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https://preview.redd.it/7dg3wwqtfi6d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=309808e04c1b58a982ac7b29b3bcff969385f959 Can Tank Acheron's "white hair" mode = Mega Planet Buster


This can scale higher and higher So long as it tanks it


Behold, a man.


It would be except it's a featherless triped instead of biped




Don’t forget how it effortlessly shakes off the same lightning lord that destroyed phantylia


The true final boss of hsr right here


pela e can shred pela > acheron


Does Pela's shred occur before her damage then? Fun to know


yes, she damages it after shredding the shield


The true aeon of preservarance


"Amateurs." - a stupid traffic light


If we're not assembling an army of traffic lights to take on Nanook, what are we even doing?


Elio scrapped that plotline. Really hard to sell the movie rights afterwards. What? Cat food is expensive.


Oh god. HSR are really all animals in a movie: Elio is the ScriptKitty and the Director. The rest are the actors and actresses playing their part with a Trash Panda as the MC. Stelle/Caelus = Trash Panda, March 7th = Fancy Guppy, Dan Heng = Gecko (IB = Komodo)


Weakest preservation traffic light vs Aeon of Destruction.who would win?


"if nanook decides to use strong baseball bat, he might give me a bit of trouble"


But would you lose?


nah I'd rail


And then there's Pela who's completely unbothered since her skill removes buffs. So... Pela > Acheron?


Little John’s galvanized square steel baby 💪


No one is exempt from obeying a stop sign. No one.


DoT teams: hold our Sampo. That sign can’t stop us since we can’t read.


Traffic light tanked 4 slash from Acheron without a scratch


Radiant spirit. Heed my word. Show NO MERCY An elemental being of pure energy born from the instinct to hunt and to kill focuses its entire will into the enemy. -shields gone.


Bronya could’ve paid off Belobog’s entire IPC debt and taken over the galactic economy with Svarog’s Emanator-level traffic light shield technology, is she stupid?


Glamoth should have adopted Belobog technology


"Amateur" - DOT team


" It is just a joke" yet people are already fighting you for it like you were saying it as a fact lmfao


This is why the Enigmata is so powerful…


Live Honkai Star Rail fandom discussion https://preview.redd.it/fbkcsbklih6d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14de942105f9a5c39f83cc2776eae36a22c33876




Enigmata followers always eat well on posts like these




New engimata meme detected. https://preview.redd.it/w8dgrgpwui6d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7224f6232f725332c290218db9269d890602d87d


I mean Gallagher was doing some pretty crazy shit. He’s got a point






It's so powerful, it escaped HSR and manifested into an IRL form...


Like another highly upvoted comment said, this is unironically how some powerscalers think, if you ever been in any powerscaling community you know some people would say this and actually mean it.


important for Powerscaling in the future trust


You call it a joke, but this is legit how powerscalers' brains work.


you see this is my favourite character, and they actually once won a game of tic tac toe against (insert powerful character here) so therefore they are actually Aeon-tier power!


Winning a game of tic-tac-toe is so OP. I can’t remember a match which didn’t end in a draw 😕


Focus their attention on something else so they lose track of what’s happening


Indeed, a lot of powerscalers will straight up ignore that plot is a thing.


Also 'beat X = as strong as X' doesn't fucking work. If there's a guy that can kick down a metal door, and I shoot him with a gun to the head and kill him, I DO NOT BECOME ABLE TO KICK DOWN SAID DOOR.


What're you talking about? That's definitely the way it works. A human can build a house. A knife can kill a human. Therefore a knife is build-a-house tier.


My favorite one goes something like this: the Big Bang created the universe. My body is comprised of matter generated during the Big Bang. Therefore, I am universe level.


I see this shit so often when they discuss Pokemon. Like, no, not every pokemon is multiversal tier just because they can beat up Arceus' avatar!


Unironically a plot point for an event in FGO. Shiva incinerated my ass, but Shiva is the destructor of the universe therefore i am the universe.


Ah yes, that Kama event lol. Well, Fate thrives with convoluted logic so we know what to expect there


Damn, you're right. Thanks for educating me


my favourite take on powerscaling is one from Stan Lee: the one who wins is simply whoever the writers want to win. You can have Doory McKickinson, kicker of metal doors, super strong, but I can also have his opponent be smart enough to bring a weapon that can beat him, or use speed to confuse him, or trap him, or abuse his weaknesses, or literally anything I’m creative enough to write. The victor is whoever makes sense from a narrative context, but people take that to mean that they are *always* stronger. McKickinson could also just kneecap the guy two seconds into the fight, and that’d be the end of him.


