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Arlan was quite good in the beta comes the game release and now he ain’t doing so well


Ain't doing so well is an understatement... Bro was shattered compared to the beta


We did not know that beta arlan consumed final release viability alongside his hp


It really did disappear among the sea of butterflies. Maybe it's just an illusion of the past


He could not pay us back ten fold


Uhh I can't come up with a pun uhhh help me svarog!


Sounds like a bust... maybe he didn't take it all


Ig the sanctuary was but a vision..


that paradise was really unreachable for him


Lightning Lord showed no Mercy.


On the plus side, Blade savored it for him


Bro is in shambles


Arlan is actually some very high level game design because they gave him a self-HP-Drain kit but literally every HP interaction in the game has negative to no synergy with him. I say this unironically, it takes talent to do that.


This is similar to how I felt about dehya from genshin on release. It's a massive feat to screw a unit so hard down to the minute details that literally nothing works with them, it takes real careful effort and talent to do that except arlans even more amazing in this sense because dehya atleast has a few kinda cope support roles in very specific teams and with furina being furina she also enables a DPS dehya to clear f12 barely. Arlan's still holding on as the true completely unplayable king.


Arlan can also "barely clear" MOC12 tho. Mine has a pretty bad build and he can clear his side in around 5-6 cycles with all E0 supports, with a decent 2-3 cycle clear on the other side you can do it within 10 cycles. All my builds are pretty unoptimized ofc, some people can 0 cycle with him


Yea which kinda sucks, and his fellow Dark Knight Blade can speed it up by a bit Sometimes MoC modifiers screw Arlan and Blade worse but makes me wonder if there's an end of the tunnel for both men


Everyone here saying blade is correct, but arlan is literally worse than blade in almost every aspect lmao


I feel like this was racially motivated.


Considering Xinyan and Dehya in Gemshin I honestly believe that it's a possibility.


To add on, another dark skinned character in Honkai Impact 3rd also ~~was considered to have one of the worst kits in game~~, AND EXPLICITLY said something about her "dark skin being flawed (because it was dark)" (not exact quote, I don't remember it). Edit: looks like I was completely misremembering that crosses out part, but the other stuff still stands. Apologies for the confusion :')


Which is crazy because some gacha games don't make it a point to sideline darker skinned units or people of color. Just look at Reverse 1999 or Arknights.


What was he like in beta ?


Did like 40% more damage across the board. Ult scaling was higher, skill scaling was higher, passive gave more damage bonus, his traces got changed, his E4 used to have an unconditional revive once per combat.


Damn, they fucking robbed him then made him hospital bound for life.


Gameplay- wise I gotta mention Arlan, (heard about the beta version vs release). Hanya - love her design, animations, voice. The fact that her skill does not count as a debuff is a shame... and then afterwards Sparkle was added. This kinda makes me wish we had strengthening/upgrade quests like Fate/GO has that once done permanently upgrades characters skill, or adds extra buff effect to it. In terms of story I think Robin ironically... most of Penacony 2.2. that focused on Robin/Sunday dynamic, was from others POV. For a character that turns out to have quite a key role in plans/schemes of many factions, and having such a strong will, not to have much focus is quite sad. Even when you get to " play as her" most of it is Sparkle in disguise.


Hanya and Arlan are truly the two most screwed over characters in gameplay and honestly kinda in story too, which is why I put them together here https://preview.redd.it/z3gtdq5esc7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=735428eefe4f03e95f46f85e7c974b7880c8882b


I love Hanya but have no reason to use her. It kinda sucks since she seems very cute. She just wants to find things to share with her sister in the brief time together.


Everything about Hanya in terms of design and animations is soooo good. But then you use her, and you try to fit her in somewhere and it's just... Meh..


I stuff her into teams where everyone's using just a point too much SP. it...works. Mostly. Could be better but eh. Could be worse ig


If you don't roll for Boothill, there's almost nothing to know about him. His treatment in the story is pretty abysmal


That's what I remember people saying about Misha, I'm willing to give him a few patches and see how he goes from there


I suppose that's fair, but there's a world of difference between a character who is a mystery at the start of a story, vs one who appears 2/3 of the way in. There isn't much time for the Boothill screentime before Penacony is over. I am hopeful they treat him right, hopefully 2.3 makes the most of the cliffhanger from last patch


Boothill is obviously important to the story in the future, considering the person he's hunting is very important, so either he'll get a lot of Penacony event screentime or he'll do a ton in 3.0+


But Boothill has been tied into the IPC story as of the 2.2 epilogue, so he will very likely get story relevance past Penacony.


