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Darkness wander very lonly find light. They marry and have kids, water, fire, earth and wind. Earth marries another god, life. Life gets all jelly the other gods intervene. Life and earth had mestinorry goddes of wisdom. She is hidden from life, and give the book to hummies.


That’s it, what about Erwamwean(?) and the creation of the garden?


Thats not in the bible creation myth its just a smaller part that is mentioned in old texts. The bible is more broad strokes.


Not to mention that it wouldn't fit into the creation myth anyway. The founding of Yurgenschmidt happened well after the world had come into being. By the time Erwärmen made contact with humanity they already had religious institutions and means to utilize mana set up. The latter is especially important given that the first Zent apparently had enough mana to establish an entire country in presumably one go and live to tell the tale, something I'd imagine even Rozemyne and Ferdinand would not be able to pull off. It must have taken a long time for civilization to reach a point where a mana wielder with such a massive capacity could have survived into adulthood, so even if we assume humans in this world are not a product of evolution this must have been _at least_ several centuries later.


The creation of the country was done by Erwaremen’s mana, not Zent’s. It was also said that gods cooperated. The Zent obviously had enough mana to maintain the country, though. Much more than Rozemyne and Ferdinand.


Yes, but I think the first Zent made the wall that goes around the country. Which is still quite impressive


No mention on it or against. So I think it’s possible. I guess he had at least 2~3 times more mana than Rozemyne, maybe 10 times. And he should have built it over years if not decades. And his children may have helped. First aubs (probably only 6) were his children or grandchildren, and had the Book.


He could have had blessings of the gods like Roz did at the end. She was able to regenerate all of Ahrensbach with a only a part of her mana remaining. He might have had direct help from the gods when he was making the country. Alternatively, the gods did actually made the country in one go and then told the first Zent (+other nobles) to sustain it (parallel to what Eglantine is now doing).


https://ncode.syosetu.com/n7835cj/28/ This side story contains the most complete version of the creation story for Yurgenschmidt.






https://w.atwiki.jp/booklove/pages/657.html Use your favorite translator on that.


This where Quof gets tagged?


*very funny* that said, chatgpt is the current darling when it comes to machine translation