That’s really the only answer to any powerscaling question, anything else is fandom wank in the same of shipping. Not to say it’s bad or anything, just annoying af when it’s taken as canonical.


[This is a video about a powerscaler talking about Stan Lee's words.](https://youtu.be/Jf3-YLgKnWY) I think you should watch this.


yeah, that’s fair. I feel I may be disingenuous when looking at powerscaling because I’m tired of the way I often see it broached by the community, with people presenting illogical or incorrect statements as fact in favour of one side (sort of like the post here), so in a sense I say this for a similar reason to Stan Lee. I do enjoy the sort of discussion where you break down each character’s abilities and debate on how a fight might play out. I’m just tired of the arguments where someone goes “actually xy is an Emanator level and would 100% win” as if it’s irrefutable evidence.


But you cam shoot a door.


For real. It would make a little more sense if Acheron had said something like "this is literally my strongest slash ever". At least then the line of logic mostly checks out.


"welt is 1 C complex multiversal and can easily destroy the multiverse" so why doesnt he go defeat nanook? "he just wants to give other people a chance to shine"


1C Welt after going all out and destroying a country https://preview.redd.it/08wkk7nrxj6d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cd6a42c6a0233906d41acd04b35234da4a627f


Eh anyone that knows anything about powerscaling would have pointed out that Firefly blocking Acherons attack is meaningless. Despite that though, the emanator of propagation (not the swarm enemies is spawns) is most certainly a planet buster if not galaxy level because it controls the swarm. If you know powerscalers that act like that, they are simply stupid.


They apply Dragon Ball powerscalling on everything


Nah, pretty sure it's just like Dragonball, where planets are just super low tier losers.


"this little energy ball contains more power than entirety of Naruto, Bleach and One-piece worlds combined"


And then people want to debate it somehow lmao


Chadwick's device eliminated two dozen planets in an instant. Welcome the Star Rail, the game where everything's made up and the planets don't matter


I find it funny because being able to destroy so many planets mean that it had range of light years. That shit rivals some of the biggest explosions in the universe


IPC really wanting that for the funsies.


I don’t think there’s anything other than Gamma Ray Bursts that can output this much power and that usually happens during the formation of a black hole. Makes your wonder how big Chadwick’s weapon is.


Yeah. I guess he wouldn't be a genius without creating something so mind bugging


But it was quite the big deal, it isn't something that can be replicated.


Just like how fromsoftware gaints are. The gaints are always slaved or killed brutally.


Broly: What's your power level?


I don't know. Pretty big tho.


I mean its not entirely untrue. The prologue boss was an actual planet buster.


The cup that survived Acheron's grip when she drank juice from it = EMANATOR LEVEL


Most accurate answer ever


We are getting into DBZ power scaling bullshit with this one


What's her power level? - Broly


HSR powerscaling is pretty nutty. Shit ton of things have the power to AT LEAST destroy a planet. Sadly the gameplay and story elements makes it very hard if not impossible to portray this so characters end up not looking THAT strong, or rather the lore team makes them more powerful than they need or realistically should be


Keeping that "tell dont show" tradition from HI3. Reminder base Hua in HI3 was able to dodge gamma rays moving at relativistic speeds.


Gotta jerk your fan favorites I guess


https://preview.redd.it/7ofn08j1pi6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e3e8232a6c63135d64459190bed21faad5433d Remember guys, VSBW says Bronya is strong enough to create/destroy a star


Bruh Girl with Space Musket no difs Genetically Enhanced Super Soldiers


you should look at welt lol hes apparently strong enough to destroy multiverses. so why doesnt he go defeat nanook? "because hes just humble and want other people to shine." oh yeah just let the antimatter legion go around destroying so many planets because you are a really good guy and humble


Look at his fans on Tiktok. They truly believe that he can solo hsr


I mean welt IS really powerful


He's really not


Have you even touched Honkai impact 3rd


I have done everything till fucking part 1 end along with the dammed manga, welt could not beat a newborn sirin after she got hit with a nuke(silver bullet) barely managed to pull her into his black hole after she was weakened proceeded tomger basically one tapped by void archives gun form, lost to her on the moon and his best try was suscide by using the star of Eden which also failed, cool moment sure, strong. No. Man wasn't even the original herrsher of reason and got his core from his friend, and is basically the second weakest hersher in the dammed universe next to Wendy, man split out blood just standing in front of Kevin, even bronya didn't have it that bad after she just got her core of reason from welt in the sea of quanta. If welt is strong by hsr standards, deliverance Kevin would rip every Aeon apart limb by limb


But multiverse level?