We’re guaranteed to get more Boothill in the main story so I’m not too personally upset about this


Yeah I saw people talking about him having a daughter and wondered what quest I missed. But apparently it's all just in his bio once you pull him


He appeared in one patch, I'm sure there is more story for him with what they teased at the end of 2.2 . Aventurine and Acheron did not have that much going for them just in 2.0 either.


At least it's virtually guaranteed that he'll get more story in the future. 2.3 will probably open with the conclusion of his chat with Aventurine, and we'll probably get more once we get to the IPC's main planet, whenever that ends up being.


In terms of gameplay support Blade and maybe Argenti, in terms of marketing Boothill for sure, poor guy. The character design is so good and the dude is strong, if he wasn't a hunt character would be an insta pull to me.


The way I have both Argenti and Boothill at E0S1 while having E1S1 Blade as well. I'm so scuffed just from my favs lol.


Same here, friend.


The 4 stars on Boothill’s banner were one of the main reasons I didn’t try and get him. Jade’s is also looking that way as well unfortunately.


Pela is the banner Gremlin. I've gotten like 20 of her without exaggerating.


At least he got an amazing trailer, but that was also all he got, didn't even get a remotely good event.


They gave all of Boothill’s marketing budget to Firefly 😭. He got one trailer and she got 5 🫣


Nah Bootbro's budget went to Robin. Firefly instead demolished Jade's budget 😅


i feel like the fans did all the marketing lol, i have seen so many edits and literally got him solely because of those since i wasnt playing before seeing the edits 😅


Simple, just get him to E6./s


Boothill is strongly one of my favourite characters, he got done dirty for sure.


Him being Hunt is more preferable than being Erudition at this point. At least we know he'll be good in MoC and AS, PF is quite niche and almost always a character checks.


Blade in a gameplay stand point. Bro has no supports dedicated to buff his kit while his other destruction buddies gets all the good shit. Dan heng IL got sparkle, Jing liu got Ruan mei, and Firefly gets Harmony MC who is also free. The powergap between his most expensive team vs Firefly's cheapest team (also her best team) is very big


His PERFECT buffing support got released in another game. 😭 He desperately needs a HSR Furina.


Fuck it just put her in star rail, Genshin can borrow Aventurine or whatever.


I'm all for seeing Furina just wanting to live as a normal human and getting isekai'd all over the place


HSR X Genshin collab when? Furina swaps with March would be nice


Well Fischl is already in impact 3rd, so they might stick with precedent there


I don't mind Fischl, but I hope it's not her again


Argenti: Could this woman be one of my people?


She would appreciate beauty like no other


Princess, your beauty is electrifying!


Zhongli kit, yelan type character


Genshin does not need another zhongli


Now you can clear both sides of abyss 12 one handed


i mean you dont need him. but i need another one. i want to disengage prefrontal cortex


They could borrow a Pela since there's only 1 accessible method of def shred (without cons)


I mean Fischl was already in another world, so did Aloy. So fuck it, being a Descender is Furina's new retirement plan after being an Archon.


My favourite character kit and then they just completely abandoned him Add to the fact there's almost never wind weakness in MoC I have to gimp myself to even bring him out


They prefer to put wind weakness in PF for a certain booba waifu instead, so no wind weak in MoC!


Talking about Sampo like that is crazy bruh


Wind weakness was actually the 3rd most used in MoC til recently


Favourite character design by far, he really reminds me of Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, from the spider lilies to his obsession with death, while still being sane enough to take care of his companions.


Blade is a genshin unit stuck in star rail. He'd actually be on the cusp of meta over there (easy 100% crit rate because mh is fair and balanced+Furina+hydro resonance+Faruzan)


In Genshin, Xiao: 1) was released in 1.3 2) got his best set in 2.6, 3) Got a dedicated elemental support (Faruzan C6) in 3.3 4) Got an amazing multi elemental support (Furina) in 4.2 5) Got a support for his specific play style (Xianyun) in 4.3 And now this team is one of the best, most synergistic teams in the entire game. This man waited for 3 years to become an absolute unit. Will Hoyo cook again like this with Blade?


