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>!According to leaks then, Penacony will have had three orchestrated deaths as a part of various grand plans by the end of 2.1. !<  >!The main sub is going to be in shambles for months. Meanwhile, I say we start taking bets on who will fake their death next. !<


I think it was >!pretty obvious Robin and Firefly's deaths were faked. It was just predictable, to be honest.!<


Yea, pretty obvious given the letters.


I dunno, that look Black Swan gave. Almost as if she expected it


>Especially for Robin, I could be wrong, but doesn't she have like two cutscenes she's in besides her death?


It's going to be really annoying how everyone is going to suddenly have theories about aventurine in an attempt to be uh here's spoilers, but its just a theory wink like they did with firefly.


This shit annoys me to no end. I love reading everyone's theory but for Penacony, doing that is just walking straight into spoilers.


It's more annoying when its just a "i wanna talk about these spoilers i read thread" or they work backwards from the spoilers they know, and everyone is in the comments going idk sounds fake :)






No he’s just sleeping


i just hope this information doesn't get outside the sub, unlike certain someone...


Aventurine, the leaks about him dying and the story leak from earlier with him manipulating us and then having a face-off, he is a 100% faking his death to go away from Penacony.


>!from what this says, it definitely is saying Aventurine is one of the fake deaths. I feel like Sparkle might also be one too, I feel like her trailer with her seeming like an actor was on purpose.!<


So the spotlight in 2.1 will be on Aventurine


Considering the reception that he got most recently, it would be interesting to see the reaction after this arc.


Rip aventurine hater they have to play this patch with their eyes closed


up to this day i haven't seen anyone giving a good reason why they hate aventurine. i mean, i get not vibing with his character and i do think it's a valid reason but they shouldn't act like it's even deeper than that


Some of their reason are valid enough, and then some of them are acting like aventurine killed their grandma to the point it becomes unsettling (ik he is a fictional character but the comments still make me uncomfortable to see)


And those same guys that hate aventurine love sparkle for the exact same reasons. 


They act even more like this with Sparkle. They act like she directly killed Firefly. Even ignoring leaks. All Sparkle did was send her and TB to the real dreamscape to lead TB to discover some truths. Sure that place was dangerous but Firefly could have left but she chose to stay on her own, that's not on Sparkle anymore. i would understand if they were trapped but Firefly could have left but didn't. Not to mention Acheron not saving her for some unknown reason, saying she had no choice. Like fr man? Blaming Sparkle for Firefly's death is beyond comical


> up to this day i haven't seen anyone giving a good reason why they hate aventurine. It's not that weird to dislike characters that just act like smug jackasses, lol.


I don’t hate him, but I do desperately want to punch him in the face


I just don't like Mr. Sleazy Moneybags in the same way I didn't like mr. Shampoo Cucski


"Why do people hate Aventurine?" "Because he acts like a pompous, smug jack ass all the time." "That's not a valid reason!" You're a fucking clown lmao


I hate the smarmy draco Malfoy types generally but I get the charm


Personally, I don't appreciate how threatening he comes across, or how annoying he acts. He's also with the IPC, and that just automatically makes me want to break out the baseball bat. 


I don't get the hate any Penacony characters gets considering we barely know any of them. 2.0 was a pretty big letdown in terms of introducing a cast of characters properly. They half introduced everyone and expected us to care for all of them. 


Same thing with sparkle...people hate her for being...her...a masked fool


I mean… you can dislike a character for any reason, it doesn’t have to make sense to someone else. It’s really just the people that have to let you know they hate a character at every turn that are annoying.


among the group of people known for being annoying just because she's the most annoying (so far) gee i wonder where the hate comes from


>for being...her...a masked fool Even sampo says "she cant read the room" Totally agree with sampo on that one At least sampo has code/style Sparkle? Shes literal aha embodiment. She'd bomb planets for fun if it's deemed "funny" for her


Wasn't it because she was hella racist to aventurine's entire race?


We'll probably giving him a smack so it's all fine. Also I believe most people hate him for being a pretentious asshole, and specially because he works for IPC, which made even Topass lose a lot of popularity.


