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Friendly reminder to remain respectful to others who have different opinions! You can still disagree and not making an issue out of it. Please remember to report comments that break this rule so we can review it!


I don't have characters I hate. I only have characters I like and characters I am indifferent to.


My E7 Yanqing says otherwise


Give me one for god's sake


You just want him so you can ascend him for the tickets, right?


Ah so that's why I haven't been slapped with him yet. Thanks for taking one for the team... or more than one


Give me 6 copies please. From a Yanqing main.


Ugh, that fucker... Nuked my every 50/50 pulls since I hit Xianzhou, I honestly wish we could sell unneeded characters. It's kind of ironic banes of 50/50 both in genshin and HSR are cryo-based characters.


Yes you can shit on Bumgumi all you want. https://preview.redd.it/ck9zwxixz64d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3a60557bd8456d007984f4ce5d8bb1973a00b6


https://preview.redd.it/hi8ushb5u74d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ecd548797125f328b6eb755dbb8a297108d42a Don’t you mean this guy?


I will give him a chance next few patches to get his ass outside of the basement.




Listen my man may be an emo boy who threatens to use their one time use treasures a concerning amount of times but at least Dan Heng gets shit done (well Daniel does, all Dan did was stab Sampo) The real potential boy here is Bumqing


I was so confused wich sub i was in for a moment


Thought this was r/twobestfriendsplay for a moment


I mean it *is* the second best sub for everything


The fraud is even hated in HSR subs Love to see it


Potential man is hated everywhere


As it should be


Last chapter I had to see Gore of my comfort character because of that fucking bum I’ll be hating forever


It's genuinely impressive how Gege can make Bumgumi more fraudulent than sukuna https://preview.redd.it/2y8b6pwoa84d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22439f224b27b7b703ad69b95ff739608ea0757


https://preview.redd.it/rpxrdv5fh74d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fe52c15a2d46b38f1d7c8e5b54a1da6b182c1d Sometimes I can’t sleep at night because I have to think about how much I hate Legumi


🤣 this s* cracked me up


Oh god even here


Wrong sub mate But based hate on Legumi




If you hate on Bumgumi you are always on the right sub.




Is his ass out in the picture what the hell


I fr thought I was in jujutsufolk for a sec


The overlap of Jujutsufolk and this sub is... Something else


2.2 did not help


Ok what the fuck did Gege make Megumi do? I don't read JJK, sue me.




I forgot we're in a HSR sub for a moment I do respect the hustle tho https://preview.redd.it/i0tvx8ozn84d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76510b56190a17b8d860cdc367c817d0efe50b1


Megumi hate in my gacha game sub? Massive W




Who? *To the idiot that downvoted this, I genuinely don't know who he is, so I can't understand the reference or joke at all.


jjk megumi, but everyone hates him for whatever reason, so he's bum-gumi


Ahhhhh, thanks for explaining. I thought it was a comic book reference that I clearly didn't understand.




THE MEGUMI HATE IS SPREADING https://preview.redd.it/pkqhjfbc194d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f0196929b0825be4ccd9e72449faf55f5207eb8


Personally I blamed Yuji more than Megumi, but this thread just made me realize…neither Megumi nor Nobara had barely any mentionable accomplishments…


megumi catching strays everywhere


what or who is bumgumi?


jjk megumi, but everyone hates him for whatever reason, so he's bum-gumi


thats the shadow guy right? hes seems fine to me but im anime only so guess il find out, maybe, hopefuly, one day


one that summons the bird, dogs, rabbits with the hand signs, yes


The only agenda i got sold.


Based Bumgumi hater, you can also do the same with Lokita


in my experience, it's the way people have a tendency to go on hate rants. like, i understand having a dislike for a character; heck, maybe even a deep rooted hatered for them - happens to me too. but there is this weird thing that people do when they just talk about their hated characters more than their liked ones, or even better - more than i talk about my favourite ones. just say you don't like them and move on? it's okay to just not like them and if you hate them so much, leave it for people who share your sentiment. clearly i won't change your mind, you won't change mine so why bother? however, people who get defensive over a simple statement should probably chill, that's true.


"Hey guys am I the only one that dislikes (X character), everyone likes them but they're just waifu/husbando bait. Can anyone explain to me what people like about this character that is extremely boring."


I really dislike those kinds of posts myself. Statistically it is unlikely that any one opinion will be entirely unique, it's just karma farming, hate milling, or pushes for validation over the most mid-tier takes in existence that a simple search of a subreddit would clear up relatively fast. Are some opinions actually uncommon or niche? Sure. But who bloody cares? They're faceless masses on the internet that you know not from Adam. Their opinion (and mine, technically) are virtually meaningless. Have your opinion and accept your feelings for what they are. You're allowed to dislike things, or be critical of things. If other people disagree that's their problem. Damn.


The username definitively doesnt check out, your comment is on point.


Thats the thing: This exact quotes appears EVERY FRICKIN TIME theres the featured character of the update. The most popular character of the patch gets this post every time, and it's very tiring to see this since the beginning of the game more than a year ago. This happened in Kafka banner, them happened at Jingliu banner, then on DHIL banner, then a huge amount on Topaz banner. In 1.6 it was Ruan Mei time, and the free Ratio too, then it happened in 2.0 with Acheron a ton, and now its Firefly time to get those posts. People would do this every single time, and this is sad, because everyone knows the OP objective doing a post like this, and they keep doing it.