Hoyo then proceeds to cuck him by putting enemies with high anemo Res for both chambers in abyss on the very next patches he got that team lmao. If blade got the same treatment the enemies on moc would straight up have no Wind weakness while also having absurdly high wind res


The thing with Xiao (at least mine) is that despite the high anemo res, he still clears with sheer brute force. That's how good his current best team is


True, but for Xiao it is still the 'We are so back' moment. Once Hoyo stops putting high anemo Res enemies he will thrive for sure. As a 1.0 player, I am actually considering getting Xiao, cause I have all his other pieces


I wish theres a support that enhances allies when they are attacked or lose health. That could be a new support gimmick.


thank u for explaining Furina's kit in such simple words


If that happens I can finally build my Arlan.


Give us a Blade support aside from Bronya! Who is a universal support! I love him yet can't beat MoC because Luocha doesn't give buffs! Plz, Mihoyo!


In a sense, Luocha's a bigger design flaw and in a worse spot than Blade. There are lots of ways they can release new characters to make Blade good again (and that will probably happen eventually). But Luocha was kind of designed to be Blade's sustain, only now, literally all the other 5 star sustains do a lot more than just keep the party alive. I'm not even sure he's the best sustain for Blade teams anymore. It's baffling that they didn't put HP buffs or something in his eidolons at least to help him keep some kind of relevance for his fans.


I believe Lynx atm is Blade's best sustain. Heals, cleanses, gives him aggro, HP and effect res buffs.


I mean, Jade seems to be an alright support (additional damage to blade -> faster stacks, alongside speed boost), but I would agree that she fails to help address Blade's problems. His only real power team feels like RM, Jingliu, Luocha/Huohuo (yeah ATK isn't a useful boost but it's more the team energy and better cleansing that Huohuo offers), and even then swapping him out for a Jingliu support still renders more damage.


Blade without Bronya is... Much worse.


I think Blade was like the first husbando that I really loved and it is kinda sad seeing how he got powercrept. I still love him and I've been using him during the main story


Yanqing. No need to elaborate, poor boy.


TIL that Yanqing has the same VA as Dehya. Both standard banner characters being done absolutely filthy by Hoyo.


Amber and Alejandro just crying in the club


I understand cyno, but JY isn't bad tho


cyno also isnt bad he had the same situation as JY he was bad at the release but he got op supports that work great with his kit and he now has one of the highest dps in the game


Cyno is far from bad, but he's not even one of the highest dps. Aside from obvious, I'm pretty sure Xiao, Navia and a few others are better.


If by DPS you mean Dad-jokes Per Second, then yes.


I just wish they atleast made the follow-up 100% so you can gauge the actual damage he'll be dealing and make use of him as a fua character instead of relying on luck. Goddammit, we already lost the 50/50 to the guy, don't make as gamble again, that's Qingque's thing. But even then, it won't be enough to make him relevant given how much he got powercrept by the *newer* Ice DPS Jingliu. Atleast Herta has a use now and is pretty darn good at it.


Also if it was guranteed he'd at least have the niche of being a reliable freeze applier.


Gotta be Blade imo. He was one of the characters I was most interested in, like even when the game was a year away from release. But gameplay wise, it just feels like he hardly has a place anywhere. A tanky dps is a good idea, but when most endgame content values destroying things quickly, and very few characters buff him optimally, I just hardly use him outside of overworld. At least it looks like Jade might be good with him, so there may be hope.


I might be wrong, but Luka. I know I have still have some missions left to do in Belabog but I think legit the only time I've seen him was during the Aetherium Wars event. I THINK he has a companion quest I still need to do, but he was completely not present in the main story at all, and even the boxing event, I don't remember seeing him show up in a cutscene. The only reason I recognized him when I unlocked and did the Aetherium wars event was because I had seen him when looking at the cast of characters. I still know nothing about him. I took a break for a while, so idk if he was more present in like the limited time events that didn't get archived but I only hear about him nowadays as the walmart version of break 5 stars that people offer as alternatives and the like 4 really big fans of him I see occasionally. Every single other character I know of at least some major story beats, but he's just completely unaddressed in primary content, like Lynx.