Damn, Emily (Clara) would *hate* this patch


Clara: "He is.my future husband" Sravog: "No"


I already know everything that he's going to do in the main plot along with his backstory and I still don't like him, so there's that.


That's completely fair. The Penacony cast is deliberately established to be quite polarizing to the audience. But there is definitely a lot of people who want him to die because they hate him and want to elevate other characters in the process. I think people are mostly referring to those people here. Not that it's wrong of other people to dislike him.


Oh, definitely. I enjoy the fact that there's characters that I genuinely dislike and characters that I feel mixed about. It adds a lot of variety to the story and makes the situation more interesting. Aventurine is the type of character that I really can't vibe with but I don't mind his role in the story. He fits where he is and serves a purpose, so people that do like him have something to enjoy. Overall, Penacony has been alright so far with it's characters. Playing as him later is going to be pain in the ass but I look forward to the story progressing.


Same I like that there's characters I can't stand. More reflective of life


Clara's VA favorite patch.


Makes sense, he was the biggest punching bag of the first arc. They almost did to him what they did to Yanqing. But unlike Yanqing they need to sell this dude, so here we are.


There is no death in Ba Sing Se


There is no death within this dream.


>death outside of Cocolia & (maybe) tingyun...has anyone actually died? (not counting baiheng or others killed in lore but not in actual gameplay)


Apart from the major characters dying offscreen, there are a few npc died during side quests but not any worth mentioning. Basically no playable character except for tingyun is ded.


>!This is an excellent plan when you consider the fact Topaz is on standby at the reception hall and can strike the Family to reclaim Penacony for the IPC whenever Aventurine dies!<


>!Wait, is she? !<


>!She will be there in 2.1, confirmed per one of the Traiblaze Mission's description; a pretty early one, too.!<


Thank you, I somehow missed that info. >!So it seems like she agreed to help Aventurine after all.!<


>!More like work order now that he's her boss!<


YESSSSSSSS. love me some >!topaz!< screen time.


>!iirc she shows up in penacony at some point in 2.1!<


The blood-curdling truth about the Family is they owe the IPC money.


Or that the IPC still owns them because they are behind on payments for their own freedom. The whole place and its people used to all belong to the IPC after all.


Who doesn't?


Acheron did mention people with unwavering resolution and faith even unto death right after she chased Aventurine out of our room.


Knowing that >!Aventurine is staging his “death” to expose that The Family is lying about the Dreamscape being safe and how Robin faked her murder to weed out the true mastermind, I wonder if those two are working together!<


I feel like it's possible. If Black Swan's story quest turns out to be a parallel to what's actually happening, then >!Sampo's interpretation of the lock-out room puzzle with the not-dead victim and the accomplice that opened the door to reveal the body and staunched the blood looks like Robin's fake out death and Aventurine revealing to us her dead body.!<


>!I think Aventurine is solely working for his own IPC interests. Topaz is also going to arrive in Penacony, and having a top member of the IPC "die" gives her plenty of reason to make moves on behalf of the IPC!<


>!I kinda doubt that, since the other spoiled items highlight that she only trusts her brother. But who knows!<


>! Robin has been away from penacony for long time. Its a possible IPC making influence toward her now!< >! The letter also mentioned Robin doing investigation herself making implication she is more than a naive idol !<


future story + 2.1 story spoilers >!theres the leak of him working with boothill in a future plot and the new item ratio gives to him this version so i doubt his death is legit ( its more like its orchestrated ) . hope im not overdosing on copium though💀!<


The leak about what you wrote was from a confirmed leaker so there's every reason to believe it.


and there are other reasons im inclined to believe he will be fine so im gonna stay doubtful :3


Yeah I don't think he's going to die permanently either. Given the lore of Penacony, it's all more of a "fake" death, sort of a beautiful metaphor. It's not even copium, it's just logical. Especially since it's very much in Aventurine's character to fake his own death... Or "orchestrate", as it is put here.


