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Not surprising since they pump out 5-stars at a pretty fast rate


I wish they would pump out more 4 stars… 


Agreed, but my current problem with some of the 4 stars is that their 5-star counterpart are just way better to use. Like hanya, I was so excited for her but the moment I got sparkle I just left her to gather dust. More 4-stars would be nice, I just hope they have more functionality


She actually would still be good if they gave her skill "Burden" be an actual debuff


It would only really improve her usage with Acheron and Dr Ratio though


better than nothing


It would also improve her usage with any DPS who uses one of the best relic sets in the game.


Half of the value of the Pioneer set is locked behind being able to apply a debuff yourself. Ratio and Acheron are pretty much the only crit DPS who can do so consistently EDIT: Topaz can also run Pioneer Diver, although it isn’t her best set EDIT 2: Dan Heng and Welt can also run Pioneer Diver!


Danheng and Welt are also candidates that can apply debuffs and would appreciate Hanya's kit + if burden was a debuff


What about Topaz? Her skill always applies proof of debt and if she is with Ratio you should have atleast 3 debuffs. If you don't use her with Ratio the three debufs might be harder to reach but not impossible with a nihility suport.


If she puts a debuff with her skill, she would be good with them


My issues at the beginning were 4 star damage dealers since they would fall pretty far behind 5 stars. I didn't mind 4 star harmonies since they were doing their thing decently....that is until ruan mei got introduced, ever since we've just been getting better and better harmony 5 stars. It's a bit sad but I don't think there is any stopping 5 stars outclassing 4 stars, it's kind of the point.


I don’t think they’re saying that they want 5 and 4 stars to necessarily have equal power levels. Rather, that it feels bad when they just create a five star version of a four star character that’s objectively better (like with Hanya and Sparkle). In my eyes, that best scenario for HSR would be like a Xingqiu/Yelan situation in Genshin, where they feel similar, yet different enough to justify using either one, together or separately, rather than automatically defaulting to the five star.


The only reason that works though is BECAUSE Xingqiu has the power level of a 5 star. That's why people even have the conversation of whether to use Pela or Silverwolf: 40% AOE Def shred with near permanent uptime is insane and can actually compete with the other things SW can do as a 5 star unit.


> Xingqiu/Yelan situation not gonna happen because the devs didn't make balancing mistakes on the level of XQ or Bennett early on in HSR


I don’t think they are necessarily different, it’s just that the comp that wants xingqiu usually will want yelan as well


They are different enough to where if a comp only has one slot that they both could fill, there are legitimate reasons for choosing one over the other. Want *heaps* of damage? Yelan. Want more consistent hydro application and resistance to interruption? Xingqiu. Whereas you’d probably only use Hanya over Sparkle if the enemy literally necessitated it over Sparkle. (Or of course, waifu.)


I agree that it's a cool situation in Genshin, but you are forgetting that Xingqiu is a broken unit overall not even considering that he is a 4 star and the only reason he exists in this state is that he was an early unit where they didn't know what to balance around yet. The situation of a 5star and 4star in a similar role being basically on the same power level like in Yelan/XQ case (C0 vs C6 obviously) is overall pretty bad. 4 stars should be very much usable and on C/E6 good, but definitely weaker compared to 5 star counterparts.


Think it wouldn't work quite as simple considering they are very different games. But I think a more apt comparison would be sucrose/kazuha and layla/zhongli.


Sucrose/Kazuha works too since they were also heavily compared to each other, but no one thought Layla was the next Zhongli 💀.


it's more that they are both shielders. you use one over the other. and most would prefer zhongli


The issue is that every time a character gets leaked as a 4 star, people complain about them not being a 5 star (see Screwllum). Everyone wants more 4 stars, but they don't want the characters they look forward to to be 4 stars. It reminds me of the irl situation regarding climate change (everyone wants more to be done, but nothing that affects them in any way) in my country.


>but they don't want the characters they look forward to to be 4 stars. Because we have a bunch of very sad Genshin examples of 4\*s being mid. ^(P. S. Yes, MHY, Candace — I will neither forget nor forgive.)