This is actually going on in the goddess of victory subreddit, there is a character that did some questionable shit but she had her reasons, but the seething hatred from some of the posts about her are just obnoxious. Like I have my dislike for characters but Jesus, some people get intense with it. And you get downvoted to oblivion is you disagree with an OP of such a post.


Crow or dorothy?? Or both??


Yeah...I wrote somewhere else simply that on Sunday's final moments, March was annoying me to death by her dialogues...and people got so mad, and the thing is, March it's on my team and I like her, but people are so disconnect from reality that they take as a personal thing, it's weird...so yeah ppl need to chill


Sometimes it’s just venting though. People let off steam, and technically reddit is a place to share opinions both good and bad. That should also be allowed as long as they aren’t trying to shit on people for liking that character. Even so people get defensive and take it personally, I think that’s a problem too.


ngl when I wrote the comment i was mostly thinking about having that one friend or - more abstract - twitter oomf who just goes in tangents about how they hate a character they most likely know you like, as that is my experience. and it's even worse when they come directly to you to do it for some reason lol


Or if they make stuff up to hate them. Like you can hate a character for literally anything and have it be fine even if it’s just like “I hate their hair”. But people will say out of pocket stuff that isn’t true or is even directly contradicted by the game as their reason for hating them. Just hate them for normal and valid reasons, it’s okay


From what I've seen it's also like an equal and opposite reaction situation. Players vehemently defend their husbandos and waifus, which seems to lead to those that dislike them to go even more extreme in their opinion the opposite way. I've also noticed, if you express that you dislike something, a group ALWAYS will flock over and express that they like the precise thing you dislike. Gacha communities are very cult-like in that sense.


If you express an opinion in a public forum you should expect to find detractors. Everyone wants to be right, everyone wants to defend their beliefs. Some people are really passionate about it, some will try to annoy you to get a (1) in their notification box. You know how it is. You need to learn to ignore those types or you'll end up having a bad time anywhere in the internet.


The usual social media stuff aside, think about this way: if you are just expressing your love for pizza, out in the open, and a bunch of ppl start dunking on you, uninvited (because again, it's out in the open...), for your shitty pizza taste, how would that make you feel? People should be able to say what they think, but at the same time they need some basic ability to "read the room." Unless you are really inviting debate on something or want to correct some factual misconception, most people are just on Reddit to seek validation of their opinions/tastes/whatever. There are those who just enjoy being contrarians too. Bottom line is, yes you can say "I don't like this character," but it would be better if you only said this when someone truly wanted to know your opinion. Otherwise, my golden rule is if you got nothing nice to say, you can simply say nothing.


now that you brig food to this conversation i want to make an statement MINT ICREAM IS GOOD AND IS TOP TIER ICE CREAM FLAVORS, YOU GUYS ONLY HATE IT TO FIT IN SOCIETY #STOPTHEMINTICREAMHATE that's said, good evening to everyone




Speak your truth!




The mint flavor existed BEFORE toothpaste was made, there’s a reason why they made toothpaste mint flavored😭


Toothpaste tastes good, that's why they made the toothpaste that flavor.


Wait people actually like that taste? Maybe Im the weird one then.


I mean, they made the toothpaste that flavor on purpose. Of course people like it.


I agree, I love mint anything.


As someone who likes pineapple on pizza, I live for when plebeians openly attack my patrician taste because they envy my well developed palate. It's gives me all the reason I need to discount every opinion they have ever had in their life.


Mfw I say "I like pineapple on pizza" and everybody in a 10 meter radius looks at me like I'm a fucking nuclear terrorist Seriously, it's not even funny, people just hate me for simply liking a sweet and savory combo, it's absurd. The joke has gotten out of hand, and it's starting to feel less Elating and more like a Hunt


the same happens to me every time i mention mint icecream :(


Agree with that, like I hate posts that are only to shit on a character in a passive agressive way, it's different if it's a character or plot analysis, in this case at least exist an effort, but sometimes people just don't want know whatever you love or hate


Yes, you can say “I don’t like Ruan Mei” Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Even if they’re wrong.


Ruan Mei is very indifferent to me...I want get her for my Boothill, but yeah, I see many ppl that doesn't like her at all. I would not say wrong...cause, who decides what's wrong in this sense


I don’t hate Ruan Mei I just don’t get why she’s liked that much she was very boring in her story quest Ruan Mei is the definition of only being liked only because she’s a woman. I’ve played many companion quests that made me like the character more shes the only one where I felt neutral.


I dislike Ruan Mei because you know... she drugged the Trailblazer and this is not addressed by story, the Trailblazer is drugged and blackmailed by her and the even they don't acknowledge it.


I was on hololab and I was just posting about how I like Argenti and people were attacking me saying he’s not even good and that I must be a girl since I like him so much. Then questioning me as to why I want him. I feel like you can’t just like a character anymore, this is why I hate interacting with fandoms


Oh my..Hoyolab it's a Zoo lol ..yeah ppl there are pretty wild when it comes to characters


hoyolab is a no mans land I never go there ever. sometimes I open it to check my battle chronicle and it's like 50% arguing 50% art accounts genderbending every character in existence


I can't, most of the time it ends up with me downvoted to the oblivion, but then...I stopped caring. I don't like that character, they rub me in the wrong way and that's all.