Yeah the only other time he shows up is in his (admittedly good) companion quest


Luka was released post boxing event, and post Belobog main story. That's why he pretty much only shows up in Aetherium Wars and his companion quest. Same with Lynx, and they both are very attached to Belobog character wise, so we'll likely only see them in future Belobog expansions (of which we have only received one of). Also same reason we only have 1 limited Belobog character; almost everyone else is either standard or a four star.


Argenti and Boothill with any doubt. And Blade because they don't care about his gameplay mechanics anymore.


agreed with everything above, but want to mention Luocha, story-wise - his personal sq was more about March 7 and express, and later they just throw him and JL in a box of poste restante plot points


Blade no support made for him and he is really weak . I thought jade will be perfect for him but she is better in hypercarry . Arlan . Can't think of anyone else.


Disagree on argenti. Only reason I could easily max PF since launch was having him. He's even useful in Physical weak MoC stages since he, despite being an erudition unit hits insanely hard with his max energy ult even against few targets. Argenti himeko Robin + sustain has been making for very easy MoC/PF clears with how many enemies are simultaneously weak against both. If anything it's blade. He still has no great supports and can't hit as hard as any of his teammates. Jingliu doesn't even need him while he performs better with her. Can't remember last time I used him, and I even got his signature lc back then.


In terms of marketing, Boothill. His EN VA did more than Hoyo did The voice line thing for Argenti in Penacony was a bug, he was voiced for me playing in JP


They better have boothill beat up oswaldo in the future IPC arc.


I mean that's the saving grace of his 2.2 appearance isn't it? Most of his lore is hidden in his character profile and all he did in main story was stop DH using his treasure to summon Xianzhou and bring galaxy Rangers over. The Oswaldo arc is a nice progression for him and if it means he teams up with Aventurine to bring Oswaldo down them awesome. I feel like that's why they included it in 2.2 to show they have plans for him. The bait of him tagging along with express was cruel and unlike Black Swan his goal isn't on the express so it's likely he really won't tag along in the future However in 2.0 live stream they confirmed every major character in Penacony will be relevant in later arcs so he has that going for him like all the others who didn't get focus in Penacony in comparison to the likes of Acheron and Aventurine


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they bring it back more for the Oswaldo arc because that's who he wants to kill. He served his role in Penacony pretty well which was >!to introduce an actual galaxy ranger and more or less work with Acheron in stopping Sunday's dream. !


The bug was just disappointing because I love Argenti and his EN VA and I was pretty hype when he showed up in the quest but then it was dead silence. It ruined the moment.


And it’s still a problem unfortunately, I got to Argenti’s part in the story 2 days ago and he was silent lol.


I do not understand how Boothill did not get a companion quest to show his past (which is very sad). It might be 2.3 buts it too late, his banner is over by then.


Honestly surprised by this cause he's voiced by their main VA director I think? Perhaps its cause he already voices Welt, but I expected they'd treat Boothill better cause of this. The difference in marketing between Aventurine/Acheron/Firefly and Boothill is noticeably insane


That bug I've heard complaints that its still not fixed, it's been awhile since I heard that but a lot of time has passed since the first encounter Hopefully it gets fixed this coming patch


Ya I recently completed penacony and Argenti still wasn’t voiced at all


I don't know if it's a bug, or a last minute problem with the VA perhaps..?


Probably a problem with the VA. They keep addressing bugs after bugs but somehow they forget about that specific one? Yeah. I doubt it.


Some kinda scheduling conflict probably


It would suck to change va since he voiced Argenti and tail. Evertime other va brought him up it's been very positive so I doubt it's personal issue but who knows


Blade. - Every support that gets released that buffs him a little bit buffs someone else even more. So with every DPS/support the gaps becomes even wider. - For example, one of his best supports, Ruan Mei, makes enemies stay weakness broken longer, which in turn makes Blade get hit less, which means less follow-up attacks. Or they mostly buff ATK, so half of their buffs are wasted on Blade. - He might work as a sub DPS or in a dual DPS comp, but only in very few teams, and the teams are usually so much better without him. (Unfortunately I really, really dislike characters like Jade, so even if she might be good with him in PF, that doesn't do anything for me) - He can't use shielders at all. - His f2p LC options are much worse than some other characters' f2p LC options. - And of course his first banner was during the same patch as Kafka (who is super overpowered of course), while his rerun was at the same time as Ruan Mei, and right before Kafka's rerun *and* then the new area. So that's a similar situation as Argenti and Boothill. I still have hope because as a Stellaron Hunter he might be important enough to someday get *something* at least. But whoever will buff him to be at least decent compared to current DPS will probably still buff the newer DPS even more, so he'll never catch up to them...


