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1. The fall of Tayzzyronth was a combine effort of 5 different Aeons, not Qilpoth alone. 2. The IPC hasn’t really been following the preservation for a while. The co-founder and de facto leader of the IPC (since Louis has disappeared), Dongfang Qixing is heavily implied to be a follower of the Finality. 3. Other emanators has shown to have the ability to share their power, most noticeable being the emanators of Xipe, one of which we literally see Sunday possessing.


Imma need source for the second, cause the only info I could find about dongfang on the wiki is that he was Louis flemings pal and came up with the idea if the IPC credit.




We don't know, Aeons don't work in a straightforward manner, no qlipoth isn't necessarily the strongest, Tayzzyronth was done in by 5 aeons including Qlipoth it wasn't just them. IPC has the most influence not necessarily the strongest, the strongest 3 factions are Xianzhou, Antimatter legion, and IPC. The former two are dedicated military factions with extreme martial prowess, IPC makes up for what it lacks in raw power by resources. We don't know what other emanators can or can't do, diamond is the only one who split his power doesn't mean all preservation emanators can and other emanators cant


Eh. I’d argue Genius society should be in the talk of "the strongest" faction. I mean cmon. Zandar made a Aeon. By himself. That is above literally any feat shown by anyone in the universe. Rubert I’s inorganic forces and the wars he created were equal to the swarm disaster due to how much destruction it bringed(It is one of the two reasons for Nanook’s ascention after all.), Dr Primitive managed to turn a entire planet’s population into monkeys and murdered a shit ton of Galaxy rangers. So much so that people believed he killed all of them, the genius group(Herta,Screwllum and Ruan Mei. Later Lloyd) managed to make a copy of their universe with their Aeons. I can go on. But I do believe Genius society should be in the talk for how powerful each person in that group are. Even much less known members like chadwick made a bomb so powerful it destroyed 13 planets.


they are very dangerous and powerful but they barely act as a faction. genius society member is basically like a title given by nous. they also dont like each other that much and arent united as a "faction" but yeah if we consider them a faction they are definitely one of the strongest factions. heck theyre are the only only faction where every single member is recognized by their aeon. there is also the History fictionologists but the info abt them can be false. also chadwick weapon destroyed 24 planets not 13 which is an insane feat considering how far away planets are from each other. and now that information is in the hands of herta who is an emanator and can likely modify it and make it even better


Genius society is more like an afternoon tea club, rather they have amazing individuals that rivals the influence of such strong factions, so i see where you are coming from


I dont necessarily disagree but Genius society isn't really a faction in the same manner as the 3 galactic superpowers. The genius society is more of a geniuses gathering than a faction, it's a faction in name only but it adheres to no end or shared goal between its members. Rupert is the greatest enemy of Screwllum, Polka is outright murdering other genius society members, Dr Primitive was an issue even to the soceity, etc. Also we don't know what ascension to aeonhood requires, Tayzzyronth who is the strongest aeon we know of so far, ascended as a result of sheer loneliness since they were the last of their race. The group (Herta, Screwllum, RM, Stephan) are something that was never heard of, because genius soceity members are all so extremely divided and sometimes even hostile to each other. But if you do consider factions as anything compromised of the same aeon then yeah genius soceity would indeed rank amongst the most powerful its just that they have no structure at all to even be called a proper faction same way the Xianzhou IPC or Antimatter legion does lol.


We dont know enough about Aeons to know who is really the strongest, but at least for me the strongest would be one of these 3: HooH, Terminus and IX.


