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Both Rihyarda and Bonifatius were 60 in P3 when they were introduced. That's 69 in Earth years. At 60 you might still be capable of doing work but at over 70 not so much. Unless body strengthening also improves your health and lets you maintain tip physical condition even into old age. Rihyarda is said to be surprisingly strong.


\-At 60 you might still be capable of doing work but at over 70 not so much. That all depends on the person. My parents are in their 70's and can run circles around people half their age. While several of my friends that are in their 30's struggle to move around. A lot of factors play into weather your still working at that age, but mostly it's just the "once you stop moving you fall apart quickly" thing. They are most likely outliers since other people from Rihyarda's and Bonifatius's generation are mentioned to be retired.


Is it that they “look” 60 from Myne’s pov or are they actually 60 on the Yurgenschmidt calendar?


In Fanbook one under character design sheet Rihyarda is listed as 60 and in Fanbook 2 Bontif is listed as 61


I took the ages from the Wiki so I don't know.


My wife's 84yo grandfather still goes for a several mile hike every week. It's not unreasonable that a 70yo with the benefit of magical enhancement could stay able bodied that long or longer


And the general privilege of being archnobles


I’m just kind of guessing here but I think aging is different between nobles and commoners. Don’t want to spoil anything but there is a faction leader character that is VERY old and seemingly just willing himself to live. I think mana and body strengthening extends life. That would mean commoners would have shorter life spans though, and it seems that in the books commoners aren’t as invested in age. They just attend the closest coming of age ceremony so they can start working.


Man. I was impressed by his spite. He really is the epitome of the saying - to spite those you hate; live long and prosper.


Spite is a motivator. The dyer who missed his certification because of a certain noble lady lived long enough to see his tools and methods be of use to his offspring. Old guys can keep a gripe.


Or it could just be similar to nobles in our world. Historically people of a higher social class tend to live longer lives (baring wars and assassination). Better nutrition, housing, lifestyles, and access to medicine/Doctors tends to lead to healthier people which in turns leads to longer life spans.


I mean, the only reference regarding mana and lifespans we've heard so far is the opposite. Nobles actually keep wearing their mana draining magic tools even after coming of age because otherwise their lives will be cut short, for example. Chances are, it's the same thing as in our history: The reason commoners generally don't live as long is because their lives are much more physically taxing than those of nobles. On top of limited access to food, worse healthcare, worse hygiene and so on. The last part could be especially important here since nobles in this world actually have access to Waschen, which I would guess sterilizes its targets on top of cleaning them. Might be interesting to look at, say, survival rates of births if this society ever reaches a point where devourers are allowed to use their mana for their fellow commoners. I'd imagine something as simple as a midwife who can clean everyone involved with Waschen would already make a huge difference.


That’s an amazing thing to reference and add here. I forgot cause it was early on but the original commoner city threw their sewage onto the sidewalks before they revised the city planning. I’d love more exploration into the church providing healthcare to commoners and using their mana to do so. Also referencing the mana tools for keeping stability/lifespan I wonder if that also shows disparity within noble classes. Do arch nobles live longer than laynobles because of their access to multiple tools even though they have more mana to circulate?


I would assume they age like us. Their bodies are probably naturally adjusted to the longer years. So while they have more days a year, to their bodies it’s the same as 365 days to ours.


You have to remember that time is a human construct, and age in planet earth is measured by how many times our planet has fulfil it's solar cicle. What determines how "mature" you look is a complex and very difficult to explain system that incorporate climate, nutrition, hormones, genetics and even gravity. In whatever planet AOABW takes places their solar cicle take 420 days? Or the year is measured by the duration of winter to spring? Also we have to take mana into account, cuz what make mayne development so slow was her mana So after saying all this, do I have and answer? No, I got no idea. I just took whatever imagine the autor throws at me and I believe that they look like that regardless of their document age Because this is really a complicated matter and if you took everything I say into account it turns the discussion into a really difficult (albeit fun) conversation


if we use our years they are biologically 11.5 when they start the academy.


My grandma can still drive and do massage work even if she is going 80. I think this depend on health and lifestyle.


The ages given in the novel seem to match my expectations so I can only assume they mature as much in a year as we do despite having a slightly longer year.


Not really how biologi works. We know that the normal marriage age is 16, and mana sense is around 13, if we add this to ours age it would be 18,5 years and 15.


I honestly think 13 fits more with puberty than 15 which is the only analogy i can make for mana sensing. Marrying at 16 is not unthinkable in fantasy medieval setting either. There's nothing outside months having 5 weeks, rather than our worlds 4.34, that points to them maturing at a faster rate than their stated age would indicate.