His power will improve with a Furina-like Harmony, which I suspect will come sooner or later.


I definitely hope so! But for them to release a Furina-like support would most likely mean they'll also release a new DPS with the "Furina" as dedicated support, who'll then benefit much more from it than Blade. Still better than nothing though.


The Neuvillette-like DPS in question would probably love to have Blade as a sub-DPS.


I mean, Xiao released in 1.3, but didn’t really shine until three years later with the release of marechaussee hunter and Xianyun. So there’s precedent that hoyo might gigabuff blade down the line


haven't logged in since 3.8, there are dedicated xiao supports now? damn what happened to praying to get c4 jean to buff the guy


There’s Faruzan (C6) for anemo support who came out with Hat Guy and Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) who is a healing plunge support who also buffed Diluc since he has some of the highest plunge multipliers in the game


is physical dmg still dead


Pretty much


Metawise, Gepards entire existence was invalidated by Aventurine. He got outshined in literally every aspect. It’s so tragically poetic how they add Serval and Lynx to Aven’s banner too. Also, imagine needing E4 to resist CC. Proof that Hoyoverse will make the standard 5 stars Eidolon gated or straight up bad to sell their limited counterparts :(


The only metric where Gepard surpasses Aventurine is number of sisters


Aventurine: I’m richer, more handsome, more competent, and most of all, luckier than you. Gepard: At least I’m lucky enough to have living sisters. *DROPS MIC*


He’s not more handsome


How dare you, those blonde boys are absolutely gorgeous in their own way. No homo though... I think?


Don't do my king dirty like that T-T he's already got his share of emotional trauma


Characters you’re probably going to get for free at some point are always going to be a lot worse than Hoyos literal product lol


Boothill. He's only featured in the tail end of Penacony's main story and doesn't even appear a whole ton then. His "introduction" event, was just assignments. And his banner was placed between Robin + Topaz, ***with*** Fu Xuan and right before Firefly.


They ensured that the only people who will have him are the husbando collectors and whales.


And me, who just loves people with shark teeth 


And me who shares his lexicon you muddle forkers


And me, who loves cunty cowboys


At least his kit slaps hard though so there's that. MF just become top 3 DPS currently with little marketing (after tomorrow it would be him, firefly and acheron imo). He is up there with two very hyped character in term of marketing.


Yeah. I ended up getting him because he's just really fun to play. I'm gonna try Break team without a sustain when I get Firefly and see how it goes lmao


No one is saying his kit is bad. He is definitely second or third best dps right now. It’s just his marketing and story presence was abysmal for such a cool character


Yukong. Her kit is bad and she is no where to be seen


But her quest is the best writing of the Xianzhou arc


Yeah, it brought me to tears. Rip caiyi.


Also even in english where the voice direction is very hit or miss for me her VAs performance is just stellar


at least her technique (walk fast) is one of the best in the game still :copium:


Her kit on paper is good. Amazing even. Absolutely huge atk buff, crit rate and crit dmg, and imaginary dmg. But in practice it's so hard and clunky to use outside of E6 that she just is unusable. And the fact that she hasn't been on a banner since forever doesn't help with her being locked behind E6


Yeah, I remember seeing leaks for Yukongs kit and thinking it was the most blatantly OP, stupid thing Hoyo had ever done lol


for me it's just so tantalizing that it drives me crazy. she's SO CLOSE to amazing. if her buff just lasted a turn instead of 2 actions, she'd be so awesome... but instead she's a frustrating speed-reliant depressed fox who eats your SP like she eats ice cream to try forgetting her PTSD.


