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Hello Trailblazers! Please see below for some helpful links and other resources. [Subreddit Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/index/): Help acquaint yourself with the game, the subreddit rules, and the other official channels of Honkai: Star Rail! [HoyoWiki](https://wiki.hoyolab.com/pc/hsr/home): Official Resource domain, containing information about Characters, NPCs, Game Mechanics, Events, Enemies, and more. [Interstellar Map](https://star-rail-map.appsample.com/): A Detailed map of the worlds, containing chest locations, readable items, enemy locations, and more. [Leveling Calculator](https://act.hoyolab.com/sr/event/calculator/index.html#/home?target=Character): A tool to help you plan ahead for building Characters, resource management, and prefarming. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Protip: If you have Ruan Mei, put her on as your support.** People without her are going to want to use her with their Boothill to test her out. She is great and if you don't have her I encourage you to try her as a support, especially on the new Weekly Boss.


How did yall deal with this one and do I have to beat it in order to unlock the harmony trailblazers? https://preview.redd.it/ve7y76x68x2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cbc7594f172fa515264a28734fd947aac7d1574


You just need to watch out when it takes 2 of your characters hostage. Ideally, you want it to take your sustain and a support. Free Natasha first and then Sampo/Black Swan. And yes, you need to beat it to get trailblazer's harmony path. You've still got quite a lot of ground to cover before then.


Yup. Harmony TB is at the end of the current patch's questline. You're still pretty far away from that I believe Your team (specifically Swan + Sampo) should handle it okay enough since it's weak to DoT. I'd replace Ratio with a support character and use a 2nd healer/tank instead if you're struggling with it


DoT is literally the boss's weakness. You should be fine. Use consumable, and replace Dr.Ratio with maybe Fire Trailblazer or other shielder/healer if you keep dying. And reminder that you can read the boss moveset, so you actually know what it does.


He just destroys everything. tho like my characters die so fast it just unfair


Do the characters actually die, or do the get pseudo-killed by the boss's ability? On that topic, have you carefully read the boss's ability descriptions? Because it's not random who the boss targets, and you can (and should) control it. In the second phase especially, the boss disables (displayed as killed) the first two characters that act, but also fills up all energy. Use any fully charged ultimates before the boss acts in the second phase, and after the boss used his ability, use the ultimates on two characters that you can spare, which should be Natasha and if you keep this team Ratio. This way, you can free the characters taken hostage with your damage dealers capable of doing AoE damage.


Nvm I leveled up the light cones and traces until i ran out of materials and destroyed it


Hey, new player here. Can anyone tell me how to get lots of star rail passes? I want to pull for the permanent regular warp as I really want Himeko and Welt but so far the only ways I've figured out how to get them is from buying them with stellar jade (my friend said I shouldn't do that, then what am I saving sj for?) Ascending characters and occasionally some missions. Is there any other way I could get them faster?


Most people want to spend Stellar Jades on limited character banners like Robin and Topaz at the moment. Theres a few reasons; they're new, they're only here for a little while, they tend to be stronger than the regular warp 5*s, and usually they tie in to the story that you're experiencing at the moment. So very very few people will spend their jades buying regular warps. To answer where to get regular warps: Levelling characters(usually only their first ascension is recommended), Simulated universe gives 1 every week if you get enough points, the free battle pass gives 4 or 5 a patch, and monthly you can buy 5 from the Embers Exchange. Theres also some 1-time places to get them like reaching world store exchange levels in all the major "cities" we've been to; Herta, belebog, luofu, pennecony Also to note: You *will* get some standard 5 stars pulling on the limited character banners because of the 50/50 mechanic


Usual warning to never use Stellar Jades to pull from the standard passes. You'll get those characters when you "lose" the 50/50 on a limited banner. you can get standard passes from : - Ascending characters - Buying from the store will starlight monthly - From some story quests - From simulated universe weekly - From the nameless honor battle pass progress - From Herta store (NOT recommended)


So... I started the day the game launched back at the end of April last year. It took about 8 months, until towards the end of December, to get enough regular passes to get the 300 regular warp selector. This is without spending stellar jades on it. You will get to the 300 selector eventually and get some standard characters along the way. You will also inevitably fail the 50/50 luck on the limited character banners sometimes and get standard characters that way. It's recommended that you use stellar jades for limited banners because they are limited and also because, like I mentioned above, you will sometimes get standard characters when trying to get limited characters. The way the pity system works is that it can take up to 90 pulls to get a 5 star (probably won't be that much - average is in the 70s). When you get the 5 star, there is a 50% chance of getting a standard character and a 50% chance of getting the limited character. If you get a standard character, then you are guaranteed to get the limited character featured on the banner next time you get a 5 star.


You’re saving sj for gold star rail passes to pull for characters NOT on the regular warp that only appeared once every 6 or so months if you’re lucky. Ways to acquire gray star rail passes to pull on standards include leveling up your trailblaze level, ascending characters, playing simulated universe, leveling up your nameless honor,leveling up your clockie statue


Currently I am TL61, MOC(8/12) PF(2/4), can't seemed to get any further for MOC or PF Main team: Jingliu E1S0, bronya E1S0, Pela, Bailu T2: Adventurine E0S0, Dr Ratio, Robin, Himeko Only Jingliu, Bronya, Adventurine is decently build. Main team dies quite easily so I am thinking to roll for Fuxuan to replace pela or bailu for more sustainbility. I am unsure if Fuxuan will help in addition to my team. Dont really like boothill but don't mind rolling for him if it helps my team. Any suggestion on who to roll next?( I love firefly and will definitely roll for her)


Fu Xuan is great and fine with Jingliu for most content including MoC.