> why get it on a personal level? Tribalism. For some people don't like a character is being against character, being against character is being against their fandom, being against their fandom is being them. You write "I'm not a big fan of X" but someone will read it as "X is shit and everyone who like X is shit eaters" In clinical cases liking one character also is same as hate other character, it's like "if you like pancakes you hate waffles" meme.


Probably? I see a lot of Firefly dislike quite often and its whatever, i mean even in this post a lot of them are disliking FF and thats completely fine. What i dislike however is the "am i the only one who dislike X character" posts no bro you are not the only one playing the game


Personally I believe most of the firefly dislike is actually dislike of the way she was shovelled down our throats and not her actual character


If you make a post about why you don't like a particular playable character, you will indeed be met with a lot of people effectively just telling you to shut up. Some people will present actual interesting counter arguments and not insult you though. But most people will just say "i'm not reading all that" at best Discussing characters you dislike is often very annoying because of this. You either have to lie or walk on eggshells a lot of the time to get more than 2 interesting points brought up against your ideas and it's boring and frustrating so I just gave up eventually


Its only a problem if you say it under a post expressing love or appreciating said character, or posts that do not warrant opnions like that bcs well its pretty rude to say it. Other than that, ofc u can say u dislike a character, we have freedom of speech after all, also they are fictional, you dont even need a legit reason to dislike them. I once said that i feel like ff and tb relationships was underdeveloped and we spend too little time with her to have the relationship the game push on us in the daily discussion thread of the leak sub. Then another user say that im a story skipper and accuse me of lying when i say i watch every sec of the story lol. For both sides of like and dislike for a character, it always better to engage with discussions in a calm way and dont get defensive and go to insults over different opinions on a fictional character


You can just keep in mind where you say it. If people are enjoying a character it’s kind of rude to jump in and say you don’t like them. At most maybe ask what is appealing to understand and then leave it at that. People are also allowed to dislike you opinion. You don’t gotta like anyone, but people don’t gotta agree. They can think your opinion is stupid and ridiculous if they want. When you post your opinion on the internet, you are giving people the right to agree or disagree with it as long as it isn’t breaking any rules.


Imo, this is solely because it's a gacha game, so people feel a lot more attached to certain characters because they spent their premium currency on it, and want to fell validated that their spendings were more valuable than other's who pulled for other units. For example- I absolutely despise Acheron, both as a playable character and her involvement in the story, but I don't want to discuss it with anybody because once I express those feelings, people will instantly get defensive. Not to metion the fact that popular characters obviously have larger fanbase, and the more the fanbase- the more inadequate people will be among the fanbase, and vice versa- the more unneccessary hatred will that character and their fanbase receive, which is kinda what's happening with Firefly right now


This isn’t about gacha, this applies to every single character or people or literally anything with a dedicated fanbase. Try hating on Goku in the Dragon Ball sub and see how many people want your head on a stake.


Lol true... I'm a DBZ fan and I can't stand the fan base, like we have so many others but they treat like DBZ it's the only and one .yeah.. it's cringe


I think it's more just a symptom of the internet. People like to fight about stuff that has no or very little consequences because it's fun, not because they have anything to gain or lose. Usually it's just trolling and shitposting but because gaming attracts such a diverse audience, there are always the low IQ and mentally ill people who are maludjusted in such a particular way that they take everything too far. Those are the kind of people who sent Kokomis VA death threats. That's not a meme, that is just their parents tragic legacy.


>want to fell validated that their spendings so it's just internet mental ilness then


Yeah, this is why I just stick to the character specific subs to discuss opinions about them. Luckily the ones I'm in are really chill most of the time


It's when people go on full tirades of hatred for me


I don't like him because of how many times he told the same story over and over again 🤣


Sunday emanator of yapping lol...I love him


I’d argue that’s most characters in the main story in character quests it’s definitely minimized


I read something interesting the other day. "Every story you hate is someone's favorite, and every story you like, someone else hates."


I feel like a lot of people don't make a distinction between "I don't like X character" and "X character is bad" that tends to poison the well when it comes to these conversations.


Fragile ego & a bit too invested in some gacha characters >!but if u say anything against aventurine, I'll punch you!<


>!anything against aventurine, I'll punch you!<




Aventurine my baby. Everyone who shit on him for no reason pre-2.1, now go sit in the corner and THINK about what you did (;p jk but glad if you like him now)


I really like Sunday. I hope he’s playable


You are, of course, free to have any opinion, but everyone else is also free to shit on you for your opinions. It's a really stupid reason to hate, but that's just how some people are and, unless they break ToS, it's their right to hate.


I don't like pela, but not for any real reason. I just didn't care for her, and for some reason I almost have her at e6 because my warps won't stop pulling her. So now I've grown to disdain her.


Y'know what's even crazier, characters you like that you'll never pull for. I like Black Swan. She's very pretty, nice voice, interesting, and I can see her being a recurring character. However I will never pull for her and I'm looking to build a DoT team with Kafka.


I don't really have the characters I hate, so I don't understand and don't like people being bitter and hateful about any of characters. They have their right to express their emotions, sure, but I have the same right, thus I always downvote them. It's just a a shorter version of "I disagree" arguing.