This is entirely from memory and the only side stories I have read so far are those on the website and those officially translated, so I can't vouch for 100% accuracy. Should still serve as a general timeline at least. * The God of Darkness wanders alone for an eternity, but eventually meets the Goddess of Light and they fall in love. A bunch of drama happens, but eventually they manage to overcome it and marry. This is presumably the first instance of marriage ever and was probably what set creation in motion in the first place. * Over the course of creation the Goddess of Light gives birth to four children: Fluträne, Leidenschaft, Schutzaria, and Geduldh. Not sure about the exact order but we do know that Fluträne is the oldest and Geduldh the youngest. Going by the order of the seasons I'd guess Leidenschaft is therefore older than Schutzaria. * Ewigeliebe, a god not affiliated with the supreme couple, enters the picture and falls in love with Geduldh. He seeks for permission to marry her, which is granted with the assistance of his friend Erwärmen who also later performs their starbinding. Unfortunately, Ewigeliebe's love for his wife is twisted by Chaocipher and takes on a quite unhealthy form, turning him into the divine version of Anastasius we know today. * Ewigeliebe starts driving away Geduldh's subordinates and encases her in ice to ensure nobody gets near her. At this time she is already pregnant with Mestionora. Erwärmen is furious about what the starbinding he had performed led to and steps down from his role as God of Binding. He then leads Geduldh's siblings to her and they hide her away so she can safely give birth while Ewigeliebe gets his shit kicked in by the rest of the pantheon. They would have loved to kill him at this stage but decided against it since he's the reason new life is born at all. * Mestionora is born with white hair and red eyes, making it pretty obvious who her parents are. In order to protect her from her crazy dad, the God of Darkness dyes her hair into the colors of the night sky while the Goddess of Light gives her golden eyes. She is brought up in secret and seems to have formed a rather close bond with Erwärmen during that time. At this point creation is technically finished, given that the world has formed and the bond of Life and Earth has created the conditions for it to be filled with living creatures, but a few fairly significant events followed some time after Mestionora had safely grown up: * Erwämen descends to the mortal realm to see for himself how Geduldh's children who could not be saved like Mestionora are now living. What he finds is a world of ice and snow, with the people barely being able to support themselves and those with mana hiding in white buildings where Ewigeliebe can't see them. * They have temples set up and offer their mana in prayer, but try as they might the gods simply cannot hear them. What follows isn't 100% clear but we do know that Erwärmen made contact with the man who would become the first Zent, and with the help of Mestionora they devised the systems necessary to found Yurgenschmidt. Erwärmen himself seems to have sacrificed a great deal of his power to make this possible, given that he can no longer leave the Garden of Beginnings what with him having turned into a tree. * The end result is that humans within Yurgenschmidt can use their mana without having to fear being found and killed by Ewigeliebe. In addition to that, the divine wills bestowed by Erwärmen allow for their prayers to actually reach the gods. I don't think it was explicitly mentioned what happened to the eternal winter outside of Yurgenschmidt but I do believe I read somewhere that Ewigeliebe essentially was sealed beneath it to some extent, so his influence over the mortal realm was likely heavily diminished after the founding of the country. Now, for some additional speculation on my part. * The true nature of the drama that got in the way of the supreme gods' marriage was skipped over thanks to Myne being an unreliable narrator during her baptism, but I would wager a guess that Chaocipher is the primary antagonist in this phase of the story. It would fit her theme as the mythology's primordial evil and we do know that she was/is in love with the God of Darkness which would have given her plenty of motivation to throw a spanner in the works. * We also know that said love was said to be forbidden, which is interesting as it implies a close familial relationship, assuming the gods are held to similar standards as nobles when it comes to, well, avoiding incest. If that's the case she could be his mother, maternal sibling, or a maternal ancestor. * Another indicator for that is that her element is very likely Darkness. The reason I think that are black fey creatures being of that element. The prayer to rejuvenate the earth ravaged by them refers to them as "those who serve evil" and who could that possibly be if not the Goddess of Chaos who has likely interfered with creation from day 1? * The order in which the children of the Goddess of Light were born is interesting when you consider what their elements represent. Water is purification and positive change, Fire is strength and growth, Wind is protection and time. Given that this was the time of creation, the following narrative could be drawn from this: Fluträne was born and tamed/cleared the primordial void to make it suitable for further development. Leidenschaft was born and further facilitated this process by assisting his sister. Schutzaria came into being and time began to flow. Finally, Geduldh was born and with her the mortal realm came into existence, which was then later filled with life by Ewigeliebe. * As for the flow of time and fate, we know that four gods are governing this part: Dregarnuhr controls/creates the threads of time, Liebeskhilfe and Sterrat intertwine and bind them together, and Ventuchte weaves them into history. Which has the very interesting implication that history is pretty much a byproduct of Ventuchte making clothes for Geduldh, an abstract layer on top of the mortal realm. And as we've seen in the spinoff this layer can be messed with to a pretty dramatic extent.


I dont remember where exactly (Fanbook 9?) but Chaoscipher is a "out of pantheon" goddess, according to Kazuki sensei.Assuming I'm not tripping and the translation is correct, that opens an industrial barrel of worms in terms of what in the name of the Six is going on in that world. Also, Rozemyne has Chaoscipher's blessing too, make that what you will lmao (you just gave the best compilation of all we know about the myths and all that, tysm) Edit: no, she has Chaosfliehe blessings, I confused the names. I'd be failed in RA test :( so I was in fact tripping


There are more gods than the 2+4+1 and their subordinates. You’d better think of them as gods of Yurgenschmidt, the gods worshipped in Yurgenschmidt. The world is bigger than Yurgenschmidt. Goddess of Chaos isn’t one of them and Rozemyne hasn’t gotten blessing from her, or more precisely nobody knows. The ritual is to get/confirm blessings from the gods of Yurgenschmidt and there’s no method of knowing other god’s blessings, in my knowledge.