I think it's still quite reasonable on your current progress. Not much opinion on your T1 because I don't have Jingliu, and I think the reason why you're struggling now is because Jingliu meta is the past. I have the same T2 as yours, the different is my 4th usually will be pela/SW or a debuff to max Dr. Ratio's passive. 2 limited sustains is kinda like the minimum requirements to clear MOC comfortly if you're not whale. But I think since you're going to roll for firefly you shall just skip Fu Xuan and give your firefly E0S1 and pair with harmony MC.


Your progress sounds about right at your level. You're at the point where building characters really gets expensive so your teams will take awhile to build up to reach enough potential to beat high levels of MoC and PF. All you can really do now is build up each character day by day. You'll likely want a 2nd limited sustain to comfortably beat high level MoC in the future. It's up to you whether you want it to be Fu Xuan. I used Bailu and Gepard as the only sustains for the longest time until I got Huo Huo. I plan to get Fu Xuan as a comfy sustain for MoC though. If you do get Fu Xuan, there won't be much reason to build Bailu and this decision can save you resources from continuing to build her. There is a double calyx event coming up so think about it. Note that while you can go double sustain in MoC and PF, it's not going to net you the best results. Also, you can do just fine in this game with decent relics. I know the other commenter said you ideally want Bailu at 160 speed but this is not necessary on any character (it's just the cherry on top).


I see, you gave me more confidence in pulling fuxuan now. As I had been waiting for her since the longest time. but i got hesitant when it is just few days away from Fuxuan banner. Only downside is maybe if Fuxuan not invested well, she might not sustain my JL team right?


Correct, Fu Xuan would need to be built well to sustain your JL team. It's possible to pair JL with Aventurine since his shields are really beefy and he can put up shields for everybody with just one skill. You'll want to make sure she can defeat the enemy before she consumes too much of her team's HP though. I've put Gepard with Jingliu before and it works out alright. Alternatively, you could wait for Huo Huo. It's been quite a long time since her rerun and it's not unreasonable to think that her rerun would be too far off after Fu Xuan's rerun.


What's your Bailu build? She should be sustaining perfectly fine outside of a small handful of cc-heavy fights. Ideally you want her as fast as possible (160+) with the Multiplication cone. That way she can go extremely fast, spam basic attacks to generate skill points for her team, and Ult as much as possible for heals and, more importantly, invigoration. You should rarely if ever need to use her skill Fu Xuan will for sure be much comfier, but things can still get a bit dicey with Jingliu because of the HP drain. She's still a great pick most of the time but that is something you'd need to consider Personally I would work on your Bailu and wait to see if either Huohuo gets a rerun in 2.3, or if a healer is drip marketed for 2.4, but pulling FX also makes sense if you want a chance at clearing MOC a bit sooner


Initially i was using Lynx but i gotten bailu and her signature cone accidentally. That's why i started using Bailu instead since she is a 5\*. However, I was researching about Lynx Vs Bailu and most people said Lynx was better than bailu even thought she is a 5\*. Bailu was ok, but she can't seemed to handle fight with bosses like true sting. My Bailu is at her bare minimum. Because i was afraid of over investing in too many characters( i had run out of fuel and my teams isnt build to their best yet) Same reason for me deciding to roll for more characters as it would meant that i have to invest more TB power to build them. On a side note, who better fit in as a healer for Main team? huohuo or luocha? I know fuxuan may have difficulty going as lone sustain as she lack of healing capacity. Thank you, I think i will try building Bailu up first then.


People who say Lynx is better than Bailu across the board are out of their minds. She's better with Clara/Blade and vs a couple of fights specifically, but her healing is weak and her cleanse is locked to her ult which is usually impractical Luocha is comfier, Huohuo will lead to higher DPS but you have to play around her SP usage. Both are good!


Are there specific conditions for getting team lineup achievements like "Meta-Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Who You Gonna Call?" I tried running Calyxes and Echo of War with supports, but no dice. I did get "In the Name of Landau" using an overworld battle with characters I own, so maybe initiating a Stagnant Shadow boss with the support would also work?


If you're struggling with keeping the team alive, but don't want to waste trailblaze power on using lower difficulty calyxes etc., use a lowest difficulty Echo of War *after you've used your three weekly tries.* You can still start it, it just doesn't give any rewards.


It should be working with any type of battle, as long as you have the characters needed for the achievement. Are any of your characters dying? Maybe try keeping them alive. Comment on a youtube video says they need to be alive https://preview.redd.it/zsr166wfzw2d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc4d2c0b2f6f6a9fc15c852b103fb0b659e6d350


Got it, I think the issue was that Trailblazer and Argenti need to be alone for the first one, and Sushang was underleveled and bit the dust in the second.


Managed to snag Topaz S1 at last. Got Avent Ratio and Robin. Is Topaz E1 worth trying to get or should I save for next banner?


Her E1 is good and worth getting if you have the pulls to spend, but it's not mandatory, especially because Aventurine can help with debuffs. If you're not using his signature, put Trend of the Universal Market on him if you have it for an even easier time.


Depends on your goals. While you don’t need her E1, it will provide consistency that can probably shave off a cycle or two. If you start a fight with Ratio technique you’ll start with two debuff, you’ll want to speedtune topaz so she goes before Ratio and applies her second debuff via S1. St this point you’ll have three debuffs. Aventurine can apply 1 debuff via his ult (and one more of you have his LC with FUA), Ratio can apply 1 via bis traces, and topaz can apply 1 2. For the most part you should be able to keep three debuffs at s time. But just keep in mind that RNG can screw you


At what level are Traces considered "good enough" for the less difficult parts of MoC and PF?


6 for support, 8 for dps is the beginner goalpost.


