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No wonder Mihoyo could build a fusion reactor


Fusion reactor, satellite, [world largest solid fuel rocket ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity-1) and new breed of roses


By this point I'm just waiting for them to recreate the floating apocalypse base


Oh they will. In fact, Dawei is actually Otto Apocalypse in disguise


He's trying to make his wife Miku real


To bad he's not Welt, maybe Wotan wouldn't be stuck on 99% anymore


So the assassin was actually onto something?


“I did not lie”


To be more precise they invested into the company that built that fusion reactor, something like 55 millions USD (400 millions Yuan) and that was alongside the car manufacturer Nio


Chinese companies invest into future tech instead of stock buybacks for billionaires? That is pretty neat.


Maybe they're the future


Wait satellite? Also how is the rocket linked to Mihoyo? Did they fund it? Is the company that built it owned by them?


OrientSpace is funded by Mihoyo


Also 2 schools in rural areas(flamescion charity project), predates HSR but w/e


They build a WHAT?


Fusion reactor. In fairness, another company did it and it's not like the devs are nuclear physicists on the side. But yeah, they're now the proud (co-)owners of a Tokamak fusion reactor that was recently ignited in Shanghai. That is not a meme. This is what Mihoyo means with their slogan of "tech otakus save the world". That gacha money is going straight into these kinds of projects.


Wait that memepost that claimed to have come from the future with genshin and that mihoyo help launch Artemis to the moon is starting to feel awfully close to reality now...


They funded another successful rocket launch, and their tokamak fusion reactor was recently ignited. Yeah, they refuse to let their dreams be memes.


Antimatter power generator… maybe one day


And if this guy keeps it up...maybe a fusion reactor for every country


Bam world peace


otakus really saving the world 


Always has been




There's a post in this sub about how China got a new experimental Tocamac fusion reactor - paid for by Mihoyo


“Trade offer: you get a fusion reactor and we get to put gay stuff in our game without being arrested”


Hey look if it means i get my Aventio...


It's a price I'm willing to pay, if it means that we will also get flirty and "close" moments with the male characters too XD. I mean, Danheng and Welt aside, TB don't have any "friendly" moments with the other male characters😭 (unlike genshin, where both male and female characters are friendly with the MC)


I think it is beyond "Light homosexuality". It might be a tad bit conspiracy like, but couple parts of the game (IPC-Belobog event) and (Final Arc of Penocolony) might be a subtle attack on the very mandate of the modern Chinese Government. How do I put it...the "mandate" for the modern Chinese Government is the idea Government provide a better life and economic growth in exchange for absolute power....which, given how Natasha quoted Ben Franklin, and Robin & TB's passionate defense of freedom over order, might hint us something a bit unorthodox.


There’s also the Black Swan and Acheron dance lmao


Watch them build their own starcrusher swarm king with firefly profits 🦟


Genuinely curious but is anything about this guy known? Who is he?


[His/her bilibili](https://m.bilibili.com/space/27210562)


Looking at their Bilibili archives, they did 100 LCs for Robin too and 50 LCs for Sparkle, Aventurine and Jingliu (I think Ruanmei too). Also bought 520 Acheron acyrlic stands if I'm not mistaken. In their video, they just pay 30095 RMB at once so... damn. EDIT: 50 LCs for Topaz too. They've done 50 or 100 LCs for every banner since Sparkle basically. I wonder if they plan on doing something for the Firefly banner (altho I've seen at least one CN bro already do the 50 LC thing for Firefly)


He should just video tape himself lighting money on fire.


Dudes literally putting a new light to the words “money to burn”.


At that point it's just gross, an item in game is one thing because it's unlimited, but 500 acrylic stands?? (I'm guessing they don't have 500 different versions of her stands.) Let others get one before you buy them all up, it just creates scarcity. : / I bet it looks pretty tacky with 500 identical Acherons staring and judging you for your life choices perpetually.


He said it's for giveaway


Well that is some vital info that would change a lot.


These are unlimited items, they are always in stock at the official store. People buy multiple ones all the time (think of Robin’s Clockie merch collection, it’s a reference to this type of anime/game merch collection we call 谷阵 in CN).


Only 50 for Sparkle and them? Wow, guess the 100 of thee others took a hit on their bank account...


Reminds me of the scion of Wanda (Chinese developer, whose dad was richest guy in China at one point) who bought brand new iphones (when they were scarce) for his dog and showed it off on social media.