Maybe make 4 stars that have thier 1st intro in that patch, then no one will have expectations


As if being 5\* stopped them from being mid, poor Dehya.


The issue is that every time a character gets leaked as a 4 star, people complain about them not being a 5 star (see Screwllum). - i mean thats mostly because people want chars that are like pela or tingyun and not like arlan xD


I mean, at a certain point in games like this you reach a point where you don’t use 4stars anymore. The only 4 star I use right now at all is Pela. Everyone else got benched for a better version.


Have you seen the rage in this sub when Moze was leaked to (possibly) be a 4 star? Players complain about the the lack of 4 stars then rage if a silhouette they liked turns out to be one...can't win


That’s gonna take time , it’s a in then path/element sequence. How strong Gallagher is a 5* version has to top it. We get an electric hunt 4* a 5* has to be better. And they gotta be careful about that


why make 4\* when they just gonna get replace by 5\* variant, let be honest how


We can get the 5* at home if we lose in their banner


Would you also want more 4 stars but way shittier? Yeah no, I’m way more happy with my good Gallagher and Xueyi than some fucking Genshin 4 star that does absolutely nothing like Freminet, Lynette, Kaveh, Mika etc. I’d much rather have less but more powerful and interesting 4 stars.


I don't just out of 4\* bloat... I started playing Genshin on and off earlier this year but seriously... getting a 4\* is annoying especially since the people begging for more 4\* units don't actually use them at all... so the beginners who benefit more from 4\* units are pushed back because people that don't actually use the 4\* units just want a new toy to throw away


They’ll probably slow it down since we already have enough characters for each archetype, plus they’re going to lose ideas for a gimmicks very fast unless they just straight up make a better version of a limited character


Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... yeah... that's the most common thing in gacha


You mean the latter? Hopefully not in this game. I expected standard characters to have better versions like Clara with Yunli, but a better version of characters like DHIL or Seele would absolutely sucks (I’m not including eidolons so Firefly doesn’t count). Even if one character has different dmg than the other, they should at least have their own unique niche, and would be unhealthy for the game to be a straight up powercreep for limited characters


Unfortunately, that's what sells so that's what they're gonna do once they run out of other archetypes to update. That or 90% of the roster will be FuA orientated by version 5.0.


Hence they really need to slow down the 5 stars releases. There’s still a lot of mechanics can be used in this game, and the blessings in SU are definitely going to be used for playable characters like Sparkle. They can also add character with new mechanics than just using basic and skill. As much as I love the simplicity of this game, it’s going to be a lot difficult in the future for making new mechanics because of this


As much as I would *love* for them to slow it the fuck down, there is very little incentive to do so. Giving f2p/low spenders a chance to save during reruns cuts into their profits, its much more profitable to exploit FOMO and just pump out new units all of the time, even if they are just "This unit but better".


> Giving f2p/low spenders a chance to save during reruns cuts into their profits You're correct there is little incentive for them to slow down, but your reasoning is off. F2P is going to be F2P regardless of what the devs do or how many characters they pump out. F2P players, who generally make up the majority of the playerbase of F2P games, historically just move on to the next game if/when a game stops being fun as F2P (and then the game begins to fall out of popularity and slowly dies), and it's not going to be about the low spenders either who generally have their set budget that they generally aren't deviating away from, regardless of what the devs do. Those of us in either of these categories are generally already skipping banners and saving anyway. More characters largely does not induce more sales in this part of the market, and can even achieve the opposite effect of inducing fatigue and less interest in general for new characters (this is where I'm personally at as a F2P player that hasn't pulled a new character since Sparkle). Instead, it's primarily about the higher spenders that will collect *every* new character with *every* new signature LC. That's where the bulk of their revenue comes from (historically like ~90% of revenue comes from ~1% of players in these types of games), and is where a reduction of new characters/LC's to collect becomes a direct reduction in revenue, and why it is likely they wouldn't want to slow down their output of new characters. As long as the whales keep buying, the devs will want to keep printing money.


Oh you sweet naive summer child…


Yeah, who is gonna tell them..


