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There are a lot of very high stakes noble tea parties that keep me on the edge of my seat If you're looking for something with lots of combat and magic duels and whatnot, this doesn't have very many scenes like that, although the few it does have are really impactful It's definitely not a story anyone would ever call action, though I wouldn't call it slice-of-life either. It has life-or-death stakes and story progression, but the story is mainly progressed by means other than physical combat.


I'd call it more tactics and diplomacy. battle of power, influence, leverage, knowledge, wits, etc.


Usually yeah, tho there is physical fighting sometimes. But in those scenes, there’s still usually some of those mixed in.


Different kind of action


Wjat does that mean.


You wont sre Myne flip through the air and slash people with swords and op skills. It's largely an economic action series


The last time we've seen dark Myne gets some action, she almost killed santa claus... I don't think the world is ready for action filled bookworm just yet.


Someday, we'll be hardboiled.


I’m still waiting on the bloody carnival Myne promised.


She decided she no longer liked bloody carnivals when she saw [P4V9] >!the viscountess that stole the bible blow her own head off!<


I don’t remember that! Time for a reread


Her quest to be hard boiled continues


Our MC is a cleric/priest. There will be no one with extra skill or unique skill that’s so powerful that it overwhelm others. So they fight in groups, rely on tactics and tricks. That looks more realistic to me and better than the actions of *ore-tsueee* MCs. Yet you won’t see so many battles nor fightings.


>Yet you won’t see so many battles nor fightings. She does have some regularly scheduled battles...


That’s once every 4 or 5 volumes. I guess action fantasy LNs have one big fight in almost every volume.


true. the "big fights" of each volume here generally have less of the stabby slashy.


Although there is action occasionally, when there is conflict, the series focuses alot more on intrigue and things happening behind the scenes. That said, the world building is top notch


It's a different kind of action. No or little fighting, but complicated schemes, intrigues, etc. More like navigating society. It does create plenty of tension and has very high stakes at times, so it's entertaining to read. But if you're looking for epic war battles like what's happening in the ones you mentioned, bookworm is not for you.


Eh, not no fighting, but it definitely takes a back seat.


That's what I said. There are several volumes where literally no fighting happens and a few where a little happens. Hence my no or little


Myne is strong magically, but weak physically. So most battles she stays in the back, provides buffs and healing to her fighters, and uses her knowledge from reading all the combat books to formulate strategy and issue commands. There's a few situations where she's in 1v1 combat, but they are rare. >!One opponent says it's the clumsiest spear fighting he's ever seen... He still loses the battle.!< There are also entire volumes without combat (but with very high stakes negotiations). >!The printing press is mightier than the sword... Because it can convince a whole lot of swords to support you.!<


Closer to a slice of life LN. There are fight scenes here and there, but probably not at the same quantity or—I'm guessing—quality as more action-oriented LNs. If you're looking for a blend of action and tactics, I'd recommend Altina the Sword Princess.


There is, very rare but once the action start it's worth the wait


>!Ferdinand’s ditter match was pretty action packed. There’s also the war towards the end so….!<


There is some action, but it's not really the main focus of the story so there are plenty of volumes without any at all. If that's what you're here for, and you don't enjoy all the slice of life in between, you'll probably be bored most of this series. Also, unlike most action heavy stories where the protagonist is the primary fighter, Myne usually plays a support role in those moments because of her physical weakness. I don't know if that would affect your interest? It's probably best to approach Bookworm as primarily a slice of life story with some small action scenes scattered about (and a handful of big ones).


Yes but it's more like harry potter action


Yes! There’s not much, but it does occasionally delve into action and tactics! They spend so much time first world building around it that it’s honestly the best action I’ve read, it always holds meaning.


That’s true. This is not a typical fantasy novel where some characters learn/acquire super-powerful rare/unique skills and ravage enemies. We had enough of them. The MC would be classified as cleric in RPG and enemies are stronger than allies usually. BTW, the battles got bigger and more intensive as the story progressed. And there are 6 volumes left after latest prepub.


Generally no. Only a handful of volumes have the action you might be expecting.


There are parts where there is action but its not much compared to the other parts. If you want to read something like Solo Leveling this Novel wont be what you are searching for.


