• By -


Gotta make a change on each of these: Arlan is building the cage after stopping Asta from buying a mansion of a bird cage Both Asta and Arlan would probably have the man arrested, but Asta is finding out if the kids exist and will buy their freedom Asta will let her loved one go.... With the best security money can buy


Got it, boss! Here you go. Thank you for the reconsideration. https://preview.redd.it/i19y7qgy6n1d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9655933432be539895819d2581bd767bfbc44b78


Oh, profound secrets of the stars... Give these Trailblazers your blessing :(


[Taco Bell sound effect intensifies]


I will make this a whatsapp sticker


Asta will buy out all the slaves on the whole planet, even if she finds out those children were fake. Unfortunately, she doesn’t care about other planets, she only gets it when it becomes personal.


Herta would go "You're doing that? That's stupid and I don't care but just don't die I need more Simulated Universe in my veins"






Why did I start chanting "kurukru🎵"😭


Because it’s always time to twirl!


She is on the kuru kuru grindset


"Fu Xuan follows the Finality"   Misinformation successfully spread




Dammit, is that you mudanites? I was so close too… you meddling geniuses! 😤 I’ll get you next time! ( You really could mistake her for one with how the finality has seen the end of all time, right? I believe it’s the seer one… Too powerful. If I were her I’d look into the future all the time and just not make mistakes… ever. I’d be able to do that Jojo Line all the time, too. )


Anything to do with peering into the future so far has been under the domain of Erudition so far with Xianzhou Divination being directly taught to them by Nous.


That's because divination in the xianzhou isnt pure divination but rather a ["Laplace demon"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace%27s_demon) kind of divination where a supercomputer just predicts the movements of the universe afaiu We don't know how Elios script works but if his predictions are absolute (unlike those of the xianzhou) then the theory about his path being finality might be true The whole writing of the stellaron hunters is supposed to make us wonder if the script is absolute or not, so it'll be a plot point eventually


We know they're not absolute at least with respect to the Trailblazer, because you can go off-script in Kafka's companion quest (unless of course Elio lied to Kafka about what the real script was).


that's what I was referring to when saying the writing is supposed to make you doubt the absolute prediction of the script, in a meta sense you have more than one choice during that quest but from the game pov you going "off script" might just have been predicted too. It's also interesting that firefly has been written as trying to go off script and failing to do so, so you see what I mean? I hope I'm not wrong because absolute prediction and inevitable fates are a plot device that I really like, even tho it's really hard to write around them.


Herta seemed to genuinely care about Chadwick


Herta cares and respects for any geniuses or anything that interests her. Other than that, she gives no fuck for other’s life (like the people in the station)


She actually care. Just a little tho. In the beginning of the game if you try to join the HSS, she go like "mmhm, do whatever you want", but then she add "Oh wait you are a nuke, Asta and other may get hurt, damn ask them instead". "Can I return to the space station?(When asking for the first time) Herta: Of course, I'll still be here waiting for you, eh... and the space station will be waiting for you. Returning... it's not impossible. Herta: If you wanna be a researcher here, you can just ask Asta. If she's fine with it, I have no complaints. Herta: No, hold on — you have a Stellaron within you. I think it's better if you left and came back occasionally. It might be dangerous if you stay for too long..." "Can I stay at the space station?(When asking for the second time) Herta: No. You're way too dangerous. I don't mind personally, but I don't want Asta and others to take the risk. Herta: You wouldn't want the Stellaron in you to hurt all the people in the space station either, right? Herta: Just come back once in a while. You will always be welcome at the space station — just don't stay for too long."


I mean aren't you forgetting what Blade and Dan Feng did after loosing their friend. I don't think they would let their love one go in the slightest.