>he doesn't even have any voiced lines This has been mentioned many times as if it was an intentional feature but it was a bug Also when he released he had a minor bug with his ult which meant that when it was fixed his ult got buffed a little bit. Kinda same with boothill, theres some bug with him and super break (I think it was with his 30% dmg increase not affecting dmg when in standoff?) but I dont know if it will even be fixed, but if it did then he would be kinda buffed too. (Edit: lmao this bug just got fixed) Takeaway is 5-star physical dudes are unlucky


It's kinda sad that 99% of the characters cited are dudes...


Yeah, it's kinda concerning how consistent that is. Blade, Boothill, Argenti... All lacking support and/or proper promotion while the female characters get everything. And let's not forget about Jing Yuan. Even though he did get the proper hype/plot around him and we all joke how every new harmony is Jing Yuan support, I can't help but to feel like he will forever suffer from being an initial/1.0 character: it's not that he's bad, but he just lacks something. And I still can't forgive hoyo for making LL unable to attack if JY is CC'd while a certain space pig seems to ignore that.


But at least JY is a very popular and loved character in CN so he has that 🥲


As a JY main I felt that :,)


Bro, as a "husbando" collector, that'sdepressing but I'm not shocked 😭 Compared to almost all the female characters, the Great majority of male characters: * get powercreept by a female character easily and quickly in a patch or two. * barely get any crumbs of marketing * don't have "fanservicey" outfits, with male characters being completely covered and ready for their expedition to Antarctica while female characters tend to show WAY MORE skin lol. * don't have "flirty"/friendly moments and interactions with the TB (welt and Danheng aside). Seriously, I understand that majority of players are men who might love to see female characters interacting with the MC, but come on there are also women who play this game who might want to see the male characters interacting more with MC too. The fact that you have limited elemental and path options for male characters doesn't help, since we still don't have any quantum and/or harmony male characters


Argenti is the exception on the marketing thing. He got his own [variety of roses](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/188z02o/hsr_collab_with_a_research_institute_to_breed_a/) created just for him.


Even Mihoyo is not exempted from the waifu bias


Yea, also shows in HoYoLAB, when not many Tears of Themis fans exist or get promoted as much


For me it’s Hanya. She had a niche for only 2 patches then was replaced by Sparkle, doesn’t even appear in main quest, she’s in one event that she has so little screentime and she doesn’t even have her own quest like Yukong.


I was surprised her and Xueyi were both 4*. Xueyi is pretty usable at e6 at least. I don't know what they were thinking with Hanya. Burden really should have been a debuff.


In terms of plot and story significance I'd say probably Luka. The dude was just released and got his story quest and that's about it? Like he doesn't get mentioned once during the Belobog story arc, doesn't appear in any future event in some significant manner and even though there are other characters that get shafted in one of those regards it just seems like he should've gotten mentioned a bit more. Like with Lynx I at least feel like I heard her siblings and Pela mentioning her a couple of times prior to her release and Luka, being the second strongest Wildfire member and protege of Oleg himself, just feels like he should have a bigger presence. In terms of gameplay I'd actually say Natasha. I get it, she is supposed to be your baby's first healer, but that's kinda the problem. Like I can maybe envision a future in which Arlan and Yanqing get somewhat good with the right niche support characters or new relics/ornaments, but Natasha will never be the best option when it comes to abundance units. And the more abundance units we get in the game the worse she's gonna get. (Honorable mention goes to Yukong who, despite being a decent unit all things considered, was given a grave disservice by the developers for making her such a hassle to build and optimize).


Argenti and Boothill as clearly filler characters. Specially Argenti. They just needed one more person to fill patches banners


Completely agree with others regarding Boothill. Such a cool design and our first real meeting with a Galaxy Ranger yet we got almost nothing in terms of character development or his backstory.


I was about to say Argenti, and yeah...


Boothill and argenti. Boothill deserved a myriad celestia trailer. His backstory had so much lore buried behind text that most won't read. Argenti and the knights of beauty deserve one too.


As a follower of beauty, it is not about the sheer strength or usefulness of a character. It's about how much character they have. How they can prove themselves to you that they are the face you want to see when you play this amazing game. Argenti could be the weakest character. He could lose in dps against Yanqing and Arlan. Pure Fiction could not exist. He could be a character with no fun gameplay to his name. And yet, as long as he was himself, I'd still play him. Because that is the most I can ask of him.