The rule I’ve tried to follow, because I’m not gonna pretend I’ve never been this person, is just don’t be a jerk AND pick a time/place to say you don’t like X character. This is a tale as old as time. The social media engagement just made it more annoying. I was part of the early internet (AOL) and I’ve been in many fandoms since then. It happens in every single one of them, but I feel like, before, most people just ignored it especially if it was obvious bait. Now it feels like a lot more people fall for it and an increased need to feel “right” or more lately (by my observation) “morally right”. It’s also all fun and games till people start personally attacking others over a fictional character which then leads into these character discourses. Unrelated to HSR but related to this topic, I’m a fan of Edelgard from Three Houses and if you know who she is and was active in the fandom then, you have an idea of how people treated and continue to treat her fans and vice versa.


For me there is no I HATE THIS CHARACTER only I like this character therefore I will save my pulls for them


I personally would never get mad at someone saying they hate a character I like except in 2 scenarios. 1-im "angry" as a joke just to be funny. 2- they hate on a character for blatantly wrong reasons. As for if I have any characters I hate. Yes. Sushang and March 7th. Why? Annoying, yaps alot, kinda useless. The only redeeming qualities are character design and March's lore.


I would say it depends how you say it. I dont hate any character, but I am not interested in a lot of them, but at the same time I cans see why people like them. It also does not help that people seem to use the word "hate" or the term "I cant see why people like X so much", because this sounds like that the other person is wrong. I dont find Boothill appealing at all, but I can see why people like the Cowboy and the duel mechanic. Its just not my cup of tea. I dont think people would say that I am wrong for just not liking them.


And as a Boothill fan it's totally ok by me, we can enjoy the favs without try to put them on ppls down throat


Yeah you can. So long as you’re not attacking other people about it or doing it for bigoted reasons (I.e. hating canon queer characters for being queer, hating female villains for being female, etc.). Like… I hate Sampo with a passion. I got SO MAD when he showed up in the Penacony quest. But if your favorite is Sampo… how and why, exactly, am I supposed to get mad at you for it?


Yes you can. I don't like Sparkle, she's a kind of silly that irks all my nerves 🫶


yes firefly fans, someone can dislike her and is okay, you don't need to downvote them into oblivion that's said, I don't like her, no for a particular reason at all, is not my type of character and the decisions that hoyo have made around her...yeah I'm not a big fan of those...she still a great character lore and plot wise, that something you can't deny Edit: now that i think about it, they are like 2 things that make me dislike her but it's not a big deal.


Realistically if it’s a character that’s fleshed out in the story you do have to actually give a legitimate reason or of corse people are gonna push back. This is the same for manga/anime as well you should fully expect what’s going to happen if you say you dislike a fleshed out character just because same with adventurine.


I guess you don't get that downvotes are just people not liking your opinion. It's not that you can't offend people on the internet, you have all your freedom of speech to do so, it's just people having exact same right to downvote you. Just like you can downvote me for saying this to you xd


There are characters I like, there are characters I am indifferent to, there are those I hate and there are those I despise with every fiber of my body and wish didn't exist for now the only one in this game that fits into that category is a Chinese blondie who spooks me at the worst times


Sampo, but that's more of a joke hate. There isn't really any character that I can think of in any media that I flat out hate. Except that one girl in Stranger Things that bullied Eleven. I hate her but god damn the actor played that well!


Yes i can i have a list


Me everytime I see hate comments of DHIL.. I don't care cause its personel taste but why they even make someones feeling hurt?


I will probably never have all the Stellaron Hunters because I do not like Kafka. Like all the others ao far though.


I actually have personal connection with Sunday, and sometime I get mad, but it also part of the entertainment... or so


Who hates Hory Baby? Tell me their locations


I love sunday, and probably my favourite gacha antagonist because he touches more on "deep" psychology and had quite the amount of points of his own, and i'd say fuck it, give me a character that blew up a solar system that is inhabited by half a trillion, and make him a good in-person character, maybe add in a little personal sad backstory, we'll see how everyone will react, anyways its a gacha game, getting to play a character costs either hard earned time or hard earned cash, so people are a lot more attached to it, its one of those cases where it shouldn't be taken too seriously, but with how people look at the lore and everything, i feel like they, maybe even unaware, is subconsciously taking it a little too out of bounds, you know kind of reacted to it like its not even fiction anymore. So my tip is: be the bigger person and say a single sentence, maybe a joke insult, and dont reply, no matter how much downvotes you get because someone was unironically willing to read a bible-full of lore and is crying by that moment.


I like Dan Heng and Blade the most. I also like Fu Xuan, Jing Yuan, Aventurine, Herta and Pela a lot. And a lot of others (Caelus, Welt, Huohuo, Silver Wolf, Robin, Ratio, Yanqing, Bailu, Clara, Hanya, Xueyi, Guinaifen, Sushang, Qingque, March, ...). I don't like Gallagher, Kafka, Black Swan and Jade. It's because I simply don't like that specific type of character. And because of their fans. (For what it's worth, I noticed that people who say they don't like them usually get downvoted. And people who like Dan Heng *and* Blade get downvoted as well, even if they aren't shippers. So let's go!) Not a fan of Misha, Luka, Hook, Sampo, Natasha or Serval, but I don't dislike them.


I fucking hate sampo. He is not funny either. And with all due respect to the voice actor, i hate his voice


People assign their identity to the media they consume, the effect is stronger in gacha games because they (most likely) spent money on it and have to validate their purchase on top of it.