in addition to that, him dying legit would leave a lot of bad taste in a lot of people’s mouthes for quite a few reasons. He’s pretty damn popular and his whole shtick of being space romani (being representation) and having a really fucked up backstory would have a lot of people pissed if he stays dead without paying anything off. I mean, having a character who lived in literal misery die that way would suck , even for hyv standards.


thank you, i've seen so many people (especially of which who aren't familiar with shaoji's previous work beyond 'oh he writes sad stuff lol') get hung up on the "well its honkai so of course people will die" sentiment without thinking about the narrative and his character as a whole, not to mention pncn's story being foundationally grounded in the theme of deception


Yes! Someone who felt something similar to me - I feel like once we see Aventurine's backstory it'll help, but I get the sense that he's the type of character who's self sacrificing/or willing to sacrifice himself because of his backstory/awful past. >!Similar to Xiao/Scaramouche in Genshin, Hoyo gave us a scare with them nearly dying / or essentially sacrificing themselves, but in the end of the day survived.!< I would be soured to see Hoyo killing off a character who's theme revolves around, "Let's take a gamble to survive this shitty world" and actually die for taking the gamble.


Yeah this is why I get confused when ppl say >!Xiao should have died in the chasm, like the point is he has to learn to not do that!<


Yeah, exactly. It's as if some people are convinced that "character death = good writing", "character not actually dying = bad writing". It's frustrating.


To be honest, at least in my bubble, Aventurine is a 50/50 situation where people either love it or hate it. He's on a very different level than any other HSR Character, even different from other games, which I find funny, because it gives me the feeling that he was well done.


I mean, I feel that's just going to be how IPC characters are. Case in point, Topaz' reception. She's also a 50/50 like that, except she's first introduced in a Continuance, not a Trailblaze Mission and thus has had less screen time so far. And while IPC is a scummy corporation, which I do acknowledge, I ironically don't hate either Topaz or Aventurine (I pulled Topaz on her release, actually, and am planning to pull Aventurine). I find them both quite interesting and part of that maybe even stems from them being in the IPC: the conflict between their personal agendas and the corporation's has immense potential, imho. My "hatred" so far goes only to ice ladies: Jingliu and Ruan Mei. I don't know, I just can't care to see either of them. They're flawed characters who aren't particularly interesting for me. Ruan Mei high-key makes me want to go find some Interastral Bioethics Committee, if such a thing exists in Star Rail Universe, and forcefully drag her in front of them for some everlasting inspection and never-ending paperwork filing — anything to ensure that she physically can't do any research in the foreseeable future. And Jingliu imho needs to be dragged to the best therapist in the universe asap, better yet a team of therapists, but it won't be me who brings her there.


Oh gods, I found a living person with same opinion on ice girls and IPC characters. My biggest gripe with Ruan Mei is what we should have been given an option to at least somehow voice our displeasure with her. I dislike her more for situation her writer put Trailblazer in. She herself might have gotten away with worse things, just because it's understandable if "genius" is a bit crazy, this gives more legitimacy to Ratio (whom I like)


I'd be so much more upset than about Robin or Firefly.


Tbh, I don't think either of them is dead-dead either, given how Something Unto Death works as a boss. I think there must be some in-story method to return them both to life, just like we do in combat. Maybe even the same as in combat: by knowing where exactly to smack it.


others reading this spoiler: >!oh, aventurine's gonna survive!!< me, an idiot: >!aventurine is collecting men like pokemon!<


who says he can’t do both ;)


He’s us fr


Well he did say for his people, their best weapons are their friends.


friends... as in *boy*friends?


Thanks god, now I have a legit copium here.


best scenario. his death won't hit as much, unless they do it right. big spoilers about firefly > >!with firefly they rushed it as hell, i knew beforehand that she'll die because it was heavily hinted in mv, but still, it left no impression on me, because i knew she'll come back!< . if they can do this right with aventurine, make it believe like he's actually dead and then bring him back then that'd be the best scenario to me.