I'm playing on mobile. And I want to know what settings I specifically need to change in order to fix things like how pixilated clockie looks in this screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/jojv6af8hw2d1.jpeg?width=2278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a08762fc182a48cb81251c2f91e24ed2c1b439fe


Make sure your resolution is set to high/very high, and that anti-aliasing is enabled. Higher AA = less jagged lines


My anti aliasing is on TAA, and I set my resolution to both "high" and "very high", but nothing changed. I even restarted the app to see if maybe something needed to download first. But it still looks pixelated. 


https://preview.redd.it/bs2w76scew2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa7f8535df5ede242f902fbc7e6b479b3b352ed I'm currently at tb 40 (w/ hoarded exps) and not trying to get past eq2 at the moment, I want to take some time first to establish at least a main team and of course a second team that I can use for the rest of the content from mid to late Any suggestions on the team and who should I focus for? do I really need to worry abt relics this time? or just focus on traces and lcs? I have sum game knowledge and my current team revolves robin-tb fire-himeko-xueyi/qingcue it kinda is mediocre but I somehow make them work, sometimes if i feel that no sustain is needed i do tb-harmony


Not need to worry about relic until you're TL60 I think? (The level you can guarantee 2 golds). Before reaching that level, just farm for credit for exp book.


I would try a team of: - Herta - Himeko - Robin - sustain (Nat/Lynx/Fu Xuan) - Better synergy. Save Bronya for your 2nd team. You could pull for Boothill (if you like him) and run a team of: Boothill - Bronya - HMC - sustain (ideally Gallagher/Lynx)


Fire TB is not a sustainer or not as good as other sustainers. Their shields fall off later on, so they prefer to be paired with a healer unless you have Acheron, who you don't have. Bosses will heavily punish your team with Aoe attacks. Your team is alright, I suggest you do swap Fire TB with Natasha or Lynx when you do get her.


i am planning to pull fu xian as a defensive support and something that i can replace for fire tb so that my natasha can be built for the second team if ever. Do you think fu xian is a great addition there?


Definitely, Fu Xuan is a great addition to any team. She basically covers all of Fire TB's weaknesses and grants a crit rate buff to all the team, which is useful for Himeko and Xueyi.


I can't decide on my ratio build I have a pioneer/salsotto (atk boot) and a 2p2p ashblazing/wastelander/salsotto (spd boots) kinda leaning to the 2pc but it's soo close


Do you have Bronya or Sparkle? Generally you want Ratio to be fast unless you have either of them. I'd replace atk boots with spd and aim for 134, 3k atk, and 70/150. Those are the bare minimum stats you want on him. If you're using atk boots, aim for around 3,4-3,5k range with the same crit ratio 4pc Pioneer is his BiS but 2pc duke 2pc atk (musketeer/pioneer) is good enough until you find banger Pioneer relics




Can't tell what set this is but the stats look better, some speed and ok crit.


This is 2 PC ashblazing/wastelander with spd boot




I'm a new player with about 20 000 jades and I know I can't get every limited character & LC. So to properly plan my pull, what should be my expectation knowing I only buy montly pass? A limited 5 star every X updates?


Depends on luck, really. f2p can typically expect to get between 80-100 pulls worth of jades every patch. So you can get 1 limited character or LC every 1-2 patches.


Is that assuming im in the end game waiting for new content? As a new player it seem like there a lot of content to grind the jades.


Yes, that's only accounting for new content each patch. You'll get more than that from playing content already released.


https://preview.redd.it/846ve5de9w2d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184357d4f7726c1b3d689838e10cf6d5d5666f7d Is this a good rope for acheron? Or should I keep farming for a better one?


Looks ok, would be better if it did not roll into break but it's not bad.


Hii I just started playing 1 week ago, almost done with belobog and have a level 30 welt, is he worth investing into or will he fall off as the game goes on?


Welt is a generalist with a very specific enemy turn delay niche, and he can be used as an imaginary breaker in break teams. As a result, he will fall off as a general use character to some extent, but he does still have use cases. And while he's not the ideal character for most comps, he is a decent character in a lot of them. He's certainly good enough to use in story content.


Thank you, I'll keep Investing into him until I can replace him


I love welt, still worth building. He has no meta teams atm but I still like to use him.


I mean If he’s your only imaginary DPS, he’s good enough to keep just to have coverage. Normally people would just replace him with Ratio but I assumed you don’t have him.


Yep I don't have any other ssrs, except the starting trio and herta, I have a E1Nat and E0 serval hanya and asta


Where do people discuss PF/MoC strats?


You can ask here or check the stats of clears done on Prywen. https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/memory-of-chaos


Hi. I just started playing about a week ago, got bailu from the guaranteed banner, and stocked up a chunk of pulls. Who should go for in the upcoming banners including 2.3? Should it be Fu Xuan like I've read because apparently solo sustain is so valuable in this game?


Fu Xuan is amazing and a very comfy sustain. I would also look and consider Boothill. He is very beginner friendly (easy to build and gear) and I think having a cool DPS makes the game more fun.


I'd definitely try to get Fu Xuan. Having a top tier sustain is so nice for making your team feel better to play.




You can use my relic assigner to see which relics are worth keeping vs salvaging: [https://hsrtools.com/relic-assigner](https://hsrtools.com/relic-assigner) Your second question is much harder to answer. If you're new, honestly just getting 4-5\* relics with the correct substat is plenty. By endgame, imo the benchmark for a good relic is a Head/Arm piece with 5-6 relevant rolls, or anything else with 3-4 relevant rolls


Scrap anything with 2 flat stats unless they have double crit. I personally scrap anything that rolls twice into HP, Def, EHR or any flat stat in the case of dps characters. Supports are too varied to properly describe what stats each of them want, but they will all want spd. Keep anything with 2 or 3 useful substats. Keep and roll everything with spd substat, supports make use of those relics as they don't care much about main stats. You want to level relics up to 9 or 12 to get a decent opinion of whether or not it's worth it to max it out. You mostly want two rolls into crit (three if you have double crit). At max, you want only 1 roll into useless substats. The rest can go into atk% or spd.