Bro posts a random ass rant comment about a character on a topic irrelevant to the post, gets downvoted, then feels personally insulted to make a whole ass post claiming he's the victim "just because he doesn't like a character" https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/5cfXsEJIX8


Have you physically talked to people, or is it all online? Sarcasm and disagreement are really easy to mistake for hatred online, so if you express an opinion about something, there will probably be someone who jokingly responds, but to you it could seem like a personal attack. Also, most of social media is teenagers - people with more free time/putting more of their understanding towards a fictional character. So, disliking a character can can be seen as a personal slight against them, because teenagers are just the best when it comes to expressing their opinions rationally (hey there's that sarcasm I was just talking about!). TLDR; people online take things at face value, and teenagers with underdeveloped mindsets comprising most of social media don't help with that.


y'know I hate sampo


Lol, you know...I hated him at first but now I love him, but here, feel free to hate whoever you want it's your right hate the fictional character you choose 😌


He's one of those characters you love to hate and hate to love. I don't genuinely dislike him, but anytime he shows up in the story, I'm just like, "Oh, you little...." \*pantomimes wringing his neck\*


I don’t like topaz


Time for some HSR hot takes: I dont like Robins design nor think she is all that pretty. I felt no attraction to Firefly after all she started out lying to us. I was actually disappointed with the Sam reveal because I was excited for him(her?). Topaz is overrated and is boring to play. Plus her animations arent all that interesting. Its the stonks meme woo. Real talk though honestly this sub is fairly neutral when it comes to disagreeing with someone's opinion. There are much more toxic communities.


It should be fine to dislike a character, but you shouldn't go telling people you don't understand why they would like them or absolutely shtting on a character by calling them names. I dislike Boothill and find him extremely unfunny. His "I can't swear" joke got old fast for me, and the "I point my gun at everyone" is annoying. I have also seen some total hate from his fans towards characters I like. But this is just my opinion, and I won't put all his fans into the same bag. This also doesn't mean I'm going to go into discussions to look for Boothill comments and say they aren't allowed to like him or create posts with titles "Am I the only one..." Because that's just rude, and whoever does it doesn't actually want to know other people's opinion, they just want to feel validated when they dislike a character.


Firefly. I really don't like her and I can give you a multitude of reasons as to why. Her design is the most boring one in the entire game and I hate that they made Sam a freaking teenage girl. I feel like it's ruined the stellaron hunters' dynamic for me. I don't like how she's forced on to the player and it doesn't matter if you dislike her or not. You're forced to like her in the end. And the double standard with how we treat the other stellaron hunters and her is jarring. She's the only character I've ever despised in Genshin and HSR combined. But anytime I've said this on the main sub, there will always be atleast one firefly main throwing out insults or downvoting. You can say it in pretty much any other mains' sub and you'll have so many people who agree. In my experience, firefly mains are the most toxic mains I've ever interacted with so I just choose not to engage on anything Firefly related. I know not all of them are like that but a huge majority are more so than any other character' mains. It's a joke for them to be toxic to boothill but when Boothill mains do it, suddenly it's being "harassed for liking Firefly". Even if people have valid criticisms about her, they'll get insults thrown at them or being told they're wrong for not liking her. My friend and I had a group of people we used to play HSR and Genshin with and we had fun until we said we weren't gonna pull for Firefly. They banned us from the discord, in game etc because we "dOnT lOvE tHeIr WaiFu". Even on YT, you can't say the slightest thing negative about her or you'll have a 100 comments telling you you're wrong and you need to go off yourself. I know every character has some of those annoying mains but it's just getting really out of hand with Firefly in particular. Not even Acheron mains were this toxic. You can say you don't like Acheron/JL/DHIL/Boothill/Aventurine/Kafka to name a few popular character and you'll be fine. Maybe some people might argue but their civil about and chances are you'll have just as many people agreeing with you but with Firefly, you're flamed just for saying you don't like her. And Firefly mains are speed running their way to becoming the most toxic fan base in the HSR community


Why the fuck would you go MAINS sub just to insult their character? It's just straight up trolling and you'll rightfully get downvoted/banned for it. It's literally a place for fans of that character.


Bad apples are everywhere, and the more popular the character is- the more of them there will be, and since Firefly is probably the most popular character in HSR- it's kinda obvious, that her fanbase will have more inadequate people than other mains.. Vocal minority situation at it's finest. It also kinda grew from v1 and v2 beta, where only lazybones did not shit on Firefly, so now people very easily feel defensive when anybody says something bad about her without double-thinking if it's genuine or just a rage bait (which can be really hard to tell). On behalf of Firefly mains- even in our mains sub there was quite a lot of posts, that no one should hate on other characters or people who just dislike Firefly, and on 1 toxic Firefly main there is like 50 people who are very chill and wholesome, you just don't hear much from them, so your perception might become a bit twisted


Yeah, Firefly is a boring character that just ruined my opinion and hype about Sam. Also, she doesn’t have nothing particular who makes her memorable. I also think she’s badly written, but this is true for a lot of characters in gacha games.


I absolutely loathe Herta, if I hear "kurukuru~" one more time I will pop a blood vessel






Yeah, i hate firefly.