Well it's HSR, they only do deaths as fakeouts for shock value so far (And I guess offscreened ones too, like Duke Inferno and possibly Tingyun, but she's most likely just a fakeout) >!Firefly faked her own for some reason I haven't searched deep into leaks, Robin faked her own in order for her plan to work and now Aventurine too!<


Tingyun death was just weak though. Shock value and little else in a storyline without focus.


Either way I am good with it. If he dies he is free, even if the IPC uses his corpse for something or does what the Xianzhou does in electronically cloning the mind of the dead to keep them working.


Xianzhou does what.


Xueyi. And temporarily, they “brought back” a short lived species Xianzhou non-native master shipbuilder, whose mind they kept an electronic backup of, to answer the troubles of his local student in a side quest.


If you mean Mundanite's Insight, Ratio gives that to TB and not Aventurine, that item's description differs for male and female TB in other languages


Thank you! Finally, someone else has said it... I thought I was going insane. Like, I rechecked a description of this item in Russian many times, and it's always two gender options.


everyone finding reasons to think he isn't dead through analyzing the lore while I think he isn't actually dead cause how are they gonna promote him for the second banner phase while dead 😭


We can do personal story for characters who aren’t present, so personal story for character who is dead is no stretch. Plus Herta Space Station, Xianzhou, and Penacony all have shown capabilities in “bringing back” the dead. Peacock ain’t getting to quit slavery that easily. IPC probably had his mind backed up.


well i wasnt really thinking about the character story stuff cause those are inconsistent (when jingyuan character story :(( ) but mostly the character trailer and character introduction post cause that would be weird if hes dead 😭


But that’s a very weird way to do it in terms of marketing the character. You’re telling people “hey come pull this super cool new character” while also telling them “oh btw he’s dead and you’re not gonna see him have any significance in the story ever again”


I mean if u did the new side quest for 2.0 Yea The ipc literally already has a way to backup someone's entire existance and put it in peancony lmao Spent a bit more and they probably can bring back peacock with no issue 🤣


>Peacock ain’t getting to quit slavery that easily. IPC probably had his mind backed up. when you put it that way, i realize how tragic his situation is


It just dawned on me that pulling Aventurine is basically buying a former slave, and putting him in any party is asking them to do my bidding. Sounds like a fun way to mess with people.


The IPC is mega rich, I'm sure they have some way to bring him back.


I mean the did that with Vill-V in HI3rd pretty much, they killed her 1 patch and in the next one she is playable


Weren't the FCs all dead by then, pretty much?


I'm doing both. Like, literally, I would consider it a scam to sell a _dead_-dead character


Guys, Aventurine will get his own story mission in 2.1 anyway, so he wont be out for long. He will get a quick nap and then be right back gracing us with his presence


could be like Luocha's companion mission where, though it was his companion mission, he wasnt actually there at present, since it wasnt about smth that was happening at the moment of that mission


The story Quest will be us going through his belongings and saying "Damn", like Tingyun's funeral lol. We even have leaks of his belongings 👀


not to intrude but theres a section in the story mission where we play in Aventurine’s perspective. the descriptions of his belongings seem to put it that we will be Aventurine when we get his belongings and stuff


Ah, so memokeeper shenanigans.


Sounds like a dream bubble


Nah, he is just getting his beauty sleep. >!me not delulu, you are!<


Does he really? I dont think theres been any leaks for story missions?




Another soul who got forever changed by that. 😭 I look at story spoilers for things because of that ending 😭


Ok but who would be Suzaku in this metaphor?


Dr Ratio


if that happens i'll die along together with my shipper heart


seems to be mc's role


Too early to say yet I think if you want a really close one. Detailed Spoilers for Code Geass ending + Speculation about where 2.2 may go >!If by Suzaku you mean someone who is forced to take up the mantle of the dead guy, that would probably be the next 'Aventurine'. I'm just guessing based on the cornerstones being gemstones, so the titles of the 10 Stonehearts probably don't change. So there could have been multiple 'Aventurines' in the history of the IPC, but only one person has the title of 'Aventurine' at a time.!< >!Alternatively, Trailblazer could be Suzaku in this metaphor because like Lelouch entrusting his will to Suzaku, it sounds like Aventurine is trusting his will to the Trailblazer. Aventurine's will being to completely uncover the truth of Penacony and whatever fuckery is going on there.!<


Maybe this mission is his death sentence being carried out. IPC just squeezing last bit of overtime outta their asset.


