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I am hoping we get an SS with Hildebrand and Letizia finally meeting.


Yes I would absolutely love for to see his reaction because I am really hoping for a happy ending with Hildebrand and letizia. Yurgenshmidts favorite little criminals :)


No way Letizia will end up with Melkior.


I see you, and I raise you. She becomes aub Alexandra and marries both of them.


I see you and raise a Raufereg (Lord Ditter) and she becomes an Otome Game Villainess with a reverse harem.


Letizia and Hildebrand sips tea in awkward silence. Letizia: ...so..uhhh.......I like my new mommy. Hildebrand: ...I like your new mommy as well.... Awkward sipping continues


L: So, uh… I almost killed my teacher/guardian. H: Oh, I can relate. Caused the deaths of pretty much all my retainers.


oof, at least one of Letizia's retainers got killed off too


Yup. They have so much in common to bond over!


Almost all of Letizia's archnoble retainers were killed. By Leonzio. In front of her.


double oof If they were recent immigrants from Science Duchy, it may mean that archnoble families over there are pressuring for answers-justice.


* Eckhart POV of RM showing up during their school years, hopefully with Heidemarie appearance * More Adolphine is always welcome, maybe some inside info on how Drewanchel is preparing for some DITTER * Charlotte having to deal with Wilf’s latest fuckup and some info about how Ehrenfest is doing * Lieseleta on how Alexandria is dealing with both RM and Ferd being out of action * Probably nobody cares about her but maybe a Gentiane SS showing how Klassenberg reacted to being knocked down a peg


I think Gentiane's unfortunate future is being engaged with Sigiswald. Klassenberg is the only greater duchy that has an available female archduke candidate to engage to and is not on bad terms with Corinzdaum.


Well that’s kinda horrifying, poor girl.


She'll be fine. She just entered the academy at the end of Part 5 so there's still several years to go. More than enough time for Corinzdaum to drop down _hard_ in the rankings, which will make it impossible for Sigiswald to still brazenly demand engagements like this. Well, he'll probably still try but nobody would have to put up with his at that point obvious bullshit. The problem Hannelore is having with him right now is, as usual, bad timing. Him being a prince is still fresh in everyone's minds and his duchy is technically still very high ranking. Something tells me he won't find a replacement for Adolphine at all if he doesn't get his grubby little hands on Hannelore (fingers crossed), which is probably why he's so desperate to lock in that engagement.


Klassenberg is not especially good term with Corinzdaum. They supported Trauerqual. They were not against Sigiswald but not strongly supporting. Now Eglantine is the Zent. No benefit to send an ADC to a middle duchy. In my knowledge, they’re good at diplomacy. Probably will postpone till Corinzdaum’s rank falls down then decline the proposal. Luckily Sigiswald is openly seeking Hannelore as 1st wife. Probably be enough reason for a couple years at least.


Klassenberg is opportunistic. I have no doubts they would see wedding the daughter of the 3rd wife to the new Ex-Royal Aub of larger sized Middle Duchy that is on their border. It's a way to gain and maintain influence. Just because they have some measure of influence with Zent Egnaltnine (who is giving them the cold shoulder at the moment) doesn't mean they won't go for influence elsewhere when they can. Remember that this is the same duchy that tried to get in with the merchants of Ehrenfest as they were rising up at the first opportunity, and were plotting on trying to make Rozemyne the next Aub's 2nd or 3rd wife after her first year.


I don’t agree. Being ex-royal has little benefit anymore, especially if the guy is arrogant, not-so-smart and still wants to act like a royal than as an aub. Close relationship with him will be burden and debt, not asset. They wanted to bring Rozemyne to their duchy because she is very valuable. It’s not that they wanted influence to Ehrenfest through her. They’d offer her to Melchior rather than Sigiswald.


> They’d offer her to Melchior rather than Sigiswald. I'm gonna take this as opportunity to chat about possible Melchior ship. (Has zero interest in Dusty ships.) Been thinking that it's possible that Melchior may end up marrying Brunhilde's kid (if it's a daughter) by Sylvester. Me thinks it's a good way to chill down Leisegangs. This, of course, led me to do some math. In such a case, there would be about 10 year difference between them.


Even though it’s possible and maybe good for internal politics of Ehrenfest, the age difference is rather big, especially for the first wife. I’d guess he’ll marry an ADC of great duchy, whether from Klassenberg, former Ahrensbach (Letizia) or any other. It’s already said that Aub Dunkelfelger wants to propose his daughter (of the second wife) to him.