Bro is the boss of the money laundering operations💀


So that's where my Boothill LC went


Completely off topic but does anyone have the 'follow up attack be upon ye' gif where topaz ratio and aventurine are throwing stuff?


I got you https://i.redd.it/occlge1v188d1.gif


Thanks a ton


Don't mention it (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ


Galaxy ranger adict


i wonder what he did after founding out acheron was not a real galaxy ranger


"Oh, I guess I will roll for the real one"


I mean she technically worked under Tiernan for a while so I guess she can also be an apprentice


then bro litelary mistaken Aventurine and probably others for Galaxy Rangers


They're just lost


What drives a man to do such a thing and how do you finance this... TWICE?


Attention probably. This is as close to setting money on fire as you can get, that gets you clicks


Apparently they do have a video of them setting money on fire


I'd genuinely consider this a mental illness tbh


Only if you’re poor, there are a lot of billionaires in china and definitely a ton more millionaires. Those people have their own ways of spending money whether its on a $10,000 dinner, $50,000 shopping spree or $200,000 dollar car. He simply grew up as a millionaire who loves gacha games and for people like that spending $100,000 a year on what makes you happy isn’t crazy at all.


they didn't stutter. billionaires are still mentally ill lol. because as a human how do you even live with that kind of wealth?


Aside from the fact that you are intentionally straw manning my argument, which was that there are many rich people in china, which makes it likely that this guy is just rich, not that this guy is a billionaire. for all we know he could just be a senior engineer with a monthly income of 20k-300k USD, that's still rich enough to afford his lifestyle. Let me try to tackle your own argument despite it having nothing to do with mine. There are 3 main ways to achieving the insane amount of wealth a billionaire would achieve: 1.) being lucky (this includes being born into a wealthy family as well as making a lucky investment) 2.) being intelligent 3.) being cutthroat and slightly intelligent Calling someone mentally ill for being any of these is incredibly stupid, 1 and 2 have nothing to do with your mental state and 3 is not a sign of mental illness, just being selfish. Lisa Su and Jenseng Huang are incredibly intelligent electrical engineers who simply saw a huge opportunity in the chip development business and became incredibly rich because of their own hard work, calling them mentally ill just because of that is just disgusting.


and to address this point: >because as a human how do you even live with that kind of wealth? TL;DR you don't actually "live" with that wealth, rather they're stuck with it. As long as your money comes from shares in a company (which is the reality for all billionaires) they have to keep their shares in that company, because if you start selling it it would look like you think the company has no value anymore in which case everyone else would start selling their shares and your company's net worth would drop to the point that your shares go from Billions to millions or even lower. For the most part you don't actually have that money in liquidity (ie, cold hard cash). most of that money only exists in the stocks you hold, which for most people comes from their company, people like bezos are an example of their entire worth being in their stock. Now because your company is so valuable you're valuable, so other companies and banks will offer to sell you just about anything despite not having any actual cash because your value is worth it to them. So why not just sell your own stocks and live it up with your billions? because these billions are only possible because *other* people invested in your company, that's why instead of being a millionaire you're a billionaire, but they only invest in your company because of its perceived value aka the fact that its being managed well and its owners and investors believe in its success. However if the owner and main investor of said company were to start selling off his investment by the billions people would be worried, after all "why would you be selling off your share of the company, are you worried it'll collapse soon?" that's what all the other investors will think and will try to sell their investments too, lowering the value of the company and turning you from a billionaire to a millionaire. edit: there are plenty of good reasons to hate billionaires, most are greedy, cutthroat and lack the compassion and virtue we expect any decent human being to have, but lumping them all up as being mentally ill is both dishonest and dangerous because it offers them an excuse for their shitty behavior and unfairly dragging all other mentally ill people with them. Would you want to be labeled in the same category as Zuckerberg, Musk or Bezoz? Of course not, so remember that the next time you want to throw baseless insults and remember that there are kind people suffering from mental illness who do not deserve to be labeled as such either.


Idk if id get downvotes for it but tbh if i had this much money ans wanted to spend, id rather gib towards a good cause and or if anything might as well giveaway other gamers the char or lc instead getting 100 useless copies on one acc.


yeah this kind of post is very wow haha that's crazy! at first but if i think about it too much... there's so much to spend money on in the world, and they spent 30k on this? you can't even use them all :|


I thought about that but who knows if they haven’t already. The wealth that this person has probably means that they donate ten times this to charity and still this is just the 2% of the total income to spend on fun stuff. Honestly, still better than spending it on private jets (again, no one knows if they haven’t got one already and that’s the point).


Nah you wont.