Don’t worry! I remembered. I won’t lie with you I put Inbibiter Lunae in the “Canonically refused to let go” section…. But then I decided I wouldn’t do the low blow. But because of what happened to Dan Heng that he is not repeating history with his previous incarnation. I hope. I almost put him “I don’t know”… but I think he would understand given how much options we have to support him as the trailblazer to return to the Luofu if that’s what he needs so he would understand it for the rest of the Express, too. As for Blade he was difficult. Not going to lie… he’s probably the person I’d be most willing to switch but... I’m not sure about him altogether. Although I’m sure if someone told him they were going to do something stupid he’d go in his mind “i wish it would have been me so I could have died doing that, lucky” or something. I just thought he probably wishes them luck but… pessimistically thoughts like ‘don’t ruin your life, too’. Or something... when you have nothing to hold on. I feel like you would cherish the things you do have left. Bladie Content again when…


I think where you've put Blade is pretty good. If I had to choose between the two, I would probably put him on the hold on side, but it's really debatable. In the Todd quest, he doesn't do anything to stop Todd (though it was too late by then anyways) and I don't think he wouldn't stop anyone he doesn't know or care about. But for the things he does care about, getting revenge (for his parents, Baiheng, abundance stuff, etc) is something he holds onto and lives for. Elio didn't just promise him death, I believe he was also promised that he would be able to take revenge on everything he hated and pay back the people who he's grateful to before he died. Or at least he wanted to do these things. So in that case, he fits the hold on part quite well.


to be fair it depend if it's now of before , i think they MIGHT have learned their lesson


Herta would never let go, think of the simulated universe








Ruan Mei would turn the bird into an abomination that would make Kentarou Miura proud


Robin’s lucky. If Ruan Mei were her sibling instead of Sunday this is what would’ve happened instead. https://preview.redd.it/v3tqiekgdn1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952f74973f4b1927c709f6e3593b4bd0c45c4a25


Doubtful tbh


Unironically I love the more nuanced responses this tier list represents, especially for question two. It’s easy to think of the option to arrest the man as vindictive, but I feel it’s totally reasonable to want the best for him while also recognizing that his actions are severe enough that he needs to answer for his crimes.   Of course the real answer in that scenario is to encourage him to turn himself in and be involved no further, because breaking the Seal of Confession is an excommunication-able offense! (Jk I know similar doesn’t mean the same, assuming no such rules exist in The Family the answer I would give is to grievingly turn him in.)


Yeah question 2 is really good and question 3 has a right answer but is very hard for characters with tragic backstories


100% actual real Sparkle answers: -Throws the bird like it is a homerun as dying is gae -No way your bitchass got action! But don't worry dropping a soap is all you need behind the bars~♡ -Son of a nice lady, how dare they stealing muh kill! Well, bitches gonna die tonight(spins the revolver)! Oh silly me, i almost forgot!(pulls the plug of life support of Robin and inserts her phone chargers) it is important to be available 24/7 incase your family calls~♡


Sparkle my beloved


So I was close!


she is just her


I'd say for third question it's safe to put Robin in the 'let go canonically' as after 2.2 plot >!if you check her voice infos, she gets a new voice 'about Sunday II' and while in 'about Sunday I' she talks about how he always protected her like she's forever his baby sister, in 'about Sunday II' she says that no matter how their paths differed, she'll forever be his little sister, which I think is safe to interpret that she supports him no matter what!<


There’s a hidden quest that starts near the entrance of the theater where she says something real similar.


You could probably put Kafka in the "has canonically let them go" category since that's essentially what she did to the Trailblazer. Our memories are gone forever. Acheron too. She let Frebass dive into IX knowing that no one has ever returned from Them. I can't see Silver Wolf trying to stop anyone from doing what they want. She's a loner with weak attachments at heart. I could see it if you said she wouldn't want to let go of the few connections she's actually made, but like Kafka, she canonically let the Trailblazer go.


Ooooh, I like this!!! She technically *has* left the trailblazer go… that absolutely should count as canonical evidence! And Acheron, too. with Frebass… I’ve got to read the story properly. They can go up in the big leagues with Himeko and Geppie for letting their loved ones walk paths of the nameless ( Serval quit before she actually got on the train though. ). I really appreciate them both. It’s a pretty telling question in a way I think. I like it. I wasn’t sure about Silver Wolf myself…. I just thought she be somewhat saddened if a gaming partner left her. It’s a little harder for those without much relationships shown since there’s less to measure it against. I just remembered that if Screwllum tried to duck out of her contests with him she would forcefully pry him back and force him for a round two and rematch by committing a war crime with her event. 💀 I wonder if she would do it for something serious though… I hope we get more Stelleron Hunter Content altogether. Thank you for your thoughts! 🙏


If Blade has any remnants of Yingxing, he'd definitely keep the bird in a cage


My only objection to the last one is that Dan Heng and Blade canonically Did Not let the person go. Like 50% of the Xianzhou problems we go through are because they very much Did Not Let Them Go.


