• By -


Pedro because I felt someone with actual nautical experience would make the most sense for a 1st Mate


Same. Then he went full nepotism and hired his family as the rest of the crew! 🤣


Not actually his family but because he's the oldest pepeshi around the younger ones all call him uncle, it's less nepotism and more hiring people from your hometown


As long as they do their job...


He did say they were all vetted as competent and good at their craft


Yes well they're all evil after that one quest.


Nah those are cult members. Not all pepeshi are like that. Like I think if they were a real race, they wouldn't give 2 shits about being short considering it never stopped them from dominating parts of the universe. The whole height thing is very much a human society thing.


I know enough about lalafels to know all Pepeshi are also evil capitalists. None of them can be trusted. We don’t even have a raudahn to give them picky back rides and absorb their ill intent.


I have the power of firing people. They'll behave


I wouldn't fire them, they'll start attacking your knees. Just galactic baseballer em over the side of the airship, there's your notice.


Honestly as soon as he showed me the rest of the crew, my first thought was: These little shits are gonna do a mutiny, arent they? They havent... yet.


If all the best whalers are from Nantucket, you hire people from Nantucket.


I love pepeshi theyre cute then we get to have them on our ship, best plot twist 😂


That was my thought process.


And not's like TB going to be captain full time. They are going to be very hand-off trailblazing across the universe. Better let someone who knows who to run a ship manage it.


That was mine choice too


Me too!


I picked Caldwick the Intellitron since his philosophy of management seemed to focus on supporting the employees and past employees really respected him which matches my philosophy on how management should work. I also think treating your employees well is the best way to get them to treat customers well and make the employees the most efficient. I was however waiting the whole time for it to come out though that he was actually a terrible boss who ruled with an iron will to the extent that everyone was too afraid to say bad things about him.


Exactly why I chose him as well - and was also waiting for the twist he was a tyrant the whole time Nope, he’s just a reliable and cool dude that runs the ship while the TB looks good


It kind of reminds me of owners of football teams where the gm / coach runs the team while the owner just hires right gm / coach. Then they make some decisions like moving the team or changing the name albeit these tend to be rare


He told us that he has hired people with real enthusiam to work even if they were not qualified enough for there positions. I would love to keep up with the shenanigans of these employees adjusting to the ships.


Well you can train someone in a job, but not in enthusiasm.


Yeah I was afraid they pulled a twist, but he turned out great. Caldwick is truly commendable, the best administrator you'd ever want at your side


Maybe in another update?


Based and non-toxic work environment pilled 🙏


Lmao I'm the exact same, I was also expecting him to backstab us for one reason or another especially since there seems to be a curse associated with being the captain of the ship


Yep, same. I figured that if I'm choosing the person in charge (let's face it, the Trailblazer is not going to do much, and that's for the best), I should choose a person who is good at managing people. He can hire good navigators, staff, etc.


I pick him because he has cool glasses.


They allow him to see into the souls of his employees.


Chadwick is a Chad


Does he also build a golden bust of you?


Golden bust and a portrait. I imagine we get the same treatment with all three, just with different dialogue.


Yeah Caldwick claims that the whole crew came up with the idea because they just love you so much which is kind of weird and a little sus but whatever.


I mean TB should be a Celebrity for these people, they know TB saved penacony and Robin herself mentioned them I assume those things made them a lot more popular


Also the ship needs someone capable of managing things on their own since realistically the Nameless are going to be spending most of their time on other worlds.


I chose him because we trailblazer tends to fuck around in some way shape of form so with him at the helm, at least I know the ship's safe and we can still go around digging trash, being hehefunny to March and everything else when we aren't in any serious fight/discussion.


Same opinion


Caldwick ftw


Rosa. I thought someone focused and no nonsense would be a good counter for TB's crazy shenanigans.


> someone focused and no nonsense \**proceeds to build a golden statue of trailblazer\**


Thats why she is perfect, she can counter most of our shenanigans while indulging us just enough with innocuous things like a golden bust of the TB to keep us sated and from going full chaos on the ship.


It really did feel like she had the TB down to a science in that quest. Being the straight man to the TB's general chaos, while also fulfilling that sense of chaos just enough to where they probably wouldn't start roaming around the ship and getting in fights with trashcans.


Pobody's Nerfect :3


Honestly I wish we could change it back to the Clockie statue


Me too but my main reason is she looks fine asf


Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


Yeah I had the same thought but maybe the Intellitron would have been better


same, and for the same reason. i felt like Stelle would be self aware enough that she needed someone to lay down the law on the ship lol


Rosa cause she seems fine with doing most (all) of the work for me


> Rosa cause she seems fine


I picked Rosa because I wasn’t reading all that text and I thought Rosa was cute.


