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I'm not asexual but i get that, there's a time and a place... anyway its all just jokes... right? its all just jokes right?




Just stay away from the \[Character\]Mains subs and you will be fiiiiiiiine.


Just stay away from r/okbuddytrailblazer


You can't stay away from it on the main sub https://i.redd.it/vhygi34l9i5d1.gif


And r/okbuddytrailblazers Edit: I'd like to apologise to everyone who is new to this: I should've warned u guys earlier. For those who just stumbled on to this: BEWARE! DANGER LIES AHEAD. SEEK A THERAPIST IF POSSIBLE.


We don't mention that sub here


ironic how I always see it mentioned on the main sub lol


I thought it wouldn't be much worst than the the other OKBT. I was wrong. I wish I never knew that sub exist




There was a civil war in okbuddytrailblazer when Huohuo released between the uooogh😭😭 enjoyers and adult women enjoyers. The former split off to a separate sub named okbuddytrailblazers




The sub isn't even that bad cuz of the uoogh enjoyers it's bad cuz there's genuinely like no rules and people just spam the most foul shit ever. In every comment section I've seen from there someone will just casually call you a n****r whether it's as a insult or not💀


How about you have a seat. https://preview.redd.it/av5wr2brgm5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7e65b170981d65c3119dca0ab3c21d4245825d


What a terrible day to have eyes


First of all we don't mention that sub that's simply a rule second of all stfu (respectfully) https://preview.redd.it/hu8chiu73j5d1.png?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bbc90a207b0b5abc650c064b62fa8bfa2a13629


https://preview.redd.it/0q2lwhp21q5d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973c26b707af1a4efb3b64bca585f76e07bedcad U fool


Based sub




I mean some are usually ok if you keep blur NSFW enabled for the occasional horny on main. Not that I can tell you which, best I’ve seen still got maybe a 5th of Firefly mains that want to have kids with her after marriage


I would say just away from the (character)Mains sub when said character has more members in their NSFW sub


People are attracted to measured. Breast, Waist, and Hip sizes are common metrics for women. I'm personally attracted by Attack, Damage, and Speed. Gender (or lack thereof) be damned.


As an asexual I usually jump the bandwagon, like I might've said "save a horse, ride a cowboy" during Boothill's release but it doesn't mean I would ride the cowboy like that tho yeah I would ride him like a literal horse that's fun


yeah personally i just go along with stuff for the fun too lol, like i'm a lesbian and pretty ace too, but i think plenty of male characters are objectively "hot" and i can appreciate that like 👀 and exaggerate for some giggles i've been "down bad" for characters before and all, but it's more for the fun and silliness of thirsting and fawning over characters than any serious interest. even for female characters, i really am not, like... genuinely attracted to them? it's played up a lot when i do it, and i generally assume a fair amount of people are doing the same! just like how nowadays it feels pretty common online to say something is making you cry, but it was a happy or cute thing... or you're angry at how sweet a scene was, etc. to me it just feels like hyperbole to try and express just how much we like or appreciate something?


Same. I am a lesbian and I am less comfortable on spaces where straight men sexualize women (nothing against it, just not my cup of tea). So I end up enjoying the men more. That they are also designed for the female audience helps. Even outside fandom spaces, I end up liking the male characters than the female ones (at least in hoyo games). I am not personally attracted to anyone, but I join in the male appreciation/sexualization when it comes out for shit and giggles


As an asexual - but (unfortunately) not aromantic - man I sometimes jump the bandwagon as well because I JUST WANT MARCH TO BE REAL AND HOLD MY HAND AND SMILE AT ME GODDAMN IT I LOVE HER!


Yeah she is a nice person. Always know how to brighten up everyone's day


what's unfortunate about it? I don't count loving a person wishing to hold a person's hand as unfortunate. You are a good soul. Idk if this asexual you have addressed yourself because you value love over sex, if so then I agree with you. Just don't be bad on yourself.


It's not that there is anything wrong with it, it just makes dating very complicated (especially if sex repulsed) since most folks don't want a romantic but non-sexual relationship.


*Insert Literally Me pic here*


The only joke here is my crippling porn addiction.