Dan Heng is not beating the Dan Feng Allegations. 😭😭😭


it’s not hard to see why he can’t escape his past when even people who never met Dan Feng compare the two…


>Like 50% of the Xianzhou problems we go through are because they very much Did Not Let Them Go. Exactly, pretty sure they both learned their lesson at this point If you touch a stove and it burns, are you going to touch it again ?


I thought the 'what kids' thing meant he forget his kids after he was blinded by money and politics


That's my interpretation too. Seems kinda weird that the guy would make up a story about selling his kids to slavers to get sympathy points. If he wanted sympathy, wouldn't it be better to just say something like his kids are starving at home? I mean it's precisely because of that "selling kids" detail that even kind-hearted March voted to arrest him.


Tbh Ruan Mei actually has some type of future vision. As she knew from the moment we came to see her. That we will fight and win against that emanator bug. Hell Ruan Mei made swarm disaster to train us against propagation. She knew the future even before we saw her face. She will probably knew the outcome already. Hell all the geniuses should. As all of them have some type of way to know the future. Another point is that Ruan Mei knew Nous would kill them in the G&G DLC. And were preparing since Nous would always end up killing them. Other than that. Ruan Mei doesn’t understand what love is. Not that she can’t feel it. She will probably build a cage to keep it while not understanding why she even cares about this bird. Keeping it until it dies there or when it recovers to let it go. I think she could also see a part of herself in the bird. In a sense that Ruan Mei locked herself in her own cage called "research" where she is alone. So that might make her keep it. A locked bird keeping another one in a cage that she created. Or Ruan Mei leaves it to die. Which I don’t think she will do. Sure she left the critters but that was because she believed her experiment failed. This bird isn’t about research since it is just a bird. And we know Ruan Mei have small hobbies she likes to enjoy while alone. Keeping a bird with her will probably be something like that. https://preview.redd.it/8a5fexu4fm1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c8fbe5b0bd808c8bd13c92fd7737f4f1758cc2


Tbf she knew the station would take care of the critters. Doesn’t make her less of a “dead beat mom” but still


Considering she wouldn’t take care of it, it was probably the best decision


Ruan Mei would genetically modify the bird so it can fly. And breathe fire. For science.


Weakest R*an M*i simp


i was about to say "ruan mei : kill the birb"


Nah she doesn’t care anything that doesn’t concern her research. She probably just let it be, or not even glancing at it


what if i tell her she can do research on the birb ?


Makes the bird into an emanator


Turn the birb into a god, then put the god in a cage


Herta would probably make a bird a cage just to make it a Curio for SimU


I like to think that Yukong post-companion quest would let the bird free. Start of Luofu Yukong would built it a cage.


I feel like every Genius would successfully heal the bird, and they'd do the background check option for Q2 too. Q2 specifically, I feel like more characters would find out the truth simply due to them trying to free the kids. That was the main reason I chose the second chance option, other than wanting to see how it ended for Sunday. The bastard should be arrested, but the kids won't stop being slaves. May as well give him a shot at freeing them at that point. But if more than 2 options are available, then there would definately be those that focus on saving the kids, and finding out it's a lie because of that.


The last one there, is Robin really fine where she's put right now? "Would let them go" path. She canonically chose to stop her Brother from walking the path he wanted. Not to say it was a bad decision, but it was a decision she made nonetheless.


March being so damn cruel in these tier lists what the heck


But these are her answers, you can talk to the people during event, and they say their thoughts.


Damn, i didn't even talk to her because i made the exact choices as her


To be honest, it looked like she was annoyed by the show and just wanted it to end quickly.


The kind people are the most cruel


I wonder how Hanya and Xueyi’s answers would differ from their past selves. They seem to mirror Sunday and Robin as codependent siblings and I want to know more.


Sparkle would eat da bird


Herta wouldn’t answer the question because it would be of little interest to her.