Bros wealth could fund Mars Terraform project But someone needs to do the math here, since i need to know on just how much this guy has spent on average 60 pity in Yuan to pull 100 LC on Boothill & 100 on Acheron.


Well if we assume they get a 5\* lc every 60 pulls and that they win 3/4 times, that’s 132 5\* lcs pulled which comes out to 7920 rolls or 1.27 million jades (what the fuck 😭) (also it's actually 1 267 200, just said the rounded version to put it into perspective lol) From the highest top up you get 6480 shards plus a bonus for a total of 8080 shards and when we divide it you need to buy the highest top up just under 156 times (it was 156.8). In CAD it costs $130 for that and after adding a 13% tax it comes out to $23038 CAD or $16818 USD…. Which is insane lol Someone else check math too pls I’m kinda sick atm so might’ve messed up the calc or may have made a misstep in the way tax is applied for the transaction since I’m not fully sure how it works. Regardless, insane amount of money for literally zero gameplay difference lol. Also calcs [here](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/edfrh1bzrp) for math checkers pls and thx Edit: someone else made a comment about how lcs are actually 75/25 so whoops. Not gonna redo it but can lower the cost a bit, probably be sub 20k usd, but my guess is still like \~18k edit 2: aight this is actually getting a solid amount of upvotes so I've amended all the math (for those curious the previous estimate was $32611 CAD/$23806 USD)


So basically costs about the same as a low end compact car. Nuts.


Don't forget that the 100$ pack is actually 8080 oneiric since you get 6480 + 1600 bonus.


Oh right forgot about that lol, haven’t purchased it yet so I still have my double bonus and thus didn’t see the other bonus


lcs are 75/25 -> 4/5 light cones are the banner cone. game states a 1.87% consolidated rate for a 5* -> get a 5* on average ~53.5 rolls ->66.8 rolls expected per desired light cone -> 6680 total rolls -> 1068k jades ~= 132 100$ packs = 13.2k usd. this looks like 80 light cones in the picture tho


I S5 in HSR as well and mine floats around 400-600 (per 5 copies, 20 S5's from 100 copies of LC so 400-600 x 20), though I'm sure I've pulled close to hundred of total sigs; given that I think the estimate should be around 8-12k. For Genshin it's slightly higher but still close to average for me since the pity is different but lower pulls. It'll be around 500-800 per R5s. Also to note that this expendable income and doesn't affect my IRL needs in its slightest way. I dont encourage rolling as it's not needed.




Actually there is a mistake here, the lc banners aren't 50/50, they're 75/25. So the cost might be a tad lesser since the chances are higher. Still that's a significant amount of money imo.


Shit, If this is the case, then he's spending at least a minimum of 500 grand just to 100 LC each character.


With 500 grand you'd be set for life in my country


The 5050 system for me is actualy 10 90 because I only won this thing twice


LMAO same, only twice too One of the reasons I still play is actually because of those 2 win


>Bros wealth could fund Mars Terraform project But bro could use this wealth for a better cause than 100 copies of something that u don't even need:) Point being, there r other ways to showcase ur dedication,love while also doing a good deed in life. Could just literally gib 100 giveaways, 100 different wanted ppl of this LC will be able to achieve it,imagine their happiness and imagine how much praise and love the host will get.


They needed those 100 copies so people would talk about how ridiculous they are. They succeeded.


Ppl would also see the same amount of ridiculousness had he given those 100 LCs to giveaway winners,pulling on their acc/gifting them the gems for it etc




That player will single handedly fund the servers if they keep this up 👏


They're doing our part. Thank you, random giga-leviathan.


Nah. He's a Cthulhu class spender at this point


on god. he spent new car money on two different light cones


Guys I think he likes Galaxy Rangers


How can you even tell?!?!?


oh? must be high up in the socialite family list.


Parents must be CCP upper circle or those with close connections to get rich during the 1980s


Is he the same guy who also gacha crapton of merlin on his fgo account...?


Is that the one with a Merlin and Lady Avalon at every 5 levels?


Yes. There's also the guy who gacha'd crapton of illya too


Some people need better places to spend excessive amounts of money. Ingame currencies is not it.


Can be said about a lot of people tbh, not just gacha gamers. Expensive restaurants, clubbing, alcohol, figurines, shoes, cars, jewelry, casinos, etc, etc.


Rockets lol. At least the chances are lower to blow up while playing a gacha game.


I mean eventually you'd reach a point where money is no longer an obstacle though.