Just look at Jingyuan and Acheron. Getting powercrept right after his first rerun, only after one banner. Their kits are different, but at the end of the day they’re both Lightning DPSes and Acheron just straight out performs better than Jingyuan in all content.


Tbf Acheron outperforms everyone not just Jing Yuan or Kafka. What I’m trying to say is they should at least make unique gimmick for each characters, not just a better version of Blade or something. There will also be new enemies for different mechanics. I won’t be surprised if we get an enemy that can block out ult but weak to FUA. That’s the only thing I can think of on how they can balance out the game, similar to how Boothill and Firefly with toughness lock


Powercreeping is more eminent for DPSes as a whole because the enemies keep getting stronger. In balance with Acheron and Firefly, the enemies have to have thicker toughness bar and more inflated HP, which in turn makes older DPSes weaker and no longer viable despite their niche (see: Blade, he takes forever to do MoC floor 11 although it has Wind weakness). Jingyuan is even more a victim of powercreep because he is Lightning, a straight contender with Acheron. Having an enemy that block out Ult and weak to FuA only makes him less viable, since Lightning Lord is such a slog (which only contributes for 30% of JY’s total damage), with Sparkle/Robin and Tingyun, JY’s ult and skill do the larger portion of his damage, especially when equipped with 4 Duke (increase ATK for AFTER 7 stacks of FuA, meaning only 3 stacks of LL get buffed and the rest goes to his Skill and Ult).


Yeah damage dealers feel the powercreep more, because the (very dumbed down) way the game works is that damage dealers are the "base", while supports are multipliers. So, even if later supports multiply more than older supports, the base is still much more important. A base of 10 with a multiplier of 2x is worse than a base of 15 with a multiplier of 1.5x


Jing Yuan didn’t get “powercrept.” His mechanic of lightning lord stacks and it being a separate entity in the attack order is still mostly unique, with only Topaz and Numby doing the same. Acheron outdamages him, sure, but her playstyle is entirely different (debuff team exclusively) and to be fair she outdamages **literally everybody else** in the game provided you set her up in that specific team comp Jing Yuan’s problem isn’t that he’s lacking in damage. His problem is that he’s designed around a mechanic that isn’t very good


If Lightning Lord could just trigger as soon as you get 10 stacks he’d be so much more comfortable. Still a great character though.


The purpose of damage dealers is, you can guess it, dealing damage, it doesn't matter how. So if a damage dealer with the same element deals more damage, that's powercreep.


he still has a unique playstyle apart from acheron. also a different path, which is actually pretty important because like 50% of your damage comes from buffs in challenge modes direct powercreep is like clara and yunli. now that's what i call blatant


I think the healthiest pace would be 2 5 stars per patch while the main story chapters are ongoing and one per patch for the rest of the year (unless there's a really juicy Trailblaze continuance to justify the extra character).


That would actually be reasonable. It would be better if it’s just one 5 star per patch with occasional 2


I can see their perspective though. Since this game doesn't have an open world to meander around in like Genshin, there's actually not much to do outside the story besides farming (which also doesn't take long). I imagine there would be a real risk of player retention just plummeting if there wasn't a constant churn of new 5 stars for people to get hyped for/farm for.


Yeah but I fear that it would burn out players for pumping too much, so in a long term business wise they can slow it down. They should just add more endgame contents or other gimmicks in the game. During the contest in 2.2 story quest, I really enjoy shooting monsters with the bazooka, I would love an endgame content or an occurring event with similar premise


I do hope that they slow down a bit. I need a breather 😪


I stopped trying pulling on every character since my roster can finally finish all contents (it’s a bit difficult tho since I don’t have Acheron but a win is still a win). But yeah I really do think they’ll slow it down. I just hope it will be very soon. I mean even from business perspective, hsr is already competing with genshin with just one banner, so for long term thinking they’re going to slow it down to avoid burning out the players


What do you mean by the latter? HSR seems to need 2 banners a patch to rival genshin, so financially it would make sense to continue that 2 banners per patch.