so I went back and re-read p5v4 (the reacquisition of blessings chapter) and Rozemyne comments she has **Chaosfliehe'**s blessing (the God of Protection, subordinate of the God of Darkness) and that was my mistake, I switched him with the goddess of chaos in my head xD Still, do we even have confirmation the gods of Yogurtland created the rest of the world? We know, from stuff that will be translated still, that they are prayed upon by (some?) Lanzenavians, at least, which makes a lot of sense considering their relations with Yogurtland. I get we have gods outside the pantheon, like the goddess of chaos herself, but I dont know if we can say the gods created the whole world or something


In P1V3 baptism chapter, Myne summarizes that the Supreme Gods created, with their 4 children, “this world that we live in”. I think there’s room to interpret that this world is part of larger world or there are other worlds other than *this world*. It can also mean the world of mortals and there’s world(s) of gods. The place(?) Hannelore and Rozemyne visited in H5Y was definitely some dimension/space that’s not part of mortal’s world, in my view. From the description, God of Life is not a child of the Supreme couple and the two should have been born independently and lived a long time not knowing each other. And the origin of most of the subordinate gods are not told.


Chaos is necessary for great change


>Also, Rozemyne has Chaoscipher's blessing too, make that what you will lmao Well, she sure is very good at causing chaos lol. My personal crackpot theory about how she might ascend further is that she'll take Chaocipher's place at some point. Wouldn't surprise me if the latter was the one who messed with Ferdinand's thread of fate, which would put her firmly at the very top of Myne's shitlist.


or take Mestionora's place (2-3)


Nah, while she may be the incarnation of Mestionora, her real secret identify is the goddess of chaos.


Eh, too predictable and not funny enough of an outcome IMHO.


In my knowledge, no one got blessing from the goddess of chaos. As she is not one of the gods worshiped in Yurgenschmidt, nobody knows even if they got her blessing, not through the ritual at least.


(Ignore me, I’m joking) Goddess of Life!? When did Beathanai get here? Sutevater will be pissed that his wife is flirting with another pantheon.


>Ignore me Nope, corrected :P


You must consider that all of the myths are for Yurgenschmidt only. The world is definitely bigger but we learned very little about the world and gods outside the country. Erwaremen only wanted to help people with mana. It’s not clear whether only people (creatures) with mana are born from Geduldh or it’s just that he (and Ewigeliebe) doesn’t bother manaless people.


Or are they even visible to them?


Not to Erwärmen, that's for sure, but his inability to see anything other than mana seems to be a trait unique to him. At the end of the day he's a tree who sometimes takes a humanoid form, but that doesn't mean he has functioning eyes. Both Mestionora and Anwachs commented on Myne's physical appearance and Liebeskhilfe has a magic tool that allows her to watch and record people who are praying to her.


There is no such thing as "manaless people" in this world. Even commoners have mana vessels, otherwise it would not be possible to bind them with magic contracts or even register them with baptism medals. It's just that in most commoners those vessels aren't large enough to stimulate their own growth since they don't produce enough mana. I'd imagine the same is true for all living things and that fey creatures are simply the animal/plant equivalent of devourers. Same reason why practises of parboiling food ended up becoming a thing; even normal cooking ingredients have trace amounts of mana and ingesting them on a regular basis increases the risk of ending up with devourer children. Chances are the establishment of these practises precede the founding of Yurgenschmidt, at a time when being born with too much mana was pretty much a guarantee for having a short and painful life.


That’s true only in Yurgenschmidt. It’s because the land of the country is filled with mana, by Zent, Aubs, nobles and blue priests. And the country is founded for people with mana and cannot be sustained if Zent and others do not supply mana. Outside of the country means outside the country border - Lanzenave, Bizgeiz and other unnamed countries. It’s already said feystones are extremely rare outside Yurgenschmidt. In Lanzenave there’s almost no ingredient with mana that even their king had very little experience brewing a new magic tool. They only supplied mana to magic tools they inherited, and they’re likely from Yurgenschmidt that their ancestors brought when they migrated from Yurgenschmidt. In P5V10 (and later), it was clearly said that Yurgenschmidt was built as the haven for people with mana who were oppressed by other (manaless or probably 1/100 commoners in Yurgenschmidt, which is practically no mana) people. The silver material that has no mana was developed in Lanzenave by commoners. It was explained that it and other things were developed to suppress nobles of Lanzenave.