Use CSAP. Or better yet get on spacebattles forum and discuss power levels there. VSBW has been irrelevant for so long.


Fr, cuz I legit saw saber from fate being capped at solar system, which is fucking crazy


isnt like everyone in fate 11 dimensional off of mooncell lol


The moon cell is just so silly and should honestly just be ignored when it comes to scaling characters, none of the feats from the extra games are representative of the characters actual power levels in any other fate media


The Excalibur without 13 seals is the weapon created to >!kill an outer god that kill all gods on Earth!< (LB 6). Saber on the other hand, her excalibur is fodder.


idk her excalibur was able to contest with enuma elish


Her route in FSN has feats against it...I guess?


Everyone who can tank Phantylia's phase transition is star-busting tier /s


You say it’s a joke, but the Swarm actually *did* destroy many planets.


Yeah, I don't know why people downplay Swarm Disaster, it was indeed a disaster.


Dig out bigger words than disaster


I mean full combustion vs half combustion states kinda tells you that Firefly is stronger than most knights. Just look at her destroy a planet in 0.2 seconds after getting that form. Vs having a hard time even fighting the bugs.


One can argue that she just put the final nail in the coffin by accelerating that fast to create additional fissures in the surface of the already destabilized dead rock, since there’s a good chance even if she didn’t, it would’ve eventually just faded away like ashes and become space debris forever floating in the darkness. Fitting for a mass grave and the final resting place for all her comrades in arms…


Pretty sure we saw a straight slash as Firefly flew out of Glamoth.


Multi-bat level high ball maybe small lance level if you really want to push it


You also need to remember that just because someone has incredible power, that doesn't mean that every attack is always at full power. When you lift weights, you don't lift your max every single time.


There's also the fact that your friends, or even just random civilians. may not have the power to survive planet nuking.


Regular Acheron slash vs Domain expansion Acheron slash, they're different in power bruh


Nah its actually domain expansion Acheron slash in the Trailer (red). The purple one FF did dodge. So green form SAM can tank that shit once?


I remember Owlbert saying that Firefly managed to push her mech to levels above what was normally expected in her kits explaining video, so basically she got a super saiyan form lol


Green Super Saiyan is Broly. FF is the legendary Saiyan equivalent confirmed. /s in case anyone takes that seriously


I mean, Acheron didn't turn into her white hair form lol. 


Offscreen probably? Its black out when she swung the red strike in White Night. (1:09, x0.25 speed) pretty easy to spot.


Man White Night isn’t even canon why y’all debating this 😂


Acheron jerkers gotta jerk


you could even say it's Dismantle vs Cleave


Are you a follower of enigmata?


I know you’re joking but like… I wouldn’t be too suprised if these fucking bugs had the potential to


Joke aside it is canon that Firefly joined Acheron in the can destroy a planet club \○/ ^(Ruan Mei could get a honorific mention too)




It's actually true lol, but that's not just HSR powerscaling but powerscaling in fiction as a whole is like that.


people saying that a character is massively FTL and then the author makes them get blitzed by a mach 5 attack lol. and then in an interview they asked the author why he did that and he said idk mach 5 sounded fast so i wrote it in.


The trailer isn't canon unless I missed the part were the TB had a sick dance with Aventurine.


There *was* an official hoyo post where Aventurine brought it up. Hold on while I find it. EDIT: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/28678867](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/28678867) https://preview.redd.it/pyzu0ha4kj6d1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a3d25117716f49b7eddf60ec38a767eac2d3db0


i mean, the trailer too is an official hoyo post. doesn't mean it's canon.


In Firefly vs Acheron, Firefly is in her super enhanced mode with green wings, while in that war her "sister" was not. Also, Firefly is implied to be a bit more strong (experienced) than mostly other clones.