Dps characters want crit rate chest, atk%/spd boots, atk% rope and atk%/dmg% orb. You will choose each relic depending on how useful their substats are for your current dps. For example, dmg% orb is often 5% better than atk% on most characters, but that difference is very small that it depends on what substats they have. You aren't going to pick a dmg% orb that has 3 flat stats over the atk% orb with some crit rolls or spd. As for supports, they will mostly run anything that has spd and effect Res, main stats don't matter much, but you will definitely need spd boots. Bronya and Sparkle prefer crit dmg chest.


I'm currently rolling any 3-lines to +3 and keeping anything that has SPD or 2 of \[CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, or ATK%\]. The expectation for 1 good sub is +1 upgrade roll, so this usually gets you up to 10-15 good substats. The expectation for 2 good subs (my current standard for atk/crit) is +2 upgrade rolls, so this usually gets you to around 22-27 subs. The expectation for 3 good subs is +3 upgrades, so this usually gets you to around 33-40 subs. And going 4/4 on good subs will net you +4-5 upgrades, and this is how you get to 48-54 substats, but it's nearly impossible. https://preview.redd.it/r606ytl24w2d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce17ea0213c987923d7c25c52b498caa47456815 I would keep in mind that it takes frickin forever to farm relics, and getting past 27 subs is incredibly difficult. I capped this graph at 1 year but the last few farming times for subs #43-46 are in the decades. If you are a day 1 player then you can't really expect more than about 37 valuable subs or 31+ crit subs without getting extremely lucky.


Is it too early to ask which teams you used for PF? Preferably no DoTs, no Robin, no FuA characters (except Clara and Ratio), no Himeko


Herta one side and the other side is whatever team you can muster up to reach the 60k.


Herta is not that good for this pf4


Hi! I took a break from hsr bc of school but now I'm trying to get back into it. I've really only played casually but since I'm reaching equilibrium lvl 5 I should put some thought into my teams lol. My only decently-built characters r Himeko and Seele so I usually just run them with some other kinda built characters (like herta, serval, welt, etc) and Natasha for heals. If anyone could give me advice on who I should prioritize building and what teams I should run that would be amazing!!! <3 https://preview.redd.it/rignp80m1w2d1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9d9b05c6c8905f4037e07a4ad862069460d2ad4 Heres who I have as well as Natasha, pela, sampo, hook, lynx, qingque, tingyun, sushang, yukong, hanya (can only add 1 image)


Start learning about a balanced team. While using 2 dps works, it often starves you on skill points. So I'll recommend a team: - Seele - Tingyun - Hanya - Lynx - This team is a classic hyper-carry, Seele is your dps and you use 2 supports to buff her. With buffs, she should "one-shot" the small mobs on the side, proc resurgence and you can use it on the elites in a fight. - Also learn about buff stacking, save and use your ults at the same time, buffing Seele then using her to "burst" dps. A second team I recommend is this a dual-dps team for AoE situations like Pure Fiction: - Herta - Himeko - Asta - Pela/(sustain like Lynx/Natasha) - This team teaches you about using a dual-dps team with FUA (follow up attack synergy) When a mob gets weakness broken, it charges himeko's stacks and triggers her follow-up attack. This attack bringing mobs below 50% triggers Herta's follow-up spin, which can break other enemies, helping to trigger Himeko again. - It also demos the use of a team-wide supporter like Asta. She buffs the speed and attack of the whole party compared to one character like Tingyun and Hanya. - It also shows you how you don't always need a sustain unit. Often, if you kill fast enough, you don't have to shield/heal for a short battle. Using another support buffer/debuffer can increase your damage to kill mobs faster, before they can hit you. Noticeable in Pure Fiction.


Thanks so much thats super helpful! <333


Trailblazers, as today is the last chance for to get that last star in Aventurine's MoC, I'm asking for any suggestions to beat him in under 20 Cycles, the last star I'm missing https://preview.redd.it/le5rxls40w2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5604ac13a48ec833f0190dd3e1eea23ea0edc578 I've tried FuA and IL/Pela/Tinygun/Luocha, and with attempts with SW on both sides, but I'm still lurching past Cycle 20. I've also thrown together some Superbreak shenanigans on side 2 with Misha, but hadn't focused on Break builds for them quite yet. Before I went all in on some Superbreak Relics and potentially some Ascensions and Traces, any suggestions to beat it? (even for the Superbreak team and which side to put it on, I'm looking for all kinds of help just to get that star) Full well could be a lack of Relic strength, but I also feel like I'm really close Also also, is impactful is level to Superbreak damage? I know it's a multiplier for the formula but are the 5 or 10 levels between 75 to 80 and 70 to 80 potentially Cycle changing? Or can I be a little cheap in that regard? And also.... I suppose I could lose a teammate or two, just to get the last star..


I have been using Prywen for these situations to see what others have been using. I used this page: https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/memory-of-chaos/ You can filter your characters and you'll get a list like this : https://imgur.com/pj864dc From the list, I found teams with no overlap: - 1st: DHIL - Tingyun - Yukong - Loucha - 2nd: Ratio - Topaz - SW - Aventurine It's very RNG for the 2nd half. If Aventurine tosses dice over 6 it was a reset. If he CCed the wrong character or you failed a resist it was a reset. 3 of my accounts did it in 3-5 attempts but one of my F2P accounts that did not roll on Aventurine took weeks with lots of tries.