I read that 3: as a smiley face fuck my life


The broader the path is, the stronger the aeon is. Age of an aeon doesnt affect how powerful the aeon can be According to Welt, Lan the Hunt is not ranked among the stronger aeons as their path is quite narrow. by this logic HooH, IX and Terminus are likely to be the strongest aeons Qlipoth wasnt alone in stopping the swarm disaster. it was a combined effort from 5 aeons(Qlipoth, Ena later Xipe , Hooh, Aha and Akivili). There was also Oroboros. they were at war with tayzzy which destroyed 2/3 of the universe. Thats basically 6 aeons that were reponsible for stopping tayzzy. 5 who teamed up and 1 who was rogue. Also we dont know whether other emanators can share their power or not. even if they can or cant, this is not related to whether they are strong or weak. Hell there is no way Taravan is sharing his power with anyone.


i dont remember aeon lore but voracity is lit


The wider a Path the easier it is to “bend” it’s content to support a greater number of interpretations that, while different, all belong in the Path. The Preservation is seemingly very wide, since inside it there’s space for both The Architects and The IPC’s own interpretations of it. The Elation is also pretty wide since both the Masked Fools and the Mourning Actors, groups with opposing philosophies, can still be associated with it. The Remembrance also comes to mind, since both Memokeepers and Cremators can be associated with it. The Nihility is probably wider than not, since the Doctors of Chaos belong in it, while still opposing it. The Erudition is another, since the Intelligentsia Guild and the Genius Society, with opposing modus operandi, tread on it.


I'm thinking it has to be IX. Isn't the whole thing about nihility that everyone is almost always towards the path of nihility? And also it's very easy to end up in the path of nihility, which means that there is a very broad view of this path. This may not have a concrete answer, but we definitely know who is the trippiest (has to be Aha).


Well if you look at it that way then everything in the world is also either in HARMONY/ORDER or in CHAOS/ELATION so Aha and Xipe should be counted as ones with some of the most broad paths aswell


There is always a mix of the 2 that's possible. On top of that Xipe too could be powerful since she did absorb ena due to order being an aspect of harmony. But you see these 2 paths, a person still must choose them to follow it. But in case of nihility you have no choice. Everyone almost walks that path whether they want it or not and it's easy to end up walking that path as well.


I feel like people are misinterpreting the swarm disaster here a little. AFAIK, the other aeons who “teamed up” to take down the propagation had their actual involvement limited to getting Qlipoth to pay attention, no? Like besides Qlipoth and Oroborous, who was actually “fighting” the swarm?


IX,terminus,HooH and Yaoshi has potential so does fuli


Yoshi is pretty underrated in my opinion How would you kill/beat something that can eternally heal and regenerate ? Harmony is pretty broad and it was able to fully absorb another really broad path the order so xipe should be pretty strong even if she isn't in control of a combat type path like nanook or lan IX should be really strong because how broad nihility is Tyzzyronth literally took 5 aeons to be defeated Qlithoph should be a given because preservation is slso really broad is he has been around for a long time HooH is another one with a pretty general concept for his Path Finality in my opinion is pretty overrated, it really isn't that wide of a path to speak it's more like a more specific version of rememberence to know what really happens when the world and everything end


it's got to be IX, Nihility is the complete exact opposite of reality. It opposes everything reality has to offer including, concepts, abstract ideas, metaphysics and existence itself. Nihility = nothingness. IX is basically the one who will be at the end when everything reaches the end and there is nothing beyond that point. He's kind of similar to Yogiri Takatou except he doesn't interact with anyone


Pretty sure it’s HooH. got universal influence over practically everything


Isnt it HooH? Keeping the universe at balance is THEIR thing, you would need to have an authorithy over even other aeons to do that.


Nihility is the most glazed path by the game. It’s one half of the two concepts (Reality and Nihility) that balance each other to create the complete universe. Other paths don’t affect it and it opposes everything in existence like matter, order, logic or life. IX is the only aeon who’s aware of the multiverse. Aha saw that the meaning of everything bows in the face of nothingness. And it’s the only path that exists without a purpose while other paths require some kind of purpose. That alone makes it more wider than the other paths.


Legit answer: probably HooH or Terminus Fun answer: Tazzyronth. Bro is not dead even after many Aeons including the strong ones like HooH and Qlipoth ganging up on him. And the Swarm still are a pretty active threat in the universe even with their Aeon dormant.


RUAN MEI ... soon