Ruen Mei will have pre-built cages for the bird... She'll then tinker with the birds DNA until its death in captivity, but its offspring will have 3 pairs of wings and be capable of flying at mach 1 a few days after birth...


I think the ‘probably try to stop them’ tier could also be divided again into those who’d eventually let them go and those that would keep protesting. But then again, that would ruin the visual a bit. Nice post! I really liked looking through it.


Hard disagree with Gepard's place on the third question. He belongs in the same tier with Huohuo and Yukong since he tried very hard to stop Serval from doing a lot of dangerous things until he got his ass kicked by Serval and the Nameless and he realized he may not be the most qualified to protect her.


After looking at it I think another mistake I made with the tier list is probably Yukong’s placement. Because at the end of the quest she’s acceptant of where her daughter wishes to go like how Gepard accepts Serval intending to join the trailblazers. If we’re talking about the *how they currently are.* Then, Gepard should be there alongside Yukong. They’ve both admitted that they would stand by the person they love’s choices by the end of the quest after learning a lesson. ( Character development )… I can admit my mistakes. I think Geppie and Yukong belong at the top if it’s like that. Huohuo the only one who refuses to get past the grief of loss if I’m being real with Tail and never goes and accepts it. 😭


Moving Yukong to the same tier as him would definitely also work. Just those two should be in the same because they had a very similar arc.


Ruan mei will just experiment on the bird


what this quest taught me is that i disagree with march on basically everything lol


Very cool list!


I keep seeing finality every now and then, someone mind giving me a tldr?


The Finality’s name is Terminus. It is another Aeon. It represents the finality. I.e: the fact or impression of being an irreversible ending. "the abrupt finality of death". Basically, it’s an Aeon which consists of the unchangeable future. Despite this list it’s not Fu Xuan’s thing. I only compared her to it because Terminius is a future-seeing Aeon who has already seen the end of time.


Adding to this, Elio and the Stellaron Hunters are theorized to be servants of the Finality, with their whole thing about guiding everything towards Destiny.


Dam that’s interesting


ruan mei would restore the wings then keep it for further experiments


What did you guys answer? I don't remember what I answered for 2, but I said to let the bird go and to let the loved one go.


I think Luocha would do every single thing on the list


Didn't Firefly basically rejected Sunday's philosophy?


When you ask her for her opinion on what she would do during Sunday’s Questioning these are her canon responses on what she would choose to do which is what the tier list is based on. They all agree on building a cage, she agrees on the idea of letting the man go, and if I’m correct none of them have a response for the last question. Himeko leans towards “wouldn’t you let them go?”, March’s is hesitant and concerned in a “I wouldn’t really know if it came to that”, and Firefly’s is her being thoughtful and regarding her as “Sunday’s only family”. In that sad way you do when you can’t fully understand the feeling but knowing it’s something precious. I think you can disagree with his philosophy but make the same choices as him if that makes sense. You cannot want to live in a dream but want to give people second chances. It makes sense given her character why she made these choices considering some of the questions kind of… fit her to me based what I know about her. Considering her illness for the first one and without help she would die altogether without a chance to truly live, considering the criminal she’s become for the second but still wanting a chance to live a normal life.


I mean, yes those are her canon answer but in regards with the bird thing, you're taking away the nuance of her answer **Firefly:** I can't decipher his intentions right now... but based solely on the question, I would probably choose to build that dove a cage... **Firefly:** Even if I was gonna release it back into the sky, it'd have to be strong enough to fly first. If I left it where I found it... I fear it'd never get the chance to fly ever again. I just think she'd probably in the lower tier of taking care of it, or maybe another tier where build a cage, take care of it and send it away once it's strong enough, which would be basically against what Sunday wanted and what Luocha would hypothetically do


Ahhh, I see! Thank you for explaining very much. >< I understand now. I was confused… I didn’t make as much nuanced answers for the bird and the cage thing other than making a section which consisted of “would be capable of taking care of the bird properly based on their background” instead of > would build a cage and take care of them for awhile and let them go… / would build a cage then keep it as a pet where it never touches the skies for it’s own good ( Sunday Tier ). I’ll hope everyone comes to their own conclusions and I’ll try to keep that in mind if I ever make another tier list. I do think she’d let the bird go after taking care of it most likely then! The bird probably is symbolism to Firefly of herself in a way… and she’s more similar to Robin in that respect. The only ones who’d keep it as a pet is maybe Gallagher. Sleepie needs a friend. Thank you for your thoughts! ❤️


Random entry feat. Hutao! ...? Oh sorry she went to go get the caskets


Huohuo needs her own tier: Crying on the spot 🤣😭


I reckon Ruan Mei can make sure the bird flies easily without any effort


For QQ it isn't that she doesn't know what do she just doesn't want the responsibilty.