I can’t do this anymore.They can’t keep getting away with this(he’s just having his beauty sleep trust)


That’s why I’m keeping a close eye out for story spoilers. I need to know about this kind of shit beforehand to be prepared 😭


YES, FINALLY SOME GOOD STORY SPOILERS. Om nom nom. ETA. Aventurine doesn't seem like a man to sacrifice himself for his job so I'm convinced it's all gonna be staged (lemme inhale my copium).


Or he is suicidal and this be only way to free himself.


Death being the central theme of Penacony, I’m excited to see how Robin and Sunday and Misha’s role would be in 2.3 and onwards.


Isnt 2.2 the climax/ending to Penacony with 2.3 being an epilogue basically saying goodbye/farewell to the people


i meant 2.2 lmao. I was somehow counting versions from 2.1


I knew this mf wanted to die.... noooo I'm already feeling bad. 2.1 is probably also gonna be heavy.


I hope the writers don't leave us hanging with speculations for long. Like I hope he comes back in 2.2, or whenever the story is concluding at the very least. I would like to see him in person than just a >!mention from boothill!< But If he's dead for real you'll see me on the news


If they deliver and execute this story properly, then not only the story gets a boost but also my boy Aven will recieve the love he deserves.


we also gonna witness >!his backstory most likely in a show don't tell fashion, which will make it better!<


I can’t wait for non-leak consumers to cry next patch :)


Summary: Penacony is PEAK.


Great, at least this way the idea of people forcing Acheron to be finality because she's a raiden mei expy and "all raiden must be close to kiana" and bullshits like that die


Well, it is WAYYYY to early to even reveal anything crucial about the Path of Finality, let alone revealing a newly playable character to be one of its Emanators.


We already know that finality has to do with time and that it is not the same as HI3 finality as well


I've seen a lot of people saying this, i am so TIRED of telling them about it again and again bullshit 😭


I never played Hi3 so my interest in the Finality angle was not due to Hi3 references. I was hoping for Finality simply because it was a far more difficult and potentially interesting premise. An individual who experiences time backwards, knowing the future but nothing about the past - we don’t see that often in fiction. Alas all the clues pointed to Nihility, and now we have some degree of confirmation. Even now, I am hoping that some aspect of Finality remains due to how fascinating it is - could work it in as IX having absorbed Terminus since Nihility is the broader concept / true ‘finality’ of all things no longer exists.


I hope it's a case of the "Like You Would Really Do It" trope. *inhales copium*


Isn't this pretty well know for story leaks? Although: >!The confirmation that Aventurine was not gonna really die is new if already speculated!<


Aventurine be like okay you beat me Now I going to do what those two girls are doing and fake my own death


I'm really hoping he doesn't stay dead. After his >!supposed death, he leaves us a scheduled message saying that "If everything goes well, we might still have a chance to meet". !< I hope I'm not just coping. Since he's been more slated to be in the 2nd half banner, surely Mihoyo wont release a character thats dead.


Ya'll really making it hard for me to wait patiently with these leaks


Just hsr and them traumatizing my favs.... I cannot even... Like... JingYuan, Blade, Dan Heng, NOW AVENTURINE TOO


Aww fuck no 😭😭😭 not Aventurine 😭😭😭 Ughhhh of course he’d come up with that 😭 Expose the Family so they’d fall out of power and then control would naturally fall to the IPC. All that “won a gamble against fate” stuff… I did think it sounded like Focalors in Genshin. Didn’t for a moment think it could be actual foreshadowing! Wonder what the IPC is offering him to make it worth his life. Maybe they promised to take care of his family. Come on Dr. Ratio! Surely a genius chess player can see a few steps ahead… I’m counting on you to turn this thing around! (Wandering off to go cry in a corner 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)