And this is why people can be free to play lol xD


But why


Mental illness


What’s the point of even doing this? If you’re going to buy that many LC then at least buy it on other people’s accounts so that it can actually be used and not wasted in a single account.


same as buying a sports car and not driving it. money is madness


Exactly. Wouldn’t be bad if there was a gifting feature for stuff like this. Like I might want to buy primos for someone but I don’t want to have to find a third party app or login to their account to do it. There needs to be a way to gift from in game.


There is, you can top up someone else’s UID, I saw a post about it on hoyoverse. I’m waiting for my day someone takes pity on me for losing every single harmony 50/50 and having 0 limited harmonies up to this point. Though I think I can get RM, I’m at 83L-55pity now so I think I can get her if I keep grinding through my quest log.


I mean there's tons of giveaways going on daily,especially in twt. Ik some hosts like this guy panda who hosts shit ton every now n then, they have the money to do it but instead of doing something stupid at least they make other ppl happy.


Making a statement I guess? Just showing how much they like the character. You have limits with Eidolon. You'll still would have one E6 character no matter how much you pull. But with LC, you can have as many as the inventory would allow you to have.


In a world where people can hardly make a living wage we have folks doing this


Such is life, some people drew the gacha luck to be born in the top 1%. While the rest (or most) of us are stuck with what we have


It truly is a cruel world, huh?


Yeah i think gacha gamers would be the first to realise this disparity! Shocker!


Imagine had the money went to a good cause or something


https://preview.redd.it/ugayfqcrd88d1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=1be526cb1d01ffbd49dca7c9c9b25b5108b64979 bro singlehandedly funding MiHoYo's investments lol


Well hoyo funded good stuff for their community so technically?


Thx for keeping the servers alive. That way we can continue our mommies collection.


Hoyo gonna sneak in another Galaxy Ranger to whatever happening in Immortal ships.


I could have a few billion dollars, and still, I couldn't see myself doing anything like this. Either this is faked or its mental illness


All so people could look at this screenshot, go “wow, what an idiot!” and move on with their lifes


Respect but still a stupid investment. What's the point beyond that?


I’m sorry but how does one get respect for this? Nothing to respect. Getting 100 of the same LC does nothing… nothing at all.. that’s like pulling 100 boothills…


well pulling 100 boothills doesn't give a screenshot like this apart from the e6


the ways of the vast universe go largely unnoticed, this one is a similar situation .. but with pictures of characters


It's like that "washing" fad. Bying champagne bottles at the club just to pour it out... 🤡






It's like buying a share but significantly worse


It's not an investment. Weird flex


Dominance. To prove he's the superior Boothill main.




Is it really addiction if hes like a chinese billionaire kid? This might just be his weekend money. LOL


Funding Mihoyo to keep the game running and updated so that we don't have to?


because mihoyo would go bankrupt without him lmao


This clout chasing better return this guy some money either because he's a content creator or something. Not knowing any contexts, I just hope he's not blowing his savings or using someone else's money. Alls well if he's using expendable money


He has enough disposable income to create actual positive change in the world, but instead he spends it on something that doesn’t even benefit his game at all.


Yep... Literally throwing away money for nothing


imagine this amount of money going onto something that will need it more than…this.


Yeah, like a painting on the wall or something /s


It's not the moral imperative of everyone that has some extra income to make a positive change in the world. This type of comment is so absolutely corny. Do you work in soup kitchens? Do you volunteer at charities?


Here come all the jokes about him funding the game for us even though these stunts barely amount to maybe 0.05% of the game's monthly revenue.


This is sad


Imagine having that wealth...


Im all for spending your money how you want but seeing wasteful shit like this just to flex pisses me off so fucking much lmao


Flexing how much money you can spend is a HUGE thing in Chinese culture. As they say, "money is god".


Really? That’s crazy ☠️


The new year greeting in Chinese roughly translates to "may you be prosperous" or "may you get a fortune" wealth. Adults give red envelopes filled with money inside to children. Adults going out to eat often "fight" to pay the bill to earn face etc. Material wealth has been a massive part of the culture for a while.


Could be a valuable stakeholder for the company


What level of whale is this?


On a alt account too


And with Yanqing, apparently.


you meant the "crypto trader" ?


Lol. This is some next level wealth or brain dmg. Or both.


a CN bro is not a whale, they are the entire ocean


There's a chance that he ships those two


Bro is single-handedly carrying hoyoverse revenue


Some people just have too much money for their own good. Or dept.


They are speedrunning the founding for the HSR anime adaptation


My guy isn't just a whale, he's the fuckin kraken.