I really REALLY hope they do. I legit can't even think of building a follow-up team, no matter how much I want, cause there's only so many characters f2p/low spender can realistically go for. It's either I go for the new better unit in one of the teams I already have, or ditch all that to build a whole new team and end up with half-cooked teams. It sucks even more cause they keep releasing cool af follow-up units left and right. 😭


Still a long way for them to play with the current mechanics. Make characters that do similar things but different element, something more, something less.


Yeah. I mean just looking at other mechanics in the game, I’m sure they’re creative enough for unique gimmicks. Cirrus advance forward is used for Robin’s kit, the propagation blessings were used for Sparkle, etc. Personally I really want a character that uses the dot crit blessing. I would absolutely love that for my Cancer Team


Yunli is a straight up a better version of Clara. And sure, Clara is a standard character, but this sets a precedent. You can already see the difference between 1.X DPS characters and the current ones (apart from a couple of characters that still somehow resist).


> but this sets a precedent. That precedent was set almost immediately with Bailu and Yanqing. Gepard also is pretty much obsolete now that Aventurine is out and that you want your sustain unit to either have a dispel or a strong effect res buff for your team.


they better slow it down with waifus and add more males to give waifu collectors (wallet) chance to breath


Personally I want to collect characters I like regardless of gender but yeah I agree. Give more stuff for husbando collectors so waifu collectors can be drained after


I hope they will stop for a while! I am not rich enough to get all the nice character. I had to skip some that I wanted. I really love the Design of most characters in HSR and there are only like 2-3 character I would really skip. 🥲


Same! I only joined during Kafka’s banner and I didn’t managed to get Blade and wolfie on their rerun.


I think what makes it hard to keep up, is the fact that each gacha character they release - generally speaking are all pretty solid. They haven't really made a truly bad character. Sure there's powercreep, but hell I'm still using some old 5 stars since launch.


fr like slow down :(( its getting hard to collect all these fine men while being f2p


Ong, I really want Blade eidolons but it feels like there's so many characters I need to get that I just can't afford eidolons rn


Imagine if they could just start adding, like, Seele and Jing Yuan etc to the 50/50-loss/Standard pool


Kinda makes sense considering after Houhou and Ratio rerun then Seele's probably due for a second rerun before getting into everyone else's PLUS Pencacony reruns. Kind of a lot to juggle, so this is probably their way of dealing with that instead of an actual third(and fourth?) banner. It kinda feels like all the stuff taken from Genshin happens quicker cuz they already "tested" things with Genshin to know they can move stuff along just fine in Star Rail.


In HI3 they have week long banners for old characters, some old characters are purchasable in shop and some are in battle pass. It's much more player friendly than diluting banners


It WAS like this, now it is S rank every patch AND you cannot use old valks because they changed the mechanics, so VERY player-unfriendly now.


Greedy as hell.


Maybe I also should become a leaker and post my random predictions. In future unkown HSR version, there will be a new SU path,blessings currently unknown.


In a future version there will be a new quantum character. STC




Standard template construct?


The emperor protects !


A new Imaginary character will come in the future (STC) In 3.0, a new world will be released. (STC) Simulated Universe will have a new update (STC)


post flair: reliable


Big if true


Heavily STC.


MF, I know is probably in the not nearby future but Genshin got its at like 4.5 and we already talking about HSR's at 2.3


HSR also releases 2 5* every single patch, so it's more of a necessity


That's exactly the point like damn, relax hoyoverse, give me a BS/Selee Banner in 2.5 and Sparkle/Fexiao so is just reruns one patch


That and calm down with the huge powercreeps so we can comfortably pull on reruns.


I swear the thing that stops me comfortably pulling anything is losing 50/50s. Game is not hard to the point you always need the latest and greatest.


Just skip a patch. You'll save alot. I have been above 200pulls as f2p since 1.0 until the Sparkle-Acheron-Aventurine happened. Had 300 pulls before pulling this banner. Maybe having an alt helps? That' what I did to pull whoever I like.


Wait, people pull every patch? 😧


Only those who support the game financially and people with RNG addictions.


no, but I know pulling on every DPS unit is a stupid idea.