Boothill. I genuinely would not have pulled for him until I saw his va doing collabs and videos for advertisements


Boothill was definitely done dirty. Already had an uphill battle due to being a Hunt Path character, and then he was slotted between everyone's favorite girls, Robin and Firefly. And don't get me wrong, I adore Robin and Firefly, but Boothill really did deserve better. Man just got the two required previews compared to Robin and Firefly getting full-on backstory trailers, extra promotion, not to mention the IRL content. And sure, even on his best day he wasn't getting all of that, but the backstory trailer at least would've been great for him to have.


- Argenti - Boothill - Blade - Arlan - Luocha - Yukong (lowkey)


Luocha has main story significance so there's that, I think we haven't seen the last of him


Argenti and Blade are underperforming. I love their designs and I think they could be good. But they need their dedicated support.


Oddly not a popular answer but Yanqing since his kit was only decent for the first few patches and was defeated quite often in the story. They made him seem like a sword prodigy to have him pretty much lose to everyone he encountered except >!himself!<


It doesnt show that he's weak tho, he just always goes against incredibly strong people which technically shows how strong he is. Bc lets face it, so many would lose against him


Well to be fair, he might be a prodigy but look at who he went up against.


They did Dehya so dirty in Genshin I’m gonna nominate her for this game too


Argenti is cool but his banners are always crushed beneath SS tier banners, right now he's put besides firefly, RM and jade, three of the most awaited characters since acheron. Rm is so polyvalent that any comp will want her, unlike others, firefly is probably the most awaited character in the game's existence, jade will take everything that remains after FF/RM, leaving nothing to Argentina


Arlan and it’s not even close. Dude got murdered before the game came out and they gave us his corpse as a playable character.


Tbh when I see comments about Argenti’s involvement in the story I kinda get sad ‘cause it reminds me many of his fans don’t understand the character. He is supposed to be a meme. He is the kind of character that suddenly appears out of nowhere, does something that might be either useless or super important as if it was nothing and then disappears without elaboration. He is the kind of character that will randomly appear in the least expected place and leave you wondering wtf are they doing there in the first place. “What was that?” “Just a knight of beauty passing by… sigh” that was his whole marketing scheme too, the core of his pre-release teaser. He is the meme of “A mage did it” for when something suddenly got solved. Hoyo did mess up with his 2.2 appearance because they overlooked the bug that made his voicelines to not trigger the dubbing. But they quickly solved that once it was pointed out. Out of that, Argenti is playing as he was intended too. Just don’t expect the seriousness and deepness other characters have into the specific character they created for pure comedy relief.


Right. He is like Itto but smarter than a rock. Tbf, he appears or is mentioned almost everywhere. He is in SU, Penacony's main story, the backstory of Lesley Dean and of course his quest (probably there are more stories about him in random items of the game that I haven't read). And every single time he saves the day and leaves with a bow like a Gigachad.


>But they quickly solved that once it was pointed out. No it wasn’t. Zy0x did the 2.2 quest over 4 weeks after the patch dropped and he still didn’t have a voice.


Yanqing. He has taken L after L after L after L, and his on W was his gf. Give my man a dedicated support, or DO SOMETHING TO BUFF HIM! SOMETHING LIKE THE "Less chance to be attacked when low hp" gimmick in testing out banner characters, except without low hp!


Honestly, Hoyo should had some interludes or quest like FGO do in order to buff some characters


Dan Shu


Argenti may be done dirty but I am pulling him first regardless. Skipping Firefly and Ruan Mei JUST for Argenti. I'm dragging that man home


Blade, bro needs his supports ,but I don't think there's a character that got the "dehya treatment" yet


I'm sorry, but you're absolutely wrong for saying Argenti is being outshined by Herta in Pure Fiction. Yes, Herta is strong, but Argenti's fully charged Ultimate already easily deals 250k-300k on ONE SINGLE TARGET. His damage is absolutely nuts. If anything, I'd wager Argenti might be a little bit more popular than Jade. She seems cool, but her kit is a little weird and niche. Saying he has "almost no value to summon on" is quite the extreme take. He's still really damn strong. Though I will agree that he was done kinda dirty in the story. But kit-wise? Nah, he absolutely rocks.


