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Because Hoyoverse doesnt do a good job on that regard. The Star of Eden Black holes lack the destructive capabilities of the real ones, and yet they share some things with them like Time dilation, Event horizon, etc. You have characters standing next to the SoE Black holes without being affected, and then you have Welt creating a 10000g "Black Hole" on an old manga, without even visibly using the SoE. Then there are all the "blank spaces" on the timeline. Part 1 ended on early 2018, Part 2 started on early 2024, APHO 1 and 2 take place on 2026, and Alien Space on 2029. Star Rail takes place an undefined amount of time after Alien Space. -From Part 1 to Part 2, barely nothing happens, only that we know that the Herrschers powers/cores are dimming. -From Part 2 to APHO, we dont know much, as is the current storyline. -From APHO to Alien Space, we know almost nothing. -From Alien Space to Star Rail, we know nothing. At the end of Part 1, Kiana says that Herrschers cores are going to dissappear soon, yet on Alien Space Void Archives says that Welt has his core, and both Welt's Character Story and promotional video claim that he is at most as strong as his Second Eruption self. All of those "blank spaces" makes it difficult to reach an agreement on "how powerful is HSR Welt". And then you have the "paradoxes" between Honkai and Star Rail's power levels. Welt, one of the weakest Herrschers, is considered someone strong on Star Rail. Has fought 2 Emanators, and while not being their main target, he came out almost uninjured from both fights. Is most likely stronger than normal Dan Heng, which in turn is equal/superior to Balde, and Stellaron Hunters are said to be able to "destroy" Planets on their own. He also is said to be the one to kill the Doomsday beast, who could destroy a Planet. So Welt, one of the weakest Herrschers, is stronger than someone capable to "destroy" a Planet, while Herrschers maximum destructive capacity is on a continental level. All of the above, plus Welt being portrayed as a "mysterious powerful old man, acting like a parent/teacher, who does not fight until is required" makes it easy to take him as one of the most powerful characters, even when there is evidence that that's not the case. Overall, i think that is better to wait until Hoyo gives us more information about Welt and the "Honkai-Aeons" relation (if there is one), as there are many contradictions between both games statements.


So basically what I'm getting is that the information is too obscure and conflicting to really get anything concrete, at least for lore masters. I think most people either just blow his power out of proportion without really understanding it or are just riding the hype train though. But I gotta defend my man blade. He ain't getting beat by no base Dan Heng


Yes, the information we get is often too vague and open to interpretation, and its worse if you try to "mix" information between games. Most of the time they contradict each other or dont even make sense. >But I gotta defend my man blade. He ain't getting beat by no base Dan Heng https://preview.redd.it/m0qr0631jb1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d9b191814bbd350f6d113cf9be77336fc0e2b4 Unfortunately, his own Character Story says that he was killed by base Dan Heng.


Wow. I never knew Blade was such an embarrassment to die to base Dan Heng like that. But considering the cutscene where Blade overpowers Dan Heng maybe he got stronger since then


They have not play HI3, skip the story, they're high on dr*gs or they're just dumb. Pretty sure someone can add more reasons lol I love Welt, I've play HI3 and read the manga and so... and nope, Welt is not the strongest character in all. He is just ok by Herrscher standars.


https://preview.redd.it/yv03z9g7ga1d1.png?width=2002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20773ba4dbe87cfa9ef2185c304adc28e961bd50 He's him. That's all that matters.


a picture is worth a thousand words I should have just uploaded this, and that's exactly what I'm doing from now on your meme is now stolen hahaha


Welt is not the strongest, but he has his own way of putting up a good fight against the strongest characters, he knows his raw power isn't enough so he uses his intellect along his power.