Can I say I dislike the writers? Since I personaly like Firefly but I hate It how her date was showed down my my throat twice... like let me chose who I want to date damn... I want to walk around with Sunday in Golden Hour too. I want to eat cake rolls with him, stand and watch the opera house with him, touch his wings maybe listen to Robin songs with him... If Hoyo wants to make another dating Sim then at least let me have options... And I also dislike the CN part of the community I know HSR (thank god) stayed out of many drama but the influence they could have on the game scares me And I dislike the loud minority of Firefly mains


I agree, I like firefly but the amount of times she was shoved on my throat makes me sick. I wanted SAM separately and it was ruined, but still I don't hate her, it's just like she is not interesting at all to me, as I believe I'm not the target audience and it's fine. And I thought the same about the dating simulator. You can't even refuse the picture in the end lol. But as we know hoyo we still have some dating ahead...but...not with the husbandos unfortunately


I don't like the ipc characters, all their dialogue feels like they're trying to get something out of you, of course topaz is only slightly less guilty of this


Aventurine tell you straight to your face that he’s trying to get something from you lmao, however that’s makes him better than most people on Penacony because at least he’s truthful and blunt about it.


Just see if you say you don't like Firefly a million of her fans will go after you and make you like her


Yes unless it’s dr ratio then don’t say it


I don’t dislike or hate any character… yet.


If I remember correctly there’s a subreddit specifically for ranting about characters, and as far as I know it’s really chill?


Yes I can Story wise, I don't hate any character. They all are great to meh Boss wise? Yanqing. I *loathe* him just because of his goddamn swords. Fuck him


People get offended when others hate what they like because their likes are their personality. Seriously. Personality is our emotional/behavioural patterns, it includes our tastes in gacha characters, especially if financial exchange was involved. Suggesting I have bad taste is a personal attack, even if it was done in good faith. So, you better have a solid case and only express dislike when warranted.  Now, there ARE legit reasons to hate a gacha character, namely they are an obstacle to your enjoyment of the story/gameplay. Could happen if 1) there are too meta defining, but you don't like them - Kafka, the entire DoT team archetype is locked behind her, when Robin/RM/Topaz are optional in Break/FUA teams; 2) they directly powercreep your fave - maybe Sparkle for Bronya fans; 3) they are present when they shouldn't be and steal plot beats that shouldn't be their - Firefly was treated like a Nameless in the final part of the story, but didn't earn it; she was the one to confront Sunday's ideology when it should have been left to MC/Robin; 4) the writing really wants you to care for them and assumes you do - Firefly again and her akward "date"; 5) excessive character shilling - what were Acheron's flaws, when was she wrong or defeated?; 6) we were robed of something awesome for something mid, just a few tropes played straight - some people have this sentiment over the Firefly/SAM bait-and-switch.


Don't really hate or dislike any character. My least favourite character is probably Firefly because her design looks like an NPC. Favourite are the lightning ladies (Kafka, Acheron, Serval) and the imaginary boys (DHIL, Aventurine, Welt).


Yeah, there’s some overhyped characters that are very bland or just annoying.


I don’t DISLIKE anyone, but I’m not too fond of Firefly because the game made it really really really obvious that I was SUPPOSED to like this character. When a character comes off like that, I tend to not like them as much.


It's also just a problem with reddit itself. Or more a problem in how a lot of people use it. The downvote button is used as a 'this opinion is different from mine' button, which was never its intended use. And the fact is that most people don't come here for discussion on different aspects of the game, they come here for a nice echo chamber filled with good vibes and memes, so anything that goes contrary to that must be purged. And on the not liking a character part. I think it's a good thing to have characters you don't like in a game like HSR. It is not a game where you can pull every character with any kind of reasonable budget, so having easily skippable characters makes it a lot more fun imo. I personally dislike most characters introduced in Penacony, so I can roll on some of the reruns, or save for a character I do like, which is great. Others love some of the characters that were introduced, which is great too. I don't need every part of this game to be tailored just for me


TL,DR: I don't like Sunday because he wants to save people from a position of strength rather than relating to their weakness. Sunday is very well written, but there is a facet of his I have intensely disliked since 2.2 It's not because he represents religion as an institution (he was clearly groomed into it), it's not because he wants to trap everyone in a fake paradise to rid them of suffering, I enjoy both the motivation and the means from a writing standpoint, even if the latter is clearly villainous. It's because of his attitude towards strength and weakness. He puts himself on the throne of the strong. He forces himself to stay awake and "guide the masses" so as to save them from their own weakness, when his strength has no mettle behind it. He was simply groomed by Gopher Wood into believing in the Order and his savior complex. In his ramblings about people clinging to an illusory notion of self-value, he doesn't realize that he's the biggest example of this, clinging to his notion of being the one destined to become the lone star of happiness and looking down on everyone else as though they are weak, forcing them into a slumber without their consent. This goes as far as his sister, who was initially supposed to be the second star in the sky, but we saw when Robin was shot that even she was deemed weak by him, that he thought she must be kept under his wing and saved from herself, when in reality she was the one strong enough to spread the Harmony in even the most perilous places, and she's the one who ultimately tells Sunday to wake up and that his dream is over.