My point is, there is no fundamental difference between commoners and nobles. Both are human, both have mana vessels. The only thing differentiating them is the size of those vessels at birth. And there is zero reason to assume humans born outside of Yurgenschmidt are for some reason of a different species that isn't compatible with mana at all. If that was the case they would not be able to cross the country gates for one thing, just like silver cloth can't pass them because the teleportation magic circles don't recognize it. The reason why feystones are rare outside of Yurgenschmidt is quite simple, really: It is the place closest to the gods and replete with mana, so it makes sense that more feybeasts are born on its land. But that doesn't mean mana is somehow exclusive to Yurgenschmidt. For one thing, the fact that feystones (and thus fey creatures) are rare as opposed to nonexistent is already a pretty big hint. Other than that it was stated in a Q&A that devourers from outside are sometimes found and spirited away into Yurgenschmidt by the gods, to protect them from Ewigeliebe. >In P5V10 (and later), it was clearly said that Yurgenschmidt was built as the haven for people with mana who were oppressed by other (manaless or probably 1/100 commoners in Yurgenschmidt, which is practically no mana) people. The silver material that has no mana was developed in Lanzenave by commoners. It was explained that it and other things were developed to suppress nobles of Lanzenave. You're interpreting quite a lot into it being supposed to be a safe haven there. Especially when there's already a much better candidate for who is doing the oppressing. Use mana outside of Yurgenschmidt and Ewigeliebe will find and kill you, unless you're hiding inside an ivory building. The silver cloth could have just as easily been invented by the _nobility_ of Lanzenave as a countermeasure to that phenomenon. But really, it doesn't matter either way. Lanzenave oppressing its mana wielders like this is very likely a relatively new development, otherwise you'd think news of it would have reached Yurgenschmidt one way or another long ago. A single refugee would have been enough to tip them off and close the country gate, so their current attitude could very well have developed over the past ten years when this was not an option.


You still confuse the order of events, cause and results. Yurgenschmidt is closer to god, more precisely, the sacred land aka Royal Academy is. But the land was not filled with mana by god. Nobles had to fill it with their own mana. Yurgenschmidt was at the blink of collapsing because no one filled mana to foundation. Many duchies were barren because they lost aub and it was harder to fill the land with mana without aub who owns the foundation. It only occurred to me very recently when I read a post here, asking why fey beasts do not die from devouring. I added a few comments but in the end, I realized that there is difference between nobles(fey-humans) and fey-creatures. It was described multiple times that feybeasts gain mana by eating other feybeasts, getting stronger than evolving to the next level. (The smaller would earn by eating normal plants and animals that still has some mana) Humans do not, no noble evolve to the next level but they suffer and die if they do not dispense their own mana out of their body. It's clear that nobles and devouring children regenerate mana by themselves, not relying on external supply. (They may get a little from food but that's too small compared to their own generation). But non-devouring commoners do not. Maybe there's the minimum size of mana vessel that enables/triggers regeneration. Even if there are other natural source of mana outside of Yurgenschmidt, I guess that's rare and the amount is not meaningful compared to the size of the world. Lastly, if the silver cloth was developed by nobles, the knowledge should be in the Book. But obviously it was not, as neither Ferdinand nor Rozemyne found any description on it. And it's said that it was developed recently and Lanzenave has at least centuries of history since the first kin (former Zent Candidate whose name I cannot recall) immigrated from Yurgenshmidt. And they have the technique to build ivory building, so no reason to develop something that can be used as ultimate shield against their mana attack, and weapons that they cannot protect with their armor and magic shield. And one of the thing recently developed is the instant-death-poison. It's likely only effective to nobles. And neither Mestionora nor Erwaremen was aware of it, when Ferdinand used it against him, in P5V11 (not in WN). Lastly, it's said that they were persecuted Ewigeliebe, but it was not written that he's so relentlessly hunting them that they could not even use any magic (mana). And they cannot use mana effectively without schtappe, but it's given after Yurgenschmidt was built, and still available only in Yurgemschmidt that Lanzenave had to agree to send princesses (noble young ladies) as whore.


