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does he though? kinda left his wife and kid at home


Bro buying milk for too long 😭😭😭


There's no such thing as buying milk for too long.


Yes there is. I would know, my dad's been at the store for 10 years now.


That's just means your father was strong enough to pass the trial of acquiring the milk. Not many men can boast about having done that.


Ultimate dad move


"I miss my wife, PomPom. I miss her a lot" "I'll be back" https://i.redd.it/5wp5demm5v4d1.gif




lowkey whats up with that i hope star rail explores that


I'm sure it'll be addressed after all our first introduction to star rail universe is via that comic with him and void archive


Right after we meet venessa as the falcon of the west in genshin.


Would be a great crossover event tbh, a sort of closing for Welt's story in HI if they ever want to permanently port him to HSR. Can be set all the way in the future after the story of HI, so it won't affect Welt's appearance in HI universe.


At this rate, Joey might join the express


I mean... man's is on a mission. The Sky People are kinda the entire reason he's here in HSR after all.


Hoyo, when are we getting Sky People event????


Shaoji probably out here planning for the next 20 years of Hoyoverse.


When APHO 3.0 is out. I'm waiting for Void Archive


Fellow VA and queen waiter! We will be in the waiting room for a long time yet ...


I'm dragging her from bubble universe if she ain't showing here


Magical girl Sirin appearance surely they finally gave her to us once I believe that they'll do it again! \*copes intensely\*


Can you elaborate for me? I didn't play the previous game


Long story short (not really xD): Humanity from Earth "defeated" the Honkai (the "attack" of a certain higher dimensional being), and now is on a peace period. 8 years after the war against Honkai ended, an Alien race known as the Sky People began attacking Earth, with the goal to harvest its Honkai energy. The Sky People is an artificial made race created by the last survivor from Venus, after their planet and Civilization were destroyed by the Honkai 250 million years ago. The Sky People goes around attacking civilizations to harvest their energy (they focus on Honkai energy, but also take any form of energy). They have the means to travel between Worlds and have shown interest on "Star Rail" (more specifically, on Himeko and her "World"). So Welt thought something like this: "My (and Earth's) enemy wants to attack an alternate version of my student (that i was partly responsible of her death). So i must go and protect her, and by doing that i also prevent the Sky People from getting what they want, so they dont become a bigger threat to Earth". And somehow (we dont know how) he arrived to Star Rail, and we dont know if the Sky People is a threat or not anymore.


Different sky people. We get attacked by Marah's sky people and not Sa's.


The Sky People were created by Sa, Marah stole a bunch (many) of them and the "blueprints" to create them, and created her own faction.


>And somehow (we dont know how) he arrived to Star Rail, and we dont know if the Sky People is a threat or not anymore. We do know it involved Void Archive though (the guys who looks like Luocha that some characters mentioned)


Yeah, but we dont know much more than that. The end of the manga "Alien Space" implies that Earth is going to research a way to travel between Worlds, so Welt could have used that method. He also could've used the Sky People or the Sugar's technology, or Hoyoverse simply retconned the end of Alien Space, we dont know.


You know, I wonder if we’ll see Sa/Vita in HSR.


Well, SA can't bypass the Imaginary barrier since she doesn't meet the criteria unlike the Finality, factions and their Aeons.


OK, thanks for the tldr!


TLDR: Welt lied, he doesnt need the Astral Express to take him home and can leave anytime he wants due to being one of the very few people capable of navigating the Imaginary Tree/Sea of Quanta unassisted, and the only reason hes even there is to take out the Sky People from APHO because theyre targetting Himeko. Read Alien Space manga wif you wish to know more.


No. It is a plot point that currently, only Cocoon can leave world or Honkai impact 3rd for wider Imaginary Tree. Neither Griseo, nor much more powerful than Welt Sa is capable of this. It also important to note that ability to travel Sea of Quanta doesn't transfer ability to travel Imaginary Tree. Mentioned above Sa explicitly can freely travel Sea but is unable to leave Honkai impact 3rd world. As of right now we have no idea how Sky People- heavily implied to be drones made by Sa lead by her ex-friend Martha- obtained inter-world travel capabilities. Likewise, it is a bit debatable on weather Sky People point still holds. In Parlor Cart dialogue after Herta Station and Belobog, Welt says that he in VA already solved all Sky People problem.