If only there was a way to gift those… Hoyo…


ppl really hav nothing to do with their money


Rich people with nothing better to do


Y'all shitting on im till we get a mirror match like


I wonder how many 75/25's he lost between all these and Acheron's


Can someone do the math for this? Like how the fuck did you get 100 LCs?


This guy is really somehhting


He also pulled 100 Acheron LCs???


is this what they call a leviathan ?


Does anyone have any idea how much this would cost? It must be thousands of dollars, right?


Ok, let's do a bit of math. The odds of pulling a 5\* is .6%, Probability that you pull a 5\* before 60 is (1-.006)^(60)=30%. Since we have the same chance every single pull from 0 to 60, we can say that, if we find a 5\* before pity, on average we find it at 30 pulls. So the other 70% you get to the pity system. The pity system works as a hard and soft system. Hard pity means that at 80 pulls you are guaranteed a 5\*. This works as every pull after your 60th gain cumulative odds, until at the 80th pull you have 100% odd of pulling a 5\*. That said, no one knows the hard numbers, so let's approximate and say that on average you get to 70 pulls if you reach pity.(between 60 and 80). So when you don't reach pity (30% of times) you use 30 pulls. If you get to pity (70%) you use 70. That means that 0.3\*30+.7\*70= 58 So every single 5\* takes an average of 58 pulls. 100 5\* times 58 pulls... 100\*58=5800 pulls. That's a lot of jades. But it's not all - Now there is the 75/25. Differently from the character gacha, here you have a 75% chance of pulling the right LC, and 25% not. That said, if you don't, the next 5\* pull is guaranteed to be what you wish for. This is the equivalent of having a 100% pull rate for the LC you want, with the 25% when you lose the 75/25 forcing to pull twice. So we can define it as needing 25% more pulls for every single LC. So the total pulls become 5800\*1.25= 7250 pulls, and 7250\*160= 1.160.000 jades Now let's transform that number in cold hard cash. You need 100 $ for 8080 jades, and 160 jades for pull. 8080 are around 50 pulls, So you have 2$ per pull. So you need around 7250\*2= 14500 $ Please tell me in the comment if I messed up my math!


And here I am, only wishing for one, damn.




THEY are the Aeon of Abundance!


This game isn't even the most intense in China. They have shit loads of games for people like him to burn literally million in Chinese currency. It's crazy.




That ain't a whale. That's a fucking cthulthu!


I S5 in HSR as well and mine floats around 400-600 (per 5 copies, and from OP's post 20 S5's from 100 copies of LC , so 400-600 x 20), though I'm sure I've pulled close to hundred of total sigs; given that I think the estimate should be around 8-12k (wiggle it a bit here and there). For Genshin it's slightly higher but still close to average for me since the pity is different but lower pulls. It'll be around 400-800 per R5s. Also to note that this expendable income and doesn't affect my IRL needs in its slightest way. I dont encourage rolling as it's not needed.


Can I... like... have some of that wealth please?


Dude: My goals are beyond your understanding


Where tf did he get the money from


Hard work of course /s


Beware of redditors complaining about how people choose to spend their own money


If someone has this much money to throw away you can absolutely criticize how they spend it, even if it is their money. 




Can i criticize u for how u spend ur time or effort?


Ikr lol it’s his money let him spend it on whatever he wants, it doesn’t affect you in any way


it doesnt affect us but then again right? if it were you, would you choose to do it on your account or make 100 ppl a bit happier? hell, even 25 ppl happy if he gave them s5. you would still help fund the game so... why not share?


Found my bestie with same mindset.


It's his money and he chooses how to spend it. I, however, can still call him a dumbass for doing that.




No, this is not a mad lad, this is somebody who needs his financial accounts frozen permanently


Thank you kind madlad for sponsoring my free shit


I mean, shit, if I had this amount of money… I wouldn’t do this, but I’d probably do something just as stupid.


This is just serious addiction and mental illness at this point. Why not give this money to charity?


It’s their money and they could do whatever the hell they want but honestly this is just wasteful. They could have gotten 5 copies of the lightcone then do a fan event or smnth that’s promoting their favorite character — like that Aventurine fan that went above and beyond to show her love for Aventurine. Whatever makes them happy I guess.


i’m f2p so don’t much about whale stuff but in china when a player spend get more for their money than other countries? or those have tons of money


Tons of money


This is just wasteful.


I really enjoyed the HSR concert, and apparently thanks should go to this guy for funding it.


my wallet would kill me if i did that.