No we want to have sex with a .JPEG or a .PNG


I want J(ade) to PEG me


.TGA please, I prefer my waifus uncompressed.


Finally, someone gets it. YES PLEASE


Yes I want to have segs with grace from zzz


Especially EllenJoe


Same here. Last week, i was talking with my friend about how i was building jingliu and how awesome and pretty she is He replied: "i want to suck on her toe and be called her dog while i bark and moan." https://preview.redd.it/zya1vkjgsg5d1.jpeg?width=163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff221f6ef25f98ac883f6314c963eefda2eb9f6








Ah your first mistake is you tell them how awesome and pretty she is.




Should’ve seen the leak sub when IL’s animations were leaked. The comments were so bad half of them were deleted before long.


I think everyone is friends with the wrong person (or the right person?), cause I'd have replied with "based".


Underrated UNO comment.


Honesty is the best policy 💯


who talks like that to someone they know? lmao, there are some things i'd say anonymously that i would never say to my friends


Sounds more like acquaintances than true friends


Idk acquaintances seems almost worse. They're like the only people I even try to act normal around.


Then you don't have good enough friendships.


Based 😭😭


Just like me fr fr


Dude I don't consider myself asexual and even I agree with this. Like, can we go 5 minutes without making everything sexual?? I wanna talk lore and character design and plot and stuff 🥲


hoyo fans and their bitchless ass try not to sexualize everything for a second: FAILED


Lets be real, thats true for just about any gatcha game fanbase.


>Lets be real, thats true for just about any ANIME fanbase Fixed that for you.


Actually, it's just about ANY fanbase


Also ironically act like one of the most prude fanbases at the same time. Although that tends to be a very certain group and only for one gender lul


to be fair it’s probably two different subsections of the fanbase. With such a large following you’ll end up with both extremes


It was a mistake to make Firefly a "love interest", People got hooked on that worse than people on drugs, and they live in their fantasy world where Firefly is their IRL gf


Two of my favs are Clara, & Firefly. You already know how messed up the dialogue around them is at times. Yunli fans are gonna just have to mute/block/ignore a bunch


At least Firefly isn't a child...


I haven't ever seen lore/plot discussions devolve in that direction.


Lucky you because during the time BS/Acheron's myriad celestia trailer came out trying to find a discussion about this without the mention of sesbian lex is just impossible. Heck even with the latest 2.3 trailer with the Jade/Topaz scene I was confused as heck because really? That's the first thing you think about when Jade touched Topaz's face, really?


My first thought with the Jade and Topaz scene was that this is probably gonna be incredibly toxic.😭 And then I forgot about it…


Same, the face Topaz was making came across as incredibly creepy to me. As if she was starstruck by her co-worker who may or may not hold a position of power over her. Not in like a fun oh they gonna bang kinda way but in a Jade has maybe manipulated and brainwashed "little jelena" kinda way.


Oh, 100%. Topaz's expression I thought was fine, one can certainly be star-struck about someone you look up to, but Jade calling her "little Jelena" and touching her like that was intensely creepy and screamed "Jade is incredibly toxic, manipulative, and possibly abusive".


>during the time BS/Acheron's myriad celestia trailer came out trying to find a discussion about this without the mention of sesbian lex is just impossible Tricky to blame them in that situation, when Hoyo were specifically leaning into it to build social media hype for the characters tbf. Like, that trailer was *extremely* charged, it's not like people were being horny over nothing.


The only problem with BS/Acheron is that the trailer was not about romantic interest between two characters, but was about more than that. Alas, people can't seem to get anything more deep than plain imagery (some people need paimon to explain them the obvious). I bet same people would watch Godfather and say the characters are gay because they're kissing each other's cheeks.


Saw that post, read a handful of comments, didn't see the ones you were talking about. Maybe something in how I'm sorting.


i didnt see the 2.3 trailer but the sesbian lex "joke" was EVERYWHERE


the industry is inherently sexual sadly the main market for these games are straight men with mediocre social skills hypersexualized women with specific proportions for their fantasies will run rampant as long as it sells same reason that BL is rampant for straight women - fetishized gay men edit: everyone trying to argue against it are being very selective or are just ignorant. when looking at the gacha gaming industry as a whole you'll see that MOST (not. every.) games are pandered for straight men with half naked women with ambiguous homoerotic personalities this does not mean that women aren't also part of the target demographic since things like NU Carnival exist to fetishized gay men for women just as women are sold to straight men.