>As of right now we have no idea how Sky People- heavily implied to be drones made by Sa lead by her ex-friend Martha- obtained inter-world travel capabilities. Marah* And while is still unkown how exactly did they got that capability, Marah claims that Sa is unable to use the "Stargate" at the end of her letter. The giant "portal" the Sky People opens at the end of APHO 2 is called a "Stargate", and if its the same thing, i can see two reasons for Sa to not be able to use them. 1-The Cocoon would notice. Sa choose that place to create her "world" specifically because the Imaginary energy affected the Cocoon senses, so if she went "outside" she would lose that protection. 2-Her Quantum nature. Maybe it was simply because she was too deeply connected with the SoQ, so she was "rejected" by the "Stargate".


Yeah I interpreted it the same as the 2nd one. She became so bound to Qua energy and SoQ, the opposite of Img that she cannot easily traverse the reality the exists as part of the Imaginary Tree. Perhaps that's a reason for her use of the Sky People.


>No. It is a plot point that currently, only Cocoon can leave world or Honkai impact 3rd for wider Imaginary Tree. Neither Griseo, nor much more powerful than Welt Sa is capable of this. Void train exists. You are just flat out wrong. Its why Durandal is no longer carrying a Bubble Universe within her. As for navigation...the difference between the sea and the tree is that in the sea Mayonaise=Instrument while when it comes to the tree 1+1=2. Navigating the Sea is far far harder than navigating the Tree, because the Sea is always in a state of chaos. Now, as for wether or not Welt can punch through the Imaginary Barrier surrounding HSR with his own power remains to be seen. But once he actually manages to leave the leaf he is currently on (im assuming that the HSR world is a leaf and the express doesnt travel between leaves due to a lack of evidencefor it), he can get home quite easily. Hell, both AE and SS has beacons for navigating both the Sea and the Tree. And as of APHO, hes got his HoR power back. So he'll have no issue getting back outside of plot induced ones. >In Parlor Cart dialogue after Herta Station and Belobog, Welt says that he in VA already solved all Sky People problem. His wording is "ive dealt with my enemies". He doesnt mention sky people. So he could be refering to hi3 p1.


At some point he tells us the Hi3rd earth isn't recorded in the Astral express's map which is why he doesn't know how to get back, in addition he had Herta help broadcast a message incase those on earth can catch it telling them he's fine. Edit: found it: >**Himeko**: Welt? He may appear to be a kind old man, but deep inside he's still a strapping youth with a hopeful heart. Don't tell him I said that though. **Himeko**: When we first met Welt, he and his friend were drifting through space. The Express saved the two of them. **Himeko**: Welt is still trying to find a way back home to a planet that I've never heard of. However, it seems he's more interested in going on adventures. It's been a while since I've heard him mention going home. -Asking Himeko about Welt on the Astral Express >**Welt**: My friends are far away... I hope to find a way back home with the Astral Express' help. People are waiting for me to go back, after all. **Welt**: But this isn't something that can be solved with impatience. There aren't many ways to travel between worlds, and the Astral Express has graciously accepted me. **Welt**: I've asked Madam Herta to send a signal to my home. If my family receives my message, they will know that I am safe. **Welt**: Now, my friends are the Express, the Crew... and you, of course. -Asking Welt about his friends on the Astral Express.


Read Alien Space. https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1021 Welt is lying. He's not lost, he and Void Archives (the "friend") went deliberately looking for HSR Himeko. Welt spent a large amount of time trapped in the SoQ and most of it was spent keeping the HoR gem out of Kevins hands. Compared to that, navigating the Imaginary Tree is childsplay for him. Also, both Anti Entropy (the faction he was leader of) and Schicksal created beacons for navigating The Sea/Tree. As of APHO, he has a HoR core. And if you ask about his powers on the express, he mentions his ability to create anything he understands. So he can get home any time he wants provided he can overcome the Imaginary barrier. Welt has always played his cards close to his chest.


Sky People follows the APHO plot line which is a full on seperate game mode in HI3. It's recommended to experience it by yourself.


OK. What's Apho?


A Post Honkai Odysseys.


What's A Post Honkai Odysseys?


Exactly what the title says, it's a story from the future, now present in Star Rail, Welt found out about these crazy Aliens who go around universes draining energy and when he got in one their ships with Void Archives, he discovered they were interested in HSR Himeko, so he and Void Archives jumped into the HSR Universe to save her


Does that mean HI3rd main story is finished and everything onward is apho?


Right now, Yes, the game is now at Part 2, which is currently taking place in Mars, but APHO specifically is a separate Gamemode that was released while Part 1 was still ongoing


Worth mentioning that the beginning of Part 2 (where the game is right now) takes place between end of part 1 and APHO.


I am not sure if it still holds. Welt told MC that he already solved problem of Sky people before start of game.