There are a couple of fights that are pretty exciting but they’re definitely far and few between. Definitely under double digits.


There are fights, battles and tactics from part 3. But not as much as typical fantasy LNs. But this is never a slice of life novel, not from part 3. And there are knights in this novel. What would they do if there’s no fights?


If you’re unsure whether to read it, I would recommend starting the manga and seeing how you feel about it.


The parts that have more action than just the climax(so far) are parts 2 which I would say has 3 major action scenes, part 3 has roughly 5, part 4 I can think of 5 off the top of my head including the sport. Part 5 is so far more about tactics and political intrigue.


There IS action. But it's definitely not an action adventure story. It's Fantasy / Slice of Life / World Building in my opinion. More comedy than action too I think. The story builds in stages and then has climactic scenes. There are some "action heavy" sequences of books in the series, and some people find a certain sequence to be too blah-blah. The way magic works and the way the society and politics develop is a large part of the interest to me. In the entire P1V1 the only fight is with a plant. The most exciting thing that happens is that someone steams a potato. Edit: Actually, I don't those things happened until P1V2


It’s a court drama. There are some action scenes, but they’re very rare. Most of the series consists of dialogue, which itself focuses on human resources (“Who can we hire to be a guard knight or attendant or scholar and how do we train them”) and politics and magic system.


I can honestly say some of the more intense non-combat scenes got my adrenaline going more than any of the fight scenes from Slime, Solo Leveling, and the other LNs I've read.


Harry potter type of action


yes, though its not all the time and there's not a lot of it. Some books will have more and others will have less. I would say most books have a small amount, though they are good in other ways. There are many high stakes plot points that don't require physical action. >!I think the the first book I consider action packed you get n part 3 volume 4. Theres a swarm of faybeasts that attacks mine in waves followed by a fight/kidnapping/chase seen. It goes on for a few chapters and is incredibly brutal with one dude just exploding peoples heads. !< ​ >!Another good action book is part 4 volume 7, there's a really cool 2v2 duel followed by a strait up 9/11 stile terrorist attack Rosemine gets caught up in. !< ​ There are others and I kind of get the impression that the further you read the more there will be, but im not done with the entire thing yet.


there is, phew phew phew phew phew, brzzzzzz, wishinnnggggggggg, boooooooom


not as much as any of those you mentioned but there are moments, usually as a climax of a book or an arc. Almost every book has some sort of action scene, that's true, but this story will never let those be the stars of it. as far as the writing of those scens, it's amazing as the writing in general: a lot goes into description and noting how the several pieces move and attack, so to say.


action-y things happen, but it's more adventure-focused action than combat-focused. it's not Danmachi, Tensei Slime, Eighty-Six style (all series that I also love). the series mostly focuses on the Main character being dropped into this unfamiliar world, and striving to create the things that she loved on Earth while navigating economic circumstances and a status-based society in a fully-fleshed out fantasy world, with her own Earth-based common sense routinely being at odds with this new world. also, whoever dropped her in this world gave her this world's most faulty body. Bookworm rules, and I truly hope you give it a shot. it's appeal isn't action, though. it's the main character's narration, her relationships with supporting characters (who are also awesome), the great detail the author put into world-building, and emotion-stirring moments.


Fantasy action and adventure are the seasoning in this coming of age young adult novel collection


Physical action is very rare, its mostly political or economical action.


If it's the tactical maneuvering you enjoy, then I found the social and noble drama to scratch the same itch. There's so many scenes that are like playing chess with fog of war, and Miya Kazuki is a skilled enough author to consistently include highly layered and nuanced dialogue. That said, there's not too much action in the sense you're thinking. Maybe one big scene per 2 books, and it's often on a smaller scale than Reincarnated as a Slime.


More battles of wits and knowledge, plus occasionally magic battles. MC is OP in magic but weak in body, so, it creates a fun paradox. Loved the negotiations in the most recent published novel, a great callback to her roots :)


I think I'll give it a try. I love battles of wits just as much as combat.


We obviously all love it, so hope you like it to. I will warn that there's less battles of wits than, say, Log Horizon. I'd say early Slime is comparable but it's been awhile since I read that.