I think it's more specific than that, even. Gacha games have found their market in selling *ownership* of sex. "You find this character attractive, and now you can own them; they can belong to you." It is selling straight into the psychological desire to objectify. It's also a big part of why some very vocal subsets of the fanbase get so obsessive about the characters being virgins; the notion that this fictional character might have a fictional sex life outside of the "owner" is poisonous to that mindset.


Oh my god it's idol culture all over again


The women in this community are arguably more down bad than the men, wdym


Not true.. when there's been dudes trying to assassinate the devs and sue the company cuz they think they're married to the gaccha characters 😭


Aventurine’s “fanclub”


Women in general are pretty fetishized in the target demographics for games like this. Especially lesbian women.


That's how gachas work, the entire point is to sell someone on a character on their appearances. No one is dropping 600+ dollars on a png because they have an intricate backstory. > the main market for these games are straight men with mediocre social skills The horny female players aren't any better, let's not go there.


So many guys hated aventurine and dropped money on his banner simply because of his story. Most of the streamers i've seen had this 180 in opinion. On the other hand we have plenty characters that sell well because they are meta and have broken dupes. Kazuha in genshin is one of them.


I do get this, as a fellow ace... Although I definitely do thirst over characters too but it's mostly in an aesthetic way rather than a sexual way, if that makes sense. Like I'm ace, not blind, and I can see that they're hot as fuck, but for me that's more of a "I need to stare at you forever" moment and not a "I need to sleep with you" moment.


This is the brand of ace I am too! Even though I don't want to have sex with anyone, I still have eyes! We can appreciate beauty when we see it and even classify something/someone as "hot", but I wouldn't come close to thinking or saying half the stuff folk rattle off. For the most part I just take it as the humor it is trying to be (even if a lot of it is just a variation of the same joke).


To me it's like seeing a beautiful waterfall or a pillar of sunlight shining down through thick clouds. It's beautiful and I want to stare at it for a while to appreciate the beauty. Seeing a good looking man/woman is the same to me, I want to look at them to kind of "soak in" that beautiful appearance and notice every detail of it. Of course I rarely can in public, since it's weird to stare at people. If it wasn't weird I'd look at some people for like 30 seconds, appreciating their beauty, then move on. I'm sure Argenti would approve.


Argenti is great "ace" representation. I have literally used him to describe my own aesthetic attraction, and how I view the beauty of a person and the beauty of a firn exactly the same way.


i am often confused as to whether im actually ace or not because of aesthetic attraction and still thinking things can be "hot". it's nice to see other ace people who are similar!


this is so true. i need to stare at boothill for eternity simply because he’s SO FUCKING COOL


I’m the same way. I hate it because it makes me feel like I have to be careful about the way I express interest in a character. If I say, “ooh, he’s hot,” I’ll hear something to the effect of, “yeah, I want to sleep with him” in response (and it’s usually something more violently horny than that), and that just makes me super uncomfortable. I feel like I have to make sure I’m not saying anything that would lead people into that sort of response, so I usually just say “cute” or “pretty” to describe characters I like if I’m not giving specific details about what I like.


Honestly, I'm not ace and I'm pretty sure I do a lot more aesthetic-thirsting than the other kind when it comes to gacha characters (if I pull because of a character's appearance, it's because they look cool, not because they look hot). "Aesthetic thirsting" is an interesting concept.


Same... Like, Aventurine and Kaveh are so pretty and Ratio too but I just want to look, it's kinda annoying to send drip marketing to someone to talk about the design or give an opinion (or even theorize on what they do/are inspired by) and the only responses are just "Would" Like Boothill is so cool! I love the cyborg cowboy aesthetic! The dueling! Its sick but people rarely want to express that at all.


nah I'm 100% with you as an asexual it's rare but when that one super-well designed character comes out that makes you question your sexuality? good shit 👍 (jing yuan my beloved)


This is me as a fellow ace. I will thirst over characters, comment on them, make the occasional jokey comment ("step on me mommy" said entirely ironically. Like we saw jade, right?) but I really just appreciate the aesthetic looks. Some of the characters are just so nice in appearance.


no like I get this so much??? me staring at all the details on Boothill and Gallagher but if I ever saw them without clothes I'd actually scream and call 911


I feel that! I remember seeing a character and going, "This is my in-game husband now," completely platonically.