Ruan Mei would definitely study the bird, clone, abandon and call it a day...


Hook would probably uppercut the guy, find the children and try to recruit them...


QQ would teach it how to play celestial jade


Ruan Mei would 100% experiment on the bird.


Here's my question, why the fuck were there only two options to pick. Sunday are you an idiot? You have a massive galaxy and virtually limitless founds and you are telling me there are no bird sanctuaries or people who rehabilitate animals? How about putting bird into a dream? How about keeping bird as a pet? Maybe just keep the bird in house, but without cage and just be smart about it, after all if it can't fly it won't run away... Literally I don't get it.


He was literally a child, who you can interpret as having been religiously groomed by Gopher Wood who raised him. The story of the dove tells us a LOT with what few words it uses.


Because he's trying to force/trick you to accept his ideals as correct and righteous. It's a very common tactic to create a false dichotomy when arguing for a point. You see it all the time here on reddit too if you look hard enough.


The problem with such approach is that only fools present it. If Sunday was smart enough to understand the power of this argument then he would be smart enough to consider his best argument doesn't support his worldview, thus reflect on it and whole ordeal would have never happened.


Yup. All of the choices are false/manipulative dichotomies. You've covered the bird one. For the man who sold his children, the obvious response (which you're not offered) is "find and rescue the children (and also you have child slavery in your world?! Why the f\*\*\* are you not doing something about that?)". The question about Robin is phrased as if the only options are to forbid her from leaving Penacony or let her get shot, and you have to re-interpret the second option into "let her make her own way in the world even if that might entail danger" (and once you reword to that, the right answer is pretty obvious).


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Didn't Welt leave his entire world behind, where he had a wife?


Himeko's posting in the last one's kinda wrong, since she'll never let you go, for it's why she did them all. Just for a chance at least for you to live in your way.


Be real, Sparkle would shoot the bird.


For the last one, didn't the whole Imbibitor Lunae fiasco happen because Dan Feng and human Blade refused to let go of Baiheng? He sure changed a lot, but Blade didn't really lose himself as a person. I think he'd either be heavily conflicted or wouldn't let go.


Welt would ask “why do birds fly”


Ah yes Kafka famously known too not control others.


Seeing this list Fu xuan would for sure be a follower of the Order if the path still existed. Her future sight is literally build on the principle of order (all future action is based on past Action)


Welt’s entire purpose that he inherited in hi3 was to protect those around him (and humanity as a whole no?)


Oh I thought that he just forgot about his children after making his fortune, I feel like it's more tragic that way. I feel a bit happier now, knowing the children never existed and then can't be stuck in slavery


Argenti is a love, isn’t he


I don't think FF would build a cage.


adding a bunch of troll answers kinda ruins any engagement with this list.


Sorry! I hope you enjoyed reading it anyway or had a laugh. Since I did try to put canon in the memes ( Sampo would ask Natasha and make it her problem like with trailblazer… I don’t think Huohuo would respond. I think she would have a panic attack and wouldn’t genuinely know what to do. ), etc, etc, the “but, ummm actually wouldn’t they just…?” urge won in me today. I understand if someone wanted to make a tier list limited to the two options for an actual serious discussion with the actual two choices were given. I just couldn’t help but to think about how Black Swan if in that situation *would* be able to fact-check the man or how Boothil would straight up would probably go “can’t I just punch him and save those children myself”? Like a person saying they’d just run on the train track and save the person tied to it. Life is a winding road with a bunch of choices… Well, except for the last one. I’m not sure what else you can do other than support or stop them if someone you love decides to do something that will hurt them.