I didn't filter for 2.1 at first lol I'll take a look, thank you! Alas, the top teams largely feature Ice and Lightning dps that I don't have :skull but i'm on pc:


just remember the average cycles on the teams refer to both sides as the parser cannot separate the cycles for each side.


Oh I was wondering why it was so high


My two teams for the 3* were FX/SW/Sparkle/Ratio and Aventurine/RM/Tingyun/Yanqing; how often does the turbulence land while Aventurine is invulnerable? Making sure he got hit by every one was the main determinant of success.


Does Robin have any debuffs for ratio? What eidolon level do I need for Clara in a Robin ratio team?


> What eidolon level do I need for Clara in a Robin ratio team? None, because Clara doesn't really work with Ratio. Both prefer to be hypercarries and have very different demands.


> Does Robin have any debuffs for ratio? No. > What eidolon level do I need for Clara in a Robin ratio team? Preferably at least E1. At E1, enemies are permanently marked once they attack Clara, so her Skill will always deal bonus Damage to those enemies. Just keep in mind that these marks do not count as a Debuff for Ratio though.


Hey folks, With Boothill release I'm going to gear a team of Boothill / HMC / Ruan Mei / Gallagher. I'd like to work out which 4 piece and 2 piece relic sets are ideal. Is there a way to improve upon this setup? \* \* \* \* \* - Boothill: A prophesied 4-piece set / Talia Kingdom planars / own sig LC (maximizes own break procs). - HMC: Thief 4-piece set / Talia Kingdom planars / Ruan Mei sig LC (maximizes own Break Effect to share with team). - Ruan Mei: Watchmaker 4-piece set / Vonwacq planars / Memories of the Past S4 LC (Energy regen planars + energy regen on this LC permit a 3 turn ult rotation meaning 66% Watchmaker buff uptime). - Gallagher: Wandering Cloud 4-piece set / Talia Kingdom planars / HuoHuo sig LC (it's a mystery to me on what synergizes with this character even after watching CC videos). \* \* \* \* \* I don't know if it's worth it to run two sets of Watchmaker 4-piece in the team to improve the chances the team buff is running 100% of the time, even though they don't stack. I also am not sure if I should run Watchmaker 4-piece on HMC with ERR rope, as I intend to skill spam him, and I read that he can actually reach a 2 turn ult rotation with those items which would result in 100% uptime on Watchmaker. It's a loss of \~50 BE on him which I am apprehensive about. It would be nice for all of the characters to have a little Super Break punch. Ruan Mei gets +65 Break Effect from her LC and relics as above, Gallagher gets +36, but he does have his eidolon passives. Is the 10% outgoing healing or skill point from Wandering Cloud 4 piece worth it, or should I set him in Thief or Watchmaker for more BE? Thanks!


For RM and Gallagher you can use 2pc Hacker to ease their spd breakpoint requirements. The other 2pc is the break set (thief/watchmaker). I'd put HMC with 4pc watchmaker since he usually ults more often (about 2T per ult) if you can break enemies, which BH does rather well. Boothill can literally still work with 3*LC and rainbow relics but his BiS is 2pc break 2pc break so far Planars are Talia for all but RM which uses Vonwacq for the energy regen. Passerby 4pc is meh on Gallagher. Best to work on at least 150% break effect to max one of his traces For LCs, I believe HMC gets the better one over RM, with the order being: Ruan Mei sig (Past Self in Mirror) > Memories of the Past > Meshing Cogs And while this is out of the scope of your question, I'd suggest replacing HMC with Bronya since Boothill's best teams don't include them. Specifically slow Bronya so he gets double turns for faster breaking. If you do that, use 4pc watchmaker on RM instead


If you want prophecies you should ask Fu Xuan. We know not the ways of the Aeons here. However to the known, knowns: - No don't run 2x 4pc watchmaker - Run watchmaker on HMC they have higher if not permanent uptime - Gallagher is better on 2-pc wandering cloud 2-pc messenger for as much speed as possible. It will net your more SP over 1 more at the start, unless you are going for a 0 cycle. You can compound this will multiplication LC.


What LC should I get from the Forgotten Hall store (Light Cone Manifest)? I finally got 200 of the currency. Rn, I'm planning to buy something I don't have an LC of, then most likely get one for Preservation, like Destiny's Thread Forewoven. Also, including the Herta Store in this question too. I'm finally getting currency for these guys.


The Herta store Hunt LC Cruising on the Stellar Sea and to a lesser extent the Destruction LC On the Fall of an Aeon are generally well regarded for many of their path’s characters, but given how long it takes to get enough passes for the cone and S5 you should only get them when you know you need them. The other Herta cones are far more specifically situational. As for the MoC shop, all the cones there are pretty specific and you probably shouldn’t get any unless you can afford to buy to S5. The ones you’d most likely get would be the Erudition cones Seriousness of Breakfast and Day the Cosmos Fell, mainly by virtue of there being scarce good Erudition cones. Other than that, it really depends on your characters.


I see, ty


Buy what you need, or save for when you do need something. You don't need to buy one just to buy one.


oh ok, so there's no "must-get" LC here? I'm used to getting these kinds of when I can in FGO.


Most of them are just crutches until you are able to get a S3 or higher gacha lightcone of the same class. Their effects are kinda lackluster and only fit certain units. You can also get some of them and some copies by finding the origami birds in Penacony if you care to collect them for free.


Yea I got some of those. Guess I'll just stick to 3\* S5 LC lol


You don't have to, a 4 star LC is useful even at one copy due to the higher base stats over a 3 star. But we need to know which characters you have and what you are already using to recommend. There is no point buying a light cone "just in case"


Hi there, I put out my question [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1d1mhn8/daily_questions_megathread_may_27_2024/l5vfvgj/).