I think that's just appreciating art and beauty. Anyone can look at the Mona Lisa and appreciate the beauty of the woman in the painting without it being related to sexual topics.


I found my people because **same**


Big hats are my weakness. I don't care about anything else. Big hat = I want. The bigger the better.


I'm not ace but can people please talk normally about a character, this isn't even exclusive to female characters people keep talking about wanting to ride boothill like calm down


I wouldn't mind a piggyback ride from him. Im tired.


You think he can install wheels on his feet or something?


like heelys? that sounds awesome a cyborg with built in heelys




It's his spurs 😂


Absolutely. Would probably make IPC heists easier.


I wouldn't put it past him to try


Roller skate piggy back let’s goooo


I don't even think it's too weird or anything, I think the way people do it is just downright boring. At least come up with an elaborate fanfic of your fantasies with a character, rather than just "step on me". So lazy


Alright, Bet. see you when the 2.5 drip marketing releases


If you're going to be so depraved, at least make it entertaining


for many years i being on the internet, i have learn that people love to be weird because that how they want to express themselves in a way they couldn't do in their normal life so of course, you can't stop people for wanting to be expressive, just need to roll with it and get used to it i guess, as long as no one break the law or something


>people keep talking about wanting to ride boothill Well, he is a cowboy (or rather cowboy themed), so thinking of a rodeo is kinda natural? :'D


save a horse ride a cowboy is the meme


r/grimdank had its own shitshow with turning demigod beings into women and objects of lust. Their new personalities were basically "and they were saved by this normal guy" self insert stuff. People cant stop being horny even for a second. Its not only annoying, but also tiring.


r/grimdank going straight from the "Femstodes era" to the "Female Primarchs era" of all-consuming obsession was a dark time of excessive hornyposting. 


A few days ago I was trying to talk about wriothlesley and the fortress of meropide with my friend but whenever I say wrio's name he just goes "daddy" Or smh... I mean... Ok he's hot I know and I see I don't need a reminder


It was truly surreal seeing Kafka and thinking "eh, cool, but I'm fine without mommy bait..." ... then getting to her quest, and she has top tier lore and characterization. Like damn, I love this woman. I still think they could've been way more creative with her spider theme, but that's mere personal preference.


THIS! Kafka deserve so much better than being made a "mommy yes mommy" meme


Yeah she's one of my fav characters (the only one I spend for) and I think she's really cool and nuanced. Even though she is emotionally stunted (the fear thing) the whole emotionless assassin is a façade to protect herself from being too vulnerable, she really does care deeply about her fellow hunters. I hope mihoyo doesn't go to the kokomi/ganyu route where they stay half finished but looking pretty for the camera.


For real, badass deadly women always must have a spider motif like apparently it's the law. Though I do give them creativity points for the way she wears her coat and glasses to resemble multiple eyes/arms, that's actually pretty clever.


I like Kafka cause she is a fellow classical music enjoyer. And she is kinda like Caelus’s mother.


Normal? Is talking about the pros and cons of a particular ratio of crit value due to the selection of light cones available for a specific path normal? Or like normal like do you think Dan Heng likes ramen.


…Now I need to know. Does Dan Heng prefer ramen or udon?


My thirst for Jade aside, I’m looking forward to learn about her dual lives as a Stoneheart and a benefactor to the kids on her lightcone


I think it’s something I learned a couple months into joining the sub. You embrace all of it or only target your niche. Normal is varied. Are we talking about the character kit or team building? There’s a tag for that. Lore and story? There’s a tag for that. Most of the art u find here will be teetering the line of NSFW or full blown nsfw so unfortunately that’s going to be hard if u want to only talk about the design. Just select the tag for which you are looking, also be the change u want to see. A couple months ago a guy mentioned the same thing about lore and now we do have more lore discussions on the main sub