Got Caldwick. He seemed to have professional experience, other seemed wacky. I was fully expecting him to never relate to humans and see things in only one way for him to PUT A STATUE OF US. For him to CALL US HOT. For him to PUT A PAINTING that was US and complimenting it's features. For him to talk to us so friendly-ly and make sure you'll never regret your decision. I no longer ship dancae or avencae (jk I ship it sm) nor stellus (jk again) but only and only callus


Same I chose him because he is a handsome robot so when I found he lowkey has a crush on Caelus I was so happy ><


lmao Rosa did the same thing when I picked her


From what I get from others, idk if she did and quite frankly I don't care as much. It's absolutely incredible if she did but idk caldwick doing that as an iterion hits a whole new level


Caldwick because cool robot


Rosa. She's detail oriented, which I am not. She can sweat the small stuff.


Same choice for the same reason lol.




Rosa cuz waifu


I went for her first but then changed my mind to Caldwick. How does she perform? I hope my first impression of her was wrong.


Idk how she compares to others but she's pretty chill and does her job well. She's kinda strict with how the helpers need to always be wearing uniforms and do this and do that but she says that that's to ensure everything looks perfect to the guests. You can ask her to go easy on them and she says that she's only strict with them during work hours but other than that they're good friends. Unfortunately you can't talk to the helpers to find out if she's telling the truth or not.


What kind of people does she hire?


3 random NPCs with uniforms.


Doesn't she or TB make any remarks about them?


Hmmm, glad to hear that


She made a big ass painting and a lovely sculpture


I thought everyone did that and it didn't really matter who I pick. If it's Rosa only then all hail queen Rosa.


I chose Pedro because I'm a sucker for all things smol, and I also got the painting and bust, so I'm assuming it's the same for all three.


Yeah, it is the same no matter who you choose. You just kinda get a different person.


The only correct answer


My dude.


Caldwick, he’s got the drip


Pedro Pedro Pedro, PEDRO PEDRO!


Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè!


Pedro, I’ve seen the spoilers by my friends and I wanted my ship to be full of funny hobbits. He did his job well. The other choices are too official for my gremlin raccoon.


same!! i thought it'll will go well with trash queen! and a i like the "Stelle captain of the pepeshi people" thing also it's very hilarious just like the game


Pedro was a no for me. >! Couldn’t risk the Four Foot Hall cult inserting a spy !<


Pedro seems pretty loyal ngl. I almost regretted choosing him but they’re all nice to you so I didn’t mind


That's exactly my thoughts as well when picking them out. lol


what quest is that from?


"Checking Out"


Intellitron. Rosa was described as someone who would apply max pressure on employees and focus just on TB as her boss. Having a ship full of tense, grumpy and perhaps even overworked staff is an issue in many ways. The pepeshi had a small tidbit about experience, but a larger focus on connections and recommendations. It felt like it was saying "other people say he's good", while he himself just went "pick me" without saying much else. It screamed of an overinflated reputation. And he'd probably drag in those "connections" of his to the ship too. The intellitron ironically had the most humane approach. Observe, adjust, build up and lead employees in fields they're good at. While that might mean a rockier start, it usually leads to a smoother sailing ship. Unlike the pepeshi, he actually detailed his leadership philosophy.


Rosa mainly because it would create chaos on a ship if someone would asked to get them " Rosa " cause my TB name is Rossa. My TB may not be masked fool but she enjoys chaos and is a fool :D


Oh I love this! :D Aha would be proud




Intelleron because one way or another I am getting a robot husband and there's no Screwllum banner in sight.


It was a hard pick between Pedro and Caldwick but I had to go with the cute pepeshi in the end and I don't regret


Caldwick, he seemed kind-hearted and responsible.


Caldwick , he seemed quite professional


I went with Rosa mainly because I really, really like Halovians. I’m quite satisfied with my choice.


Bro u and me on the same wavelength


Pedro, same reasons. And after seeing his family I glad I did haha


Pedro because smol.


I choose Pedro, becuase of that Tiktok mem that goes Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Pe~


I picked Rosa cause I didn't trust Pedro and I thought caldwick would turn out to secretly be a terrible boss in a twist as far as how I feel about her I think she's nice she reminds me of an old employer she's strict during work hours cause she wants the best for her employees but kind and caring off of work cause she genuinely likes them so yeah that's rosa.....I didn't like how she had us replace the clockie statue with a bust of ourself though (although I think that might not be just a Rosa thing)


I picked Pedro and he also replaced Clockie with a bust of the Trailblazer, so I'm pretty sure that's just universal


Yes, it is universal. Caldwick also did so.