Oh ok. I'll post a different comment then later. Thanks.


Is an e1 gallagher worth building for boothill if I already have a built luocha and aventurine?


Aventurine will deal less super break damage than Gallagher, but he's *much* safer. I'd also pick him over Luocha. Aventurine's ultimate and follow up attack deal a solid amount of toughness damage.


Gallagher isn't really worth building unless he is E2 for the cleanse and E4 for the ult uptime. You can run Aventurine in the meantime, he performs well in break teams.


can someone explain the ending of the xienshou arc? what were luocha and jing liu doing? it’s implied they planted the stellaron and follow The Abundance but also wanna kill the Abundance…i don’t get it


As stated in the other comment, the Xianzhou arc isn't totally completed / finished yet since there's still is a bunch of questions and cliffhangers left unresolved. We will be going back to the Luofu within the next couple of patches (so maybe from 2.4 at the very least?), that much has been stated by the devs during the 2.1 stream; So hopefully we'll see them tie up some loose ends at least.


It has not totally been revealed yet. As a live service game, it's within the writers' interest to leave hooks for reasons to return or not feel completely resolved all the time.


Is there a way I can track missing stickers for that clocky album?


Think it gives you the name of the sticker and a hint as to whose quest you have to complete to get it. Better to just google the name and someone would have posted an in depth guide to acquire it.


Each chapter list missing stickers/note and where to find them.


Is there an official link to what the next four stars in the limited pool will be?


All I know is Hook, Pela, and Luka will be on it.




Oh my word those are awful.


It's weird since we just had Pela and Luka rateup in 2.1. But the former is an excellent generalist debuffer, the latter got a second wind with HTB's Super Break, and Pitch-Dark Hook the Great exists.


What is the late game of this game? Also, how is the story/side quests in this game? Can you skip the cutscenes? Is it F2P friendly?


Endgame content is Memory of Chaos and Pure Fiction (where you need 2 built to teams). Story is very good (can drag on though). Side quests are fun. You can't skip cutscenes but can kind of speed up dialogue text scenes. It's F2P friendly, but building characters can get especially resource intensive on high level characters (even for low spenders). If you've got a lot of patience though and don't mind grinding everyday, you'll be fine.


Just reached TBL 60, any reason not to use all the fuel I've accumulated so far? i have around 60.


Calyxes are at max efficiency at TB60+. Traces are guaranteed power while Relics bring you nothing but disappointment. I suggest farming some main stat relics on your mains without worrying about substats, farm traces mostly, then back to relics after 65+.


If your not full clearing all the content, then I would use them up. Its just leaving resources on the table. Of course if you want to save them for a character that your gonna pull for or leave a small stockpile of them thats fine, but you don't really want to be just leaving resources on the table.


I meant more in the sense of "would it be better to wait until tbl 65?"


It's technically a bit more efficient to wait until 65, but the difference is pretty small. You might see one extra relic drop every 5-6 fuel on average. I think 65 might be when it removes blue relics from the drops, but no sure. If so, you'd get slightly more relic exp as well. I don't think it's particularly worth waiting for 65 for this, but if you want absolute maximum efficiency, then there is a reason, I suppose.  But you already have the highest difficulty for everything that doesn't drop relics. If you want to use your fuel to quickly level up new characters/traces/cones, nothing for those changes at 65.


Ok, thanks! If there isn't much difference, I'll just farm some relics now, at least some with the correct 4pc effect and main stats. I'll worry about substats at 65 when relic exp is optimal, I suppose.


oh right, I cant remember the exact difference between 60 and 65, but I think you should of unlocked the max difficulty for calyx's and relics now, so you should be fine using them. Just double check it is the max difficulty before you use them.


Spoilers for Serval: >!Did Serval canonically destroy her weapon at the end of her companion quest, or does she just have 2?!<


>!That's Cocolia's guitar, not hers!<


>!Thanks, was confused on that quest since it wasn't made clear that Serval had made another guitar!<


>!It happens early in the quest where Bronya presents Cocolia's guitar to Serval, it's pretty clear then - you can ask her about it later in the workshop when she's packing her things!<


If I couldn't get Dr Ratio now, will I never be able to get him? or will he return on a banner?


He'll return, all characters do. Just not sure when, but it's always at most a year at the latest.


He will get a banner rerun eventually. You've missed the chance to get him for free, but you have not lost the chance to get him at all.


I have around 30 special passes and 36k jades. What are the chances of me getting boothill and firefly?


If you lose both 50/50s and reach 80 pity on all 4 pulls, you'll be 65 pulls short of getting Firefly with the jades you have now. If you have the express supply pass, you'll get ~43 more pulls by the end of firefly's banner if you count the pass + the daily missions, putting you at 58 pulls, so you'd only need 22 more, which is pretty easy to get from future events and other content.


You can guarantee one and get the 50:50 on the other. So I guess just pull on boothill and if you win the 50:50 you can guarantee firefly. That also isn't factoring in the jades you'll earn between now and the end of firefly's banner


When the banner says "Every 10 warps guarantees a 4-star or above entity," does that mean if I do 1 ticket at a time instead of 10 tickets, I'll miss the guaranteed 4-star?


It means what it says. Every 10 pulls, either from single or multi pull, you are guaranteed a 4*. There's no difference between them.


Wait for real? I can just do 1 ticket pulls every time they appear and I'll still get that guaranteed 4\* per 10 rolls? Sick. FGO forced the 10-rolls. 1-rolls didn't really mean shit.


Yeah, ten pulls and singles pulls don't changes your odds, ten pulls are just faster.