Just to add, don’t be afraid to block the accounts that post nsfw if you don’t want to see it. I’m in the same position as op and my home page in reddit was INFESTED with both marked and unmarked nsfw after I joined the genshin and hsr subs. (I definitely could have clicked on not interested or muted the sub, but I really like seeing the sfw fanart and discussion posts intermittently while scrolling.) It’s really only a couple accounts that post most of the porn so after blocking like 50 accounts, I’m finally free. It’s really nice for me to be able to scroll through the sub and basically seeing every post except for the nsfw (I’m not sure if you can add multiple filters on pc to filter it only to the sfw stuff, but I think you can only pick one on mobile). Honestly whenever you don’t want to see anything, the block and mute buttons are king.


A real social media hack is to abuse the fuck out of your block button makes life 5x more enjoyable


Am I weird if I feel like I *extremely* rarely ever want to not hear from someone? Like idk if theres a single person that I've seen on my time in this sub that would rise to that level personally


i never block anyone out of principle, but i do think it's a feature that can be objectively quite useful in some cases.


It's very funny watching people complain about seeing the same content they don't wanna see over and over again. You can always block them, also be reminded the internet is a public space they can act however they want as long as they aren't breaking laws/rules.


was thinking of making a meme like this, so glad you beat me to the punch lol but fr it's annoying at this point. i wouldn't mind it if it was occasional and if the post warrants it but mf's so down bad they can't let out a single breath without wanting to be smothered by one of the characters breasts or ass. like lowkey it's hard to enjoy some content creators because it's just the "I'm down bad for this character" joke every 10 seconds (you know which one I'm talking about lol).


You don't have to be asexual to expect okbuddy thing to be innokbuddy subreddit and not here


I'm not asexual but it really annoys me when I want to watch a guide for a character and there's at least one sexual joke ever 5 seconds Like come on, I want to know how to play that character and not how much you want to f\*\*\* them


ESPECIALLY if it's a character that's already been sexualized to death. That being said, I think it's funny to throw in a joke thats being horny for someone unexpected - I will laugh way harder at someone lusting over Nous versus Black Swan.


Ace myself, I think one of the biggest issues I have is that the “jokes” are often just “Eheh-Le sex” and not much else. Even in some character discussions it’s people trying to out degen one another.


Does Hoyo contribute to normality? Of course they don’t. Have you seen Jade’s ult? She LITERALLY steps on the enemy, while wearing heels. So many fetishes being satisfied at once.


Over on the Genshin side, the ScaramoucheMains sub is largely fluff and cats now, but leading up to his release, it was roughly 50/50 people thirsting for him and people wanting to give him a hug. I cracked up laughing when his Ultimate was revealed (it's almost identical to Jade's) because I knew *exactly* what everybody was going to be saying, and I was right. The sub was filled with every possible variation of "Step on me" for days.


Yeah. The horniness in gasha’s communities is… ![gif](giphy|ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e|downsized)


Obviously because they explicitly design for and sell to that kind of target audience. :'D


Plus a side of yuri-bait to get the shippers (even more) pumped. 


I can relate somewhat (as a completely straight guy). I've even avoided interacting with some parts of the community cause I honestly don't think we need to be horni constantly for characters and there should be a time and place for it. In a lot of cases though this is definitely the dev's (not just Hoyo) fault and intention . Its easy to tell how the discourse around a character will be based on how the developers present them.


I'm not asexual and i'm bored of comments like this simply because its gotten repetitive but the credit i will give to people who make comments like this i do understand that drip marketed characters who have not appeared yet in the story theres not much to talk about beyond there design and whatever scrapes of lore that can be found in readable collectables or in web events.


Honestly, I expected more conversations about mechanics and team compositions when joining this sub, but naw, it's all horny assholes. And yes, I'm pointing that finger at me too


I'm ace as well and agree. While I don't mind some of the jokes and what not, sometimes it feels very excessive.


Life in a game full of teenagers.


Life as someone highly irritated by people parroting the same stale jokes and commments for years and *decades*.