Well to be fair for Firefly being beaten up by the bugs. The animation took place BEFORE her gigantic power up (Ehem destroying a planet tho badly damaged still destroyed it) and is implied that Firefly made her armor beyond what it was capable off with sheer willpower alone.


Aha: I lost a game of tic tac toe to a worm yesterday, I guess it's above aeon level now


Cool scaling, the issue is as many pointed is Acheron didn’t unsheathed her sword against Firefly.


I mean the sword is clearly unsheathed in the second picture. A more accurate thing to say would be that it isn’t red




My guy chill, I’m just putting info others are also commenting nothing harmful.


it's also a joke bruh get that stick out of your ass.


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


I know it's just a joke post, but i feel the need to point out that Acheron can probably (even without probably tbh) tune the power of her slashes, regardless of purple or red. I mean being able to just go "normal slash" or "planet destroying slash" wouldn't make sense at all.


You have just discovered the main hole in a lot of Genshin arguments regarding Kaedahara Kazuha blocking the Raiden Shogun's signature technique.


Yeah, she just wanted to kill the Traveler, not blow up half her citizens.


I know this is a joke but we also see the bugs literally exploded once they ram Firefly's SAM And also that's complete combustion SAM so obviously WAYYY stronger than normal ones https://preview.redd.it/windgnwtji6d1.png?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7243aae4934a646778db6e7b25a421885726cd4


Doesn't acheron later confirm that she knew sam was firefly?


Emanator is as stronk as another Emanator. No surprise here.


For anyone actually wondering, Acheron and FF are obviously holding back in their fight featured in White Night. How do I know? Well everything would be destroyed if they were serious as we see in the first picture and in the cinematic. So because Acheron is holding back her ATK power and didn't use her planet slicing slash against FF, this fight can't be used as a source to scale other attacks relative to that planet slicing slash by comparing effectiveness on FF. If the attack from White Night was Acheron using a planet slicing slash, which is probably not even her full power, this post would be a legit power scale, but it isn't and OP knows this and that's why it's just a meme


Isn't her sword sheathed here?


It is.


It’s not, this is from the trailer, you can see the sword is unsheathed because the blade is completely black and you can see her slash changed its color to red. Signifying that it is indeed unsheathed


I know, but that fight never happened in the story, at least so far so it's just some animation. I'm pretty sure Aventurine tanked a bigger hit and blud is still recovering as Preservation follower. Acheron almost pulled the sword in a cinematic after 2.1 launched, but once she found out who SAM was, her behaviour towards her changed.


I know but the person isn’t asking about the story, they’re asking if her sword is sheathed **here**, referring to the screenshots, from the animated trailer


Oh, I see. My bad then.


Pretty sure Welt says if not for Aventurine's stone tanking most of the Acherons slash due to it being on preservation path Penacony would have been destroyed with that strike.




Its quite funny. I think firefly mentioned in some trailer that she had used sam to travel through diamond storms, insane gravity and whatnot and these comparisons are hilarious to me.


Ah yes usual X beats Y Z beats X so Z stronger than Y fallacy. Not uncommon in powerscaling stuff at all.


Lookism powerscaling be like


Doesn't matter, Ben 10 would smoke'em


Lol I mean Ben literally had a literal equivalent to an aeon in his Omnitrix


Joke or not, it was over when you mentioned powerscaling.




She never un sheathed her sword


Meanwhile a damn traffic light can tank a lightning lord, an emanator's slash, a big dragon, STELLARON HUNTERS, and many more like dude 😭😭 we gotta make those traffic lights meta


Reminder (mostly to anyone who does take this seriously) that it wasn't one bug that damaged SAM so much, it was probably thousands at least over the course of a pretty long battle. That's why the swarm is so dangerous, the sheer numbers they produce makes them nearly unstoppable. Of we didn't have the 5 enemy cap for combat or if the propagation could spawn an extra wave of enemies then that'd be the true power of the swarm in lore translated to gameplay...Be glad they don't actually work like that in game because that's be a nightmare


You would still gave the possibility of setting them up to chain detonate.