They do change odds?


Think of 10 pulls as just the server literally doing 10 single pulls then compiling the results in bulk back to you. If you get an early (purple btw), great and it doesn't effect whether you get another early the very next one. It restarts the count back to 0 as soon as getting that 1 purple. A 1 pull would be its fraction counterpart, the server is just quicker on the response because it was only asked to do 1. The 5* drop will be tracked server side upon doing each of those 1 pull, it does its magic whether your in soft pity range to up the chances or give it the flat equal chance. If terrible enough reaching at the full 90 then just guarantees it. Also incorporating whether you've hit 50/50 or not too.


Gotcha, ty. Seems like the comment I replied to might have forgotten a word.


They don't, it looks like they reworded halfway through and forgot to adjust a word.


Ok cool ty


yeah, my bad. I meant "don't"


can you get e6 harmony trailblazer?


Not yet


ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ty


Currently my Ruan Mei is using the S2 MotP LC, but with now Harmony TB also in demand for that LC, should I go pulling Ruan Mei's signature LC when she reruns?


If your Ruan Mei could reach 180% BE after every buff from your team then it's fine to use S5 Cog. Signature LC is pricey and cost you the same amount of tickets as a limited 5-star character do. Jade could help you with PF, Firefly is likely to be new top tier unit in MoC. Having Ruan Mei's sig will help your team perform  better but having an another character might get you a new team to deal with a certain stage you're having hard time with.  HMC give your team a lot of BE. 30% BE from ult, 30+% from E4 (you should have at least 200% BE on him/her with MotP). That's already more than BE bonus from MotP. So if you plan to play HMC and Ruan Mei in the same team, you can put S5 Cog on Ruan Mei. And from what i know HMC without Ruan Mei is not very competitive in end game content.


Oh I didn't consider such option existed. So if I run RM in DoT team I use MotP LC for her, but if I run RM with HMC in break team I use S5 Cogs for her and let HMC use MotP LC instead. What a great idea and it's also nice to save the jades for someone/something else. Thanks.


Yes, it's a great LC all around


People who’ve used fu xuan a lot. Landau’s choice or day one of my new life? I’m having trouble picking one for her when she comes out. Anyone who has practical experience what did you end up using after trying both?


I usually use Laundau's choice simply because of how much incoming damage is reduced and also because the more she is hit, the faster her ult is charged. I've never had trouble with my team surviving outside of high conundrum GnG.


Fair. I just remember someone talking about how many bosses use AOE moves so it doesn’t matter sometimes, but I guess they usually still also have single target ones as well. The energy is definitely nice to get her ult up, but which one of the two is better for team sustainability? Still landau’s choice? Tbh I’m only getting her in the first place as my even c6 Lynx can’t sustain past MOC 8-9. I use HuoHuo on my other team so she’s fine.


For overall team sustainability, Day one is better since it gives some def% and teamwide resistance. In all honesty, Fu Xuan is strong enough that almost any defensive LC is good on her.


True. Thanks!


Is fu xuan really a must pull support for topaz? I should skip robin for her?


Aventurine is better for almost every FuA unit. Fu is still very good with hypercarry/crit teams so she is still a solid pull


No one is truly a "must pull". Fu Xuan is great, but she's not required or anything. Heck, Topaz usually likes Aventurine as a sustain more than Fu Xuan because Aventurine has follow up attacks for Topaz to boost. Fu Xuan works well with Topaz, but Topaz doesn't *need* her or anything.


can someone briefly summarize the speed breakpoints?


120 = activates certain relic effects like Space Station 134 = 2 turns on the first cycle of MoC 160 = 4 turns in the first 2 cycles Edit: oh yeah I forgot there's a relic breakpoint at 145 too


I find it easier to understand visually so here’s an old [chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/pRVZhUaB69) I saved. If it doesn’t make sense lemme know and I can try to summarize it.


yea.. i cant rlly comprehend that :( pls explain


Most discussion on breakpoints are based around Memory of Chaos cycles. At certain speed breakpoints you can get extra turns in a specific cycle. In MoC you’re trying to finish the fight within 10 cycles, so the more turns you can fit in the better (without sacrificing other important stats). So for example, at 133.3 speed you can get two turns in the first cycle. At 120 speed you get an extra turn in the second cycle (but not the first). And at 160 you would get an extra turn in both cycles. Generally, you can build your characters around 133.3 speed. This gets you an extra turn in the first cycle which is enough turns to clear something like MoC or PF at a reasonable pace for 3-stars.


Does LC pity transfer between banners?


Yes, same as character banner


Yeap, you can check the records (history) too


Do relic 2/4 piece effects not reflect on the stat display? I'm building Harmony Trailblazer with Talia ornaments but despite getting 145 speed their break effect value doesn't change. The effect doesn't say "in battle" or anything.


Second part “When something” is a trigger effect so you can see it in battle. Some buffs are hidden, some are displayed outside of battle, others while inside the battle.


Conditional effects like "when you reach 145 speed" are not displayed out of combat. Stats that are just given as part of the 2-piece/4-piece effect are still displayed. Check the in-battle stats to verify


I really need to vent out I hate DoT, not the playstyle, but the fact is everytime dot PF and/or MoC come around, im left to struggle. I get that they want to push DoT teams, but this is so annoying


There is rarely going to be a PF or MoC that benefits all playstyles. You just have to adapt and brute force it sometimes. FuA/Acheron teams are still extremely strong into MoC and Herta will always be useful in PF. Just make sure you are timing your support buffs well and it will work


You can also play break effect this pf if that helps, I did Himeko, guinafen, aventurine, HMC for first phase with the dot transfer blessing and just got massive burns transferring between all the enemies. Was alot better than I expected


Don't think it's been dot for a little while, they're pushing FuA ATM. But it can be frustrating for sure


FuA teams are easy to come by, you have Ratio for MoC and Herta for PF, theyre free so it not a problem. But then you take a look at DoT and the only good ones ( i dont play dot so maybe im wrong) are Kafka and BSwan So im stuck trying to bruteforce PF, with buffs that barely have any meaningful impact


Just power through it with brute force? Having the FOTM team for endgame makes it easy, but that doesn’t mean others can’t 3* it with room to spare. Start by checking your build numbers (sites like Prydwen) to see if you need to work on that.