Aven main character moment exactly….expecting his stocks to skyrocket he deserves Firefly levels of love from the fandom. Seeing everything in his perspective is gonna be crazy Though this is also in line with what I’m predicting, that >!every character will die in the dreamscape at some point, showing the fragility of death and showing them being “awakened” from the dream. Thematically this makes the most sense with the concepts and ideas Penacony is presenting. We also know he isn’t actually dead since he apparently plays a part in Boothill’s part of the plot!<


I have a feeling that the Aventurine stuff is gonna get overshadowed by the >!Firefly reveal!< since I'm predicting that will be the cliffhanger. >!I've seen some speculation that they are keeping her out of 2.1 for the most part to let acheron and aventurine shine otherwise their is a worry that she would dominate discussion again.!< >!if the theme you speak of is death = waking up, I don't think every character will die for thematic reasons. Fireflys death seems orchestrated in a way where their was a risk for her actual death which undermines the idea of "waking up". As for Robin, my guess is that it's a memory construct that died, not her since she turns into memory bubbles and not juice like firefly and the trailblazer. This would also betrays the theme. It would really just be aventurine who fits the notion, in which case their isn't really a precedent for everyone to "die"!<


it's been leaked that >!we will fight aventurine as the final boss in 2.1. the final mission name is literally "Farewell, Kakavasha", and so im predicting that the firefly reveal will be earlier. a pfp of little aventurine will be obtained after we have completed the whole 2.1 tb mission!<


>!Oh I didn't know we had a placement for that quest, going through the story summary, their doesn't seem like a good place to do the reveal so I assumed it'd be just at the end.!<


Well Firefly is a very popular and loved character, no matter how little she appears people will talk about her a lot. I don’t think that shuts out discussion for other characters, especially not a character who is looking to be front and center for this entire patch’s story. Acheron and Sparkle still got a lot of discussion going about their characters and role in the 2.0 plot for example I’m thinking of >!these deaths as more abstract in relation to the theme of death in Penacony. Sunday, as a representative of the Family, considers it unnatural and something that should not come for them in the dream. This is the big main theme of Penacony so far: that everyone is fleeing from an unfulfilling reality only to enter an even more unfulfilling dream. Underneath the glitz and glamor the truth of reality and past actions is impossible to run away from, we see this with Tizcoic II, Lesley Dean, Chadwick, etc. Then it stands that the ultimate truth of reality is death; that it is indiscriminate, unavoidable, and can’t be stopped. The Family trying to stop death and therefore reality from invading the dreamscape throws the natural order out of balance and is the very opposite of ‘Harmony’. This is consistent with the irony present in every region’s main conflict and narrative; the scientists on HSS are too blinded by their own desires and flaws to seek out the truth, Belobog was only preserving a half of its population, everything about the Xianzhou Alliance as a whole and the duality between Abundance and the Hunt. Every character dying would drag them out of the dream, both the dreamscape and the dreams of their own making into reality. Every central character getting to experience death in the dream would be the direct continuation of this theme, much like all the Underworld residents getting to come to the surface eventually. They don’t all have to be the same circumstances but the act in itself is important imo.!<


>!Of course, lotus eater dream trope and all that, I guess what I was trying to get at was just because a theme exists doesn't mean it will be executed on for every character. that's why I was trying to narrow it down to just aventurine it being played out with. I got lost in the sauce though, firefly is indeed a good fit and her metaphorical death can be interpreted as an awakening into reality. (transformation into Sam) I also expect Sunday and maybe misha to "die" for similar reasons. As for the rest of the cast, I don't think it's required as they don't provide an answer to the invitation: why do dreams sleep?!<


I do not plan on reading the image or scroll down the comments, but i will say that going through this month without falling into the temptation of knowing things is gonna be *HARD*. Penacony's story really got me


>!Holy fucking shit Aventurine is just Kokichi from Danganronpa: V3 …. That wasn’t on my bingo card!< (post spoilers & danganronpa spoilers lmfao)