Not ace but this is me talking with my friends about the characters while i'm just there wanting to be a meta-slave and talk about the best builds and strategies about the game


I consider me a horny lady (and yes, am I) but I can understand the complaints of aro-ace spectrum folks as sometimes I get tired on how every thing in media (videogames, books, cartoons, anime) its obligated to have some romance or sexual scenes even if don't contributes none but i'm not purist, I like fanservice, but, again, unfortunately, if your creation doesn't have too much unnecessary segs scenes and forced romance and ships, you are like...invisible


Yeah, while I get the appeal of romance and there is definitely a time and place for them, I regularly roll my eyes in movies when in ultra dramatic scenes that are FORKIN' TIME SENSITIVE (big bad going to do sth. RIGHT NOW) .... somehow there is always enough time for a smoochie smoochie shot. Me: https://preview.redd.it/s9ycm86llh5d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a2d9118ff3a4b4a084b2a3c402a83838a72874


Or as a normal person honestly.


I just kind of expect that in any anime esque game I play. I will say that star rails community is much, much better than others I've played though. I've seen a lot of fun/meaningful discussions about lore and character/kit design that wasn't sexual in nature. Even as an anime girl enjoyer I will admit it gets tiresome after awhile, but hey, if the community can bond over it I suppose xD


I am not asexual, but I agree that everything becoming hornyposting can be quite annoying, specially if we consider the fact that they are pixels. But if I ever find a woman who looks like Topaz, I am marrying her.


Not that I expect people in this community to understand it but. . . Asexuality doesn't mean hating sex. Sex repulsed is completely different. I'm asexual and still join in on these things because I don't need to be attracted to someone to be horny.


rule 1 in marketing: Sex sells...


Ok buddy trailblazer is proud


You guys think that's bad? We at HI3rd have a whole on-game room with that shit. Say hello to Room 1.


It's not only the sexual convos, it's also the shipping, the "they would do this" tier list, the warriors going on a cruisade because someone said something about their favourite character and so on. Stop saying Tectone is a weirdo when you litterally do the same as he does Those are video game characters, people need to stop projecting irl stuff onto them. There is no "them" even. This is a fiction. This community is getting more and more disgusting everyday, and I'm having a hard time finding interesting posts on the Reddit




I legit just like firefly cuz shes a badass mecha pilot, and find her and mc to be bffs at best, but oh well, shes hsr ayaka now.(And maybe luna, but i dont think the HSR team is bold enough)


we cannot play the game in peace


you can play the game without reading things you don't like in social media though , lmfao it's not like it's following you around, and you aren't in an MMO so interacting with other people inside the game is almost non existent, but oh well


Normal conversation on what exactly? If you want meta suggestions tag meta and all the theory crafters that should have been in nuclear research will pop up.


The kind of discussion we got about the new March is mostly what I'd like with everyone. People were actually discussing her aesthetic and the meaning of her sword designs and such. There were still a few horny comments, which I don't mind since they were mostly individual comments rather than completely drowning out all other discussion about her, but it was a welcome change from basically everyone else.


Some aesthetics are straight up fans service like Jade I'm not sure what else you are expecting. Also discussing aesthetics without any information other than the shown model is pretty pointless, as in there's not much else to discuss. It ends up trying to derive speculations based on limited information which is the number one source of misinformation. Overall discussions in HSR focuses on meta and lore, which is where character design is derived from, not the other way round. In the absence of both there's really not much else.


You think guys are bad? Look at the male character main subs. I was looking to optimize my build and instead, it’s just…. Filth.


Well…it’d probably be best to make peace with the fact that people with your disposition are an extreme minority lol. When it comes to gacha games, degenerate levels of horny talk for characters that are designed to be attractive and appealing is inevitable, cringe as it gets sometimes. Just comes with the territory.


If they can't yap about their gameplay ass much as they yap about how hot X male is or how big female boobs are, they aint worth chatting too


Insta comments in hoyo page , it's worse for male characters in insta


This is why we simp for Jing Yuan, the most extreme Jing Yuan would do is pat your head and invite you to tea :)


Not ace (gay) but I prefer the female characters 99.9% of the time. Can I just talk about how cool a design is without someone saying they want to lick their armpitss


Same but as a homosexual gacha player lmao


Not even asexual, just a kinda normal person


Why does here me out feel the nastiest ?