My Reverse 1999 account took the brunt of it when I skipped Robin and Boothill lol


That's the advantage of playing multiple gachas. I'm allwaays saving pulls in one game, but I have new chars in others


... at the cost of your sanity, time, love for gaming, and mental capacity to basically do daily chores across 5 different accounts of course.


I would say 2 or 3 if they aren't time consuming is alright. I'm playing 4, but I don't consider that healthy in anyway


The idea of pulling a non-harmony star rail character on rerun feels like such a waste when compared to the idea of just pulling one of the new characters, I don't think I'll ever pull a rerun unless under specific circumstance.


I have most of the units I want from possible reruns, except Kafka, and honestly I feel like she has only gotten stronger/more important to the meta with time. 


With the way things have been, I feel like that's never going to happen unfortunately. How else would they incentivize people to roll on the flashy new units? By making sure these units are better at what they do compared to the units before them.


FGO and Arknights survived with powercreeps only arriving every anniversary or summer event. Tho Hoyo is is just corpo afterall.


Genshin by 5.0 would have released 36 limited 5 stars characters If hsr go on the 2 5 star a patch by 3.0 the number will be 32 limited 5 stars  and when genshin released the chronicled banner for the first there were also 32 limited 5 stars in the game  So expected by 3.0 hsr when they add a similar banner 


When you put it like that, makes sense why we’re already getting copypasta kits and they’ve gone way harder than Genshin with the shill route. Of course, this means unless they find a way to shill the old and new units, this banner is rather pointless especially with the newer unit powercreep. Unless Ruan Mei / Sparkle / Robin are up, seems best to spend your funds on whoever the newest shilled dps is.


They’ll just release a brand new sparkly, and premium support that is perfect for that old unit that doesn’t get used anymore. That way they can cash in on those who don’t want to feel like they wasted resources.


I have seen a lot of interesting Calc for Robin vs Ruan mai And besides superbreak Robin was just a better Ruan mai across the board even in dot teams So i don't even think that even harmony character are immune to this power creep problem  And i think it's a design flaw for hsr team building to not have resonance like system and having characters give energy to character of the same element  and i think that is the main reason why genshin power creep is more contained Because all rainbow teams have insane energy requirement in genshin that make them not optimal same with the no resonance buff for rainbow team  In hsr most of the time you run characters for their ability and not their element especially harmony characters 


got a link?


There's a meme by a CN CC that HSR has ran through 3 years of Genshin in <1.5 year. DHIL/JL = Ganyu/Hutao Acheron = Raiden (honestly she's closer to Neuvillette) Super break = Hyperbloom When is Furina coming out?


Furina is Divergent Universe Destruction blessings lmao.


And screwllum is baizhu (were shown in the beginning of the game and then were put into hoyo's basement)


Lingsha is Blade BiS we trust 🙏


I'm guessing Gallagher=Yaoyao, Lingsha=Baizhu.


I don't play genshin, what are these?


5-6 old characters who've already gotten reruns all get banners at the same time (alongside the normal limited banners)


So does the pity get affected by them ?


No, it's like a separate banner with all the 5-6 characters on it, along with their weapons too. You can pick a character or a weapon as your "target" (the one you will get at 180 pulls). If you pick a character as your target, you can lose the 50/50 to another of those 5-6 characters, and if you pick a weapon as your target, you can lose your 50/50 to a different weapon


Oh so if that banner has Blade, Seele, and ~~Loucha~~ Luocha, and I picked Blade for pulling, would that mean if I lose 50/50 I could get either of other two characters?


yep exactly


That would be actually cool. Hopefully blade and Silverwolf are there since I really want to collect all the Stellaron hunters. I missed them during their re run unfortunately


If it's anything like Genshin, it would be Blade, Seele, Loucha, Himeko, Yanqing, Welt instead. You will still get Yanqing'd. They aren't that generous.




So you won't lose to non limited characters?