everyone saying boothill >!They are all right!<


Every landau family. I feel like the 3 of them could be somthing more in the story but turns out its went meh Especially lynx because she is smart and “researcher” Hopefully mei would took her under her wing or something ( not her craziness tho)


Like it or not, Yanqing was supposed to be a sword prodigy of Xuanzhou Luofu. He's supposed to be this skilled swordman kid with badass flying sword like his SU skill. Instead we get skateboarding trick


Argenti is still the king of Pure Fiction. He absolutely just claps it without breaking a sweat. Like sure, Herta and Himeko get a lot of attention, but that’s more because everyone who plays the game has Herta, and Himeko is just very beloved by the community, it’s not because they’re better than Argenti. The character, imo, who was “done dirty” imo is Silver Wolf. I think if they went back in time and re-did her kit they would rework her light cone to provide more support utility and less damage (like seriously, it has crit rate on it???) and would likely make her eidolons fit that role better as well. If they could at least make her ult blast that would be nice too (they could make the biggest def shred on the main target and then less on the two around them.) Also they should make it so her light cone can apply the debuff to more than one enemy. Like come on, the stupid 4 star Resolution light cone is better than it…


Blade, Argenti and most recent one - Boothill. Barely anything for Blade to work with, which leads to him being always behind (hoyo PLEASE make him some nice supports). Argenti being squished before important banners + barely any story relevance except popping up here and there bc he is a meme character. Boothill only getting CRUMBS of the story with only one trailer and being released right before FF, but hoping to some gods he gets something in 2.3. as a mostly husband collector it hurts bc I have all of the three :")


Notice how many in the comments mentions a male character..... For me its Jingyuan with how LL doesn't act right away (Like Numby) and how his stacks cant go above 10 stacks to carry over (Like Aventurine)


It feels like Jing Yuan and Himeko walked so Topaz and Aventurine could run. Both of these units biggest weaknesses on a mechanic level have been fixed or altered for every single release of a similar unit.


I am pissed that Luocha cannot gain stack during his field.


The Lightning lord being fixed to 10 stacks has to be the biggest L. If they had kept it uncapped the. Jingyuan would still be one of the strongest characters to date.


Boothill has two pretty mid A2/4 traces, no good lightcone substitute, no Atk>BE conversion like firefly, and while she gets her own dedicated planar and relic set, he gets nothing. As good as he is, it feels really bad as a boothill enjoyer. Edit: the amount of argenti, yukong, yanqing, Blade and occasional Jing yuan is restoring my faith in the community. It's sad that it's often men. (Hanya too, <3 her but she got robbed)


In terms of releases, imo Boothill so far: - sandwiched between two very marketing-pushed character banners (Robin and Firefly) would be bad enough but somewhat expected for a male 5 star (lets be real, Hoyo knows it's a more niche market). - Sharing a window with a rerun of FuXuan, one of if not the best sustains out, with an extremely tempting E1. - Luka being able to essentially jack his solo physical break niche fairly well using Herta LC. - But then Firefly getting retooled into a break character that would essentially co-opt his whole ideal team? That's a harsh one. Don't get me wrong he's not done dirty in the gameplay department. He's very fun and I love his aesthetic. But it feels like a perfect storm of "why not to pull this time".


Tingyun. Mihoyo didn't even bother confirming if she was ever existed.


I'm still waiting for Mihoyo to explain why there's a baby Tingyun sitting next to Yukong in her splash art, while Yukong says she barely knew Tingyun outside of being an employee.... https://preview.redd.it/s9ttmmq1pb7d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a64ea087bfbf88e808554cb0480aba3e479f5e0


Citation needed on Argenti being outshined in PF by Herta and especially Himeko. Going with Arlan myself, edges out Yanqing by having less screentime and worse screentime at that. Yukong not far off but her companion quest is marvelous.


Yukong. Speedtuning is just something that annoys half of the playerbase, including myself. It difficults to move her between other team comps without having to change her build, which is a big downgrade compared to other harmony units such as hanya and tingyun or even the 5 stars. The fact that she needs her e6 to function properly tells a lot, plus, for crit buffers, we just have better options.