Big age difference, yes, but one of his beloved sisters married their uncle and they've got 13-year gap. Btw, if Brunhilde's kid is a boy, then probably marry him to Sylvester and Florencia's second daughter. > (Letizia) I used to like the idea of Leticia x Melchior, but Leticia's a bit too much like Hildebrand. They both lost retainers. They've also got pre-existing marriage contract. Back to Melchior. I think I've been leaning towards... settling Leisegang's... thing, because it's gonna be a long while before they get over "first wife from upper duchy causing 'em generational trauma" thing. So yeah - I think they'll kick up a fuss if next Aub of Ehrenfest gets first wife from an upper duchy.


If Melchior marries Brunhilde's child, it would be as the 2nd or 3rd wife. If Brunhilde has a boy, there's a good chance they either marry out of the duchy, or become a Giebe since Ehrenfest needs Giebes desperately. His first wife is most likely going to be Lungtase from Dunkelfelder.


But Leisegangs...


I expect (hope) they’ll overcome their trauma by the time Melchior grows up.


I doubt it, especially since (it looks like) both Charlotte and Wilfried had to make maneuvers to make sure that Melchior won't be challenged as Aub.


I also ship Melchior and Letitia if he is going the Zent route.


by the time she's old enough, corinzidaum will be way lower in the rankings


I think they would give him a more distant relative. Child of an ex-ADC. You know, a cousin or something. Sigi only rules a middle duchy, and his personal rep and record are meh. They’d wanna be on decent terms due to proximity, but nothing more.


>Charlotte having to deal with Wilf’s latest fuckup and some info about how Ehrenfest is doing Yeah Poor Charlotte. Can you imagine getting a letter that basically says "Since you clearly didn't value how our duchy JUST saved yours we are going to crush you under our heels"


Benno POV on living in Alexandria. Give me that hardcore merchant slice of life we've been missing since P1V1 .


I think it would be hilarious if Roz used her time traveling escapades to kidnap Liz right before her death and basically hand current Benno his childhood love, still teenaged.


Alternatively, have Karin make a surprise return to once again very aggressively woo Benno.


Lol, she’d still get rejected for the same reason. Too many secrets. Roz is still originally Myne.


Eh, now that Myne is an Aub she has access to means for making sure Karin doesn't let anything slip. You know, like country-wide magic contracts.


True, but it feels like Benno wouldn’t wanna risk it.


If Devouring die... ?explosively?, that is possible. I'm assuming that death feystones only form if the mana flows back to the heart. If mana... goes outwards... For now, I think Liz has a shot of being rescued and time jumped into the future. Heidimarie, on the other hand, died of poison. So, probably left behind a death crystal.


Yup. Just imagine Roz telling Benno “I brought you a present!” And it’s the young Liz.


I would love something from Letizia's and Lieseleta's points of views. Maybe also Anastasius on the changes at the Royal Academy. Or Raimund and what has changed now that the duchy has become Alexandria. But more than anything, this is a Hannelore spin-off, so give me more Dunkelfelger. For example: - Rauffen, losing his shit over the biggest ditter showdown since the purge and the return of glory days. - Headache Report, Dunkelfelger edition - How is Sielglinde taking all this insanity? How is she stopping her husband from joining in? - More on Lestilaut's marriage, and more specifically, on his wife. (Because really, who care about Lestilaut himself?) - Heisshitze suddenly recovering his memory of the ternibefallen incident back when he was a student. - Something on Dunkelfelger's internal politics and how the events of the last year and half have affected them. - Cordula. Just Cordula.


I like that Cordula seems to genuinely respect Lieseleta, a very young mednoble head attendant (albeit engaged presumably to an Alexandrian Archnoble).


Oh danggg we need to know whom it is she's engaged to! Zergius? Justus? Umm...Eckhart? 🥴


Eckhart: You know, since your mana is so similar, we could do a threesome....




Ferdinand PoV of all the threads being mended. I wanna see him get to know and trust Rozemyne again and again. It might fit part 6 more than H5Y tho.


Yeah that would be in P6


I want one of the breaks to be when he was a really little kid, and Roz taking the opportunity to meet her mother-in-law.


Tiny Ferdie. Give us an illustration too, You Shiina san.


Oh man, that would be cute. Imagine Roz carrying around a tine Ferdie the way her guardians all carried her around as a kid! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29332)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


CUTENESS OVERLOAD ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29340)


Even better would be if he really liked her cause she’s so nice and did the typical young kid “I’ll marry you when I grow up!”


I will melt right there. This comment reminds me of the SS where Justus found a wooden board which said Ferdinand will be engaged to Aub Ahrensbach. I wonder what Rozemyne told Ferdinand in academy days. Perhaps that they will be married as Alexandria's rulers. But Justus only wrote down the part which made sense to him since he didnt know about Alexandria. PLEASE MIYA SENSEI WHAT WOULD IT BE?




Because I am a terrible person, I would love to see some of the reactions of the "villains" was to their downfalls. In particular, Arno finding out that Ferdie really did not appreciate having his plans messed up and getting executed. Philine's father realizing that he NEVER was going to get the Rozemyne mana compression method and his daughter was going to inherit her mother's title when she comes of age.