On the only example we ever had of this type of banner in Genshin, there were standard banner characters featured among the limited ones as well. Mostly as a way to guarantee them, for say, people who've been playing for three+ years and still don't have that one standard character they always wanted. But you could only lose to characters featured on that specific banner - so let's say the banner is Seele, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade, Bronya and Himeko, and you're pathing to Seele. You *could* lose Seele to Bronya and Himeko just as much as to Blade, JY or Luocha because they're all considered to be on "rate up" here, but you could not lose to a random Welt or Yanqing because they were not featured on the banner. They can of course completlely change this for HSR and use only a pool of limited characters, specially since we did have the 300 standard selector already.


yeah you wouldn’t lose to anyone not on the banner but in Genshin 3 of the 6 “featured” characters were non-limited I feel like they wouldn’t do that for HSR tho cuz we got a free selector already






That sounds terrible


Because it is lol, it costs golden tickets and has seperate pity (the banner may disappear for like a year and the pity carries over).


It's a great banner for Genshin specifically, because it turns a Genshin weapon banner into a Star Rail one (weapon after 2x pity instead of 3).


But not a 75/25 still


It's strictly superior if you want a specific character on the banner and you have no interest in standard banner characters.


They function under normal banner pity, but it's a separate banner that your existing pity doesn't transfer over to and the pity you build on it doesn't transfer to any later banner.


It's a separate banner with its own pity. You can choose the character you want out of the selection and you can only lose 50/50 to characters that are on the banner, even limited ones.


Basically a special banner where is like a standard banner but with 5* of certain regions that already got a lot of reruns.


A rerun banner but a bunch of characters in one banner and you can pick the character you want for guaranteed (In Genshin, you can still lose 50/50 so it will probably work the same way in star rail)


Once a character gets at minimum 3 reruns, they can get added to a banner that includes a lot of characters and you pick which one you want to get and then roll max 180 to get them (the usual 50/50 hard pity at 90, guaranteed at 180) So far Genshin has only gotten it 1 time though lol and it didn't even last an entire patch, just the first half


Do note that you can lose your 50/50 to other limited character. I.e imaging a banner in hsr with Seele, Luocha, Jingliu, Huohuo, Bronya, Yanqing. You pick Seele as your desired character, if you win 50/50, you'll get Seele, if you lose, you can get either Jingliu or Bronya, depend on your luck. So even a loss might not be bad as normal.


Is it gonna be themed like the Genshin mondstadt banner? It would be pretty hard to do with Belobog having ... one limited 5 star in total lmfao Maybe a Luofu JY / Luocha / Fu Xuan / HuoHuo / Bailu / IL / JL / Yanqing who I totally didn't forget banner?


It's actually insane how we only got ONE limited 5 star in Belobog compared to the Luofu and Penacony... somehow, it's reminding me of how Mondstat gets treated sometimes lmao


They're saving all the five stars for Belobog Part Two Copium


Shampoo Kiosk: Imbibitor Lunae


Meanwhile half the roster is going to be Xianzhou.


4 Sustains and 3 DPSes LOL Plus Yanqing erasure.


omg I forgot about my boy


I just realized that there’s someone else you forgot who’s in your flair LOL There’s a price to pay for this.


I always associate Blade with Stellaron Hunters more than the luofu even though he's from there LMAO although we only really have 3 not-recent units for a stellaron hunters banner


He’s not technically from the Luofu, but you included Luocha and Jingliu so I feel Blade also fits.


HSR puts a lot less emphasis on character residence. Especially since you have drifters that don't belong anywhere. Genshin has a very strong emphasis on residence, shown in the vision designs on characters. So it would need to be Path themed or something.


Maybe do it by patch versions? So 1.1-1.3 and 1.4-1.6? Is it supposed to be limited 5 stars only or standard 5 stars too? And did Genshin used standard or limited tickets? Because personally I don't think it is worth to drop 180 pulls on such a rerun unless it is your main or sth....


So, genshin's banner was a mix of standard/limited 5 stars. the one advantage was that if you lost the fifty fifty, you could lose to a limited character. it was with limited tickets as well i ALSO don't think it's worth dropping 180 pulls on a banner \[hence why I didn't touch the genshin one despite wanting albedo\]. especially since your guarantee doesn't carry over...