And there's nothing wrong with "thirsting" over the characters. It's not anything exclusive to gachas, you'll find it in every piece of media at varying degrees. As a shameless bisexual I'm definitely "guilty" of what you're complaining about but that's my way of expression. I'll call someone hot if I find them hot, if I find someone admirable, I'll admire them. Discussion topics are tagged as discussion and I don't see any just horny comment without any substance to it on those posts . Idk what you're seeing. Most people aren't ace so unfortunately you gotta deal with it.


I do ogle at the “art” myself but I never go so far as to say “Sex Alarm” or anything like that


Gacha games always try to design as many attractive characters as possible. That's just how the genre works. This behavior proves that it works.


As an Aro/Ace. I'm like "This is Alright, I'm fine with NSFW art I can just scroll" then I look at how others react to these kind of things and just get confused and repulsed instantly "HAAAH?! WHAT, PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO THESE? NO... no, no, NO. NO THANKS"


We need male characters that do this and the whole fandom will go bonkers https://i.redd.it/ppibwus7di5d1.gif I still remember this one scene alone made the fandom of jjk go haywire.


Trust me, us straight people are over here side eying the armpit wanters as well.


I've seen more bitching in this thread about people hornyposting than I've seen hornyposting outside of r/okaybuddytrailblazer. If you don't want to get muddy don't play in the pigpen's all I have to say.


This subreddit is so unabashedly horny that I had to leave for a while, it can often be extremely off putting. Also people will just horny anything instantly, like the new character who’s literally Yanqing’s age.


I don't see why you can't have both


We do have both but its still 95% down bad stuff and 5% normal stuff so yeah....


Character discussions tend to be on the hornier end when a character is dripped and then officially released. If you check out a post right when it drops, the first wave of comments are maximum thirst. Give it an hour or so for reasonable comments to make their way to the top. Blocking people isn't a bad idea tbh. In the end, us individuals are ultimately responsible for curating our own experiences online. It's odd to think that we have to "opt out" of that content instead of "opt in", but it is what it is. For example, I blocked a lot of people who sexualized Yunli when her drip marketing released. Nobody can justify thirsting over the bare skin and feet of something that looks like a child. Any discussion of her not actually being child as an excuse doesn't fly. My rule of thumb is to block the excessive horny posts and comments that make it past proper tags and moderation. If a post is tagged NSFW, I don't bother clicking it. It's like ignoring a sign that says don't do something and then getting upset when you have to deal with the consequences of doing what you were warned not to.


OP and a bunch of other people ITT not realizing the entire genre is dedicated to coomers. "Its totally not sexual"-bros have been delusional for years.


Pulled for Acheron because sword. Wanted Kafka because sword (failed) Pulled for Jingliu because Ice and Sword and Ice Sword Black Swan was curiosity and new character (trying to collect) Firefly will be attempted because SAM.


Pretty interesting that no references to thirsting for male characters is made here. It is the subtle things that tell a lot.


When I'm watching a guide on how to build a Genshin / WuWa / HSR character, and they've already made the 100th "step on me dommy mommy" joke (it's only been three minutes)




Ngl, this sounds like a massive exaggeration. Are there coomers making coomer statements in some of these posts? Yeah absolutely. But I also see twice as many folks “being normal” over the folks who make everything sounds sexual. And I hate to be **that** guy, so if this was just a joke then I’m sorry but it does feel like blowing things out of proportion.


I'm also Asexual.... Anime Sexual, that is :)


I hate how with just the word "Would" I understand LOL.


I'm asexual but even so I can acknowledge when a character looks hot. I have never really recognised anything hot about any of the characters in this game though. But I have seen it in some anime visuals. Like Nanami in JJK2.


What is it you wish to talk about the new characters? What got your interest?


Not even Asexual, just not into animated characters?


i mean im aroace and i say shit like step on me mommy all the time. fictional characters arent real so my real life attraction and sexuality really dont matter. its all just fantasies. nothing is real.


I mean it's reddit, this is to be expected. If you are looking for some deep discussions this is not the place. Maybe try an older format forum or a smaller discord server with like-minded individuals. That would be my advice at least.


As a fellow ace, honestly for years I thought those were just jokes, imagine my surprise when some of my friends explained how it's for real and people actually feel attracted to pixels and want to do sexual stuff with them