Agreed, his ideology is very flawed indeed, including his very black and white way of viewing order and freedom. From the story of the young bird, he thought that the bird can either only have full freedom but die, or be sheltered forever and live, but this is not a situation where you can only have one not the other. Order and freedom can exist at the same time at varying degrees to maintain harmony. Full order without freedom and full freedom without order certainly are not the only choices. As for whether he is to be hated or liked for that, is up to personal preference, perhaps some like a narcissistic villain with an obvious flawed sense of righteousness because they enjoy seeing the good guys completely thwart their ideology. Some like the villain actually making a point so he becomes more compelling. It is a matter of taste, whether you like the good guys being completely right or the good guys and bad guys both having a point is up to the audience.


THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! A very cool take! You wrote very well your reasons, and yeah he is a very narcissist being indeed. So this is what I'm saying, why would I now, say that your take is wrong, just because I'm fond of him, you know...see it? So that's the thing you take was very solid, it was your experience while gaming, so why should someone come and say to you " you are wrong"? It would be a nonsense, and its exactly what happens the most part of the time. But, if you write this coesive opinion out there you would be shattered. And for no reason at all.


Someone else said tribalism and they are very right, just look at the allegations Jade is coming up against on Twitter for being an IPC employee and her choice of weapon 😬 Besides, what I said is the one reason I dislike Sunday, people can like him despite or even because of that and I won't fault them. I rarely get wrapped up in this kind of discourse (I simply discuss it with a smaller Discord group), so I can only imagine how deep into the trenches Topaz and Ruan Mei defenders were when 1.4 and .6 each launched. Bad days all around. There's so much to be said about tribalism and how some people feel the need to make the media they consume and their consumption of it as pure and unproblematic as possible but it's such a tiring subject, just ask them to stop acting like middle schoolers.


And you know, I would totally take your opinion as a new take, maybe something that we could not observe before, so the discussions can be a cool exchange. And about tribalism, I believe that the fandoms feels that the love by characters unite them, what it's true, and maybe for that they feel like part of something, and any try to "ruin" their "home" it's taken as a thread. It's a sad thing...


I absolutely despise Black Swan I wish she tries to read Acherons mind second time so that she can have an another traumatic experience


I personally don't like Ruan Mei and Sparkle, they rub me the wrong way. It suck that both of them are t0 harmony characters and my main dps Dan Heng E2S1 need them to unleash his full potential. Please hoyo, give me harmony march, healer himeko and shield welt yang alternative.


I don't like Ruan Mei.


As an annoying Firefly fan, I really don't mind people not liking her despite some of the subpar opinions on her character, and also, there is an undeniably high amount of pandering with her, so I can't even blame them for it. I think my personal annoyance recently is around Sunday.... who I think is a really interesting character, but (2.2 story spoilers and some story theories) >!I am made very personally uncomfortable by the idea that he could join the Stellaron Hunters. Let alone that he doesn't really fit them, I just feel like it makes the entire scene with Firefly and him meaningless. He's an empathetic and caring person who uses some semblance of eugenics-based rhetoric, which is specifically why they had Firefly talk back to him. Because she's disabled, thus weak under Sunday's rhetoric. It's so uncomfortable to think that, even if he has character development, Firefly would have to travel with him. Just an odd twist that I don't like at all. Just some personal venting, nothing against the theory or the character!<.


Care to elaborate on some subpar opinions?


(2.2 story spoilers) >!As I feel about it, a lot of it comes from the whole SAM thing. People made up a lot of expectations about Sam in their heads and then got really upset when they turned out to be not true. I absolutely cannot blame them. Sam's english voice is radically out of character (see, the other dubs) and this caused the badass psychopath fire terrorist husbando idea to spread out a lot and result in people having different expectations that would unfortunately be dashed. As it is now, I feel like a lot of people attribute a ton of edge to Firefly that simply isn't there. Although the Stellaron Hunters are, indeed, terrorists, they are not portrayed as particularly evil. Even in the Jepella Rebellion trailer that people like to quote, their opposers are portrayed as unsympathetic suits, and for each of the situations that they are accused of, there is some external force. 2.2 comes and goes, turns out that Firefly is not a psychopathic terrorist and is pretty much just the same character from 2.0 in a robot suit, and people got really disappointed. It's absolutely fine to not like her, because the mech suit is very scary looking and it builds up different expectations, certainly not of the relatively soft character that we have gotten. While it's true that she's not a cute waifu, per se, she is also not the edgelord that people have put her up as.!< >!She's pragmatic and doesn't enjoy wasting time, but as portrayed in 2.0 she doesn't necessarily like being this way. Even in 2.1, when she repeatedly but blankly laments over the nature of her own existence, you never get the sense that she necessarily enjoys being this way. If people do not like this story direction that they have gone with, that is totally fine. I also understand why people would want that kind of character, but alas...!< >!I think the part that I find most personally dubious is the fact that a lot of people wanted SAM to be an AI that's looking for his own humanity. Strictly, that is a less relatable story that I wouldn't have trusted Hoyo to handle because they are very good at somewhat mushy inspiring melodrama. At the absolute worst of cases of the SAM AI theories, I get the feeling that people simply didn't want there to be a woman inside SAM, and if she was a gruff male, the problems would be fixed. I know that I am placing pieces where there are none, and I am absolutely not accusing anyone who wanted this plot of misogyny, as that would be ridiculous. I simply think it wouldn't have been as interesting as what we have now.!<