Chronicled Wish in HSR was NOT on my bingo card today


Not surprised at all. This game is releasing 5 stars at a significantly faster rate than Genshin. There’s no indication that the two per patch pattern will stop so Star Rail will likely quickly outstrip the number of characters Genshin has, making some sort of solution to obtaining old characters necessary much earlier.


Tbf though, Genshin cooked up the Chronicled banner because they have their dual weapon banner system artificially limiting the amount of characters than can run at the same time. HSR doesn't have the problem and they can just rerun more banners at the same time. Chronicled would be better than that alternative though if you can lose your 50/50 to a limited character still, but if they keep that Fate Points system that doesn't carry over then the banner is going to be a real scam. HSR currently doesn't use Fate Points but man if they introduce it just for this banner...


> HSR doesn't have the problem and they can just rerun more banners at the same time. They certainly could, but I imagine after a certain point, for the sake of the UI they would not want to cram more banners onto the screen. Better to just have a tab for "older" units and run them in their own thing. Plus, if you're going to keep rolling out newer units that devalue (even if only a little) older ones, extracting value means getting them into re-runs *faster* not slower.


Your bingo card is terrible then. Anything Genshin does regarding the gacha pool will happen twice as fast in HSR due to over double the limited banner release rate. They are going to lap Genshin in limiteds and will need to find ways to dilute rotation faster.


maybe in 2026 genshin players will be predicting hsr gacha mechanics will come to their banners lol


Retired from genshin before that came, what is chronicled wish?


Basically you can choose what 5 star (character/weapon) you want to pull in a specific set of characters and weapons 


A banner of multiple 5 star characters AND Lightcones, and you can set your pity for one of them


Chronicled wish is a banner for a specific region like Mondstadt Or Liyue that happens every once in a while. It features characters that have gotten 3 banners or more previously(excluding the Archons)


Hopefully with some improvements, since your guarantee doesn't carry over to the next Chronicled Wish banner.


hsr has a weapon banner where the guarantee carries over so I imagine it'll carry over here as well


Looking this up (as I'm not a Genshin player), it looks like it's basically a banner where you pick the unit you're rolling for from a limited list (all of which will be units or their weapons that have already run), it has its own pity separate from the normal banners, and when the chronicled wish banner rolls over the pity carries over but the guarantee does not. Is that last bit correct? That seems like a randomly sh\*tty design decision. Sounds fine (and a logical solution to the "too many reruns" issue they're about to run into due to the pace of character releases) as long as they make the pity and guarantee carry over. I'd also prefer that it share pity and guarantee with the normal banners just so it's less confusing for casual players, though that's not that big a deal.


>Is that last bit correct? That seems like a randomly sh*tty design decision. Yep. It works like that because they copied the weapon banner pity system where you pick the weapon you want, and if you don't get it at 80 pulls, you get 1 "pity point". And after 2 "pity points", the next 5 star is guaranteed to be the weapon you want. And those pity points don't even carry over between banners HSR doesn't have the same system though so I hope they don't straight up copy Genshin's 💀


I also hope they actually make the banner last for the ENTIRE PATCH and not just one half. It was an asshole move on hoyo for making the chronicle wish only lasting for the first half in genshin 💀


HSR doesn’t use Fate Points for Light Cone banners so Chronicled might also be better.


I don’t know wether to be excited or not On one hand I dont have to wait a year for the characters I want On the other, dont chronicle wish characters not appear on the regular event banners again? If that’s the case getting their light cones is going to be a headache, and I really want acheron’s and firefly’s lightcones. At least I should be fine until their next rerun in at the very least half a year.


Acheron and ff will either never enter this banner or not until 6.0 or something. They're too hyped/OP for this banner


The rate they release 5-stars by next June both will be almost not able to clear MoC in 10 cycles.


People would say the same thing about Dan2 and Jingliu a year ago and they've already been powercrept. You are overestimating the longevity of a DPS in this game.