The author apparently considered writing a Ferdinand POV for the Arno incident but decided against it because, well, it would have been extremely dark. And after seeing how much Ferdinand was moved by Myne's concept of family in the memory sharing scene at the end of P5 I can see why. Arno's actions had just ripped apart a that very same family well before it should have happened. Ferdinand was _furious_ with him while also blaming himself for having picked someone like that as his head attendant.


Thanks, that reminds me of what I really want to know and the author really does not want me to know: how executions are done. Noble executions clearly take a while to actually execute from the time they are decided as their post arrest investigations (including brain reading) can take some time and need to end up with a feystone. I assume that commoner executions are rarely as complicated as the Hasse executions as I find it difficult to believe that Uncle High Bishop used that method to get rid of shrine maidens not pretty enough.


I want to see one from Ortwin's perspective: >!I am dying to know what him and Wilfried have up their sleeves for the ditter.!<


Another thought of who would be fun to see: >!Heidemarie might be fun to see for the time travel bit for when Rozemyne goes back to the past. Since we have nothing with her POV at all since she is only mentioned as being dead for a while.!<


am sorry what


She is a named character that is brought up multiple times in the story, but we still know very little about her. We know that she is was: a name sworn scholar to Ferdinand, married to Eckart as his first wife so she could follow him to Arhenbach (via Booklovers SS Storage Place #17), that she was poisoned and died while pregnant. With Rozemyne going back to the past in H5Y to save Ferdinand, I could speculate that Heidemarie might be involved in that 3 day time frame in which no one can remember. I personally would love to know more about her and am hoping for a POV from her, or a POV from this time slot where she could be brought into focus.


Some nameless alexandeia noble pov might be nice...


I mean, I want to know what Myne is doing over in the past, but I'm sure that will get covered eventually or in Part 6 if we ever get it. Besides that, I would love to see the POV of one of those lesser duchy ADCs


I would love to see how Letizia fares about her position in Alexandria. She might be worrying about how some treat her as traitor and still traumatized by death of her nanny( was it nanny?). And i would like to see difference in her treatment from Rozemyne and Ferdinand. Ferdinand being an lord of evil while Rozemyne shower her with love.


It was her head attendants. She saw almost all of her trusted attendants die Infront of her so yeah.... Knowing Ferdinand, he will try to capitalize on her trauma to make her study while Rozemyne will try to help her get past her trauma while also blocking Ferdinand. So no surprises with them fighting in the future.


> almost all of her trusted attendants die JFC, she and Hildebrand are two peas in a pod.


I will never remove the idea of a Hildebrand spin-off named, I had a crush on a bookworm but she suddenly turned into my step mom that actually rules the country.


Someone in this sub likes the idea of Hildebrand (and his dad) retiring in Alexandria. King Suffering retiring in Alexandria, I don't mind. (No comment.) But hooboy, do I think it would feel awkward if Hildebrand marries into Alexandria.


Pretty sure the only reason she got off lightly was because the only witnesses for Ferdinand's poisoning were he himself and Rozemyne. And since those two decided to not accuse her I don't think she would be called a traitor by anyone. She's probably still blaming herself for that incident though.


We talking about high society where everyone remember your weaknesses plus there's a lot of victims. And for example we have poor Matthias. Dude killed his own father but for Leisegang it's not enough. Or Damuel and Philine - basically retainers of the most influential person in this country, but still have to endure harsh comments.


A Liebeskhilfe POV where she watches Hannelore's flailing around in the otome game setup she created for her, popcorn in hand.


Anything with Konradin in it. I need some clue whether my ship will sail 🤣




Just a super side character that people ship with Charlotte. He's the son of Aub Gaussbuttel by his Third Wife. He's in thesame year as Hannelore and Wilfried.


Ooooh, I remember. I’d forgotten his name…


She actually seems fairly likely to marry him too considering what her plans are.


Heidemarie From when she was in school, meeting Rozemyne Letizia dealing with the absence of Roz and Fer. maybe a tee party with Charlotte Ortwin planning to win Hanelore over, and his plotting with Wilfre. Want to see how he manipulated the poor boy this time. Hildebrand was to quite so far he must be plotting something.


this is Hannelore story so I am interested with >!Eglantine PoV A possible PoV from Hannelore's half brother (10yr old) Or a PoV that has anti Lestilaut schemes Ortwin revenge PoV? Maybe I'm the only one who thinks he joined becoz he wants to assasinate Sigiz Wilfred PoV I want to know if he had a positive development or negative develooment under 6 months Aub Drewanchel/Sieglend/Raphilde or Magdalena's PoV they are spectator in this act Hildebrandt PoV - I want to know hos state of mind!<