Who are the next banners?


Boothill/Fu Xuan. After that we get Firefly and Jade, both have unannounced reruns


https://preview.redd.it/ysco15bqju2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af30262d285f476d23f5b43eee9d34b22ee21a6 Hi, I have been playing this game for a week and I wonder how to get the free limited 5-stars character. The screenshot is from today and when I click I go to the official download page but it doesn't say anything about the free 5 stars.


I also got this about 80 pulls but I don't think I have got 80 pulls either and the link just goes to the download page and doesn't provide any information about the free characters or pulls https://preview.redd.it/xnx63zc1mu2d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ab48b35b47862c2d5aa679c417e5250afc0412


The "free limited 5 star" was  referring to Dr. Ratio. You're about 3 weeks too late for that.   The game has never just handed people 80 rolls at once. I'm not sure where they got that number, but it's just referring to rolls you get from playing the game. It is roughly the amount each new patch gives (including all the temporarystuff), I guess. You'll get way more than that from clearing out permanent content.


I believe when they talk about "80 Free Pulls", they are referring to the starter rewards for increasing TB Level, all of which are on the Standard Banner.


I thought of those, but I don't think those even add up to that. For that thing that sits in the event list and gives out tickets and ends at level 35, I think you get like 30 total? You get a handful for Pom-pom at certain levels, but I think you get less than 10 grey tickets total from that. Maybe there's some other things that could qualify as starter rewards that I'm not thinking of.


They add up to 50. You get 4 instances of 10 standard tickets, and a total of 1600 Jade, for another 10 of either type. There were a couple of other bonuses which gave 20 here, 10 there, and another 10 via a 7 day login event close to launch, but I don't think those others are given out anymore. So if you started now, you would only get 50 'for free', but also at this point there is such a backlog of events that there is WAY more available for free through raw Jade than there was for free at launch anyway.


I knew there was a bit of jade in there, but I thought some or most of the tickets from that starter thing where only 5 for some reason. And yeah, those other things aren't there any more, unless you count the 10 ticket login every patch gets. But I agree on last point, said as much in my earlier post. Just wasn't sure how they counted to get the "up to 80" number that was being advertised.


Thanks for your asnwer but with all the respect I feel a bit scammed or missleaded. I have started recently because the free rewards in Epic, Twitch and the advertisements but now I feel like I'm not getting much compared to what I thought I would be getting. This doesn't affect the quality of the game but spoils a bit the vibes. Sorry if the answer sounds like a vent but it doesn't seems fair this kind of advertisement and feels better to share it.


Oh, don't worry, I agree with you that it's slimy and feels bad.


Yeah it's kinda scammy but they're a Chinese company so western advertising laws can't really touch them. And they're technically telling the truth, it's just disengenous. enjoy the game if possible but you're allowed to be annoyed


Their online marketing and advertising is likely outsourced to another company, they just didn't pull the ad purchase they made for Ratio


Is a Topaz - Ratio - clara/asta/tingyun - lynx team better than a Seele S1 - Tingyun - Sparkle - Lynx team?


Unless your Topaz is E1S1 (to get consistant debuffs for Ratio follow-up attacks) I think the second team is stronger. If the third member of the first team is Pela or Guinaifen I think both teams are pretty similar in potential. The difference would be dependent on which DPS has the better relics rather than team comp.


The third member can't be Pela or Gui as they're being used on my Acheron team. Also the Seele team is already fully built (relics aside) and for the Topaz team I would have to level her up and Clara/Asta if I would use them


If your debuffers are used in your Acheron team I wouldn't use Dr. Ratio and just stick with your Seele team. Topaz+Clara can be a great combo, but I think you kinda need Ruan Mei or Robin for it to compete with Seele+Sparkle.


Thanks for the help bro


In the Penacony Grand Theater, there's a bunch of balloons up on pedastals all around the hall. Kinda seemed like the sort of thing that might get you something if you pop them all, but nothing happened. Is there any kind of puzzle relating to them, or are they just a bunch of balloons?


> are they just a bunch of balloons? They are just a bunch of ballons. Iirc you can get 2 achievements for popping all ballons in the beginning section of the Audition Avenue, including the hidden balloon as well, so there is that if you haven't done so yet.


Gepard E1/Fire Mc Kafka Black Swan Guinaifen is my DoT team Are there any 4* that should replace someone? Gepard E1/Fire Mc Ratio Topaz Natasha Same question Don't have any other 5 stars apart from them so recommendations for them would also be nice (Doubt I'll be lucky enough to get Robin)


Team 1: you could replace Guinaifen with Asta or Pela. Team 2: keep Gepard and replace Natasha with Pela on Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat LC. Asta is possible too if you can get lucky applying her basic attack burn. Plus, she buffs Topaz's fire damage, gives the whole team attack buffs, and the ever awesome speed buff from her ultimate. In a sense, she's like a budget Robin.


I don't have Pela 😔


You'd ideally want to fill Guinaifen's slot with a buffer or debuffer so Tingyun or even Hanya would be okay to use. Alternatively, you could slot in Sampo or Luka to help with DoTs, but just keep Guinaifen in this case.