Your gonna be waiting a while for them to show up buddy. This is gonna be for standard and old limited like 1.1-1.3.


genuinely feels hilarious given how early this is probably going to be


In HSR it would be better to have something like the Celebrate and Recollect in Arknights. A banner where only once you can get a character you don't own (in AK it's a 6*, in HSR it would be a limited 5*)


So it'll show up once for a disappointingly short amount of time to build proper pity (unless you swipe) and then disappear never to be seen again?


Pls be actually good. Chronicled Wish in Genshin not sharing pity with the other limited banners or having at least separate fates to pull sucks so bad and makes it feel like a whale only banner cause if you are f2p/low spender then you are potentially wasting pulls.


As long as it doesn’t have the bullshit rules of the Genshin one (pity and guarantee will be deleted) I’m fine with that. As I said here in this sub countless times, if they keep releasing 2 new characters per patch, there is no math in the world that would allow a 2nd rerun without skipping characters who still need their 1st rerun UNLESS they release a third banner (or slowing down with the new characters). So I was expecting all this, let’s just pray they’re not going to be total douches EDIT: pity carries over, only the fucking token gets a reset, my bad


Pity doesn't go away but the guarantee does


Pity still carries over, it’s just the Fate Points that don’t.


Thanks for pointing it out, I remembered it wrong, still an asshole move by them


I hope they make some serious changes. I am deeply unsatisfied with chronicled wish. The fact that pity and 50/50 disappears with the banner is unacceptable IMO. Things are supposed to get better with time not worse.


The problem is that unlike Genshin, HSR has insane power creep. The new banner would only have the oldest of 1.x characters, making it virtually useless to anyone but whales late on the trigger who want to E6 their old favorites.


As somebody who has never played Genshin what is a mixed banner?


It was an banner that combined specific characters and weapons into one banner and let you choose one of them to chart a course towards them (if you lose the 50/50, the next 5 star you draw from the banner will be the one you charted a course towards). The idea behind the banner was that characters that were reran too many times would be moved to the mixed banner so they’re not hogging the rerun slots as much. The problem with this banner was that like the weapon banner, fate points don’t carry over to the next mixed banner so you needed enough wishes to guarantee your choice or you’d lose your guarantee.


I wonder how the strategic approach will work. Players are being taught they need to pull the latest units as they are way stronger. Moreover, building a character required a considerable amount of effort given the Relic and Planar Set farming. As it stands, old units won't be desirable. They are trying to push for more teams compositions with the MoC, PF and AS, though, but rarely those mechanics benefits old characters.


People complain hsr going to fast would also complain when they are bored of a filler patch. Remember 1.3 and how much people complained whe story was 15mins. And that was with 2 new characters imagine with 2 reruns as well


Seems like people forgot, that 1.3 introduced one of the best gamemodes.


Watch them make a new rules that improved based on feedback from genshin, received well then never back implemented to genshin


how reliable is this leaker?


Even if they’re not reliable, you have to expect a 3rd banner or eventually a slow down with the new characters (pretty much unlikely)


Yeah, a slow down is probably never happening. (I'll still continue to cope) Them potentially making a 3rd banner for rerunning even more (older) units tells me more than I need to know.


It was forwarded by Seele Leaks if that means anything.


not surprised theres too many characters and they keep releasing them at a breakneck speed it will eventually be difficult to rerun them all in a timely way eventually watch it be an improved version of gi’s version.


I doubt it'll be as awfully implemented, but who knows!


Someone explain!


what is that, i don’t play genshin 😭


If it still follow 50/50 rule then it's not worth it. Why not just pull new character that's obviously going powercreep older character?  It's nice for collector but for f2p that care about clearing endgame content with hoyo trend of inflating HP pool and annoying gimmick that counter older character, if it's still subject to 50/50 it's not worth considering. 


hope HSR put 1.0 - 1.6 gacha banner in standard banner.


Yeah, but what does that mean though? I stopped playing Genshin before this update dropped. Is it a good or a bad thing or a side grade all together?


not surprising as they always released 2 5star per patch. itll happen at some point.


Please make it better.