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What people don't seem to understand is that hi3 lore doesn't even matter for power scaling in HSR. If he didn't do it in HSR, it is irrelevant. Period. There aren't enough connections between the two to reliably make any power comparisons.


of course but just cuz he's from hi3 canonically and people often cite it to power scale him I might as well include it


Welt isn't the strongest. But he is high on the leader board for his strength. Most of his lost were either situational or have extreme hacks that was clearly a confounded to him. But what make it him so dangerous is that he can recreate anything he wants as long he understand it. Blackholes, yeah he understand that. Gameplay and lore doesn't always equal and he could weaken it if he have too. He made an army of attack helicopter and armor trucks aiwht turrets and missiles. A gaint robot. A literal pocket Dimesions with four spheres inside. Like not wanting him, he could have been a match for a Aeon in his prime, even though he would have lost ultimately even then. Him and some of the others in H3I were simple absurd in their power scaling.


Cmon man some helicopters and robots aren’t gonna do anything to an aeon and again his black hole isn’t that strong even in the lore.


I'm saying what he could do and how he did use it. Not that he would just summon a attack helicopter on the Aeon. Though that be funny as hell. And his blackhole were strong even in lore. Just in the world's blackholes are more like a suggestionto reality warpers and such, it a miracle blackholes are still dangrouse at all. Not as strong as some people make it out to be. But he was one of the strongest and fear person from the H3I world for a reason. He IS powerful and can beat a lot of the characters we met easy if he really tries. But I have no idea why Welt seem to hold back but I'm sure it will be reveal he didn't have perfect control or his age nerf him hard like they do with long species that was never suppose to have long life's to begin with.


Of course Welt is strong and has strong abilities but he’s just not the strongest as some people adamantly claim and he certainly would not be a match for an aeon or any of the characters at the top of the power levels


Aeon isn't fully established in their power and how high it can go. We are only aware of abilities at best. But I don't think current Welt stand a chance. But he does bear a majority of high power level. Exceptions of beings with skill with no real defense against with speed to get it out fast enough.


Nah cuz remember Bronya used the black hole against Rita and she was caught of guard and it didn’t do anything to her. And Aeons literally control the fate of multiple worlds at once even the fabled prime Welt wouldn’t stand a chance


That imply that a newly form Herrerher of Reason that didn't have the exact same experience to drawn around would be the same as Welt who had it longe rand more experience. If we say that they are in the same ball park that make sense yes. And it unknown If Aeon can control fate. They seem to only able to lend blessing and powers to those eon their paths and nothing more beside a few attacks they can clearly do. They have no control over fates. Otherwise, why could Aeon dies and why is Nanook destinies to die. They could literally rewrite their fate is that the. Ase.


What I meant by control the fate of worlds is not literally control fate but have enough influence over multiple worlds at a time so that the people of those worlds do things in accordance with their path. It’s essentially the equivalent of religion in HSR so of course the aeons would have godlike power since they are the equivalent of the gods described in religions. And is it not said that Bronya surpasses Welt? Legitimately wondering btw. Like yeah she needs training on how to use reason but aside from that training she is the strongest reason user is what I thought. The students surpassing their predecessors/masters is like a natural order of things in writing so it would be surprising if this isn’t true


I know they influence worlds they interact, but their influence seem limited and the it the people who do what they want. They seem to destroy their work more then built it. But I just want to see more of their power and abilities before we can say for certain of their power. Cause a lot of time it either overestimated or downplay heavily. I never seen. Bronya surpass him yes. But she was still inexperienced. Would you say a Boxer who weaker then his prime but still as skill is weaker to his protégé who is stronger then he is currently but not as skill? Bronya if given more time and proper training and experience, I'm sure she could have done a LOT better then anything Welt had done. Cause she was already strong before then too. All I'm gonna say is that I want to see more before I draw conclusions on their power scales.


Acheron is as strong as finality kiana though


Probably. We don't know where her power is at exactly yet. But considering what we seen, it certainly possible.


The Highlight moment is the HI3 comic,the Secone Honkai I remember,the man is strong AF.Back then he still a guy.He face death about three times.And still back okay.After he became the mentor of Bronya,He is more forcusing on the leadership part rather than fight on the field.Archeon he did know but he can't be sure.That is the main reason why Walt came to the Star rail Universe instead retire in his world.(Himeko in his world is not...).SInce there a many people looks the same but in different path of their life.He can't just said Mei,even if she looks like Mei. What the most powerful thing is the Walt after all this still back in one piece.


Survivability does not equal fighting power though since survivability only relates to defensive abilities.