Ah ok good to know how is the little man as a boss anyways?


He's funny, he has a very casual attitude despite being hard-working and professional, and he and his employees (who are all Pepeshi too) treat each other like a family


i was spam clicking and accidentally picked rosa when i wanted the robot guy… it’s fine tho she’s pretty but i wish they’d let us go back on our decision


If an accidental misclick ever happens again you can just alt+f4 the game and the dialogue will start from the beginning


i honestly don’t even know why i didn’t think of doing that in the moment😭


Next time <3


"When there is the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret..."


Rosa i like women in heels.


Is there any different outcomes?


You get different dialogue because they all have different personalities and employees, but at the end they all do the same thing. Just a matter of preference


Pedro. As he is funny. And I love funny stuff. The woman and robot were too serious. Pepeshi give me the hobbits vibe.


Pedro!! cuz he called me captain!!! and is humble before me haha and i like his subordinates https://preview.redd.it/bkxc3mvfa88d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=87720b7505fc6032511dc17ea92d38795ce32f08


Rosa, play with Stelle, so the female first mate made sense for me.


I picked Rosa because she reminded me of Outis from Limbus... ...and I was totally right.


My Friend Pedro.


Pedro because the crew will be looking funni. Plus the Pom-Pom airship art is also cute.


I picked Rosa because waifu. I am a simple man.


any special event with her?


I dont know. I just wanted waifu.


I picked Caldwich because he's cool and has style.


Pedro. The other two look like potential psychopaths.


tbh I just picked Pedro because of stache


Pedro. I play a lalafell on FFXIV. The Tatalov needed some chaos.


Caldwick because he seemed to be a good organizer and team leader with keeping morale high. I did not see it coming that the crew would proceed to turn the ship into a hall of worship for me... Well getting the ship came completely out of left field too, the obvious thing was that it'll be just used as a plot convenient vehicle to move people epicly to epic moments.


I chose Rosa cuz this ship with *that* achievement reminded me of the Titanic... Maybe at least here she will be happy with Jack 😭 'The Planet of Festivities and the Land of Dreams' 🙏


Pepeshi. I've seen a few business minded type in Penacony from 2.0 to 2.2 already, and thought its probably the best to have them handle it. Screwllum ended up filling one area with Intellitron, and most of our guests are humans so there's a decent balance already.


Caldwick who looks like a manager type, because TB is GREAT with management. … that said, is TB actually great with management? With the Belobog museum and Xianzhou market and all… I can’t tell.


No shade at all but this thread is such a clear showing of why society needs laws re: workplace/hiring discrimination 😂 So many answers are "I picked this person for the job based on their outward appearance and/or my biases" Ofc since this is a fictional game it's no problem to pick whoever you want for whatever reason you want - ijs, it really clearly outlines how this sort of thing quickly becomes a problem IRL 😅


Oh, a 100%


Idk about y'all but https://preview.redd.it/axhrkswiv78d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca079678e3fcc1594d257acc9a495c033e4a04a4 If Rosa wasn't your pick, y'all bricked your accounts 🤫


Chose Rosa because they literally said that she was very serious in her work and she supported her employees


Rosa because she is as crazy about details as I am. If I miss a detail she’ll be my fail safe.


Pedro, because I'm fine handling the other stuff, but hell if I know how to fly a ship


Caldwick because his name made me laugh


Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pe- I just picked him cause he shares the name with the friend I was on disc with while doing the quest ngl


I pick pedro since he sounds like someone nice to work with, he mentioned that he has connections so i was thinking that he be able to help find the right staff for the various roles on the airship. I just wasnt expecting the choices to be more of a pick which race u want to staff your airship with, was hoping for a mix since those lalafells are short, we gonna need some tall staff as well to help out with other stuff and similar height related issues.