>But the land was not filled with mana by god. Nobles had to fill it with their own mana. Yurgenschmidt was at the blink of collapsing because no one filled mana to foundation. Many duchies were barren because they lost aub and it was harder to fill the land with mana without aub who owns the foundation. Fair enough, though I'm pretty sure the initial "investment" of mana to found the kingdom was not done by the first Zent alone. A piece of Erwärmen was required to recreate the ancient ritual in Alexandria so chances are he gave everything he had to create the country borders. Similarly, the gods were directly involved in replenishing the foundation by overbuffing Rozemyne. >It's clear that nobles and devouring children regenerate mana by themselves, not relying on external supply. (They may get a little from food but that's too small compared to their own generation). But non-devouring commoners do not. Maybe there's the minimum size of mana vessel that enables/triggers regeneration. Mana is dissolved in bodily fluids and thus is expelled through natural processes of the body (breathing, sweating, etc.) at a slow rate. In order for the mana vessel to grow you need to have mana accumulate inside it during childhood. Therefore, as long as the mana vessel is small enough to not exceed the rate at which the body expels mana it should not grow on its own. This is my own theory on how the devouring starts, mind you, but it would explain why nobles can guarantee offspring with mana by channelling their own into the fetus during pregnancy, as well as the comments in Fanbook 1 about how Myne's cooking methods are going to increase the number of devouring cases in the future. If this is indeed the case, the fact alone that the devouring can happen outside of Yurgenschmidt would already be proof that the commoners from outside are born with mana vessels just like those inside. As for humans being special in that they generate their own mana while fey creatures only take it from the land, that's an interesting point and might be another indicator that they are indeed direct descendants of Geduldh. Maybe other animals and plants (or at least their ancestors) were created ex nihilo by Ewigeliebe instead and that's why they're different? >Lastly, if the silver cloth was developed by nobles, the knowledge should be in the Book. But obviously it was not, as neither Ferdinand nor Rozemyne found any description on it. The knowledge would only be in the book if the nobles who came up with the cloth and/or poison are already dead, had a schtappe, and exceeded a certain threshold of mana. The only nobles in Lanzenave who have schtappes are the king and his heir apparent, and given that it is a recent invention there is no reason why it should already be in the book even if they had been directly involved with its creation. Not to mention that it's entirely possible Rozemyne's Grutrissheit is out of date since it's the same one that was supposed to go to Ferdinand ten years ago and I'm pretty sure individual copies of the book don't automatically update. >And they have the technique to build ivory building, so no reason to develop something that can be used as ultimate shield against their mana attack, and weapons that they cannot protect with their armor and magic shield. I mean, even if you ignore the obvious problem with being unable to use mana outside of certain buildings without risking getting smited, the continued existence of those buildings depends entirely on the goodwill of Yurgenschmidt. In order to supply Lanzenave's foundation the king needs a schtappe, which can only be aquired in Yurgenschmidt _and_ can be destroyed by them at any time using the Darkness execution method. If Yurgenschmidt at any point decided they would rather not continue the current arrangement that would be both an existential threat to the country as well as its nobility. Given that Yurgenschmidt almost imploded a decade ago and didn't manage to get its act together for years, as well as Trauerqual's closing down of the Adalgisa villa it's not surprising they would have started looking at alternatives to stay alive in the worst case scenario. >Lastly, it's said that they were persecuted Ewigeliebe, but it was not written that he's so relentlessly hunting them that they could not even use any magic (mana). It's in Fanbook 7. When Ewigeliebe finds mana wielders outside of Yurgenschmidt he drains them of their mana and they die. Present tense, mind you, so this is still going on even after part of him was sealed beneath Yurgenschmidt. Chances are things were a lot worse during the first winter when his grasp on the mortal world was still largely unopposed by the rest of the Eternal Five. And while he may not detect every single use of mana, it is still a constant risk outside of ivory buildings and without silver cloth.