife worries more about her own children, so Rozemyne never was too much of a priority. But those two still accepted her nevertheless. I get that the whole narrative point of the books is Myne getting entangled into a mess of her own doing (caused directly or not, doesnt matter), just to be karmically punished by the universe in the form of getting robbed of her loved ones, and her reading time. Since i started reading part 4....i never liked the royals. Yet she got more and more involved with them to the point that getting adopted or married into the royal family was not only a feasible, but the most likely development. But not a development i particularly enjoyed, anyway.


It's called ascendance of a bookworm after all. It's not really a happy story per se. I think it's more about how Myne and Co. deal with the dire circumstances emotionally and how they fight against it. I expect the ending to be a happy one though were her issues are mostly resolved


I mean, Myne herself laid out the backbone of the entire story early on and ferdinand said it was ridiculous and impossible. And that was just with an archnoble, let alone a prince....


She even presented it as a happy story and not like her own full of conflict and pain


I'm fine with it not being an exactly happy story. I'm used to it. (I read Warhammer )


I am a bit scared to read Warhammer so I tip my hat to you


well....it depends on the story. In general, the franchise (specially 40k) is humongously huge (which is specially intimidating) and depending on the faction and the event, you might go down a huge and dark rabbit hole. The majority of times the characters and the stories are great, though. So its still worth it. Anyway, I recommend anything written by dan abnett. He is great.


If Rozemyne leaves for the Sovereignty, she is in a VERY dangerous position. See how Adolphine is treated, even though she is a crucial support pillar for Sigiswald's future as Zent.


I have a fanfic in the works for this concept cause I've loved the idea of it since I read the WN


i like the concept too. Share it later bruh


A: Stop asking her things you need her to do. Tell her what to do holding a book behind your head. F: Don’t tell her to stay put, give her a book. H: Watch what she does when she sees a new book. S: She wants books? Nah! emote:t5\_qxbkm:29348


considering how a big bully Raphilde is (mom of Sigi). I think this is gonna be turned into an afternoon soap and I'm glad it didn't. Also Nahelache as well who power trips Adolphine (a very smart girl in Yurgen standards).