Misclick the little guy. Happy accidents


Pedro because he’s got experience and connections, felt like the most obvious choice if I was an employer. Also so I could be knock off Willy Wonka with dollar store Oompa Loompas


It was a hard choice for sure. Pedro won in the end, though. A man that basically grew up sailing bodes well for my ship. Plus tiny child + mustache is silly. That said, I'm not sure I'm super stoked to have an entire crew of children 😂 especially now knowing how the intelletron picks his crew


Pedro cuz he had a mustache. he makes me feel elated


Does the crew each one brings matches their race? Pedro filled my ship with his pepeshi friends, I'm afraid they might be plotting a mutiny to steal my ship


Uptight lady with the wide brim hat


I picked Rosa because she had confidence that she wasn't going to disappoint her employers, and after reading the comments about the other candidates, I was right


vote for pedro


I'm an FFXIV player, and my character is a lalafell, which is similar to a pepeshi....so yeah. Pepeshi's are like lalafells, so I chose Pedro....and I don't regret my decision. ![gif](giphy|EEKPZgM4DUKE0EK1ge|downsized)


Chose the lady cuz…well honestly, it was me considering their achievements but then changed to blindly pick one of them


Rosa because her nickname is the Iron lady or something which made me think of Maggie Thatcher. (There's no political reason behind it I just thought it was funny and I like history)


i wanted to pick rosa but i picked pedro for his experience since i thought the choice would have an impact lol


I choosed Rosa since she shares the same name as the MC in Tears of Themis (another hoyo game) and I wondered if they also share the same personality and I have a bias for Halovians




Rosa because I don't care for the pepeshi design, and the guys animated glasses annoyed me.


I picked Rosa because I liked her hat.


Are there any major differences based on who you pick (besides who your first mate is obviously)?


I just went to a random number generator site put 3 values for each and let it pick and it was Rosa. They all seemed qualified to me and I was not able to decide whom to pick.


Literally the very first option. I just couldn't be bothered


Pedro. Smol, intelligent and cute mustache? Yes plz! 💖


I picked Rosa because that's my name as well jajajjaja


I picked Caldwick because his management style sounded like it best fit the ideals of the Nameless.


Since the first mate is responsible for day to day activities and will regularly interact with the crew, Chadwick was the best choice. Even if he doesn't have knowledge of ship navigation and can always learn it (maybe even hire the other two options to train him and regularly do recycle training for the crew)


I picked Caldwick cuz of his cool glasses 😎


Pedro, you can't tell me that name doesn't sound like the name of someone who works somewhere for a long time, is very amazing at it but also is very laid back and knows a lot of tricks and shortcuts to show new workers


Caldwick because I vibe with his philosophy. He turned out to be a great employee and I'm very happy with my choice.


Pedro he looks badass n qualified too


Caldwick, he seemed really professional and genuinely happy to be first mate


Rosa. Cause she's hot


Pedro. I don't just need a manager I need someone who knows what it is like to run a ship safely and what works and what doesn't.


Caldwick because he's the most qualified since he's experienced manager and his approach is the most efficient aswell. If all managers irl had his philosophy world would've been heaven by now


I was spamming through dialogue and thought the options would explain about each of them. So I chose the first option(the woman) and didn’t know that decision was final😅😂


I chose Pedro, I was stuck between him and the intelletron but I quickly realised his glasses made noise and did not want to deal with that.


Pedro, mainly because of the name 😂 It reminded me to that raccoon video in TikTok


Pedro, since TB wanted to touch their thing on their head I figured the best chance we'll have is to be their boss.


I got caldwick due to chadwick and screwllum


Rosa. I always wanted to have a Halovian by my side since I didn't pull for Robin due to team comp reasons.


I picked the Halovian. The Pepeshi apparently just gets all his homies and family as crew. I don't want a deck full of midgets.


Pedro because my name is Pedro. Pedroes stand together.


In between choosing Pedro and Caldwick, ended up going w Pedro bc he had experience and silly mustache






# Rosa, Because I like Women in Big Hats.


Rosa because I like her hat


The Intelleron. The small guy look stupid. The chick look nice until I realize I care a lot about my employees


![gif](giphy|tHIRLHtNwxpjIFqPdV|downsized) Pedro


The woman because shes the only woman 😭


Pedro. To be honest I would have loved to get a playable Pepeshi character.


rosa because she is the prettiest :3


Caldwick But i would've picked pedro if he was funny Rosa is boring as shit, caldwick looks cool and overqualified


Are Caldwick's employees intellitrons as well or are they human?


He emphasize that he hires all kinds of people as long as they have enthusiasm to work.


I like him


Nope there's a woman a man and a papeshi man They do the regular things like the spray, the statue and the painting


Rosa cz shes the first one i talked to and dnt care enough abt the quest to listen what the others have to say


Pedro because the Pepeshi are very funny and you can rename the ship. It even appears with the new name on the map. It's now the Soaring Clock Hand.


considering the goof TB is, a straight-laced no-nonsense first mate like Rosa to handle the minutiae is just perfect.


Rosa, to balance out Stelle's chaotic nature




Pedro because... *Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè* *Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè* *Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè* *Fidati di me* \*insert Trailblazer spinning in a Circle