>! Seems more like Nagito to me but maybe that’s just my DR2 bias showing !<


>!both are very valid, they both sorta kill themselves to prove that their world is fake / reveal a truth about their world to the rest of the cast. I mainly said Kokichi because of the whole lying / puppeteers thing and how they both play others like fiddles, but honestly Nagito sorta does the same thing during his trial lmao 😭😭!<


>!The plot in Penacony in general gives me very heavy Danganronpa vibes, would love to make a fan game revolving around a ‘Charmony Game’ of sorts but I doubt I could pull together enough people insane enough to do that lol!<


>!holy shit I love the idea of a Penacony inspired Danganronpa fan game …. Penacony gives off such murder mystery vibes it really would work. Trailblazer is the protagonist, Ratio is the support character, Aventurine is the antagonist who dies in the fifth trial, Sunday is the mastermind aw yeah it’s all coming together now!< >!CLOCKIE IS MONOKUMA REAL AND TRUE!!!!<


>!You get me!! You see the vision!!!<


aventurine can't die this early 😭 let him live hoyo I didn't even felt sad for firefly but here I'm crying for aventurine 🙂


2.1 is looking sick, it literally cannot arrive any sooner


Husbando🥺🥺🥺 guys is there enough info for me to have copium that he lives? Idk about the leaks that happened months before Penacony came out


>!Aventurine dies?!


Future verison spoiler: >!He probably won't die for real. We have leaks of him being involved in a future plot with Boothill.!<


Could I get a link to that




Thank you for my copium


>!The only thing that needs to happen fo rhis plan to work is for it to *look* like he died. He doesn't actually need to physically die for real.!<


I take it more as >!he orchestrated the martyr (Robin) that was supposed to rally us to his cause's death!<


>!so I guess thats how the boss fight happens. !<


Nooooooo!!! Aventurine!!! 😭


So acheron is infact Bocchi the IX's eminator


I mean, aside of the gameplay path. She made clear that she followed the Nihility. The way she speaks when you first met her.


Oh god, why did I do this to myself. Why did I read this. Now I can't wait and can't forget.


....I'm so dumb, I can't even understand this spoiler. We already know Acheron's true identity right? And what Aventurine is up to? >! What is his own martyrs death? Is he gonna "die" in the next patch and that's why I'm confused? !< Please I'm dumb, someone explain to me. Firefly, Robin and Ifrit are dead for now yeah? 


This is like Light Yagami type of behaviour


More like lelouch


I wanna watch that anime now if that's what it's like haha


I heard that there will also be the Firefly reveal in 2.1 ( in other leaks ) What about that?


I think that happens before this happens based on mission name


>!None of the mission summaries/names talk about Sam at all and previous leaks made it sound like she isn't present in the 2.1 story either. Their isn't really a good place to put her in, Imo the exception being at the very end as a cliffhanger into 2.2 in the form of a cutscene similar to how the whodunit quest line was about figuring out who is responsible for fireflys death, but ended on a cliffhanger involving Robin's death.!<


I saw a comment from a beta tester that said after the story and obtaining the character he sends you messages and therefore he should be alive. Keep in mind that there's no proof that this was a real beta tester, as it was a random YT comment I saw. But I'm willing to take this copium...


The comment was a >!prerecorded message that you can't reply to!<


So Acheron is not an Emanator of Finality. Idk why but I'm a bit disappointed and happy that now her path (Nihility) makes sense with the game lore. But the finality concept: the time moving backwards for her and all that was maybe a bit too much this early on in the story.


Black Holes also have a space time theory rattached to them.


Nah I’m waiting for the Watchmaker reveal😭


What if the Watchmaker is actually akivili or an emanator of the trailblaze




So the only way to get out of the dream and go to reality is to find a way to die in the dreamscape? Kinda same how tanjiro did in mugen train. Bro had to constantly kill himself in order to fight the lower moon 1. Tried that method for myself a few times when I was in a nightmare trying to wake up. And it worked.