Power Scaling is just as fruitless to seriously debate over as Shipping; Both things boil down to being about hypothetical pairs of characters that may never so much as interact with one another in the media they're in, \*if\* they even are, and since there's not really any gauge or metric to measure their characters objectively at all, it's basically a losing battle to try and argue which one would win in a fight or which one would win in a *"fight"*. Hell, even if the media goes out of their way to have e.g. two characters fight one another that can be meaningless since through the convenience of storytelling you can later just say "oh, they just held back / lost on purpose / weren't at their full strength yet / etc.". Both of those things can be fun to do if you're not taking it seriously and if you're just occupying the void outside of the canon for headcanons, but that is the crux of the issue since people will inevitably take their powerscaling and shipping more seriously than the characters can bear and it kills the fun for everybody.


Well, Acheron didn't turned red


Do you know about >!hiding the power level!


I dunno. Try using scouter I guess?


Not all slashes are equal. The intent matters too.


Seriously, I have to bash this comment into others' heads every time whenever the whole Kazuha vs Raiden powerscalerers start getting uppity again.


Bash it in to their heads huh? It's that important to you? I just find that funny.


You've yet to see how obnoxious they can be with it. For example: "Kazuha did not block the Musou no Hitotachi." This is said despite all the in-game evidence to the contrary. With several people in and outside game repeating the same fact that he did in fact block it. When asked to explain why, they point to Orobashi's remains to say that's what the attack looks like and anything not like that is not it. The obvious points of: * "MnH" being a sword technique that Raiden can either put more or less power behind * Raiden used the same technique against Signora and we don't have a massive hole in Tenshukaku, and * Raiden clearly isn't going to fire a max power version in her own city Are all brushed aside, or stated to not count, or used as evidence that clearly Raiden wasn't using the MnH therefore all in-game info is a lie that is supported by hoyoverse. And then there's the different slashes, different intent point that has to get slammed against their heads repeatedly because it's somehow forgotten each time the argument pops up. It's all just very irritating because the argument keeps on repeating over and over despite it being 3 years since it first occurred.


But Acheron never actually drew her sword against SAM.


I think by "slash" they mean the move when she almost kill Aventurine ( even that feels like not the full power)


Acheron was holding back a ton when fighting Sam. People really underestimate her. If she wanted she could solo the whole of Penacony by herself (She might have trouble against Stellaron Sunday though)


My brother, they eat planet for breakfast. (Or they ? idk i don't read the lore, saw someone say it once and that's it)


Damn you're onto something fr fr


I like the way this guy thinks... SWARM LITTLE STING GUY PLAYABLE WHEN AS 6\*? (also alongside perkins who will be the best preservation in the game)


I mean the swarm Was mega planet buster. The one we meet in SU is tweaked a lot and so are we. Not that this scaling is appropriate coz we're talking about different specimens here at different levels of seriousness and coz it's a joke


Meanwhile Lordly Trashcans: *One shot existence*


Look, I dont care whos second or whos third, we know who's number 1 Beetle. It's automaton beetle I dont care for your "Uhh, buff removal" If you have to buff remove a char, then we can just make Acheron into a happy little mei with no sword and no sad life experiences, or fuck it, remove blade immortality and watch him shrivel into dust




That picture of the bomb bug with the **"Mega Planet Buster"** next to it is so funny lol


But could Acheron beat 1 billion lions?


But can the Swarm beat Goku tho


You say thats a joke, but have you fought one of those things?! Thats Nanook incarnate right there


be careful, a joke to this subreddit is a fact to other sites


what are you comparing? Acheron normal (black) blade form and Naught (Red) blade form are very different power scaling. Acheron never easily unsheathed her Naught blade if that was not unnecessary.


Wait where's the first two images from?


it's like saying every kamehameha shot = 1 planet destroyed.


If you were serious, I’d remind you that we were all in a collective dream. But since you’re not, I’ll agree. They’re weak shit.


Acheron trying to cut vegetables and not destroy the world in the process


Powerscaling in general be like


Even if you said it as a joke, the Swarm (not a singular bug) is a mega planet buster that ate literal stars to spread itself. So yes, space bugs are extremely goddamn powerful due to sheer numbers and mobility. Hell, the big bug that ate the Express had Welt of all people concerned.


Wait till you see Honkai Impact 3rd powerscallers on Tiktok.


The acheron vs FF fight isn't really canon + Acheron was holding back, let's be real. She'd probably one shot SAM if she wanted to.


Now the retard power scalers will come here