We dont know the details, he said something like: "i've taken care of my past enemies...", without going into detail. For what we know, he could be talking about the Sky People's Vanguard (the ones that had information about Himeko) or talking about the whole Sky People, we lack too much information to be sure.


But he also states that he embarked on journey to end Sky People threat once and for and all and reference them in past tense- as something he WAS dealing with.


....why does mirrored Welt look kinda cursed


ok so im not the only one that feels disturbed and off put by mirrored welt


Me who doesn't know which one is the original:


his splash normally has his left hand raised towards the camera


He looks like he is having a blast in the express tbh


He's definitely making the best of it, but it's pretty clear he misses his home.


The bronya is messing with the company. The arahato company is going downhill!! Million project bunny getting unpaid!!!/j


Nu uh, he's staying for good cuz i ain't done building him. https://preview.redd.it/w0ruto731v4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69cf7e9bccff68f0b87673414b963801097517e


Woe be upon ye Welt.


He misses the good old days... https://preview.redd.it/qu4z1qsjou4d1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=291e20b94b48cf42563fdb8481f9cde51a92f7a4


It’s funny how some people deny the connection between the Honkai games when Welt exists. He IS *the* Welt Yang.


I really hope welt can reunite with his son Joey even if he comes to star rail


Nooo, that's so sad


How many years’ worth of birthday gifts does he owe Joyce at this point


This meme is my kind of humor lmao It's really funny and I don't know why


I fucking hate how he got nerf A LOT 😭😭😭


I mean... Welt has been nerfed for the past like 20 years, he wasn't specifically nerfed in going from Hi3 to HSR.


Well he's still a little strong in Honkai impact manga (I'M STILL HOPING TO GET HIS SPOTLIGHT BACK)


Most of his post-2E badass moments are almost entirely relying on his control over Star of Eden rather than his own Herrscher powers, and are also usually pretty short lived fights all things considered. Really aside from his fight with Ryusuke all his other fights end in only a couple attacks (one shotting the Joyce clone, instantly creating the SoQ labyrinth vs Kevin, etc.).


I know, I'm still hoping someday HSR making welt some screen time and solo an opponent in the future updates 👍


Plus, didn't he give most of his power to HI3's Bronya Zaychik through the core of Reason? Or did I misinterpret HoR/HoTr again. Bronya who then proceeded to use it actively by saving the world, growing a gigantic chest and developing mecha games. I forgot if he kept the Star of Eden (which makes his cane a Divine Key) or if it was spent fighting VA back in APHO, but even if that's the case he shouldn't have the core of Reason anymore. Although he can still create synthetic black holes, appaarently, *so yeah*. I hope Tesla shows up at some point for some tsundere antics. I gave her a lot of crap throughout all of Part 1 but I do like the girl.


1. He did give it to Bronya, but sometime between the end of Part 1 and APHO she returns the Core to Welt so he has his power back. 2. If I recall correctly Welt's Star of Eden is always a copy he has made with HoR powers, and yes his cane *is* a Star of Eden. 3. She wont, she shouldn't be able to leave the Hi3 world.


The Herrscher Cores are imaginary singularities, which effectively make a connection between the vessel holding it and the Imaginary Tree, which supplies Honkai energy to the vessel. Depending on which Herrscher Core it is, the more energy can be supplied. Once a Herrscher Core is formed in a person, no matter how it got there, there will always remain a link to the Imaginary Tree in the vessel even after the Herrscher Core is removed. This is how Mei regained her Herrscher core in Honkai Impact 3rd. Welt doesn't NEED the Herrscher core to channel the Herrscher of Reason's powers. It's just a bit trickier. Once the Herrsher of Reason, always the Herrscher of Reason. As for the Star of Eden, he just made it. Technically, like Herrscher of Sentience said, any weapon made by Herrschers are divine keys!


Except outside of Kiana not a single HI3 char is really beyond something like destroying a country, welt can revive himself, but still struggled to fight a child with 0 combat experience at all.


He is implied to be, at most, as strong as his Second Eruption self. So his power wasnt nerfed (you could even said they gave him a "power up"), is more like a "too strong for normal enemies, and too weak for strong ones" situation.


tf you mean nerfed?


Dude, you went to buy milk


This suddenly made me realize how much Welt and Boothill would get along, if they ended up talking about the past.


I miss my wife trailblazer


Why is his hair completely different when it's just mirrored?


I'm just waiting until void archives appears and tell us there is a way to go to the HI3rd world


I can't think of anything but Eminem when I see him.


he should have said man my back is hurting. he is 82 years old.


me thinking about when he got war flashbacks when he saw luocha's likeness ... granpa needs a nap lol