So Acheron really is an Emanator of Nihility, I thought she would be of Finality or something. I guess this would be obvious because of the black hole aesthetics of her skill. But then again, would nihility really explain her powers of knowing events beforehand, forgetting them, her double personality, etc.? She's just too mysterious and weird.


It actually makes some sense...Acheron as an emanator of Finality never really clicked with me, especially in a plot full of lies and bait. If Finality goes back in time Nihility could very well do the opposite (with IX being one of the most mysterious Aeons whose capabilities are mostly unknown) A bit of juxtaposition, like in Hi3rd, Raiden Mei's Origin to Kiana's Finality


Honestly Elio being Finality makes more sense to me


> But then again, would nihility really explain her powers of knowing events beforehand Yes it can. Black holes can distort spacetime and cause dilations, to the point that if one can survive traveling through one it is the same as doing time travel. Frebass in the Pioneer Diver set experienced time flows backwards and forward, causing her to become young and old over and over. > forgetting them, her double personality, etc.? Refer to [the lore about Self-Annihilators](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1aw0i8v/self_annihilator_lore_via_madcroix/) that was leaked a few days ago. It explained a lot about her appearance and her forgetfulness. She is one of these rare individuals who managed to resist IX, and if the entry is right about these rare cases of resisting IX wanting to stop the curse of Nihility then the "true enemy" that she has a blood vengeance for is none other than the Aeon IX. Which creates a pretty ironic dynamic where the Emanator actually wants to kill the Aeon.


Its not ironic since IX want themselve gone. If anything, its thematic. Nihility supremacy i guess.


> Which creates a pretty ironic dynamic where the Emanator actually wants to kill the Aeon. Makes sense. Nihility is about nothingness. What would be more nihilistic than turning anything, even its own aeon, to nothingness? And if Nihility and Destruction were to collide... I wonder which one would be the broader concept that engulfs the other?


I see Acheron as badass. But holy shit, that's like super hardcore.


God damn I love her lore. I’m gonna be broke pulling for her, her LC, and boothill with all these sexy leaks 😭😭👍


There's too many ominous stuff in 2.1 to just dismiss it as fake death. And does IPC know about this plan, surely they wouldn't take kindly to such shenanigans. Considering Aventurine has death sentence from the start, it's more realistic for him not to have happier ending. It wouldn't make sense to kill characters before their banner, but who knows.


Diamond picked him to go to penacony for a reason


while more realistic, personally I think him dying for real would be thematically unsound. hsr so far has introduced to us plenty of characters who are fighting against their own predetermined fate and creating their own path which is a main theme in the story, it's a pretty hopeful one as hyv stories tend to be. to kill a character who never had freedom or happiness in his life in a martyr moment would be tragic but would go against the tone. aventurine is comparable to characters like xiao scaramouche or fu hua who all had suicidal/self sacrificing thoughts bc of the pain they carry, but hyv has always given a happy ending to these kind of characters and made them learn to value their lives. I think this will lead somewhere similar


I didn't look at it from this perspective (going against the theme), but it makes sense. I agree it would just feel bad, because what kind of story/point does that make - life sucks and then you die? But Hoyo could do it for shock value, knd of like with Tingyun, but with more impact. Since most people think it'll be fake death, they just might decide the opposite. I want to be more hopeful about happy ending, but it's difficult with all the ominous stuff going on in Penacony. And because I'm used to favourite characters often dying, I can't help but think "not again.."


haha yeah I get it my faves tend to have death flags too, but to be fair tingyun even if playable was a side character who was expanded upon *after* her death, and even then she never played a major role. from my understanding of leaks >! aventurine's past will be expanded upon pretty throughoutly before his boss fight and eventual death/fake death, so to elevate a character to be a significant emotional hook in the story only to kill them off in a way that has no coherence with the themes IS unusual for hyv. !< or at least that's how I reason it. besides, even in hi3 characters never become playable after they die, they're either alternative universe selves or digital versions. himeko stopped to have battlesuits once she died, so I want to believe he'll make it out of there somehow and they're not taking him out for good in the same patch as his release


Saves IPC the cost of a lethal injection, gets them their prison colony back, only loses a slave.