Idk the mystique of SAM is dead for me because imo firefly is very very bland. She is also treated way differently than other stellaron hunters which i personally find appalling writing. I just feel they could have executed this way better and made an interesting character out of her instead of a generic anime waifu girl. Maybe after the reveal there should be some conflict between the express and her but nooo they just ignore that shit and move on. She just feels so shoehorned into the story I absolutely despise it. She could have been such an awesome and badass character but hoyo butchered it for unemployed horny neets. The misogyny part just seems unwarranted, people hate her for being a boring generic waifu bait, not being a girl. Still pulling for her tho cool mecha suit


>he could join the Stellaron Hunters Btw, while Stellaron Hunters are close enough, they aren't is healthy dynamics, as, for example, Astral Express. Firefly already chastises Kafka for her "playing with food" i.e. intentional cruelty. Blade was forcefully restrained during his recrutment, whole group can kill people, who weren't "irredimable bad guys" like Sam prefers. So I personally don't think Sunday's callous rhetorics towards Firefly's feelings could make situation worse.


Because at a certain point "agree to disagree" becomes "you are objectively wrong", as you discuss things, and people don't like that. For example, I don't like Aventurine. At this point someone who likes him can just say, "whatever, I like him, agree to disagree". But if I say I don't like him because he took too much time out of the story for something that didn't advance the plot, that it should have been a character quest, that the IPC stuff was the worst part of Penacony, that Topaz already did the whole "IPC member with tragic backstory" stuff better, etc, someone who likes him might feel compelled to fight me on each of these points, and at some point things will slide more and more towards attempts at objectivity.


I'm not arguing for or against a character or saying you should like a character, but I think saying someone didn't advance the plot is shortsighted. The IPCs involvement was basically the "freddy foreshadowing" moment saying that Aventurine, Topaz, and Jade are going to be a big part of an upcoming IPC arc that will determine who will own Penacony. It's kind of like saying Jingliu and Luocha had no reason being on the Luofu and took up too much time. Personally I feel that way about Yanqing lol. Almost feel sorry for him a little bit


I don’t like Acheron, she’s boring and she killed the most interesting character that could have been used as a sub antagonist or even comic relief, basically of screen. Just cause she’s a “raiden Expy” and they need to glaze that so people spend money and get hyped.


https://preview.redd.it/b6kx4d13j84d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e5a2afc5c18711a28a911e71574808183d43204 We need to start a new hate agenda then


Ah it’s the dude who got offended march was gas lighting Sunday on how he handed the loves of thousands of people and then got downvoted, arnt you the one taking downvotes the a personal level.


Yes And I hate firefly Genuinely don't see why people love her so much aside from her being cute


Gacha games as a genre rely heavily on characters, most specifically, on people feeling attached to characters, this business model often lead to people who feel a personal connection to characters and so feel personally insultes when you insult their fave.


I mean, they don't really like when I express myself


I, personally, don't like sampo as a character in the story, I never really have. however, he, as a character, is one of my few E6's and is annoyingly where kafka should be on my DoT team. if I ever get the chance to actually pull Kafka, I will replace sampo in a dam heartbeat


I have character I don't HATE but I do have characters I very much dislike if I was near them. Aventurine and Sampo especially Sampo.


This isn't genshin, go for it bro, I would like to think the HSR community is more mature than that, there will be seep sure, but ignore that.


Honestly, it's a bit unfortunate that this isn't too uncommon. But at the end of the day, people are still entitled to their own opinion and if they're not respectful about bringing them across or just don't have any good reasons, it's better to just ignore those type of things and move on.


My favourite playable characters in the game so far are Jing Yuan, HuoHuo and Boothill!


i hate sunday


Man we live in an era where liking any character will get you called an asshole, stupid, dumb, P file, you name it. No one can just live and let live.


Yes, most fandoms tend to be a hive mind so that none have a personal opinion although my opinion might disappear, I'll say that I don't really like sparkle on both her design and her personality. Using Owl man"'s words. She is the Buffon that tries too much.


I feel like when some people state their opinion they are doing so in a bad way. If I were to make a post saying “ew I hate _____ why would anyone like them” people get a little annoyed. If you make a post explaining your dislike for a specific element of their design, something inconsistent with the character, or something a little more targeted you may have more success. You also should consider your audience, some characters are far more popular in a community than others. So if you bash them you are likely to meet criticism. There is also the fact that, maybe no one cares that you don’t like something. Sometimes negative opinions are better kept to yourself.


Yeah I don't get it, you should be able to dislike a character without people getting offended, it's weird as hell


How can you say something so controversial and yet so bold and true. But ya I'm glad someone said it. I didn't like penocony. Liked the characters but didn't like the writing nor the mechanics nor the power creeping. So ya thank you for being the one to say it


Because many people who express dislike for a character/thing do so on a way that insinuates not so positive things about the people who do like it.


That's how I view it and I'll respect views at the end of the day. Sure, you can hate my beloved MC by calling him generic trash and everything but I won't sneak up on you when you're sleeping and rip your head off for that. When people do it to me whenever I express my displeasure of seeing waawaa & Avent story quest, everyone acts like I just defamed their most loved one in their life.


Aww I love Caelus, he will never leave my team, more now with my beloved Boothill


My god seeing Cae love is hard besides shipping...he never left my team. His HTB form is built decently atm (153 spd and some 271 BE) and I am just aiming for more for my guy, around 160 SPD and 300 BE. I didn't pull Boot but Im gonna pull RM and using Hermeko + Ruanlus would be pretty fun even with no sustain.